Krishna - The Protector of Dharma - 3 in English Mythological Stories by Suresh Trivedi books and stories PDF | Krishna - The Protector of Dharma - 3

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Krishna - The Protector of Dharma - 3

3) Draupadi’s Crush


An ordinary woman blindly accepts her fate and silently tolerates suffering. She also forgets the humiliation suffered by her with the passage of time. However, Draupadi was not an ordinary woman. She was a brilliant, high-spirited and self-respectful lady, determined to decide her destiny herself. Apart from her immense beauty, she was also known for her graceful personality, ambitious nature and aggressive spirit. She was also having great administrative, diplomatic and managerial skills. She was actively involved in administration of Indraprasth State and was also helping Yudhisthir in important political decisions. A super lady like her cannot forget and forgive her molesters till their death.

She tried to relax in her bed, however untoward incidents of the worst day of her life were so embarrassing that she could not make herself comfortable, even after several hours.

Although she was aware of Duryodhan’s envy towards Pandavs, she never thought in her worst whims that Duryodhan would downgrade himself to the lowest level of meanness of undressing a woman in public. Harsh words spoken by Duryodhan, Duhshasan and Karna were also hammering her mind continuously. With remembrances of these words, her determination to take revenge and to punish them for their misdeeds was becoming stronger in her mind. She was also annoyed much towards Yudhishthir for his thoughtless gambles and Bhishma, Dron, Krup and Dhritarashtra for their inaction.

However, there was also a golden ray of hope shining brightly among all the dark clouds of her woes. It was Krishna who had saved her modesty, even though he was not present there. She felt proud that she has got such a kind and helpful friend, whose just name was sufficient to make a difference. With remembrance of the name of Krishna, her mind flashed back to her first meeting with Krishna, just before a few days of her marriage.


She was eighteen years old then. Her father and brother were putting up their best efforts to find out an appropriate match for her marriage. 

One day, Dyumna presented her a long list of names of the prominent kings and princes of Aryavarta and said humorously: ‘Dear Sis, now it is high time that you select a suitable brother-in-law for me!’

Draupadi also replied humorously: ‘Dear Bro, perhaps you are planning that if I get married early, your turn will come faster!’

‘Sis, please be serious. Our parents are worried about your marriage. So please go through this list and select your husband to be as soon as possible.’    

‘But Bro, this is a very long list. Can’t you shortlist some better names from this list?’

‘Yes, I have done it already. In my opinion, you should select your husband from the top five personalities of, namely Shishupal, the prince of Chedi, Duryodhan and Arjun, the princes of Hastinapur, Sahadev, the prince of Magadh and Jayadrath, the king of Sindhu. However, as per recent news, Arjun and his four brothers have succumbed to death in a tremendous fire at their palace in Varnavart. You are, therefore, now left to select your life partner from four names only.’

‘Are you sure, Bro, that you have not missed the best name?’

‘Who is in your mind?’ Dyumna got puzzled.

‘The most handsome, most charming, most powerful and most versatile man of Aryavarta’

‘Who is that great man whom I have missed?’ Dyumna baffled more.

Draupadi was not in a mood to submit easily. She continued her puzzling style: ‘The man who is loved by Gokul, honoured by Mathura and respected by Dwarika.’

‘Oh, Sis, you are talking of Krishna! Yes, he is the best of all, but he already has 16,108 wives! Unbelievable, no? I would not like my wonderful sis to be the 16,109th wife of someone. I, therefore, didn't add Krishna’s name to my list.’

‘Then throw away your list in the river Yamuna.’

‘Oh my God! You really want to marry Krishna, even though he already has so many wives?’

‘Bro, you are a man and a man will never understand why Krishna has married so many women at a time. You should have the heart of a woman to realise the sacrifice given by Krishna to protect the dignity of 16,100 women.’

‘What do you say? What sacrifice is given in marrying so many women?’

‘Dyumna, if you are really interested, I will tell you the story why Krishna has married so many women. 

‘There was a powerful but evil demon king named Narkasur in the Prag region of Easternmost Aryavarta. He was so powerful that he defeated all the kings of the surrounding areas and expanded his kingdom many folds. He had a very huge army and had also acquired Divyastras. So, no one was able to defeat him.

