The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 11 in English Horror Stories by Sanket Gawande books and stories PDF | The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 11

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The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 11

Chapter 11 : Mystery of shankuntalas mother.


Panditji nodded. "Understood. Meera, how are your father, Dr. Sanket, and his friend, Dr. Yash? I need to meet them soon."


Meera tried to understand why Panditji mentioned her father. Sensing her confusion, Panditji said, "As I said before, Meera, 'The universe takes you where you need to be.'


Your father, Dr. Sanket, and his friend, Dr. Yash, are in the right place. Lord Narasimha has something for them to do. I know things about your father that you don’t. But don't worry about that now. What’s important is what I told Nilesh that day. When everyone was about to leave for the village, I asked Nilesh to stay back for a moment. I saw something in his eyes. Through his eyes, I saw Shakuntala's mother. I had seen her before when I first came to this village and visited that house. I was just waiting for the right day.


Nilesh told you the truth, but one thing was missing. Shakuntala's biological mother died when she was a child. Her father remarried a woman who was a tantric and practiced black magic, which he didn't know at the time. One day, he discovered the truth. When he confronted her, she cast a spell on the night of the new moon to capture Shakuntala's soul. She killed Shakuntala and her father she threw her father's body into the garden, then took her own life. But before dying, she bound their bodies in a cage and buried them in the house. She never wanted to let go of Shakuntala’s soul; she was searching for a new body for her power and soul.


I didn't tell Nilesh this. I only told him that she needed a soul and was using someone. I advised him to avoid going there, but if he did, he must protect everyone at any cost. Meera, he has a powerful personality, much like you. When the time comes, I will guide you. But until then, prepare and do not go back there, especially you, Meera. I will come to the village when the right time come."


Meera nodded. "Yes, Panditji."


Sayali was a bit shocked to hear this because Panditji had never come to the village before; he arrived from somewhere else about five years ago and lived on the hill from that day. The villagers brought him whatever he needed.


Panditji looked at Sayali and said, "I will have to come to the village this time, Sayali," and he smiled at her.


Panditji continued, "And remember the thread I tied around your wrist? Do not remove it at any cost. I will give you four more threads for Dr. Sanket, Dr. Yash, Shyam, and Mahesh. Tell them to never remove it. It’s my request. When the time comes, I will meet them. And here, I give you something for your father Meera and Supriya." He handed her two tamarinds from his bag. "Give these to both of them and tell them, 'Remember eating tamarind as a child and that tamarind tree?' just said this to them and nothing more." He smiled.


Meera was puzzled by Panditji’s words but replied, "Okay."


Meera asked, "Panditji, why don’t you come with us to that place once?"


Panditji replied, "Some things need to be left to others. Wait patiently."


"Let's go outside now; it's sunset time."


They went outside and watched the sunset. Panditji said, "Look at the sunset, children. Its beauty will bring peace to your mind."


As the sun set behind the mountains, they took Panditji’s permission and started heading back to the village. Panditji reminded them, "Remember my words. First, tie this thread on your father’s and Shyam’s wrists, and do not go back there until I arrive."



to be continued.............