Three Hearts in English Love Stories by Suthar Jvalant books and stories PDF | Three Hearts

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Three Hearts

Chapter 1:Sophia’s World

Sophia stared out the window of her corner office, the city skyline a glittering mosaic before her. The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over the buildings. She sighed, glancing at the stack of papers on her desk. Success had its price, and for Sophia, it was loneliness. Her phone buzzed, snapping her out of her reverie. A message from her best friend, Mia, reminding her about the business conference that evening.

Chapter 2:Ethan’s Charm

Ethan adjusted his tie, looking at his reflection. He was used to the charm and the games that came with his lifestyle. The business conference was just another stage. As he walked into the grand hall, he spotted her – a woman who exuded confidence and grace. He felt a spark, something different. He approached her with his usual charm.

Chapter 3:Olivia’s Art

Olivia wiped her hands on her apron, stepping back to admire her latest painting. The gallery opening was tonight, and she felt a mix of excitement and nerves. Art was her escape, her passion. She was used to admirers, but tonight felt special. As she mingled with the guests, her eyes met his – a man with an easy smile and a twinkle in his eye. Ethan.

Chapter4:First Meetings

The business conference buzzed with conversation and clinking glasses. Sophia found herself drawn to Ethan’s charisma. They talked, laughed, and exchanged numbers. Across town, Olivia’s gallery was alive with energy. Ethan’s interest in her art felt genuine, and they ended the night with plans to meet again.

Chapter 5: Parallel Lives

Days turned into weeks, and Ethan juggled his growing feelings for both women. Sophia admired his ambition, while Olivia cherished his adventurous spirit. The web of connections grew tighter, each relationship flourishing in its own unique way, oblivious to the impending collision.

Chapter 6: Entangled Moments

Sophia couldn’t help but smile as she sipped her coffee at a quaint café downtown. It had been a few weeks since she met Ethan, and their chemistry was undeniable. He was intelligent, witty, and made her feel alive in a way she hadn’t felt in years. She looked at her watch, anticipating his arrival. As the door chimed, she glanced up to see him, and her heart skipped a beat.“Hey there,” Ethan said with his signature grin as he sat down across from her. “I hope you weren’t waiting long.”“Not at all,” Sophia replied, her smile widening. “How’s your day been?”They settled into easy conversation, sharing stories and laughter. The connection between them deepened with each passing moment, yet Ethan’s thoughts occasionally drifted to Olivia and the time he’d spent with her the previous evening.

Chapter 7: Artistic Passions

Meanwhile, Olivia was lost in her latest creation. Her studio was her sanctuary, filled with canvases, paint-splattered floors, and the scent of turpentine. Ethan had become a regular visitor, his presence inspiring her in ways she hadn’t expected.“Olivia,” Ethan’s voice called from the doorway, breaking her concentration. She turned, a smile spreading across her face as she saw him holding a bouquet of wildflowers.“For the artist,” he said, handing her the flowers. “I thought you might like these.”“They’re beautiful, thank you,” Olivia replied, taking the bouquet and inhaling the sweet scent. “You always know how to brighten my day.”Ethan leaned against the doorframe, watching her as she arranged the flowers in a vase. “I love seeing you work. There’s such passion in everything you do.”Olivia blushed, feeling the warmth of his words. “You bring out the best in me, Ethan. I’ve never felt this inspired.”

Chapter 8: Secrets and Lies

As weeks turned into months, Ethan found it increasingly difficult to manage his double life. He cared deeply for both women, but the deception weighed heavily on him. He knew it was only a matter of time before the truth would come out, and he dreaded that day.One evening, after a particularly stressful day, Ethan found himself at Sophia’s apartment. They were curled up on the couch, a movie playing in the background. Sophia sensed his unease and placed a hand on his arm.“Is everything okay?” she asked softly.Ethan forced a smile. “Just a lot on my mind. Work has been intense lately.”Sophia nodded, accepting his explanation. But a nagging doubt lingered in the back of her mind. She decided to trust him for now, hoping that whatever was bothering him would eventually pass.

