Love at First Slight - 4 in English Love Stories by Prem Charthad books and stories PDF | Love at First Slight - 4

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Love at First Slight - 4

Here's the continuation:

Professor Rao walked into the classroom, a stern look on his face. "Alright, students. Your exams are approaching. Here's your timetable."

He wrote on the blackboard:

- 15th July - Physics Paper 1
- 17th July - Physics Paper 2
- 19th July - Chemistry Paper 1
- 21st July - Chemistry Paper 2
- 23rd July - Mathematics Paper 1
- 25th July - Mathematics Paper 2

"Remember, these dates are non-negotiable. Make sure you're prepared," he emphasized.

Rahul took out his planner and noted down the dates, his mind racing with the amount of material he needed to cover.

Back in his room, Rahul spread out his textbooks and notes, creating a study schedule for himself.

- 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Physics revision
- 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Chemistry notes
- 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch break
- 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Mathematics practice

He stuck to his schedule, focused on his studies, and avoided distractions.

Meanwhile, Professor Rao and the other teachers were also focused on preparing their students for the exams. They conducted extra classes, provided additional resources, and offered individual guidance.

As the exam dates approached, the entire school was buzzing with anticipation. Students were seen revising their notes, practicing problems, and seeking help from their peers and teachers.

The atmosphere was tense, but Rahul felt confident in his preparation. He knew he had put in the effort and was ready to face the exams head-on.

With a deep breath, he closed his books and took a short break, his mind refreshed and ready for the challenges ahead.

As after 2 and 3 days

As the exam days approached, Rahul's focus and determination only grew stronger. He revised his notes, practiced problems, and even helped his friends with their doubts.

Finally, the day of the first exam arrived. Rahul sat in the exam hall, his heart racing with anticipation. He took a deep breath, read the questions carefully, and began to answer them with confidence.

The next few days flew by in a blur of exams and revision. Rahul gave it his all, pouring his heart and soul into every paper.

After the last exam, Rahul felt a mix of relief and pride. He knew he had given it his best shot.

The wait for the results was agonizing, but finally, the day arrived.
The day of the result arrived, and the students gathered in front of the college notice board, their hearts racing with anticipation. The board was covered with sheets of paper, listing the names and ranks of the students.

As the students scanned the list, murmurs of excitement and disappointment filled the air. Some students cheered and hugged each other, while others looked disappointed and disheartened.

Rahul's friends, Aisha, Rohan, and Arav, searched the list eagerly, their eyes scanning the names and ranks. Finally, they found Rahul's name, and their eyes widened in surprise and delight.

"Rahul got the first rank!" Aisha exclaimed, her voice loud and clear.

The group of friends cheered and congratulated each other, beaming with pride. Rahul's face lit up with a bright smile as he accepted the congratulations of his friends and classmates.

Professor Rao, the physics professor, patted Rahul on the back. "Well done, Rahul! You deserve it. Your hard work and dedication have paid off."

Rahul's heart swelled with pride and gratitude as he looked at his friends and teachers. He knew that this achievement was not just his own, but also a testament to the support and guidance he had received from everyone around him.

With a sense of accomplishment and joy, Rahul walked away from the notice board, his head held high, knowing that he had made his mark in the college.