The Richest Horror Shared House in English Horror Stories by Sayant books and stories PDF | The Richest Horror Shared House

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The Richest Horror Shared House

In recent times, as inflation increases, the prices of everything go up! From pens to paper, glasses to plates, handles to door, apartments to land, the prices of everything are skyrocketing. Rents are ofcourse not an exception! It's skyrocketed like crazy over a few weeks.
"Now, twenty thousand rupees for an unfurnished room?! That's double the price you showed me five days ago!", Ramit cried out in pain because of the prices,
"It is what it is. Do you wanna confirm it or...", Ramit didn't let the real estate agent finish his statement and walked out quietly in anger and disappointment.
Ramit ran away from home, a freshmen in D.T. College. Currently looking for a room when his roommate kicked him out 'cause of his girlfriend three days ago.
"I am...doomed. I have to find a new place as soon as possible! I can't sleep in this freaking cold weather anymore! Waah! I want a room of my own with privacy...", he cried out loud and then reality hit him, "Sniff...sniff...I can live with ghosts now instead of living on the streets!",
Then a cold wind started blowing and a slip of paper got stuck on Ramit's face. It startled him, "wah! Woah! What!", he quickly removed the paper from his face. He read the flyer hoping for a well-paid part-time job.
After reading the flyer he jumped with joy and ran towards the biggest mansion in the city. It says, "Shared house for broke students with amenities for just four thousand per month."
But they also mentioned a thing in small, "watch out for paranormal!" that was totally missed by this young man and called the owner named Vivaan Malhotra.
"Yes?", a deep sound of a young man came from the other side,
"Um...yes! Is this Vivaan Malhotra speaking?", asked Ramit nervously,
"What do you want?", that man asked in demanding voice,
It startled him, "Y-yes! It's about a flyer advertising that you are renting a shared house with separate rooms for individuals just for following few rules. interested.",
"Are you sure you can handle it?", that voice asked Ramit,
He confidently said, "Yes!", (I just need a place and it will be cleaning stuff like that. It should be easy.)
After a pause that man said, "Very well. Meet me at three in the evening with your luggage.",
"Yeah! Sure sir.", he ended the call with utmost happiness.
After college he reached the heart of the city. It was in the heart of the city, yet it seemed like this place was deserted, as if no one knew this place. Its giving a creepy vibe from the outside. At the iron gate of that mansion he saw a man in a black suit standing near a black Lamborghini.
Assuming him to be Vivaan Malhotra he approached him and introduced himself, "Are you Vivaan Malhotra? I'm Ramit, I called you-", as he was introducing himself he was interrupted by that man, "Are you sure you want to live here?",
With great enthusiasm he said, "I am!",
Then that man entered a pass passcode in the gate. Ting! The gate opened, they went in. As soon as they went in, Ramit encountered an eerie, creepy, scary vibe which he ignored thinking, (maybe because it is old.)
After a thirty seconds walk in the garden, they were in front of that massive mansion. It was rundown, maybe more than hundred years old. Ivy had grown all over the estate giving it more haunting vibe, but that doesn't affect Ramit's decision.
They entered through a large heavy wooden door. As they entered, they were greeted with a huge living room that was ideal for hosting a party with an open kitchen and dining room concept. It wasn't dirty, but it wasn't well maintained. There were five bedrooms on the top floor, with attached bathrooms. Ramit was standing there waiting for Mr. Vivvan, but he just stood there, bewildered.
This was uncomfortable for Ramit. To break the silence, he asked, "If you don't mind, is there any other tenant here?",
Suddenly with dead look he said, "They all are working hard.",
This confuses Ramit and he just nodded his head.
Then he took him to the only room available, "This will be your new room.",
It was a fully furnished room with a bed, a sofa, dressing table, wooden study table and an attached bathroom. It was old yet quite cheap.
"They are a little old, but still work like new. Your work here will be discussed during dinner. It's time now. Everyone will be waiting for us.",
Confused, Ramit was just adjusting to the environment, wanting a shed under his head.
