Chamatkari Man - 16 in English Philosophy by Captain Dharnidhar books and stories PDF | Chamatkari Man - 16

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Chamatkari Man - 16

For example, focus your gaze on the neck of a person going by and imagine that he should look back. If you keep doing this for some time, he will start looking back. Similarly, if you ask a person sitting to stand up, if he stands up, then you are on the right track. All this starts happening when you practice Tratak for half an hour. All this happens only when your will power develops. Anyone can be hypnotized by your will power. A patient can be cured of his disease.
While hypnotizing, look into the eyes of the patient, make him feel sleepy, relax his body and send your life energy through your fingers to free him from the disease and finally declare that he is free from the disease. Then break his sleep by snapping fingers. When the patient wakes up, he will feel better. There is one more thing to understand here. We have three bodies.
Gross body, subtle body, causal body. Disease originates in the body from the causal body. The seed of disease is located in the causal body. It is the reason for the origin of the disease. And it starts appearing in the body in the form of disease. Today's medical system treats the patient on the basis of the symptoms of the disease. The doctor treats the disease of the gross body with medicine or removes that organ or diagnoses it by transplanting another artificial organ. Let us understand this with an example. Nowadays everyone has a desire to get well soon, keeping this desire in mind, pharmaceutical companies manufacture medicines. Manufacturing process takes place naturally in our body. Like when we eat food, first juice will be formed in the body, then blood, then flesh, marrow, then bones etc. Anatomists (physicians) know more about this process. They can explain it well. In about a week, blood develops from the vaginal fluid, in two weeks flesh develops, in six weeks semen develops and then vitality develops. For the medicine to reach these organs quickly, the pharmaceutical company works to ensure that the medicine reaches the diseased organ quickly. Ignoring natural laws, a medicine reaches those organs quickly and cures it. For example, if a person has diabetes and the reason for diabetes is low insulin production in the pancreas. The doctor arranges for insulin by giving medicines. In a few months, the pancreas which was producing less insulin also stops producing it. That is, the insulin factory shuts down. If someone has to reach the desired place quickly from the crowd, he will reach there by making some effort. That is, that medicine will also work by affecting other healthy organs. On one hand, there was benefit and on the other hand, there was harm. Therefore, our sages focused on eliminating the cause of the disease. They talked about sending energy from spiritual subtle energy to the physical body of a person along with its causal body.
If we move from gross to subtle, then the human body is made up of energy only.