‘Narkasur wanted to win the whole world. For that purpose, he decided to hold Mahabhog Yagna wherein sacrifice of 21000 young virgin girls was to be given. Cruel Narkasur started abducting virgin girls from everywhere and imprisoned them. 

‘Many kings knew this, but none of them dared to challenge the powerful Narkasur. However, Krishna came forward to free these helpless girls. Krishna and his brave wife Satya along with their great army attacked the kingdom of Narkasur. After the dreaded battle Krishna destroyed the entire army of Narkasur and killed Narkasur. Krishna freed all 16100 girls imprisoned by Narkasur and sent them back to their home. However, parents of these girls didn’t allow them entry into their house saying that they have become unsanctified and no one would marry them. 

‘The helpless girls came back to Krishna and requested him to provide shelter or to permit them to commit suicide. Ordinary king would have helped them by providing shelter. However, Krishna is different from others. He immediately decided to marry all these girls, so as to give them honourable life and social status. Thus, Krishna married 16100 girls at a time for their protection and not for own pleasure. Only Krishna can do such daring!’

Dyumna confessed: ‘Yes, Sis, I fully agree with you. Only Krishna can take such a brave decision! Hats off to him! I am sorry, I had misunderstood him so far.’

Draupadi said teasingly: ‘Never mind, Bro. But I think now you will permit me to marry Krishna.

Dyumna still had a problem: ‘The issue is not solved fully yet, Sis, as Krishna is also having eight other queens.’  

‘You know that most of the kings of Aryavarta have more than one queen. Even if I marry a bachelor king, he may marry again afterwards. But I am sure, I will always be the Chief Queen, regardless of the number of queens my husband is having,’ Draupadi said proudly.

‘OK Sis, as you please. Then shall we send our proposal to Krishna today itself?’

‘No Dyumna, first of all I want to meet Krishna. So, invite him to Panchal. I will make the final decision after that meeting.’

Dyumna, after consulting his parents, sent an invitation to Krishna to visit Panchal for a friendly tour. 


Krishna immediately understood the meaning of a friendly tour. But he had a different plan in mind. For the fulfilment of that plan, he was required to go to Panchal. He, therefore, accepted the invitation and left for Kampilya, the capital city of Panchal kingdom. 

Upon reaching Panchal, King Drupad gave him a grand welcome. Next day, Dyumna invited Krishna to visit the most beautiful garden of Kampilya. When they reached the garden, Dyumna said: ‘Respected Krishna, a beautiful surprise is waiting for you, behind that decorated bush.’

‘Is that so? Then I would love to find out that surprise,’ Krishna was smart enough not to reveal that he already knew about that surprise.

Krishna slowly entered the bush. He found Draupadi sitting gracefully on a beautiful swing decorated with fragrant flowers. 

The nature Goddess had showered all the attractive features available in its treasure to Draupadi. Her large, bright and black eyes had a hypnotic charm. Her pink-coloured lips were aesthetically curved. Her milky white teeth were looking like shining pearls. Her long black hair tied in a stylish manner was deceiving like a beautiful snake.  Her slim and narrow waist was making her sharp body curves more attractive. Her slight dark skin was shining like a moon. Her smile was heart stopping. Magnetic charm of her face and her pleasant body odour were so alluring and appealing that people were not able to move their eyes away. She had worn flower garlands in neck, waist, hairs, arms and wrists and was looking like a Goddess of Nature itself.

‘Has a fairy queen of Paradise lost her way and reached here on Earth?’ Krishna addressed her in a playful tone with his iconic smile.

Draupadi’s face blushed and turned rosy due to pleasant praise. She smiled with dimples on her cheeks. She stood up and tried to clarify: No, I am…’

Krishna interrupted and with folded hands and bowed head told respectfully: ‘O majestic princess of Panchal, please accept greetings from your well-wisher friend Krishna.’

‘Daughter of King Drupad welcomes the prince of Dwarika,’ Draupadi reciprocated respectfully. ‘I hope Panchal State has taken proper care of their prime guest.’

‘More than adequate, young lady. When respected King Drupad and able prince Dyumna personally oversee it, then nothing is left unattended. I am impressed and appreciate Panchal state for its great hospitality.’

‘My pleasure, the prince charming. Please make yourself comfortable on that swing.’

