Fake Promises in English Love Stories by Zach unknown books and stories PDF | Fake Promises

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Fake Promises

It was a sunny day and James was exhausted from his college assignments, he was late as usual skipped his breakfast and reached the bus stand at the perfect time. while waiting he suddenly saw an accident, his heart was filled with excitement and sorrow, he ran towards the spot and found a girl was seriously injured while waiting for an ambulance he took a nearby cab and took her to the hospital where he came to knew that girl was pregnant and he saved her life on time and the doctors praised him as he saved the baby too, the girl was suffering with low blood pressure and because of that, she fainted on the roadside. James was already late for his college and he left the spot immediately without even saying goodbye to that girl, when the girl woke up she was excited to see the person who helped her but unfortunately she couldn't as James left and kept a note saying take care of your baby, the good thing is James also paid her bills. while James on his way to class he was thinking about that girl's age as he had a girlfriend who looked similar to her and James was sure that they belongs to same age group, after some minutes he reached his class and got scholded by his professor and he gave his tuition money to pay her bills so he was sent to his house right after entering the class, while going he was thinking how could she get pregnant at this age and why not her boyfriend or husband being with her, his inner self kept saying him to find her and hear her side of the story, James was confused and didn't know how he was feeling and kept walking suddenly he saw the same girl going in a bus he rushed and kept following the bus but he couldn't make it the next day he came to the exact spot and took the bus and saw her sitting near a window side he approached her and she denied her neighbour seat, James bended his neck and said are you fine now am the person who took you to the hospital,the girl was in shock and didn't believe him and started to cry James was confused and sat near her and said don't cry am here for you I am just curious about your story and would love to help you in anyway, the girl tool his hand, folded his sleaves and showed his birthmark James was in shock as nobody expect his parents knows about his mark, he looked into her eyes and asked who are you? She replied I was your girlfriend's best friend, 17 August you were so drunk and you cheated on her and misbehaved with me I tried to leave you I shouted but you controlled me over and mistreated me and after everything you said to me don't ever say this to anyone as your gf at that time tried for suicide, your gf was my best friend from the childhood and knowing this thing she would kill herself you didn't know I was her friend rather you asked me to keep this as a secret. I ran out of the room and left the party, cried all night and was confused about what to do as you personally assaulted me and blackmailed me by talking about my friend's mental health, as a friend I kept this a secret and cried all night as I have lost my virginity to someone with whom I never had any interaction or conversation before, you assaulted me and ruined my life, after some months I started to see changes in my body then I suddenly approached to my mom and said about my conditions she said I am pregnant and right at the point my heart got shattered I felt like a dead person my mom started to shout at me and asked about the person who caused this and I know if I say who was the person right after my best friend would kill herself, I cried all night and thought about abortion but killing an unborn is a sin I know after doing sin I can't live peacefully I left my home and stayed at my friend's hostel soon after I got a part-time job.knowing am pregnant my best friend gave up on me alone and said I am a whore, I didn't want to break her heart as she is my everything from childhood then months passed I saw her with another guy close then I saw you watching over her I moved toward you and wanted to say something but you gave me a 10 rupee note and left the place, that night I cried till death knowing you don't even recognize my face but handed over a baby and wrecked my life, during that party you said to me

If I ever get pregnant you would take care of me with an abortion or having the baby, you promised me and said to contact you if I ever get pregnant. when I came to know she broke up with you I was pleased knowing my child would have a father, I kept following you I saw you every day and wanted to converse with you day by day I started to have feelings for you on a right evening I saw you with another girl and once again my heart got shattered I felt unconscious while in the ambulance I saw your face but I couldn't able to open my eyes completely after some time when you left I saw you running out of the hospital I thought your memories came back about me and ran away after realising what you have done to me. after hearing this James started to cry and held her hands and kissed her so hard he was so heartbroken knowing he was an abuser, cheater and drunkard, he hated himself he kept crying and his memories started to come a little by little then James remembered one thing which his ex has told about her best friends condition and at that time James commented that the girl has to be a whore and asked his gf to cut connections from her, James hated himself he wanted to kill himself and on the other hand his victim is holding his hands he looked into her eyes and she said its fine things shouldn't have been like this but us being together right now makes me to be with you forever I love you so much even after you ruined my life you still had the tenderness in your heart and the drugs and alchohol made you behave like that, as a person you failed that night but deep down you are a great person, things come into your life and destroy you and the others who surround you that day you didn't ruin me on your self consciousness I hated you all my life but when you paid my bills and said to the nurse that you would come back again to see a stranger like me showed how good you are, I know we can't change the past but ; James held her mouth and said yes we can't change the past but we can make the future I have sinned myself it's my turn to make your life like a heaven, deep down James hated himself but knowing the girl besides him loves him more than herself made him to live for her and his baby, they both went home together and started to live together James did part time and runner his family, soon after this graduation he got a job and his baby boy came into the world, both James and the girl went to his parents and married officialy,they were angry at him first but knowing the girls courage his parents gave permission to them, soon after the girls parents felt sorry and started to take care of their grandson.. Now James and Olivia ( the girl's name ) has 2sons and 1 daughter, living in a house surrounded by her love and the promise he made to her was fulfilled,Conclusions: some things happen without our permission, life has to move on it on our hands to do the right thing even in the worst scenario, nature understands the true meaning of pain and suffering and turns them into happiness and love, James wasn't a bad person he was genuine but his bad habits induced him to behave like this what he has done is sin and he has to be punished,but after knowing his mistakes James realised what he has done and changed his self for his love Olivia, people meet at crazy times some might ruin you some might give you happiness but if you trust the person and don't give up on them the nature shows what true love is, fix things up speak things up don't hide your feelings and thoughts be open and be proud to say the truth like Olivia, care like Olivia, be loyal like Olivia, her incident showed her true personality towards her best friend, and to her abuser James later her husband. love is pure it does come suddenly without any hesitations, nature brings you love and you need to be kind for that and has to cross some hurdles before you get that happiness.