Successful Parenting - 6 in English Philosophy by Ashish books and stories PDF | Successful Parenting - 6

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Successful Parenting - 6

Focus On The Process ::::::

"Focus on the process, not on the result."
💎 Did you know that psychologist László Polgár tested a strategy of implementing learning at an early stage on his children?
💎 He and his wife simply played a game of chess in front of them every evening. They had a lot of fun and genuinely enjoyed the game.
💎 Slowly, the kids caught up with the fun and, out of curiosity, started understanding the intricacies of the game.
💎 All three of their children won laurels and awards in the world of chess. They all went on to become chess prodigies.
💎 The youngest, Judit Polgar, is considered the best female player in history.
💎 This demonstrates how focusing on the process and enjoying it can lead to great results.
💎 Results are merely a byproduct.
What do you think about this?

Understanding Knowledge:::

My cousin was copying from an online source into his notes while listening to music ...
When I asked him what he was doing, he said he was finishing his assignment.
This made me so nostalgic.
I remember so many times when I simply copied content from my textbook into my notes in the name of homework.
As a student, it felt good to have such easy homework, but what I didn’t realize was that it taught me nothing.
It's such a time waster to copy things without truly learning or understanding.
Now, I strive each day to learn more and more, making up for 12 years of wasted energy and time.
Let's embrace learning as the only way to grow and ditch these other methods that aren't contributing to our growth ...
True learning Goal :::::

😑 I still vividly remember the excitement of starting a new school year, my heart set on scoring better and perfecting my handwriting. But looking back, I realize I never had a true Learning Goal.
😑 It feels foolish now, knowing that while I was so focused on grades and neat writing, I missed the essence of education.
😑 The real purpose of schooling—to truly learn—was lost.
😑 If you’ve felt this way or see it happening with your child, let’s change that narrative together.
Let’s make learning our only goal ... Performance will then happen on its own ...

While taking the renowned course "Learning How to Learn" on Coursera ....
🎯 I stumbled upon the concepts of learning goals and performace goals. The course made a compelling distinction between these two types of goals.
🎯 It emphasized that focusing solely on performance goals can hinder genuine learning, as it directs attention toward immediate outcomes
🎯 Performance goals don't allow us to focus on the process of understanding and mastering new concepts.
🎯 This short-term focus might yield quick results but is ultimately unfulfilling and unsustainable.
🎯 On the other hand, setting learning goals encourages a deeper engagement with the material, enabling a growth mindset and a love for learning itself.
🎯 This approach can transform how we acquire knowledge, making it a more meaningful and enriching experience.
🎯 Reflecting on this, I found myself asking, "Have I ever truly embraced learning for its own sake? Have I focused on understanding and growth rather than just performing?"
🎯 In my schooling, the emphasis was almost exclusively on performance. With constant tests and evaluations, the drive was to excel in assessments rather than to grasp the underlying concepts.
🎯 The message was clear: performance was paramount, and learning was secondary, if considered at all.
🎯 This performance-oriented mindset has left its lasting dent on me. It made me find myself seeking approval and validation, rather than pursuing knowledge for personal growth and satisfaction.
Have you ever set learning goals during your education?
Have you ever focused on learning and development in your schooling ?
Ashish Shah