Krishna sat on the opposite swing, which was also richly decorated with flowers.

‘Wow, lovely flowers! Your whole city of Kampilya is flourished with fragrant flowers. I think you might have played a big role in beautification of Kampilya City,’ Krishna praised Draupadi again.

‘Hmmm, I am a bit fond of flowers.’ Draupadi accepted joyfully.

‘So am I,’ Krishna replied, ‘It appears that our tastes are similar.’

Draupadi was pleased to know about their similarity and was keen to find out other qualities and likings of Krishna. 

They chatted for a long time on various subjects, from love to war, from a flute to a sword and from religion to politics. Draupadi observed that Krishna was talking on all the subjects authoritatively. Draupadi got impressed to know Krishna’s clear vision of protecting dharma in any case and a definite mission of establishment of a single powerful and ideal State covering the whole Aryavarta. 

Draupadi was already a fan of Krishna, but after meeting Krishna, she became almost mad after him. Krishna was also greatly impressed by Draupadi’s keen interest and active participation in all the discussions.

Finally, Draupadi devotedly proposed: ’Krishna, I feel that we are made for each other.’

‘Sure, Draupadi, we are really made for each other to be great friends.’

Confused, Draupadi asked irritably: ‘Means you are not considering me fit to be your life partner?’   

‘Only a fool will refuse a marriage proposal by the most beautiful and most brilliant lady on the earth. However, destiny has made us meet very late. I am already a married person and I have declared my dear wife Rukmani as my Chief Queen. Now I cannot take her title back nor can give you any lower title. So better we remain good friends only.’

‘I understand and accept, Krishna. But if it is my fate that I cannot marry you, then I will not marry any other person for my whole life,’ Disappointed, Draupadi declared her harsh decision.

‘But I have specially come here to suggest a better plan.’

‘What is it?’

‘I know a most handsome man, who is also powerful like an elephant, graceful like a lion and agile like a leopard. In my opinion, he is the best person to be your husband.’  

‘Who is he? I have never heard about such a person so far,’ Draupadi asked with curiosity.

Krishna continued to present further attributes: ‘He is an unconquerable warrior and a great leader. He is one of the best archers of the world and also has skills to use Divyastras. Along with these qualities, he is also a master of music and dance.’

‘Surely you are talking about some Dev or Gandharva, because a man cannot have all such qualities together,’ Draupadi guessed.

‘He is not Dev, but he is surely a son of Dev.’

‘Krishna, please don’t confuse me more. Tell me quickly about whom you are talking to.’

‘I am talking about Arjun, the blessed son of Indradev and prince of Hastinapur.’

‘But… my brother told me just now that Arjun is no more…’

‘It is not true, Draupadi. Arjun is there and he is fit and fine. I am confident that he is the most suitable match for you,’ Krishna asserted.

Draupadi surrendered: ‘Krishna, if you say, I will accept your suggestion blindly, but only with a condition.’

‘What is it, dear?’

‘You shall have to remain in my heart forever. You are my first love and I will not let you go away from my heart,’ Draupadi declared her intimate wish.

Krishna said lovingly: ‘Draupadi, I cannot say anything about your heart, but I promise you that you shall have a special place in my heart as the most intimate friend. I will be at your service at any time. Just call me from your heart and I will be there with you.’

With remembrance of these words Draupadi, lying in bed at her palace of Hastinapur, smiled with satisfaction that Krishna had fulfilled his promise to be with her, when she needed him most.


Draupadi continued to cherish the sweet memories of her first meeting with Krishna. 

'Krishna, people also call you Krishna. Henceforth I would like to be called Krishnaa, so I get your remembrance every time, when someone calls me by that name,’ Draupadi found out a way to have a lifetime attachment with Krishna.

Krishna smiled and teasingly said: ‘As you please, Krishnaa. Since you have agreed to my proposal of accepting Arjun as your husband, I will have to accept all your proposals.’

'Then I will prepare a long list of demands, Krishna' Draupadi said naughtily.

‘Even then I will try to fulfil them. You know, a young man is not able to refuse the demands of a beautiful woman,' Krishna was also naughty in replying.

'You naughty boy! You are too smart. No one can beat you.'

Krishna just smiled.