Chapter 9: A Night to Remember

The following weekend, Ethan planned a romantic getaway for himself and Olivia. They drove up to a cozy cabin in the mountains, surrounded by nature’s beauty. The crisp air and serene environment provided a much-needed escape from the complexities of their lives.As they sat by the fireplace, sipping wine, Olivia looked at Ethan, her eyes filled with love. “This is perfect. Thank you for bringing me here.”Ethan took her hand, his heart aching with the weight of his secrets. “I’m glad you’re happy. You deserve the world, Olivia.”They spent the night wrapped in each other’s arms, a mix of passion and tenderness. But as the morning light filtered through the windows, Ethan knew he couldn’t keep living this way. He needed to make a choice, and soon.

Chapter 10: Unraveling Threads

Back in the city, Sophia decided to surprise Ethan with a visit to his apartment. She missed him and wanted to show him how much he meant to her. As she approached his building, she saw him stepping out, hand-in-hand with another woman—Olivia.Sophia’s heart sank as she watched them, the reality of the situation crashing down on her. She felt a mixture of anger, betrayal, and heartbreak. Gathering her strength, she approached them, her voice trembling.“Ethan, who is she?”Ethan’s face paled as he turned to see Sophia standing there, her eyes filled with hurt. Olivia looked between them, confusion turning to realization.“Sophia, I can explain,” Ethan stammered, but the damage was done.Olivia stepped back, her expression one of shock and betrayal. “You lied to me, Ethan. All this time, you were seeing someone else?”Sophia’s eyes filled with tears. “How could you do this to us?”Ethan stood there, caught between the two women he loved, knowing he had lost them both in an instant. The tangled web of his deceit had finally unraveled, leaving only heartbreak in its wake.

Chapter 11: Shattered Trust

Ethan stood frozen, his mind racing for a way to mend the rift he had caused. Sophia and Olivia stared at him, their expressions a mix of anger and heartbreak. The silence was heavy, filled with unspoken accusations and shattered dreams."Sophia, Olivia," Ethan began, his voice strained. "I never wanted to hurt either of you. Please, let me explain."Olivia crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing. "Explain what, Ethan? That you played both of us for fools? That you thought you could get away with it?"Sophia's voice was cold, each word laced with pain. "You betrayed us, Ethan. There's nothing you can say that will make this right."Ethan felt the weight of his actions pressing down on him. He had never intended for it to come to this. He had genuinely cared for both women, but his deceit had only brought them pain."I made a mistake," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I got caught up in my feelings for both of you and didn't know how to stop. I know that doesn't excuse what I did, but I need you to understand how sorry I am."Olivia shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "Sorry? You think saying sorry is enough? You made me believe we had something special. But it was all a lie."Sophia took a deep breath, trying to hold back her own tears. "We trusted you, Ethan. We believed in you. And you shattered that trust."Ethan reached out, but both women stepped back, rejecting his touch. The reality of his actions hit him harder than ever. He had lost them, and there was nothing he could do to change that."I need time to think," Olivia said, her voice trembling. "I can't be around you right now."Sophia nodded in agreement. "I need space too, Ethan. I need to process all of this."Ethan watched as they turned and walked away, their footsteps echoing his sense of loss. He stood there, alone, the consequences of his choices crashing down around him.

Chapter 12: Picking Up the Pieces

Olivia spent the next few days in her studio, trying to lose herself in her art. But every stroke of the brush reminded her of Ethan and the betrayal she felt. She replayed their moments together in her mind, questioning everything.Her best friend, Emma, visited her one evening, bringing wine and a listening ear. "You need to talk about it, Liv. Keeping it all inside isn't helping."Olivia sighed, setting down her brush. "I thought he was different, Emma. I thought what we had was real."Emma hugged her tightly. "It was real for you, and that's what matters. He didn't deserve your love if he couldn't be honest."

Chapter 13: A Friend in Need

Sophia, on the other hand, threw herself into her work, using it as a distraction. But even in the busiest moments, thoughts of Ethan crept in. She felt a deep sense of loss, not just of the relationship, but of the future she had imagined with him.Her friend Mia insisted on a night out to help her take her mind off things. They went to a lively bar downtown, but even surrounded by people, Sophia felt a void."You're too good for him, Soph," Mia said, handing her a drink. "He didn't see what an amazing woman he had."Sophia forced a smile, appreciating Mia's support. "I just need time. I'll get through this, somehow."

