Life is To Live in English Philosophy by Ashish books and stories PDF | Life is To Live

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Life is To Live

Solutions for Teenage Suicides :

Teenage suicides are increasing in India and it is creating a worry among parents. The strong root of the Indian family structure has lost its strength and this created loneliness among young men and women. Due to the busy schedule, parents are unable to provide emotional support, direction and guidance to their children, Teachers on the other hand are worried about academics and completing syllabus.

So students are committing suicides because there are no
one to hear their inner feelings, views and problems. They
don't have anyone to guide them and as a result, they lack
principles, values and goals. They are intelligent but they
don't have emotional intelligence. They are academically good but they have not enough life skills. They are dominated by negative thoughts, pessimism, weaknesses
and rigid attitude. As a result, they are ending their lives
Every day, about 12 youngsters die by suicide. For every
adolescent death by suicide you hear about, about 25
suicide attempts are made. These are staggering statistics.
We know that families, schools, peer groups, and
communities are dramatically impacted when young people
engage in suicidal behavior. We want to help you prevent
these tragedies. Hence these are some suggestions for parents to stop Teenage Suicides.
1) Don't pressure them: If they are unable to get
good grades or if they are not interested to study a paticular
Course don't pressurize them. Speak kind and
compassionate words and show unconditional care and love.
Your Son or daughter is more important to you than their grades and course.

2) Listen carefully: Carefully listen to what they speak and identify perspectives about their teachers, friends and society. If they show lack of interest on routine things like doing college work it might be an indication that there is something negative. It might be a love affair conflict in college or anything. So resolve it by asking them questions in a friendly manner.
3) Pat their back: Encourage and appreciate them
even for small achievements. Induce self-confidence by
giving them manageable goals and targets. Show ways to improve their skills and knowledge. Inspire them by living as

4) Stop being over critical: Criticism is like a medical
dose. Take care that it will not exceed limits. Too much
criticism has the capacity to alter the positive attitude of a
person and make him negative. So stop always looking for negative in your son or daughter. It may damage their healthy personalities.

5) Don't expect too much:
Everyone has human
limitations and your son or daughter are not exempted from
it. So stop expecting so much from their academics.
Support them with minimum expectations and be proud of them because they are unique and distinct from others.

Teen suicide is devastating. No teen should ever
have to get to that point, and no family should have to cope
with the loss of a child to suicide. There are ways that you can help a teen who is suicidal. Life is valuable than
education and all parents should understand their children.
Encourage their talent and spend some time with them
sharing ideas. Talk to them daily and protect them from bad influences.

Ashish Shah
Making A Difference
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