'But surprisingly I do like to lose to you. You are such a sweet man,' Draupadi confessed candidly expressing his love towards Krishna. 

Krishna again smiled.

‘But Krishna, Arjun is, in fact, a son of King Pandu. Then why have you called him as a son of Indradev?' Draupadi raised a doubt.

‘Yes, you have a valid doubt. I will explain it. Since it’s a long story, please listen with patience. In fact, I wish you know everything about the Pandavs family, as you are going to join them.'


Krishna continued his story: 'King Pandu had two queens, Kunti and Madri. Kunti is the real sister of my father Vasudev, hence Kunti is my paternal aunt and Pandavs are my cousins.

Kunti was blessed by Maharshi Durvasa with five mantras, which were capable of calling five different Devs for delivering a child.’ 

Draupadi raised a doubt: ‘How one can call Devs from faraway Swargalok by just chanting a mantra?’

Krishna explained: ‘Devs are super humans. They are much ahead of us in science and technology. Each Dev has developed his own mantra with secret codes. Devs also have super brains, which can detect and locate their mantra with secret codes chanted anywhere in the world through the science of telepathy. Hence, when a person chants mantras with secret codes again and again, that particular Dev is able to locate that person immediately.

'Nice to know. But how can Devs reach that person in a few seconds?' Draupadi raised a question again.

'Yes, I have an answer to this question also. Devs have developed a technology to shrink their body into a minute particle form called Anu and to enlarge it from Anu to normal body form. Now Anu can travel at the speed of light. So, Dev shrinks his body in Anu form and travels anywhere in the world in a few seconds. Thus, he is able to present himself anywhere in the world in a few seconds upon chanting his mantra.’

Draupadi exclaimed: O my God! What great technology!’

'Yes, Devs have developed many great technologies. But I think we can also train our brains and can acquire powers like Devs.'

'Really is it possible?' Draupadi was surprised. 

'Yes, Krishnaa, it is really possible, because Devs were not born superior, but they have made themselves superior by their own efforts. In fact, Devs were born as humans only. Many years ago, Maharshi Kashyap and his wife Aditi had 33 sons. Later on, they became famous as 33 Koti Devs, say 33 types of Devs. 

‘They trained their brains by yog and pranayam and achieved great mind powers. They acquired deep knowledge of various arts and different branches of science from great Rishis and put-up strenuous efforts in research. Ultimately, they achieved excellence in science and technology and made many miraculous inventions. They have now become so powerful that they are now considered as deities.’

Draupadi inquired: ‘What other inventions have they made?’

Krishna replied: ‘Most important invention is made by Ashwinis, twin brothers and famous pharmaceutical researchers. They have developed a magical tonic from the leaves of an herb named Somalata, which grows in high altitudes of Himalayas only. This tonic, Somaras, can stop the ageing process and extend life span. Regular intake of Somaras keeps Devs young forever and they have become immortal too.'

'Oh! Is this a secret of their mortality? I was believing so far that God has made Devs immortal!' Draupadi exclaimed.

Krishna continued: 'Devs have become powerful by inventing deadly weapons of mass destruction. These weapons are being operated by mantras with secret codes, so even if they are taken away by unauthorized persons, they cannot use them.

‘Agnidev, the Dev of Fire, has developed a deadly weapon, Agnyastra, which can create widespread fire and destroy everything in vicinity. 

‘Varundev, the Dev of Water, has developed a weapon, Varunastra, which attracts clouds and brings heavy rains and floods and washes away entire armies of enemies.

‘Vayudev, the Dev of Wind, has developed a weapon, Pavanastra, which creates cyclones and causes widespread damage.

‘Indradev, the king of Devs, has developed the most powerful weapon of the world, Vajra. It is an invincible weapon and can destroy any target.

‘Vishwakarma is an expert Architect who creates wonderful buildings and beautiful cities.

‘Dhanvantari is an able doctor who can cure any disease.

‘Kuber has manufactured Pushpak Viman, which can travel in air.

‘All these Devs have settled in the Northernmost Himalayan region, named as Swargalok. It is located at very high altitudes of Himalayan mountains, an absolutely inaccessible place for humans. 

‘Devs are keeping contact with the remaining world through Himalayan Rishis, who also have super brains like Devs and also know most of the techniques of Devs.’