Chapter 14: Ethan’s Reflection

Ethan wandered the city, aimlessly trying to escape the guilt and regret that consumed him. He found himself at the bar where he and Sophia had first met, memories flooding back.He sat at the bar, nursing a drink, lost in thought. A stranger next to him struck up a conversation, noticing his forlorn expression."Tough day?" the man asked."You have no idea," Ethan replied, his voice hollow. "I hurt the two people I care about the most."The man nodded, a sympathetic look on his face. "Sometimes we make mistakes that seem impossible to fix. But recognizing them is the first step."Ethan knew the stranger was right. He needed to make amends, not just with Sophia and Olivia, but with himself. He needed to figure out who he was and what he wanted.

Chapter 15: A Path Forward

Days turned into weeks, and slowly, both Sophia and Olivia began to heal. They focused on their passions and leaned on their friends for support.One evening, Sophia received a letter from Ethan. It was an apology, heartfelt and sincere. He acknowledged his mistakes and expressed his deep regret for the pain he had caused. He didn't ask for forgiveness, but for understanding.Sophia read the letter, tears in her eyes. She didn't know if she could ever trust Ethan again, but she appreciated his effort to make things right.Olivia also received a letter, filled with similar sentiments. She felt a flicker of hope that maybe, with time, they could all find closure.

Chapter 16: New Beginnings

Spring brought a sense of renewal. Sophia and Olivia met for coffee, their first meeting since the confrontation. They shared their stories, finding solace in each other's experiences."I never wanted to hurt you," Sophia said, her voice sincere. "We were both caught in his web."Olivia nodded. "I know. I'm just glad we can move forward, even if it's without him."As they talked, they realized that their connection was stronger than the pain they had endured. They decided to support each other, moving forward as friends.Ethan, on his own journey of self-discovery, focused on becoming a better person. He knew it would take time, but he was determined to make things right, even if it meant letting go of the past.And so, the three of them embarked on new paths, learning from their mistakes and finding strength in themselves. The tangled hearts began to heal, each beat a testament to the resilience of love and the power of forgiveness.

### Chapter 17: Unexpected Encounters

Sophia and Olivia’s renewed friendship brought a sense of stability to their lives. They often met for coffee or drinks, supporting each other as they navigated the complexities of moving on. Despite their resolve to leave the past behind, memories of Ethan lingered like a shadow.

One evening, Sophia attended a charity gala hosted by her company. The event was filled with influential people from various industries, and she mingled, making connections and enjoying the elegant atmosphere. As she sipped her champagne, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

Turning around, she was surprised to see Ethan standing there, looking as handsome as ever in a tailored suit. His presence stirred a mix of emotions within her.

"Sophia," he said softly, "I didn’t expect to see you here."

Sophia took a deep breath, maintaining her composure. "Ethan, what are you doing here?"

"I’m here for the charity auction," he replied, his voice tinged with nervousness. "I didn’t mean to intrude. I just wanted to say hello."

Sophia nodded, unsure of what to say. The memories of their time together flooded back, but she reminded herself of the pain he had caused.

"Well, hello," she said, her tone cool but polite. "I hope you’re doing well."

Ethan’s eyes held a hint of sadness. "I am, thank you. I’ve been working on myself, trying to become a better person."

Sophia appreciated his honesty but wasn’t ready to let her guard down. "That’s good to hear, Ethan. I hope you find what you’re looking for."

Before he could respond, she excused herself and walked away, her heart pounding. Seeing him again had stirred up emotions she thought she had buried. She needed to focus on the present and not let the past disrupt her progress.

### Chapter 18: A New Friend

Meanwhile, Olivia had thrown herself into her art, gaining recognition and admiration for her unique style. Her latest exhibition was a success, and she felt a renewed sense of purpose.

One afternoon, while working in her studio, she heard a knock on the door. Opening it, she found a tall, distinguished-looking man holding a bouquet of lilies.

"Olivia?" he asked with a warm smile. "I’m Daniel. I’ve been admiring your work for some time now. I hope I’m not intruding."

Olivia was taken aback by his presence but found his demeanor charming. "Not at all. Please, come in."

