The Angel Inside in English Love Stories by Khyati Makwana books and stories PDF | The Angel Inside - 60. Who is She..

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The Angel Inside - 60. Who is She..

Jay's POV
A year and six months had passed and I was finally starting to reach somewhere. I didn't feel lost. My dream of an orphanage was brought into action. I didn't even imagine to make Amy's last wish my sole dream in future. It was a happy day to say so.

I continued to punch the bag that dangled in front of me. My fist collided each time making the empty room resonate with the sound. My mind freely wondered.

A year had brought me too many changes. I wasn't that weakling anymore. Rebuilding the orphanage was a heinous task. There were death threats, and attacks on me, countless times. I couldn't rely on bodyguards in hopes of protecting myself. I could be backstabbed at any moment. And I obviously couldn't afford to get kidnapped for the 3rd time.

I had built myself over a year, enough to defend myself. I decided to shun those thoughts always and focus on the positive side.

The place of an orphanage that had a mere existence in the city was now brought into view. I could imagine kids playing around this place and calling it their sweet home. The ones who were deprived of the love would finally be experiencing it.

I hadn't even started to pitch people about my orphanage yet I got a few donations with huge amounts. It went to millions.

How was it even possible?

The donations came with anonymous letters that said I was a good person and was bringing change with my intentions. They wanted to be a part of it.

These letters were like a motivation to me. Though it was sent by strangers, I could feel them. With this list of random strangers, there was only one doner I could figure out. It was from a military official. He wanted to be a part of our organization. I even invited that soldier for a meet, but as per circumstances, he couldn't meet me nor reveal himself. It was risky. Yet the letter said we could meet soon.

Between all these vintage letters, I got a mail. And surprisingly, it was from ACE.


Yes ACE!

My eyes had frantically traced the e-mail finally reaching the bottom only to find the sender...

Mr. Joe?

The CEO.

Later I found out that Amy had given ACE to Mr.Joe in her will.

Well Indirectly.

It would be given to Charlie once he turned 21, till then it was Mr. Joe's responsibility to handle the business operations.

There were many amazing things to discover. I felt.

Mr. Joe also wanted to be a part of the organisation. He helped me to get in contact with other NGOs and get volunteers who were willing to help.

Finally, the world seemed a kind place to me.

I finally took a break from my rash practice while my knuckles turned numb. I dropped down lightly laying on the floor, finding myself drenched in sweat and heavy breaths.

Few minutes of silence until I heard my phone ringing. I already knew who it would be.


She had been there for me through the times I was close to losing my sanity. She had now somehow convinced my mom that she could be my potential wife. Or was it mom who bought the idea?

I had no fucking clue!

But I was against that idea. Emma had clearly denied Noah in this whole scenario. I was now aware of how much Noah loved Emma all the time and was ready to sacrifice if Emma was happy with me.


I had started finding Emma annoying, she would stick with me around in the name of helping me. She was clingy and I was a person who would love if people respected my personal space.

She questioned me at times and wanted me to accept her as my future wife, which was nearly impossible. I was fed up with the idea of marriage. The kind of relationship I had with Amy, had taken an emotional toll on me in a good way.

I now barely had any trust in people, I was being paranoid. Not in Emma's case. Cause she's just too blind to notice Noah who had been by her side. I was now trying ways to make her realise that.

My mom had eaten my ears off for me to date but I wouldn't budge. Even though she was happy for me and my now-inaugurated orphanage, she surely had a wish to see her grandchildren before she died which I was making nowhere possible.

I peeked at my phone only to surprise myself with one of my volunteers from the orphanage calling. I swiped on the screen to answer the call.

"Mr. Conor, I have just got the news, there are some kids rescued from traffickers, they are in bad condition and till the officials find their parents, they need shelter."

Her voice sounded worried.

Jay: Arrange a few doctors in case the kids are hurt and get others to bring food and medicines, whatever the requirements are.

With a quick 'okay' she hung up the call while I sighed, feeling bad for these kids who became victims of such cruelty.

I changed my plans and decided to visit the orphanage first. My eyes stared at my reflection in the mirror, a new me, an updated version. A content smile appeared on my lips as I hoped for a good life every day.

Finally, I had freshened up and drove to the orphanage, already spotting a van where the kids were. Good thing, Emma was there helping the kids already.

I entered in looking at the arrangements, my team had been quick when it came to emergencies like these.

My eyes traced around, these kids were harmed, and they had scars, which meant they were not only being held captive but also were tortured. My heart felt an ache.

My limbs frantically led to the kid who had been unattended as I quickly rushed to treat his wounds. At the same time, I dabbed the cotton on his arm which was covered in red lines, most of it bleeding.

I continued to dab cotton cleaning the blood that had started dripping which was partially dry before, those wounds were open for a long, with dust sticking to them. I took antibiotic ointment from the side while I cautiously looked at the boy's face.

Jay's: This might hurt a bit, but I promise you'll be fine.