Draupadi expressed her pleasure: ‘So nice of you, Krishna. You have cleared my misconceptions. Now get back to our main point, please.’


‘Yes, Krishnaa,’ Krishna said: ‘King Pandu was suffering from a disease and was not able to be a father. He therefore requested Kunti to use the sacred mantras to call Devs for conceiving Kunti for a child.’

‘But Krishna, is it appropriate for a woman to get conceived by someone other than her husband?’

‘Yes, as per our scriptures and customs, a woman has a fundamental right to be a mother. If her husband has died or become disable to be a father, she has a right to get a child by her husband’s brother or some Rishi or some Dev.’

‘I see,’ Draupadi nodded.

‘There are many such instances in the history of Aryavarta. Even Pandu and Dhritarashtra were also born following this custom, known as niyog.’

‘Oh! Is it so?’ Draupadi asked curiously.

‘Yes, Emperor Vichitravirya had died in a war, without giving any child to his queens, Ambika and Ambalika. Satyavati, mother of Vichitravirya, therefore asked her elder son, Maharshi Ved Vyas to give a child to the queens of his younger brother. Ved Vyas gave a son to each of them, Dhritarashtra to Ambika and Pandu to Ambalika.’ 


Krishna continued: ‘As per these traditions and also desired by King Pandu, Kunti used her first mantra of Yamadev, the God of dharma and death, who gave her a son, named Yudhisthir. Yudhisthir has a mesmerizing personality, deep knowledge of our scriptures and great administrative capabilities. He is also a brave warrior and expert user of a spear. He is a staunch follower of truth and dharma too.’

‘I see.’

‘After one-year Kunti used the second mantra and Vayudev, the God of wind and strength, gave her a son, named as Bhim. Like Vayudev’s elder son Hanuman, Bhim also has a massive and strong body. He is considered one of the most powerful men on the earth. He is a master user of a mace and able to kill a mammoth elephant at one stroke of his giant mace.’


‘Next year Kunti called Indradev, the God of lighting and king of Devs, using the third mantra. Indradev gave her a son, Arjun. He is as brilliant, dignified and powerful as Indradev himself. He is also my close friend and very near to my heart.’

‘Krishna, you said just now that I am in your heart. Now you say Arjun is also in your heart. Please also declare how many other persons are there in your heart?' Draupadi was very possessive and was not ready to share Krishna's heart to too many.

'My dear friend, don't worry, my heart is too large to accommodate all the people of the world!' Krishna laughed.

Draupadi nodded her head: 'I already told no one can beat you in arguments.' 

Krishna smiled and continued: ‘Next year Madri requested Kunti to give her a chance to be a mother. Kunti therefore allowed Madri to use the mantra of Ashwinis. They are twin brothers; hence they gave two sons to Madri, named as Sahadev and Nakul. Both of them are expert warriors of a sword and also master caretakers of cows and horses.’

‘Is that over, Krishna?’ Draupadi asked in a light mood.

'Yes, Krishnaa, may be a little bit lengthy, but I have advised these details of Pandavs to you purposefully. You will realize it at an appropriate time.’

‘Oh, Krishna, your every word always has a definite future plan.’

‘I am like that only, Draupadi. You have to bear with me and accept me as I am,’ Krishna said lightly.

‘I am ready to bear you for my whole life, but you are not getting ready for it,’ Draupadi again teased Krishna.

‘Oh, dear, ask for anything else, please,’ Krishna said regretfully.

Draupadi enjoyed Krishna's desperation.  


‘Don’t you think, Krishnaa, that your brother sitting outside would have been bored by now?’ Krishna teased Draupadi.


‘Oh! I totally forget that Dyumna is waiting outside. We should now call him here.’


Krishna called Dyumna inside and addressed him in a friendly tone: ‘Dear Dyumna, be happy to know that I have found an equal match for your sister and she has also happily agreed for that.’


Dyumna got confused to hear different news than expected. 


Krishna clarified: ‘Draupadi has agreed to marry Arjun, the prince of Hastinapur. I have definite information that Pandavs have survived from the deadly fire incident and they are absolutely safe and sound at present.’


Dyumna asked: ‘But no one knows the whereabouts of them. How can we get him?’


