Love at First Slight - 8 in English Love Stories by Prem Charthad books and stories PDF | Love at First Slight - 8

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Love at First Slight - 8

Mr. Khanna and Mr. Gupta sat on the couch, sipping their tea and chatting like old times. As Diwali approached, Mr. Khanna turned to his friend with a warm smile.

"Raj, my friend, Diwali is just around the corner. I want you and your family to join us for the celebrations."

Mr. Gupta's face lit up. "Ah, Vikram, that's so kind of you! We'd love to join you."

Mr. Khanna's eyes twinkled. "Excellent! I'll send a car to pick you up on Diwali day. We'll have a blast, just like old times."

Mr. Gupta nodded, his eyes shining with excitement. "I can't wait to see your new house, Vikram. And the kids must be thrilled about the celebrations."

Mr. Khanna chuckled. "Rahul and Aarushi are bursting with excitement. And I'm sure Radha and Shravan will have a great time with them."

Mr. Gupta smiled, his face filled with warmth. "Our families have always been close, Vikram. This Diwali will be a special one, indeed."

Mr. Khanna nodded, his voice filled with emotion. "Yes, Raj, our friendship is a treasure. And this Diwali, we'll make some unforgettable memories together, as one big happy family."

Mr. Khanna: "Rahul, I have some exciting news! Mr. Gupta and his family are coming over for Diwali celebrations."

Rahul: "Okay... what's so interesting about that?"

Mr. Khanna: "Well, Rahul, Mr. Gupta is an old friend of mine, and his family is very special to us. Your mother and I have known them for years. And their kids, Radha and Shravan, are around your age... Radha is actually the same age as you, and Shravan is a bit younger, around 7 years old, just like Aarushi!"

Rahul: "Hmm... okay. So, there will be someone my age?"

Mr. Khanna: "Exactly! Radha is a bright and lovely girl, and I'm sure you two will hit it off. And Shravan is a sweet kid who loves playing games and having fun. You'll all have a great time together, I'm sure!"

Rahul: (shows a bit more interest) "Okay, Papa. That sounds cool, I guess."

The Khanna family headed to the "Diwali Bazaar" shopping mall, a vibrant and bustling destination filled with festive spirit. As they entered, they were greeted by the sounds of lively music and the aroma of delicious food wafting from the food court.

Amrita: (excitedly) "Okay, kids! Let's get started! We need to find the perfect outfits for Diwali!"

Rahul: (sighs) "Do we have to, Mom? I'm not really into dressing up."

Amrita: (smiling) "Come on, Rahul! It's Diwali! Let's make some memories. And I'm sure you'll find something you like."

Aarushi: (bouncing with excitement) "Ooh! Ooh! Can I get a pink dress, please? Pleeease, Mommy?"

Amrita: (laughs) "We'll see, sweetie. Let's go take a look."

As they browsed through the racks, Mr. Khanna chimed in, "Hey, what about this one, Amrita? This kurta looks great on me, doesn't it?"

Amrita: (teasingly) "Oh, Vikram, you're always so stylish! But let's focus on the kids first."

After trying on several outfits, they finally made their selections:

- Aarushi chose a bright pink lehenga with golden embroidery.
- Rahul picked a sleek black kurta with silver trim.
- Amrita opted for a stunning red saree with intricate designs.
- Mr. Khanna selected a elegant white kurta with a subtle pattern.

In the car, Mr. Khanna turned to Amrita and said, "You know, I think we made some great choices today. The kids look fantastic!"

Amrita smiled, "Absolutely! Aarushi's pink lehenga is adorable, and Rahul's black kurta is so stylish."

Rahul rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm a fashion icon now."

Aarushi piped up from the backseat, "Hey, Papa! Can I wear my lehenga to the Diwali party tomorrow?"

Mr. Khanna chuckled. "I think that's a great idea, sweetie! You'll be the belle of the ball!"

Aarushi squealed with excitement. "Yay! I can't wait to show off my new outfit!"

Amrita laughed. "I'm glad we got you kids something you like. Now, let's get home and start decorating the house for Diwali!"

Rahul grinned. "And maybe we can even make some DIY fireworks, Papa?"

Mr. Khanna smiled. "We'll see, beta. But first, let's get everything ready for the party tomorrow. It's going to be a blast!"

As they stepped out of the car, the Khanna family looked tired but content after a day of shopping. They trudged into the house, their feet dragging with exhaustion.

Aarushi yawned widely, her eyes drooping. "Mmm... I'm so sleepy, Mommy..."

Amrita smiled sympathetically. "Come on, sweetie, let's get you something to eat first. You can't sleep on an empty stomach."

But Aarushi resisted, her eyes already closing. "No, Mommy... just a little nap..."

Rahul was already ahead, stumbling towards his room. "Night, guys... zzz..."

Mr. Khanna chuckled. "I think we're all ready for a nap! Let's eat something quick and then sleep."

Amrita coaxed Aarushi into eating a small snack, but the little girl was too tired to even chew. Finally, Amrita gave up and tucked her into bed.

As they all settled in for a well-deserved rest, the house grew quiet, the only sound being the soft snores of the Khanna family.

It was 12:00 AM, and Diwali was just a day away...