Successful Parenting - 3 in English Philosophy by Ashish books and stories PDF | Successful Parenting - 3

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Successful Parenting - 3

Activities :::::

Activities outside the classroom or Sports are NOT play..
🤾‍♀️ As Peter Gray, an evolutionary psychologist so eloquently puts it in his whitepaper "The benefits of self directed play", free play is what children play when not directed and not supervised..
🤾‍♀️ Free or Self-directed play is something they do because they want to do it. Losing the time to do free play means children don't get to imagine, create, daydream and laugh.
🤾‍♀️ Today, kids have fewer and fewer hours of free time, vacation and after-school time are getting shorter and shorter, thus explaining the rise in depressions and various mental health issues in children.
🤾‍♀️ The best part is, they don't need to be taught to do self directed play. They have a natural drive to learning which ensures they become curious and learn the essential skills..
🤾‍♀️ The short term benefits of such playing is happiness and satisfaction whereas the long term benefits are that they gain skills for success and fulfillment in life.
🤾‍♀️ Gray explains "Children, by nature, want to get out and do things that are adventurous. They want to do things that are little more challenging. We have to let them do that more".
🤾‍♀️ Let's prioritize our children's well-being over academic pressures. Let's preserve recess time, homework-free evenings, and vacation periods, allowing them to embrace their natural drive of curiosity.
🤾‍♀️ By doing so, we'll enable them to become their authentic selves, equipped with the skills and resilience to thrive in life.
Join the movement to reclaim childhood and celebrate the joy of self-directed play!
Creativity :::::

Children have an incredible ability to absorb knowledge without limits - until society's conventional teaching methods interrupt this natural process.
🧒 Unbridled by adult assumptions, children's minds are free to explore and grasp complex concepts without restriction.
🧒 They intuitively seek depth and understanding, unfettered by syllabus boundaries or time constraints.
🧒 Reading John Holt's insights on this phenomenon resonated deeply with me.
🧒 I began questioning the traditional school setup, where classes are fragmented and learning is confined to specific hours.
🧒 Why were we forced into a mold that stifled our natural curiosity and love for learning?
🧒 I recall feeling overwhelmed by fragmented information, forced to memorize rather than understand with a constant pressure of time limit.
🧒 The conventional approach didn't honor our individual pace or learning style, leaving me feeling confused and uncertain.
🧒 My passion is to reclaim the innate way children learn, embracing their unique approach to discovery. I envision an environment where learning is holistic, nurturing their natural curiosity and fostering a lifelong love for knowledge.
Do you believe we can ever understand how children innately learn ??

Children are incredibly capable of:

1. _Learning and adapting_: They absorb knowledge and skills quickly, adapting to new situations and environments.

2. _Imagination and creativity_: Children's imaginations are vibrant, helping them create unique ideas and solutions.

3. _Resilience and curiosity_: They bounce back from setbacks and are naturally curious, driving them to explore and discover.

4. _Emotional intelligence_: Children can empathize and understand emotions, forming strong connections with others.

5. _Growth and development_: Their brains and bodies develop rapidly, laying the foundation for future success.

6. _Authenticity and honesty_: Children often speak their minds and act genuinely, unfiltered by societal expectations.

7. _Playfulness and joy_: They find happiness in simple things, reminding us to appreciate life's small pleasures.

8. _Forgiveness and trust_: Children can forgive easily and trust others, teaching us valuable lessons about relationships.

9. _Energy and enthusiasm_: Their zest for life is contagious, inspiring us to approach challenges with excitement.

10. _Uniqueness and individuality_: Each child brings their distinct personality, talents, and perspectives to the world.

Remember, children's capabilities and strengths can inspire us to embrace our own potential and approach life with wonder and curiosity.

Ashish Shah
Successful Parenting 3