20 Micros - 1 in English Short Stories by Dr Atmin D Limbachiya books and stories PDF | 20 Micros - 1

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20 Micros - 1

Here's a short bonus story inspired by the themes of the microtales which are published in 20 MICROS:

*This story is not taken from 20 micros microfiction book this is just first bonus story 

The Clockmaker’s Apprentice

In a quaint village nestled between rolling hills, there was a small shop known for its intricate clocks and delicate timepieces. The shop, “Time’s Elegance,” was run by an elderly clockmaker named Mr. Thorne. His craftsmanship was legendary, and the clocks he made were said to possess a unique magic, able to bend time itself.

Young Oliver, an ambitious and curious boy, had always admired Mr. Thorne’s work from a distance. When Mr. Thorne’s health began to decline, the old clockmaker reluctantly accepted Oliver as his apprentice. The boy was eager to learn, captivated by the art of clockmaking and the mystery surrounding the clocks’ enchantments.

The shop was filled with an array of clocks, from grandiose grandfather clocks to delicate pocket watches. Each clock had its own character, its own story. Oliver marveled at the intricate gears and mechanisms, but one particular clock intrigued him more than the rest. It was an ancient, ornate timepiece with a peculiar inscription: “For those who seek the truth of time.”

Mr. Thorne rarely spoke of the clock, but he gave Oliver permission to study it. The clock was different from the others—it seemed to have a life of its own, its hands moving in patterns that defied conventional time. Oliver spent countless hours examining it, trying to decipher its secrets.

One evening, while the village was blanketed in the silence of night, Oliver noticed that the clock’s hands had stopped moving. As he inspected it, he discovered a hidden compartment within the clock’s base. Inside was a small, intricately designed key and a faded note. The note read: “When time stands still, seek the moment that will guide you.”

Intrigued and a bit apprehensive, Oliver took the key and followed the note’s instructions. The clock had indeed stopped at a specific time—11:11. He realized that the key might unlock a hidden door or a secret passage. He searched the shop meticulously, finding a concealed latch behind a bookshelf.

With a deep breath, Oliver used the key to unlock the latch. A hidden door creaked open, revealing a narrow staircase leading down to a dimly lit cellar. The cellar was filled with old blueprints, sketches, and a large, ancient clock mechanism in the center.

As Oliver examined the mechanism, he noticed that it was designed to align with the clock in the shop. He carefully adjusted the gears and components according to the blueprints. When he completed the adjustments, the mechanism emitted a soft glow, and a hidden panel in the wall slid open.

Inside the panel was a beautifully crafted timepiece with an inscription: “The Timekeeper’s Legacy.” The timepiece was more exquisite than anything Oliver had ever seen, and it radiated a gentle, golden light. Alongside it was a letter from Mr. Thorne, revealing the truth about the clocks.

The letter explained that the timepiece had the power to reveal hidden truths and secrets of time itself. It was a legacy left behind by Mr. Thorne’s master, a revered clockmaker who had discovered the ability to manipulate time. The clock was a conduit to understanding the past, present, and future.

Oliver realized that the timepiece was not merely a tool but a gateway to the essence of time. He carefully activated the timepiece, and a shimmering vision unfolded before him. He saw glimpses of historical events, personal memories, and future possibilities. The timepiece allowed him to witness the flow of time and understand the intricate connections between moments.

With newfound knowledge and responsibility, Oliver returned to the shop. He continued to work on clocks, using the timepiece’s insights to create pieces that captured the essence of time. His work became renowned, and “Time’s Elegance” flourished under his stewardship.

The village admired Oliver not just for his skill as a clockmaker but for his ability to blend the magic of time with his craftsmanship. The clocks he created became cherished heirlooms, each one telling a unique story and reflecting the timeless beauty of the world.

Years later, when Oliver became the village’s master clockmaker, he passed on the secrets of the timepiece to his own apprentice, ensuring that the legacy of “Time’s Elegance” would continue. The hidden cellar remained a well-kept secret, a testament to the timeless connection between the clockmaker and the mysteries of time.