Let's Be Conscious and Cautious too! in English Motivational Stories by Ashish books and stories PDF | Of Words and Needs - Let's Be Conscious and Cautious too!

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Of Words and Needs - Let's Be Conscious and Cautious too!

When it comes to the use of language, many tend to heart verbally in the
name of speaking; some respond with stock phrases that are in store;
some reproduce the words that are usually uttered by others; some rejoice
in using the words that are high sounding and pompous. Only few, in
fact, speak with awareness of their target audience and they are the
people who are communicative.

Communication among human beings is both complex and pr
creative. Linguistic conveyance of ideas and emotions acquired a we
variety of shades and colors down the ages, however, many among us
mistake that words are the sole carriers of our thoughts. It is alarming to
note that only seven percent of our communication takes place through in
words. On the other hand, our tone, thirty eight percent and our body
language (gestures and postures) contributes fifty five percent. If this
being the fact, why should time and energy is unduly wasted upon

On televisions, on films and on political platforms it has been the fashion
of the day to talk endlessly. Even to describe a simple thing they go for
very big and high sounding words. At this context one cannot but
remember James Boswell, the biographer of Dr. Samuel Johnson who
indulged in lengthy sentences with polysyllabic Latin words.

"Sir, when you make a fish speak it speaks like a whale" is the comment
of Boswell on Johnson's unique style.
In the age of information technology and super highways if you were not
short, you are not smart. Some words, phrases and idiomatic expressions
are no more relevant to the present day society. Discarding those
obsolete expressions would be wiser. However, those who learned them
in their formative years find this idea not palatable since, according to T-
them, they add color and variety to the language. True, but it is vi
communication that we use a language for. Should it be right to sacrifice a
that for the sake of yester century's expressions that are irrelevant today?
Instead of 'beating around the bush' why not we say 'browsing in the net'
in the same way we may replace "breaking the wrong tree" with in
"clicking a wrong site",
In parallel to 'swim with the current' we can use 'run on the mouse'; along
with "shouting in the wildness" with "clicking the Google" Face is the
index of mind can be in of my friend and so on.
Certain other words, because of their will to survive, find permanent
places in a language though not with original meanings. For instance, the
word 'fond meant 'foolish' to john Milton but today we all use it in the
senss 'love, Right evolution! On the contrary even after we have struck
dis death knell to monarchy, sycophaney seems to rule the rulers.
Those who want to please the people in powers always roam in the corridors of power with clichés and buttered words like 'Your Highness', 'Your Eminence', 'Your most High Honor', and so on.
Only few, in
Habitual and mechanical expressions of words do fall from one's hey are the lips and hence bear no sense. When words are devoid of any emotion they become ritualistic and can have no impact. Most of our daily mplex and prayers are routine sounds that 'signify nothing'. However the buttered acquired a words of sycophants deserve the purpose even though they sound y among us horrible to the honest. People like King Lear can easily be fooled by alarming to honeyed words. His first two cunning daughters have their successful ce through innings by their skillful use of pompous words of flattery. They make d our body mountains out of mole hills.
But for a few, the talk shows in many of our television channels cater asted upon mostly to hearts than to heads. Tears will naturally roll down your cheeks when you listen to their tragic tales. It is sad, in fact, to note their the fashion pitiable plight but it would be worthier to address those social diseases they go for through our intelligent thinking rather than making them weep on the cannot but stage. Ordinary people, when they are overwhelmed with the sad hnson who thoughts of their self experiences, find it hard to talk on them, since a lump comes onto their throats. But these selective few extraordinary e comment people seem to rejoice over their own emotive narrations. It is quite natural that movie makers and TV serial producers make much of u were not money out of glycerin and long faces, hiring professional people. But some smart directors of these talk shows make so much more by xpressions ding those exposing the never ending real life tragedies of the unfortunate multitude.
Telephones, a scientific marvel, were originally used to convey certain but it is vital information in a state of emergency. But they have turned out to be a pastime, sweet nothing, bitter nothing and many a time nothing but nonsense. Where lays the source from which the desire for incessant in the net' talk springs? Like any other tangible instruments of scientific innovation our language too is an instrument evolved over thousands of years. Loving it is quite natural and comprehensible but dotting it as a teenage lover is senseless. When compelled to see a cinema of forties a teenager retorted, 'who can stand those endless talks? They speak volumes where a word or two could easily serve the purpose'. If this be the comment upon an old movie what about our talk shows, serials, and cell phonic conversations?
Like glassware, words too are fragile in nature. We have to handle them with care and caution. If not, they would make us plead and bleed useless! too. Hence a vow can be taken to use fewer words before it would be
Ashish Shah
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