Successful Parenting - 4 in English Philosophy by Ashish books and stories PDF | Successful Parenting - 4

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Successful Parenting - 4

Screenfree Play :::::::::

No screen time???
What else can be done, If not Screen ??
🧒 Discover these fun and interactive ways to keep your child entertained at home, without breaking the bank!
Explore these creative options:
🔷 Share colorful comics or magazines and explore the stories together.
🔷 Show your child old photo albums and play "guess who's who".
🔷 Give your child a tour of the house, explaining the purpose of each room and object.
🔷 Use a regular storybook and ask your child to create their own story with the same pictures.
🔷 Take a stroll together, appreciating the sights, sounds, and smells of nature.
The benefits of screen free play are endless -
🔴 It encourages mindfulness and staying present in the moment
🔴 Fosters appreciation for small moments and bonding time
🔴 Supports cognitive health and reduces attention deficit issues
🧒 Instead of exposing our child to harmful screen effects like attention deficit, social issues, behavior problems, and cognitive health issues, lets choose these screen-free play ideas that benefit both us and our child!
🧒 By engaging in these activities, we not only strengthen our bond but also promote healthy development and happiness for our child.
Which would you prefer - a screen-free haven or a screen-dominated environment?
Let me know if you'd like more ideas on screen-free play!
How to bond with creativity ::::

Worried about tantrums ???
🧒 Did you know that children need 7-10 times more physical exertion than adults?
🧒 Physical activity is essential for their brain development, teaching them gross motor skills, and building coordination and concentration.
🧒 However, as adults, we often misinterpret their energetic outbursts as tantrums aimed at frustrating us.
🧒 Instead, we can channel their energy into constructive activities.
🔶 Solution - Create Activity Corners at Home
Transform your home into a playground by designating areas for specific activities, like:
🔶 "Skanda's Jumping Corner"
🔶 "Skanda's Punching Corner"
🧒 Repurpose old items like:
🔶 Hanging an old pillow for punching
🔶 Using an old mattress for jumping
🧒 This approach fosters brain development, coordination, and a peaceful home environment.
What Say ?
Learn From Mistakes :::::

🎯 The best way of learning is to learn from our mistakes.
🎯 I've seen a dramatic improvement in how I approach challenges simply by taking that first step forward.
🎯 By calming our fears and taking that first uncertain step towards our goals, we can truly change the course of our lives.
🎯 Taking that one step tells ourselves that we are above any fear.
🎯 Looking back on that step, we see mistakes, but correcting them makes us better each time.
🎯 This ultimately ensures we are on the path to our goals.
🎯 So, taking the first step and remaining consistent is the most powerful way to change our destiny.
What do you think?

Learning from mistakes is an essential life skill for children to develop. Here are some ways to teach children to learn from mistakes:

1. *Encourage experimentation*: Allow children to try new things and take risks in a safe environment.

2. *Emphasize effort, not outcome*: Praise their effort and persistence, rather than just focusing on success or failure.

3. *Use positive language*: Instead of saying "you made a mistake," say "you learned something new!"

4. *Analyze and problem-solve together*: Help them identify what went wrong and brainstorm ways to improve next time.

5. *Foster a growth mindset*: Teach children that mistakes are opportunities for growth and learning.

6. *Model healthy attitudes towards mistakes*: Children learn from what they see, so show them how to handle mistakes with grace and resilience.

7. *Teach self-reflection*: Encourage children to think about what they could do differently next time.

8. *Offer support and guidance*: Help children develop problem-solving skills and provide guidance when needed.

9. *Celebrate progress*: Acknowledge and celebrate small victories and improvements.

10. *Be patient and consistent*: Learning from mistakes takes time and practice, so be patient and consistent in your approach.

By teaching children to learn from mistakes, you'll help them develop resilience, problem-solving skills, and a growth mindset that will benefit them throughout their lives.
What do you think?

Ashish Shah
Making a Difference