Enchanted Silhouettes: Poems of Timeless Love in English Poems by Dr Atmin D Limbachiya books and stories PDF | Enchanted Silhouettes: Poems of Timeless Love

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Enchanted Silhouettes: Poems of Timeless Love

1. Timeless Love

In the quiet of the morning light,
Your love wakes me from the night.
A timeless dance of hearts in tune,
Underneath the silver moon.

Your touch, a whisper on my skin,
The kind of love that dwells within.
A sacred bond, a silent vow,
In your arms, I find the now.

Together we face the ebb and flow,
With you, my heart has room to grow.
In every glance, in every smile,
A love that makes the journey worthwhile.

You are the song my heart sings loud,
A love that stands out in the crowd.
In every word, in every kiss,
A universe found in pure bliss.

2. Eternal Flame

Your love, an eternal flame,
A fire that never plays a game.
It warms my soul, ignites my heart,
In your embrace, I never part.

With every breath, I feel you near,
A love that whispers, "Never fear."
In your gaze, I see the stars,
A world beyond, where there are no scars.

Your laugh, a melody so sweet,
In your presence, I'm complete.
A bond unbroken, fierce and true,
With you, my skies are always blue.

In every storm, in every rain,
Your love, a balm for every pain.
Together, we conquer all that's faced,
In your arms, I'm always graced.

3. Serendipity

In a world of chance, we found our way,
A serendipitous, love-filled day.
Your heart called out, and mine replied,
In your love, I found my guide.

A journey we embarked upon,
With every dusk and every dawn.
In your touch, a gentle grace,
A love that time cannot erase.

You are the calm in life's wild sea,
The anchor that steadies me.
In every whisper, in every sigh,
A love that lifts me to the sky.

Together, we write our love's song,
In each other's arms, where we belong.
A tale of passion, fierce and free,
In your love, I truly see.

4. Soulmates

Two souls that wander, seeking light,
In each other, found the sight.
A love that’s pure, beyond compare,
In your heart, I lay bare.

With every beat, with every thought,
A love so deep, it can't be bought.
In your eyes, I find my peace,
A bond that time will never cease.

Your smile, a beacon in the dark,
In your love, I've found my spark.
Together we soar, hand in hand,
In your embrace, I understand.

A soulmate found, a love so true,
In every moment, in all we do.
With you, my heart feels whole and free,
In your love, I truly see.

5. Infinite

Your love, an infinite embrace,
A never-ending, sacred space.
In your arms, I find my home,
A place where dreams are free to roam.

With every look, with every word,
A love so pure, it can't be blurred.
In your touch, a gentle fire,
A passion that lifts me higher.

Together we walk this path of life,
Through every joy and every strife.
In your love, I find my guide,
A partner always by my side.

Your heart, a beacon, strong and true,
In every moment, I find you.
With you, my soul feels free to soar,
In your love, I need nothing more.

6. Boundless

Your love, a boundless, endless sea,
A world where I am truly free.
In your embrace, I find my light,
A love that shines so pure, so bright.

With every kiss, with every touch,
A love that fills my heart so much.
In your eyes, I see my soul,
A place where I feel truly whole.

Together we conquer every fear,
In your love, I hold so dear.
With you, my heart is always light,
A love that makes everything right.

Your love, a treasure, rare and true,
In every moment, I find you.
With you, my world is full of grace,
In your arms, I find my place.

7. Forever

In your love, I find my peace,
A place where all my worries cease.
With every breath, with every beat,
A love that makes me feel complete.

Your heart, a song I always hear,
A melody that draws me near.
In your touch, a gentle grace,
A love that time will not erase.

Together we face the world so wide,
In your love, I find my guide.
With you, my heart feels safe and sound,
A love that's deep and profound.

Your love, a gift that keeps on giving,
In every moment, I feel it living.
With you, my soul is always free,
In your love, I truly see.

8. Endless Love

Your love, an endless, flowing stream,
A world where I can always dream.
In your eyes, I find my light,
A love that makes everything right.

With every kiss, with every sigh,
A love that lifts me to the sky.
In your embrace, I find my home,
A place where I am free to roam.

Together we face life's ups and downs,
In your love, I never frown.
With you, my heart feels light and free,
A love that fills eternity.

Your love, a treasure, pure and true,
In every moment, I find you.
With you, my world is full of grace,
In your arms, I find my place.

9. Unbroken

Your love, an unbroken chain,
A bond that time cannot restrain.
In your arms, I find my peace,
A place where all my worries cease.

With every touch, with every glance,
A love that gives me second chance.
In your eyes, a world so bright,
A love that fills me with delight.

Together we walk this path of life,
Through every joy and every strife.
In your love, I find my guide,
A partner always by my side.

Your love, a treasure, rare and true,
In every moment, I find you.
With you, my heart feels whole and free,
In your love, I truly see.

10. True Love

Your love, a beacon in the night,
A guiding star, so pure and bright.
In your arms, I find my light,
A love that makes everything right.

With every word, with every touch,
A love that fills my heart so much.
In your eyes, I see my soul,
A place where I feel truly whole.

Together we face the world so wide,
In your love, I find my guide.
With you, my heart feels safe and sound,
A love that's deep and profound.

Your love, a gift that keeps on giving,
In every moment, I feel it living.
With you, my soul is always free,
In your love, I truly see.

Author's Note

As we reach the end of this poetic journey, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to you, dear reader, for allowing these verses to touch your soul. Love, in all its forms, is a timeless force that binds us, heals us, and inspires us to become our best selves. Each poem in this collection is a reflection of the myriad emotions that love brings into our lives—joy, longing, passion, and tranquility.

Writing these poems has been a deeply personal and enriching experience. My hope is that you found echoes of your own heart within these lines, moments of connection that reminded you of love's profound beauty. Whether you read these verses in solitude or share them with a loved one, may they serve as a reminder that love is the essence of our existence, a force that transcends time and space.

Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. May your heart always be filled with the boundless, enchanting magic of love.

With deepest appreciation,
Dr. Atmin D Limbachiya