Periwinkle Sadabahar in English Health by Dr. Bhairavsinh Raol books and stories PDF | Periwinkle Sadabahar

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Periwinkle Sadabahar


This plant was formerly included in the genus Vinca as Vinca rosea. Currently it's scientific name is Catharanthus roseus, commonly known as bright eyes, Cape periwinkle, graveyard plant, Madagascar periwinkle, old maid, pink periwinkle, rose periwinkle.
Sadabahar or sadaphuli is a small shrub bearing purple, pink, or white flowers throughout the year and hence called “Sadabahar.”
Common Indian names - Sadabahar सदाबहार, बारहमासी,
सदा सुहागन (Hindi), बारमासी(Gujarati)Shavam Naari (Malayalam), Sadaphuli (Marathi), Nayantara (Bengali).
It's ayurvedic name is nityakalyan(नित्य कल्याण).
The plant is also called Sadapushpa in Sanskrit, which means 'ever blooming'.
Sadabahar, scientifically known as Catharanthus roseus, is a flowering plant that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries, particularly in India.It is a perennial species of flowering plant in the family Apocynaceae. It is native and endemic to Madagascar, but is grown elsewhere as an ornamental and medicinal plant, and now has a pantropical distribution.
It's native of Madagascar, Africa.In India it is found in abundance in Gujarat, Konkan, Karnataka, Gangetic plains,West Bengal and Orissa.
As an ornamental plant, it is appreciated for its hardiness in dry and nutritionally deficient conditions, popular in subtropical gardens where temperatures never fall below 5–7 °C and as a warm-season bedding plant in temperate gardens. It is noted for its long flowering period, throughout the year in tropical conditions, and from spring to late autumn, in warm temperate climates. Full sun and well-drained soil are preferred. Numerous cultivars have been selected, for variation in flower colour such as white, mauve, peach, scarlet, and reddish-orange, and also for tolerance of cooler growing conditions in temperate regions.
Thrives in full sun to partial shade. It requires at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily. It tolerates a wide range of temperatures but prefers warm climates.Perfect plant for ornamental purpose outdoor garden and sunny balcony. It likes sun and moderate temperatures i.e. 20-35 degree Centigrade
Periwinkle was oftenn planted in cemeteries and is sometimes called graveyard plant.
Notable cultivars include 'Albus' (white flowers), 'Grape Cooler' (rose-pink; cool-tolerant), the Ocellatus Group (various colours), and 'Peppermint Cooler' (white with a red centre; cool-tolerant).With their evergreen foliage and an array of colorful options, including white, pink, and purple, they brighten gardens, borders, and containers.
Methods of use:
(1) Kadha: Kadha is a traditional Indian drink, often consumed as a chai or tea and is considered to be effective against certain conditions Made with Indian herbs and spices The leaves and flower petals of sadabahar are boiled and used to make “Kadha”, a traditional medicinal drink is used to control blood sugar levels.
(2) Extract:
Traditional doses have included 10 leaves and 10 pink flowers boiled in water as a tea, or 10 pink flowers in 500 ml and of water for 3 hours sipped throughout the day.
Boil freshly plucked Sadabahar flowers in water. Allow it to steep and then strain. Drink this bitter liquid early morning on an empty stomach to manage Diabetes
(3) Dry powder :
Sadabahar leaves or flowers are rather dried and ground to make a powder which is then consumed with
(4)Chewing fresh leaves and flowers:
Generally people advice Diabetics to chew and eat it's leaves and flowers.This is wrong practice since it has adverse effects
However you may chew 3-4 leaves of the Sadabahar plant throughout the day to prevent sudden blood sugar spikes.
It is not advisable to to chew more than five fresh leaves or more than five fresh flowers of sadabahar.

In addition to its blood sugar-lowering properties, Sadabahar has several other fitness health benefits. It has been used to treat diabetes, malaria, sore throat and leukemia.Sadabahar Leaves Powder is useful for high sugar (diabetes). It is also used as a cough remedy, for easing lung congestion. It has also been shown to have anticancer properties and may help prevent the growth of cancer cells.
Potential Uses of Sadabahar on Cancer:
Chemicals found in this plant are Aymalicin, Vinsane, Reserine, Vincristine, Vinblastine, and Laubacin.
It is a source of the anti-cancer drugs namely Vincristine and Vinblastine, used to treat cancer. Preparations of the pure alkaloids Vincristine and Vinblastine are available, with associated therapeutic dosing recommendations.
Vincristine and Vinblastine are used to treat a variety of dangerous conditions, including Hodgkin's disease, breast disease, dangerous skin growth, and lymphocytic leukemia.
Vinblastine, an important Vinca alkaloid, has anti-tumour activity and is widely used to manage testicular cancers. Vinorelbine, another alkaloid from sadabahar, finds use for managing breast cancers and Osteosarcoma (bone cancer cells).

Sadabahar helps in Diabetes Management:
Vindolinine was isolated and identified from Sadabahar having antidiabetic property .
Sadabahar leaves possess hypoglycemic properties that help regulate blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes. Drinking sadabahar leaf tea or consuming sadabahar leaf extract can help improve insulin sensitivity and manage diabetes effectively.
Studies suggest that this botanical flower has the potential to stimulate inactive hair follicles in bald patches
Side effects:
Donot use Sadabahar (Periwinkle) during Pregnancy and breast-feeding.

Please note that Sadabahar can be extremely toxic if consumed orally by humans, buffalo and cow.All parts of the plant are poisonous. On consumption, symptoms consist of mild stomach cramps, cardiac complications, hypotension, systematic paralysis eventually leading to death.
It can cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and other stomach and intestinal symptoms. It can also cause nerve, kidney, and liver damage. Large amounts can cause very low blood pressure. Periwinkle is UNSAFE for anyone to use, but people with certain conditions are especially at risk for harmful side effects.
Dark skin of leaves has a drying effect on the tissues. This means that it can make constipation worse.
Periwinkle can lower blood pressure following surgery.
Information compiled by Dr Bhairavsinh Raol