‘I suggest a plan. You declare the swayamvar ceremony of Draupadi involving archery skills. I am confident that Arjun will not miss to show his archery skills and he will remain present in that ceremony.’


Draupadi raised a doubt: ‘But swayamvar can be won by anybody else also…’


‘Don’t worry. We will fix the conditions of swayamvar so tough that only the best archer like Arjun can win,’ Krishna had already thought about this possibility.


Dyumna had still some confusion: ‘Respected Krishna, how should I decide such tough conditions?’


Krishna replied: ‘Look, good archers can aim and achieve any fixed targets easily, however it is difficult to aim a moving target.’


‘I agree, I will keep the target moving.’


‘Secondly, it is easy to aim the target from a stable platform, however it is difficult to aim from an unstable platform.’


‘True, I will arrange for an unstable platform.’ 


‘Thirdly, the good archer can aim his target by looking at it, however it is difficult to aim the target while looking in the opposite direction.’


‘O my God! Then it will be really tough competition!’ Dyumna exclaimed.


‘It must be. To win the most beautiful girl on the earth should not be an easy task.’


Draupadi blushed with reference to her beauty, but she also raised doubts: ‘Krishna, are you sure that Arjun will be really able to crack such tough conditions of archery?’


Krishna replied with a smile: ‘Dear Krishnaa, Arjun can crack even tougher conditions. And for your knowledge, at least six other persons also can crack all these conditions.’


‘My Goodness! Then it will be a big problem for us. Who are they?’ Dyumna wanted to know.


‘Guru Parshuram, Grandsire Bhishma, Guru Dron, Karna, Ekalavya and myself.’ Krishna replied. ‘However, don't worry. First three are too old to participate in a swayamvar. Karna and Eklavya are not Kshatriya, hence not eligible to participate. I will not participate. So, you left with the choice of Arjun only.’


‘Thank God!’ Dyumna was relieved.


‘Dyumna, my task is over and your work starts now. First of all get consent from your parents and then make arrangements for swayamvar as discussed.’  




Draupadi, lying in her bed at the palace of Hastinapur got some relaxation from the memories of Krishna and became sleepy. But there was no sleep in her fate on that unfortunate day.

‘Long live Chief Queen,’ Paulomi, her chief maid, addressed her politely.

Draupadi woke up and asked in a worried tone: ‘What happened again, Paulomi?’

‘Not good news, respected Queen. King Yudhishthir played a game of dice with Duryodhan and lost it too.’ 

‘How one can play again, after so much humiliated drama?’ Draupadi was sad to know.

‘But it is confirmed news that he has actually played again and lost. As per terms of that game, Respected King is required to live in a forest for twelve years and thereafter to live absconding for one year. If he is detected during that year, he has to live in the forest again for twelve years.’

‘My God! I fail to understand how a wise man like Yudhishthir can repeatedly make such silly mistakes and become easy prey for cunning people like Duryodhan and Shakuni by playing the gamble game.’

Disappointed, Draupadi immediately reached the palace of Yudhishthir and found that hot discussion was going on among Pandavs, about who should go to the forest.

Upon seeing Draupadi, Yudhishthir addressed her: ‘Dear Draupadi, now you please convince my brothers. When I have lost the game, I am supposed to go into the forest. But all my brothers are insisting on coming with me. This is not fair and acceptable to me. Why should they suffer for my mistakes?’

Draupadi replied firmly: ‘Respected King, please also add my name too, because I will also join you in the forest.’

‘What do you say, Draupadi? How can you live in the forest?’ Yudhishthir almost went mad to hear this.

Bhim also intervened: ‘No, Draupadi, forest life is very hard and troublesome. You are not accustomed to living a hard life. You can't come with us. We shall arrange to drop you at Kampilya.’

‘Nothing doing, Bhimsen, I have lived with you in palaces so far. Now when you are going to live in a forest, then how can I live in a palace? I will live with you always, notwithstanding wherever you live,’ Draupadi said firmly.

All Pandavs became emotional to hear Draupadi’s firm words, which indicated her love, respect and attachment for all of them.

Finally, it has been decided that Pandavs and Draupadi will live in the forest and mother Kunti will stay at Hastinapur with Uncle Vidur, till Pandavs come back.