Daniel entered the studio, looking around at the various paintings. "Your work is truly remarkable. I’m a collector, and I would love to add one of your pieces to my collection."

Olivia felt a flutter of excitement. "Thank you, Daniel. I’d be honored."

They spent the afternoon discussing art, life, and their passions. Olivia felt an unexpected connection with Daniel, his genuine interest and appreciation for her work making her feel valued.

As they said their goodbyes, Daniel handed her his card. "I’d love to discuss more over dinner sometime. If you’re interested."

Olivia smiled, feeling a spark of hope. "I’d like that, Daniel. Thank you."

### Chapter 19: Crossroads

Ethan left the gala with a heavy heart, the brief encounter with Sophia reminding him of what he had lost. He had been working on himself, attending therapy and focusing on his career, but the emptiness remained.

He found solace in volunteering at a local community center, helping underprivileged kids. It was there he met Sarah, a kind-hearted woman who shared his passion for making a difference. They became friends, and Ethan appreciated her support and understanding.

One day, as they were organizing a fundraiser, Sarah looked at Ethan with concern. "You’ve been carrying a heavy burden, Ethan. I can see it in your eyes. Have you considered reaching out to the people you hurt?"

Ethan sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I’ve tried, but I don’t know if they’ll ever forgive me. I made such a mess of things."

Sarah placed a hand on his shoulder. "People can surprise you. If you’re sincere and patient, maybe they’ll see the changes you’ve made."

Ethan knew she was right. He needed to keep trying, not just for their forgiveness, but for his own peace of mind.

### Chapter 20: New Beginnings

Spring turned to summer, and with it came new opportunities for healing and growth. Sophia received a promotion at work, her dedication and hard work paying off. She celebrated with her friends, feeling proud of her achievements.

Olivia’s relationship with Daniel blossomed, their shared interests and mutual respect creating a strong foundation. She found herself smiling more, the pain of the past slowly fading.

Ethan continued his journey of self-improvement, finding joy in helping others and making a difference. His friendship with Sarah grew, and he found comfort in her presence.

One sunny afternoon, Sophia and Olivia met for lunch at their favorite café. They laughed and chatted, their bond stronger than ever.

"Sophia, you seem happier," Olivia remarked, noticing the glow on her friend’s face.

"I am," Sophia replied, her smile genuine. "I’ve learned to let go and focus on what truly matters."

Olivia nodded, feeling the same sense of peace. "Me too. I think we’ve both come a long way."

As they toasted to their new beginnings, they felt a sense of hope and excitement for the future. The past had shaped them, but it no longer defined them. They were ready to embrace whatever came next, knowing they had the strength to overcome anything.

### Chapter 21: A New Challenge

Sophia’s new promotion brought a slew of responsibilities and challenges. Her company was in the process of merging with another, and she was put in charge of ensuring a smooth transition. It was a demanding role, but she thrived under pressure. Her nights were often late, filled with meetings and strategy sessions. Despite the workload, she felt fulfilled.

One evening, as she was working late in the office, she received an unexpected visitor. Her colleague, Michael, walked in, carrying two cups of coffee.

“I thought you could use a pick-me-up,” he said with a smile, setting one cup on her desk.

Sophia looked up, surprised but grateful. “Thanks, Michael. I definitely need it.”

They chatted as they worked, finding a rhythm in their collaboration. Michael’s easygoing nature and sharp mind made the long hours more bearable. Over time, Sophia found herself looking forward to their late-night work sessions.

### Chapter 22: Rekindled Passions

Meanwhile, Olivia’s relationship with Daniel deepened. They spent weekends exploring art galleries, attending concerts, and enjoying quiet dinners. Daniel’s genuine admiration for Olivia’s work and his support in her endeavors made her feel cherished.

One evening, after an art exhibit, they strolled through a park, the city lights twinkling around them. Daniel took Olivia’s hand, pulling her close.

“Olivia, I’ve never met anyone like you,” he said, his voice filled with emotion. “You’ve brought so much light into my life.”

Olivia felt her heart swell. “I feel the same way, Daniel. You’ve helped me see the world in new ways.”

They kissed under the stars, their connection growing stronger with each passing day. Olivia felt a sense of peace and happiness she hadn’t known in a long time.

