Love at First Slight - 3 in English Love Stories by Prem Charthad books and stories PDF | Love at First Slight - 3

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Love at First Slight - 3

Rahul walked into his college campus, excited for his day of classes. He made his way to his physics classroom, Room 304. As he entered, he took in the sight of the bustling room. The walls were lined with charts and diagrams, and the blackboard was filled with equations. Rahul found his seat on the fifth bench and settled in.

Professor Rao, a kind-eyed man with a passion for physics, began the lecture. "Today, we're going to explore the world of motion and forces. Who can tell me Newton's first law?"

Rohan, a classmate, raised his hand. "It's the law of inertia, sir!"

Professor Rao smiled. "That's correct! And what's the formula for force, class?"

Rahul's friend, Aisha, spoke up. "Is it F=ma, sir?"

"Exactly!" Professor Rao exclaimed.

As the lecture progressed, Professor Rao asked more questions, engaging the students in discussions and examples.

After the lecture, Rahul and his friends headed to the canteen.

"Hey, Rahul, what's up?" asked his friend, Arav.

"Not much, just trying to wrap my head around forces and motion," Rahul replied, laughing.

"I know, right? Professor Rao makes it seem so easy, but I'm still confused," said Aisha, joining in.

"Don't worry, we'll get the hang of it," Rohan reassured them. "And hey, at least we have each other to study with!"

The friends chatted and joked, enjoying their break in the canteen.
Rahul: "I can't believe how fast Professor Rao covers the material. I feel like I'm struggling to keep up!"

Aisha: "Tell me about it! I had to review my notes three times just to understand one concept."

Rohan: "Guys, don't worry. We'll get the hang of it. We just need to stay on top of our work and ask questions when we're unsure."

Arav: "Yeah, and we have each other to study with. That's a big help."

Rahul: "Definitely. Hey, have you guys started thinking about our project yet?"

Aisha: "No, not yet. What ideas do you have?"

Rahul: "Well, I was thinking we could do something on motion and forces in real-life scenarios."

Rohan: "That sounds cool. We could explore how different factors affect motion, like friction or gravity."

Arav: "I like it. Let's brainstorm some more and come up with a solid plan."

Aisha: "Sounds like a plan to me! Let's meet up before our next class and discuss it further."

Rohan: "Agreed. And hey, after that, we can grab some lunch and celebrate surviving our first physics lecture!"

(All laugh)

Rahul walked into his home, exhausted from his first day of college. He headed straight to his room, dropping his bag on the floor. After a refreshing shower, he changed into comfortable clothes and went downstairs to find his mom and little sister, Aarushi, in the living room.

"Hey, mom! Hey, Aarushi! How was your day?" Rahul asked, giving them a smile.

"Good, beta! How was your day?" his mom replied, concern etched on her face.

"It was great, mom! I met friends and our physics professor is amazing!" Rahul exclaimed.

Aarushi, with a mischievous grin, chimed in, "Rahul, did you make any new girlfriends?"

Rahul playfully rolled his eyes. "No, Aarushi! I'm focusing on studies, not girlfriends!"

His mom chuckled. "Let's have dinner, and then you can tell me more about your day."

After dinner, Rahul retreated to his room, a cozy sanctuary filled with books, notes, and mementos. He sat at his desk, surrounded by textbooks and notes, and began to study. He made detailed notes, highlighting important points and creating concept maps.

As he studied, the room grew darker, and he switched on his desk lamp. The soft glow illuminated his room, filled with memories and personal touches. Posters of his favorite scientists adorned the walls, and a bookshelf overflowed with novels and textbooks.

After a productive study session, Rahul took a break and headed to the balcony. He settled into the swing, feeling the gentle night breeze caress his face. The sky was a deep shade of indigo, with stars twinkling like diamonds. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers.

As he gazed out at the peaceful night, his mind wandered to Radha, he had met that day in temple. He couldn't help but think of her bright smile and the way she looked stunning in a saree. He smiled to himself, lost in the thought of their next meeting.

The night air, filled with the sounds of crickets and distant laughter, enveloped him in a sense of calm. Rahul felt grateful for this moment of peace, surrounded by the comforts of home and the promise of new beginnings.