Dark Spirits in English Horror Stories by Prem Charthad books and stories PDF | Dark Spirits Part - 5

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Dark Spirits Part - 5

"The crystal is mine!" the voice booms. "You shall not have it!"

A figure steps out of the shadows, tall and imposing. Its eyes burn with an intense greed, and its presence seems to darken the air around it.

Creature: "Ah, Malakai. I should have known you'd show up eventually."

Malakai: "You know me, creature. I always get what I want. And I want the Heart of Wonder."

Virat: "We're not going to let you have it. We've come too far."

Malakai sneers. "You think you can stop me? I have powers beyond your wildest dreams."

The friends stand firm, ready to face whatever Malakai throws their way. But as they prepare for battle, they realize that their opponent may be more powerful than they anticipated...

Malakai raises his hand, and a bolt of dark energy shoots towards the friends. They dodge just in time, but the energy blast hits the walls of the maze, causing them to shake and tremble.

Rahul: "We need to get out of here, now!"

Saniya: "But how? The maze is collapsing!"

Navya: "Look! There's a door over there. Let's make a run for it!"

The friends sprint towards the door, but Malakai is hot on their heels. They can hear his labored breathing and the sound of his footsteps getting closer and closer.

Ajay: "We're not going to make it! He's going to catch us!"

Virat: "No way! We've come too far to give up now. Keep moving!"

Just as they reach the door, Malakai grabs Navya's arm, pulling her back. The friends turn to see Navya struggling to break free.

Saniya: "Let her go, Malakai! You're not taking her away from us!"

Malakai sneers. "You're no match for me. I'll take all of you down!"

The friends charge at Malakai, determined to save Navya and escape the maze. But as they fight, they realize that Malakai's powers are growing stronger by the minute...

Just as Malakai gains the upper hand, the creature intervenes, using its powers to drive Malakai back.

Creature: "You may have power, Malakai, but you will not harm my friends. They have proven themselves worthy of the Heart of Wonder."

Malakai snarls, but the creature's words seem to have an effect on him. He takes a step back, his eyes flashing with anger.

Malakai: "Fine. I'll let them go... for now. But this isn't over. I'll be back, and next time, you won't be so lucky."

With that, Malakai disappears into the shadows, leaving the friends to catch their breath.

Virat: "Thanks, creature. We owe you one."

Creature: "You are welcome, travelers. Now, let us proceed to the next trial. The Heart of Wonder awaits."

The friends nod, ready to face whatever comes next. They follow the creature through the maze, which begins to shift and change around them.

Saniya: "What's going on? The maze is transforming!"

Creature: "Yes. The maze is adapting to your progress. You are getting closer to the Heart of Wonder."

As they journey deeper into the maze, they come across a room filled with strange, glowing orbs.

Rahul: "What are these?"

Creature: "These are the Orbs of Truth. They will reveal secrets about yourselves and your journey so far."

The friends approach the orbs cautiously, unsure of what to expect...

As they touch the orbs, visions flood their minds. They see moments from their past, memories they thought were long forgotten. They see glimpses of their futures, possibilities that both excite and terrify them.

Virat: "Whoa, this is crazy! I'm seeing things I never knew about myself."

Saniya: "Me too! It's like the orb is showing me a whole new side of myself."

Rahul: "I'm seeing visions of our journey so far. It's like the orb is reminding us of how far we've come."

Navya: "And I'm seeing glimpses of the Heart of Wonder. It's beautiful, but also terrifying."

Ajay: "I'm seeing a warning. A warning about Malakai. He's not what he seems."

The visions fade, and the friends look at each other, awestruck.

Creature: "The Orbs of Truth have revealed much to you. Now, you must use this knowledge to face the final trial."

The friends nod, ready to face whatever lies ahead. They exit the room, and the maze shifts once more. They find themselves in a vast, open space, with a glowing pedestal in the center.

Creature: "The Heart of Wonder awaits. But to claim it, you must first face your greatest fears."

Suddenly, illusions appear before them, manifestations of their deepest fears.

Virat: "No, this can't be happening!"

Saniya: "We have to face them. We have to be brave."

The friends steel themselves and charge forward, ready to confront their fears and claim the Heart of Wonder...

What do you think happens next?