HAPPINESS - 96 in English Poems by Darshita Babubhai Shah books and stories PDF | HAPPINESS - 96

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It takes time to write a love letter.


It takes time for the raw buds to bloom.


The one whom I have loved so much, in the distance of that cruel person.


It takes time to stitch the broken heart.


I am still learning the skill of fighting the waves.


It takes time for the boat to meet the shore.


If you intend to take me down from the sky, then listen.


It takes time for the stars to fade.


After a long time, today I have controlled myself.


It takes time to move from the perfect place.




We will live together.


We will drink the cup of love through our eyes.


The hobby of wandering is getting out of control.


We will drink the pain and sorrow with our determined spirit.


I have loved, I have not committed any big crime.


Not with anyone. We will live with only one God.


The heart is also stubborn like a child.


If I have to give my life in love, I will do it.


What color has this spring come on beauty?


We will hold hands in front of the world.




Just try to understand the signals of silence in the gathering.


Drink a glass from the pitcher of eyes and get carried away.


She has come here from the sky all dressed up.


Get excited by the makeup of the fairies of beauty.


Maybe the restless heart will find peace.


Today, just smell the young beats of the heart.


By showering love on the yearning heart.


Just move aside for the sake of bearing the tantrums.


If you are going to nurture an incurable disease for life.


Are you playing or is it really love? Just test it. ll



What will happen if we sit silently like this?


What will happen if we bear the pain silently?


How are you? What regrets do you have?


What will happen if we tell the world?


With the lost memories in the air.


What will happen if the seasons flow?


It has been a long time since we met.


What will happen if we remember the past moments?


We always delay for a few moments.


Then what will happen if we die like this?




There is nothing left to say or hear.


I have said too much through gestures.


The one from whom I expected something, betrayed me.


I have endured everything silently till now.


In the tug of war of thought and ignorance.


I don't know how much blood and heart have been shed.


In life, there have been dramas all my life.


Listen, whatever has come in front of me is the truth.


Every day the morning brings a new dawn.


Wherever the beloved lives, there I am.




Two strangers have set out on strange paths.


Two strangers are yearning for a perfect destination.


They have gone so far that even returning is impossible.

Two strangers are yearning to meet their loved ones.


On the way of the rocky, twisted and dark paths.

Slowly, slowly, be careful. Two strangers are here ll


The desperation to reach the destination has increased in this way.

Today two strangers are raining on each other ll


In the longing for a perfect beautiful home.


Friend two strangers are growing together ll




The rain of memories made my breath stop.


I started getting carried away by the wet fragrance.


With the promise of meeting for a moment today.


I started getting carried away by the magic of the atmosphere.


Somewhere hidden, love is still alive.


The world of dreams started smelling.


Seeing the children getting drenched in the rain.


Desires started stirring with the shaved head.


After years, as soon as I remembered love.


The sleeping desires started beating.


With the desired touch under the same umbrella.


The heartbeat started burning.


Eyes to eyes Nights pass by.


Hope of meeting started to yearn.


I have heard that today beauty has blossomed.


I started longing to see my beloved.


There is a thought in my mind not to defame me.


Love started to emerge gradually.




Secrets should be told to a trustworthy person.


In love, the flame of faith should be lit in the heart.


Moments that go away once do not return.


If there is love, then it should be expressed while there is still time.


It should be such that even in the darkest night there is light.


A sweet place should be made in the hearts of the loved ones.


If there is faith, then God starts appearing even in stone.


The universe should be decorated with peace and tranquility.


People give examples of a person who lived a perfect life.


After leaving this world, a true story should be left behind. ll



To live a healthy life, it is necessary to wear out the body and mind.


To succeed, it is necessary to grind in the mill of life.


To maintain one's existence in the universe, it is necessary to move from one's place to move ahead.


In failures, the shadow leaves you.


To live in this world, it is necessary to roam around.


Better to live alone than to live with liars.


No matter how broken you are, it is important to look proud.


People of this world break the broken even more when they say respect to you.


It is necessary to learn to smile even in sorrow.




What kind of irony is the heart caught in? The heart has started thinking about the perfect path.


What can I say about the delicacy of this naive heart.

The heart is tied with the rope of love.


I have compromised in every breath of life.

The heart is suppressed for the happiness of my loved ones.


From the beginning till today, I have been giving my end.

The heart is immersed in the path of love all my life.


I want to live every moment of the passing time.

The heart is looted in the rainy weather.



As soon as the letter from my lover arrived, my face was filled with happiness.


The sweet words in the letter brought spring even in autumn.


Sitting in an airplane to pacify the upset one.


He is keeping his promise of coming soon. It's amazing.


I will lock the walls of my heart myself so that no one can come.


No matter how far you are, I will not forget you. Existence has become a tongue from my heart.


There is a flame suppressed inside my heart, come and cool it.


As the moment of union came near, my heartbeats became young.


The years-long wish of living together is about to be fulfilled.


Till today, the desire of meeting for a moment has vanished.




Daughters are the love of a father.


Daughters are God's blessing.


Give me your life, love and affection.

Daughters are a trust in the house.


With laughter The courtyard is full of love.


Daughters are the decoration of the house.


By the upbringing of true values.


Daughters are the guidance of the mother.


Without a daughter, the house seems desolate.


Everyone wants daughters.


To take care of them like a tender bud.


Daughters are as delicate as a flower.




As is the speech, so should be the conduct.


One should walk on the path of honesty and goodness.


Avoiding the wrong path and moving forward on the right path.


The path of life should be filled with truthfulness.


By giving good values ​​to the children from the beginning.


One should die for the sake of one's own people.


With courage in the times of disaster and crisis.


One should move forward for the countrymen.


While climbing the ladder of progress and development.


One should always fear invisible powers. ll



Everywhere, every moment was getting cut off from the loved ones.


Every happy scene was getting lost very quickly.


Don't know what was lacking in maintaining the relationship.


Today, every firefly was getting wiped out from the fist.


In the whole universe, I was the only rich person to see me.


Every moment, something or the other was getting looted from the bag.


Thinking that whatever was looted will go to the house of the loved ones.


Everyday, I was getting sold for the happiness of my loved ones.


Today, I have decided that I will keep smiling even after getting hurt.

I kept learning to live in my own light.




In the universe, love is called God.


Those who love always stay in the heart.


I have made them drink the sweet poison of love.


I pray to stay alive for life. ll


Holding the hem of courage, let's go out.


Wherever the direction of love is, we flow there.


It's like walking two steps together.


We move forward with the magic and charisma.


The issue is not only of love, but also of concern.


We spend a few moments with sweet talks.

