The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 10 in English Horror Stories by Sanket Gawande books and stories PDF | The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 10

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The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 10

Chapter 10 : Panditji Asking Kids what they Saw in House 


In Panditji Vasudev's humble abode, the aroma of medicinal herbs filled the air, creating a sense of tranquility. The children sat on a wooden platform, enjoying the fruits given by Panditji. From the house, the view of the village and the fields was breathtaking, and the evening sunlight cast a beautiful glow over the entire area.


Panditji looked at each of them thoughtfully and said, "So, do you all have a lot of questions in your mind? I will answer some of them. But first, tell me one thing. How is Nilesh? And that girl?"


Sayali responded, "They are both fine now Panditji. Nilu is scared, but Nilesh is angry with himself."


Meera added, "Before coming here, Nilesh told us a story his grandfather had shared with him regarding that house . He said Shakuntala's mother used him and he also told that you Panditji, said something to him , but he didn't say much more and left for home. That's why we came here to find out the truth. What did you tell him that day?"


Panditji took a deep breath and said, "Before I say anything, I need to know a few things. You all went there, right? Now, each of you tell me honestly what you saw there."


Sayali began, "We were curious and went to that house. Initially, it seemed like an ordinary, old, and empty house, but then we felt a terrifying presence. I, Supriya, and Nilu were standing in the garden near the entrance, Nilesh and Jayesh went towards the tree and the swing, and Meera was approaching the house. Everything was normal, but suddenly I saw something in the window on the second floor a shadow and eyes watching us. I screamed and told Meera to stop. I was terrified; my whole body froze and became cold. I couldn't move or speak."


Panditji looked at Supriya, who continued, "I was looking towards where Jayesh and Nilesh had gone when Sayali screamed. I turned towards her, and at the same time, Nilu started crying and felt sick, so my full attention was on her. But I felt like someone was watching us, and the atmosphere felt scary."


Panditji asked Jayesh, "What did you see there, Jayesh?"


Jayesh said, "Nothing. I looked at the window, but I didn't see anyone."


Panditji asked, "Why did you go to the swing?"


Jayesh replied, "It felt different, and the swing attracted me, so I went to check it out. The banyan tree seemed suspicious, but I found nothing there. I checked everywhere."


Panditji said, "Alright, that's where the villagers found the bodies. Jayesh, was Nilesh with you, and did he say anything there?"


Jayesh nodded. "Yes, Panditji. He said he didn't want to do it, but he would keep us safe at any cost. Then Sayali screamed, so we both went to her."


Panditji took a deep breath, "May Lord Narasimha protect him. Did you find anything else unusual?"


Jayesh shook his head. "No, Guruji. I didn't see anyone, but Meera and Sayali were looking at the window with fear. They both seemed frozen and cold."


Panditji turned to Meera and asked, "Meera, what did you see?"


Meera said, "Panditji, I saw her three times. First, when we were coming from the city, I saw someone looking at us from the forest. Then, when our vehicle stopped at the village entrance, I saw her in the same window. When we finally went there, I went to the house door to see what was inside. I took one step up, Sayali screamed, so I backed off. But as I stepped back, I heard someone calling from behind the door, 'Help, please help.' It sounded like a young girl, but there was no one there. I was shocked; my hands and body froze, and I ran to Sayali. She was looking at the upper floor, and I also felt like someone was watching us."


Panditji took a long breath. "Tell me, Meera, did you see just one shadow there?"


Meera shook her head. "No, Panditji. I saw two."


Panditji, observing Meera's eyes, caught a glimpse of the incident. "So, you also saw her mother?"


Meera nodded. "Yes, Panditji."


Panditji smiled. "May Lord Narasimha be with you. Meera, continue."


Meera said, "She was looking at me from behind her daughter. Her big eyes were staring at me, and she was smiling. Nilesh saw her too. When we left the house, Nilesh held our hands and led us out. We both looked at the window; she was still looking at us and smiling. I was scared, but I saw that Nilesh was angrier than frightened."


To be continued .......................