Successful Parenting - 2 in English Philosophy by Ashish books and stories PDF | Successful Parenting - 2

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Successful Parenting - 2

Freedom To Love :::::::

I taught him yesterday only and today again he is doing the same mistake..
Did you know that children commit mistakes not because they didn't understand but because they cannot take the pressure of being right and "being perfect" each time.
As adults, we see only the outcome and measure them based on what we know to be right. but children are not ready to take in so much pressure and out of anxiety often commit mistakes.
They may know exactly what is right but forcing them to answer and repeat under a pressure cooker system doesn't help in their learning and development process.
The anxiety , pressure of not committing a mistake and walking on the straight line like a rope way in the sky is too much for them to handle..
We as parents and adults need to develop a way of teaching with love and care , focusing only on the enjoyment of it and not on the result part of it.
Together, let's give our children the gift of freedom to learn, to make mistakes, and to discover the joy of learning without the burden of expectation.
What do you say? Are you with me on this journey?
Encourage Our Children :::::::

🎒 Remember when we've said, "Do your homework and I'll give you a chocolate"?
🎒 We've all done it, but it's important to realize that this approach can actually distract our kids from the true value of learning.
🎒 Instead of focusing on the joy of discovery and the thrill of gaining knowledge, they're fixated on the reward.
🎒 But research shows that it's the inner drive and passion for learning that will help them achieve success and prosperity in life.
🎒 Let's encourage our children to embrace their natural curiosity and love for learning, rather than just chasing rewards.
By doing so, we'll help them develop a stronger, more fulfilled personality and set them up for a brighter future.
Focus On The Process :::::::

What is success??
🚴‍♀️ When babies learn to walk or kids learn to ride a bike, they don't think of every fall as a failure or every success as an achievement. They're too busy enjoying the process! They think, "I'm walking!" or "I'm riding!"
🚴‍♀️ The joy is in the act itself, not in some idea of success.
🚴‍♀️ It's only when we grow up and seek to impress others that we start to focus on success or failure.
🚴‍♀️ Children who undertake to do things of their liking, do not think in terms of success or failure but of effort and adventure. It is only when pleasing adults become important that the sharp line between success and failure appears.
🚴‍♀️ As adults, we can learn from children's approach to life. Let's focus on the effort, the adventure, and the journey, rather than just the outcome. Let's embrace the process and find joy in the everyday moments.
🔵 Remember, success is not the only measure of our worth. Let's not define ourselves by our achievements, but by our efforts, our passions, and our happiness.
What say ?

Ashish Shah
Successful Parenting 2
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