After putting his stuff in his new room, he went out with the owner. Everyone with expressionless faces and dead in eyes were waiting for them at the dining table. It made him more nervous. He nervously sat on the only seat left facing south. Everyone was eerily quiet. He tried to introduce himself to his new roommates, "Um...hello! Namaste, I am Ramit. Let's be friends.", but they ignored him just staring each other into their eyes.
This made him feel ignored and he became quiet. After some time a maid came with a trolley full of food. The table was set and a huge plate with cover was severed to Ramit.
Then the owner asked, "Don't mind them, they are just shy. They are Rahul, Sanat and Shaunak. Let us know each other now. Are you an orphan? You look healthy enough to be called an orphan?",
That caught him off guard, " be honest, I ran away after a fight with my, he kicked me out of the house because I was a disgrace to him.",
"Disgrace?", he asked,
Ramit replied, "I was not at all what my parents expected. A fair-skinned golden child but they got a stone child.",
"Do they contact you?", he asked,
"No. They haven't even filed a missing complaint, so I came here.", Ramit was an inch close to crying.
"Don't cry poor boy. You are perfect for people like us. Let's help each other.", that made him feel a bit relieved.
Pointing at the plate Mr. Vivaan said, "Let's celebrate your first day here.",
"Thank you.", now he felt welcomed,
He lifted cover. What's inside had completely made his soul jump out of his body. He gasped in fear.
A human head with its eyes popped out and tongue cut out from its lips was fully cooked and served with something like rice cooked in blood. That face was ripped from everywhere so that being fully cooked looked more scary.
"Ah!... haah! Is it real?", he asked thinking his roommates were playing a prank on him, "You got me there."
They didn't even bother to listen to him. Then he scanned every plate. It all contains human flesh, bones, ears, fingers, all cooked and well seasoned still blood dripping from it. Then he checked the drink that was served.
His soul choked. (It is an actual blood!)
The smell of blood makes him sick! His first instinct was to run away from there. He stood up shivering.
"Where are you going?", asked Mr. Malhotra,
The blood of human flesh was dripping from his mouth. "Your job will be to be our a happy meal like Ronnie, who is served to you.", he said firmly.
That was the final straw for Ramit. He stood up and bolted to the front door! As he reached the front door, the door shifted to his opposite side. He was flabbergasted! He tried to jump through the window next to him but someone grabbed him from the back and with the 'loud bang' knocked him on the floor.
It hit his forehead and his vision became blurry. With his blurry vision, he saw everyone holding him and he fell unconscious.
When he woke up, he was tied down. The first thing he saw was his roommate Shaunak was chopped down from up and his head was hanged there with other body meats salted prepared for curing.
The chef spotted him and set him free. He was stunned by this. In the state of confusion, he bolted from the house staggering leaving everything behind to the gate where he pressed the passcode which that landlord had entered earlier.
"Two four six... what was the last number!?! Yes six!", he entered the passcode, the gate opened.
He tried to flee but something an invisible wall stopped stopped him! He tried calling a bunch of people passing by but none of them... any single person heard him pleading and begging for his life in the middle of the city!
He was tired of begging but still wanted to save himself, so he started throwing stones to see if the stones could pass him by. To his surprise, the stones he threw came back to their right place where they were before.
"Having fun throwing ya?", this voice of Vivaan made chills run down his spine.
He again tried to save himself by jumping over that invisible wall but as soon as he touched the wall he was electrocuted "waaaah!!!" and thrown to his feet. He was left with the paralyzed feeling.
"A..h!...haah!...haaa!...aa!", he was counting his last breath as a human being.
He grabbed him from him hair, "You are a very naughty food. Enough playing now.",
"Haa....haaah! Release me...", he was slowly losing his life inside him.
"As your wish my food.", smiling creepily Vivaan started sucking his soul from him mouth making him soul less yet mobile to keep him fresh till his time to be cook to his favorite dishes.

Next when you came across something this cheap and shady in the middle of city made sure to double-check you might save your soul from sucking out like Ramit. BEWARE! Check everything even in the desperate situation.