### Chapter 23: Ethan’s Redemption

Ethan’s dedication to his volunteer work continued to grow. He found purpose in helping others, and his bond with Sarah deepened. She became a confidante and a source of strength for him.

One day, as they were organizing supplies, Sarah turned to Ethan with a thoughtful expression. “Ethan, have you thought about reaching out to Sophia and Olivia again? Maybe they’re ready to hear you out.”

Ethan hesitated, the fear of rejection still fresh in his mind. “I’ve thought about it, but I don’t want to disrupt their lives. They deserve to be happy.”

Sarah smiled gently. “I understand, but sometimes people need closure to truly move on. And maybe you do too.”

Ethan knew she was right. He decided to take the risk and reach out to them, hoping for a chance to make amends.

### Chapter 24: Crossing Paths

A month later, Sophia attended a business conference in another city. To her surprise, she ran into Olivia in the hotel lobby. They hugged, delighted to see each other.

“What are you doing here?” Sophia asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

“I’m here for an art exhibit,” Olivia replied, smiling. “It’s a small world, isn’t it?”

They decided to catch up over dinner. As they chatted, Olivia shared her excitement about her relationship with Daniel, while Sophia talked about her growing connection with Michael.

“It sounds like we’re both in a good place,” Olivia said, raising her glass. “Here’s to new beginnings.”

As they toasted, a familiar figure approached their table. It was Ethan, looking nervous but determined.

“Sophia, Olivia,” he said softly. “Can I join you?”

### Chapter 25: Confrontation and Closure

The initial shock of seeing Ethan gave way to a tense silence. Sophia and Olivia exchanged glances, unsure of what to say.

Ethan took a deep breath, his eyes filled with sincerity. “I know I’m the last person you want to see, but I’ve been working on myself, and I wanted to apologize. Truly apologize.”

Sophia’s voice was calm but firm. “Ethan, we’ve both moved on. We’ve found happiness without you.”

Ethan nodded, his gaze earnest. “I understand, and I’m glad you both found happiness. I just needed to make things right, even if it’s just with an apology.”

Olivia’s eyes softened slightly. “We appreciate your apology, Ethan. But it’s going to take time for us to fully forgive.”

Ethan smiled, a weight lifting off his shoulders. “That’s all I can ask for. Thank you for hearing me out.”

As he walked away, Sophia and Olivia felt a sense of closure. The past no longer held them captive. They had moved on, stronger and wiser.

### Chapter 26: Embracing the Future

With the weight of the past lifted, Sophia and Olivia focused on their futures. Sophia’s relationship with Michael blossomed, their mutual respect and support creating a strong foundation. They spent weekends exploring new places and enjoying each other’s company, their bond growing deeper.

Olivia and Daniel continued to build their life together, their shared love for art and adventure bringing them closer. Olivia’s art flourished, and she felt a renewed sense of purpose and creativity.

Ethan, too, found peace. His volunteer work expanded, and he started a mentorship program for at-risk youth. His friendship with Sarah deepened into something more, and he found happiness in a relationship built on honesty and mutual respect.

### Chapter 27: Full Circle

Years later, Sophia, Olivia, and Ethan crossed paths again at a charity event. This time, there was no tension, only warm smiles and genuine happiness for each other’s successes.

Sophia and Michael stood hand-in-hand, their love evident in their every glance. Olivia and Daniel were radiant, their bond stronger than ever. Ethan and Sarah exuded contentment, their journey bringing them to a place of peace.

As they caught up, they realized how far they had come. The pain of the past had transformed them, leading them to new beginnings and deeper connections.

### Chapter 28: A Bright Tomorrow

As the event came to a close, they toasted to the future. Each of them had faced their challenges and emerged stronger. They had learned the power of forgiveness, the importance of honesty, and the beauty of love in all its forms.

Their journeys were far from over, but they faced the future with hope and resilience. Together, they had navigated the tangled paths of their hearts, and in the process, found themselves.

And so, they embraced the promise of tomorrow, knowing that whatever came their way, they would face it with courage and grace.


The next part of the novel will delve deeper into their individual journeys, exploring new challenges and triumphs as they continue to grow and evolve. This will set the stage for more emotional depth and thrilling twists.