Wash Your Brain in English Motivational Stories by Ashish books and stories PDF | Wash Your Brain

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Wash Your Brain

Yes are the Creator of your own life. I want to discuss a concept that can Chage our life. It is one of the most powerful and valuable concepts
that I have learned and changed my life. If you want to achieve Success,
Self Confidence, Good Health, Prosperity, Relationship, you have to *wash your brain* , yes Brain Wash Yourself.Every day, everywhere you go, you are brain washed. But the question is who is washing your star
brain? You believe it or not the world we are living in, is trying to wash
our brain and penetrate their ideas and things into our sub-conscious
*If you do not run your sub-conscious mind yourself, Someone else will
run it for you-Florence Scovel Shinn*

The media wants to brain wash you, certain religion wants to brain wash Re
you, advertising companies want to brain wash you. Most of the The
organizations spending their huge capital in advertising and marketing, to surf our sub-conscious mind. They are trying to become a part of our
paradigm and belief system. They have a slight level of control over our
decision making.

After some research, psychologist finally understood that, how the sub-conscious mind works and to penetrate into the sub-conscious mind?

This leads to know, how to control the large mass and crowd?
Whoever control the media, controls the mind-Jim Morrison

When someone knows, how to control our sub-conscious mind? We
should know how to control our sub-conscious mind. It would be
better, if you know to control your sub-conscious mind. You have to
reprogram your sub-conscious mind and create the desired effect in
your life. You can successfully create happiness, prosperity, w
abundance, self confidence and fulfillment in your life.
Before understanding the process of brainwash (Reprogram the brain),
we should understand our sub-conscious mind. It is extremely
powerful but also vulnerable.
Some Facts about Sub Conscious Mind:
Your sub-conscious in mind is always in recording what you See/
Listen/ Speak In your surroundings. Whether you listen or not, it
records all. It is a giant in tape-recorder. It records all the events. It
captures all the events like images, visualizes like a video in your mind.
It doesn't hear "No/Not". If you have any affirmation with "No or Not"
(Example: I do not smoke Cigar) sub-conscious mind doesn't hear 'Not/
No'. So, it keeps on think about Cigar and creates its impulse in brain.
Instead of getting rid thinking of smoking, it increases the frequency of
thinking about cigar.
Sub-conscious mind knows only 'now' (Present Tense), No past tense or
future tense. So if you want to achieve the goal in future, you have to feel
now like, the goals are already accomplished.
It controls 95% of our life. It forms habits, we are creatures of habits.
Conscious mind controls only 5% of your life. If you keep on feeding
something in your sub-conscious mind for a minimum of twenty one
days, it can become your habit.
Sub-conscious mind doesn't know the difference between imagination
and reality. When you watch horror movies, you might know it is not a real one but still you get scared.
is a key to reprogram our sub conscious mind. It creates new
belief in sub conscious mind. If you do anything for long enough, you
start to believe even it is false. It starts to attract you and you attract that
thing, what you think?

To reprogram our brain, we need intelligence, persistence and small
will power.

Reprogram your mind with easy SEVEN steps:
the Take a piece of paper; write down exactly what you want with crystal
ing, clear details. It may be a Big car, Nice home, Better job, Money and
our Relationship. Hang your goal poster in your home, office or
our somewhere else. Where you can see frequently. When you write your
goals on a paper, your sub conscious mind starts to believe.
1. Visualize your goal as already accomplished. Feel the joy, happiness
and energy as you have already achieved your goal. Capture the
moments as images and create a nice video with your sub conscious
mind. Daily play the video and enjoy the every moment in your sub
conscious mind.
2. Stop watching television, news, serials, films which are contradictory to your beliefs and feelings. Be careful on choosing your
friends and environment. Sometimes it may affect your positive
ity, vibrations of your sub conscious mind and affects your goal. Follow
this step for a minimum of thirty days. You would feel the rise in your
positive energy level towards your goal.
3. Create a short and sweet affirmation sentence that implies your
desired goal in present tense; such as "I am wealthy", "I am healthy",
and "I am happy".
4. Create an alarm in your mobile phone. It will remind you to recite
your affirmation. It is better to choose only one goal in your affirmation.
5. Listen to your affirmation. Make an MP3 audio clip with your
affirmation sentence and put it in your mobile. Daily before going to
bed and while you sleep, listen to your affirmation in pleasant volume
through headphones. It compliments your goal. Your sub-conscious
mind starts to adapt, what you hear.
6. Begin to talk about your desire, as it is already in effect. Let's say,
you have a conversation with your friends about your finances. Talk
like you have already achieved the prosperity. Imagine and speak as
already achieved your goal. Remember, your reality follows your
7. Repeat. Repeat.. Repeat.. New habits and belief are formed through
repetition. Remember, it takes minimum of 21 days to form a new
belief. If you repeat and follow these easy eight steps, successfully you
can wash your brain.

Public Speaker, Trainer, Coach