I spoke the words to assure him but the more I looked at his face, I realized he wasn't even listening. He looked like a young teenager who was aged maybe 12-14. His face held no expression, he looked blank. His eyes were empty and it made me feel so uncomfortable.

I thought of treating his wounds first and later, it was a matter of conversation. While I dabbed the antibiotic ointment on his arm, he didn't even react.

This would burn a bit once applied, but he was least bothered by what I was doing.

Jay: does it hurt?

His eyes finally darted at me as if he was out of a trance.

"Should it hurt?"

His question had caught me off guard. It left me speechless, I could no longer imagine what had he gone through to let such words escape his lips.

Still at having loss for words, I continued.

Jay: It might hurt a little but you'll grow and become stronger.

I smiled at him tenderly but he didn't return it.

"That's what they said. They tried to make my little brother strong but he fell asleep and didn't wake up, ever."

His words came out slowly and poured pain, hurt and guilt. I couldn't look at him any longer, my lips pressed in a thin line, looking away. My eyes watered a bit, tears threatening to erupt but I held them in.

He was mentally traumatized and physically abused, his eyes had no spark or light as if he never intended to live further and have a happy life because he had no hope.

I never imagined the start of my orphanage to be like this, realisation sinked in. I had a responsibility to look after them and bring back their hopes that they have lost in life.

I looked back at him, this time adamant to make sure he knew he wasn't alone. I brought his figure closer to me, embracing him in a warm hug, while I patted his back in a comforting manner.

Jay: You'll be okay. I promise.

Author's POV
Warning ⚠️ (Disturbing)


A word consisting of 7 letters could turn the world upside down. Not for others but for those who are on the target list.

For Example,

People said karma was a bitch, and could set your world on fire anytime.

But time had always played its role too twisted when it came to karma. Because karma walked on her own accord. It came without any prior warnings, an ambush for unforgiving actions that one wickedly played.

And there was she, who didn't want to put forth her baggage of expectations on mere karma and die in hopes that karma would play the best on the one she avenged and burned for years for.

She believed in becoming karma herself. She wanted to see the woman she avenged burn in hell on earth where she was the Satan who set the rules.

Her menacing eyes burned holes into the old lady who lay on a dental chair, her hands tied to the arms of the chairs, eyes begging for mercy while her mouth opened wide with restraints.

Her white gloves were smeared in blood while she held a plucker that clutched a fresh tooth in between. She stretched a smile at her progress, placing the tooth on a tray that already had another 30 teeth scattered messily, a set of them having a stinky smell for being plucked days ago, while others she had plucked few minutes ago. She would carry her process while the victim was conscious.

She placed the plucker on the targeted teeth again squeezing and pulling it harshly, the squish sound from the action had led to a piece of flesh stuck on the teeth, and an incoherent scream echoed while she chuckled and cackled on her doings.

Suddenly she felt a hand frantically trying to scratch her arm only to find her victim's hand free from one of the arms of the chair.

Her whimpers and screams felt as if she was begging her to stop, a mix of frustration and helplessness. This torture had been ongoing for hours and they had lost track of time.

" Ow, little kitten can't scratch? Sad."

She cackled behind her white mask while Mrs Park could do nothing but shed tears and beg God to set her free, cause the one in front of her was a pure form of devil.

She jerked her hand away, grabbed a small jar nearby and she jiggled it near Mrs.Park. The jar was filled with nails that belonged to Mrs. Park that made scrappy sounds as they jiggled in the jar.

It only made Mrs. Park cry harder.

" I could simply put these in the trash but you see I'm quite fond of collecting items!"

She exclaimed only to hear some sounds that Mrs. Park had tried hard to speak.

" You curious? Why am I collecting those? Well, I am going to gift these. To your daughter."

Her voice held no emotion as she spoke her eyes were blank.

Mrs. Park could only sob while she had finally lost her freedom to speak clearly with a tongue but no teeth.

Mrs. Park all this while thought of her to be a man, her deep voice and years of hiding had led her to become unidentifiable. She knew this old lady had questions about why she was being subjected to such cruelty. She planned to surprise the old woman.

A year of torture felt less, she wanted more. The burning rage within her had been caught by the storm. She had always played god and devil together. She would hurt and then let you heal, just to break you again even harder until you lose hope to live.

She was a master at manipulating, she gave Mrs. Park fake hopes that she would eventually survive but how wrong that old woman was to not understand her captor's intentions.

The abandoned room they stood in was messy with medical equipment stacked and just a large lamp hanging over their heads. The places that illuminated had evident splatters of the crimson liquid.

The room echoed with laughter while Mrs. Park lost consciousness in the process as a result of blood loss.

Her fingers glided over the pale face, chin covered in blood, while she dipped her finger tip only to get it licked by her tongue. Her blood dotted mask came loose, her lips curving in an evil smirk.

"Old hag slept too early. Don't worry I'll help you sleep forever."

Hey guys! Here I am, back with another update to the story. Stay tuned!
Thank you.
Peace 💜