Dark Spirits in English Horror Stories by Prem Charthad books and stories PDF | Dark Spirits Part - 3

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Dark Spirits Part - 3

Virat: "Wow, look at that! An old queen's portrait. This house must have a rich history."

Ajay: "And check out the king's portrait next to hers. They're covered in dust, but they still look regal."

Saniya: "This is creepy. I don't like it. Let's leave."

Rahul: "Come on, Saniya, don't be such a wimp. We're just exploring an old house."

Navya: "Actually, I think Saniya has a point. This feels like we're intruding on something private."

Virat: "Guys, let's not fight. We're here to explore and learn. Let's respect the history of this house."

Ajay: "Agreed. Let's keep moving and see what other secrets this house holds."

(They continue exploring, their footsteps echoing through the empty halls)

King's Portrait: (suddenly, in a deep, eerie voice) "Welcome, intruders. You should not have come here."

Queen's Portrait: (in a haunting, whispery voice) "Yes, you have disturbed the peace of our kingdom. Now you will never leave."

(The friends freeze in terror, unsure of what to do next)

Virat: "Who said that?! Is someone playing a prank on us?"

Ajay: "Guys, this isn't funny anymore. Let's get out of here!"

Saniya: "I told you this was a bad idea! We need to leave now!"

Rahul: "Wait, let's think this through. It's probably just a recording or something."

Navya: "But what if it's not? What if this house is really haunted?"

King's Portrait: "You doubt our presence? We will show you our power!"

(The lights in the room begin to flicker, and the friends hear strange noises and creaks)

Queen's Portrait: "You have disturbed our slumber. Now you will face our wrath!"

(Suddenly, the doors slam shut, trapping the friends inside. They hear footsteps coming from the floor above)

Virat: "Okay, this isn't funny anymore. We need to get out of here, NOW!"

Ajay: "But how?! The doors are stuck!"

Saniya: "Oh no, what's going to happen to us?!"

Rahul: "Stay calm, we'll figure something out..."

Navya: "But what if we can't? What if we're trapped here forever?!"

(The friends' panic grows as the footsteps get closer and closer...)

Suddenly, the lights go out, and the friends are plunged into darkness. They hear the sound of footsteps right outside the room, and the door creaks open by itself.

Virat: "What's going on?! Who's there?!"

Ajay: "This isn't funny anymore. We need to get out of here, NOW!"

Saniya: "Oh no, oh no, oh no... This is it. We're going to die."

Rahul: "Stay calm, guys. We need to stick together and find a way out."

Navya: "But how?! We can't even see anything!"

(Just then, a faint light appears in the doorway. It's a candle, held by a figure in a long, hooded cloak)

Figure: "Welcome, friends. I see you're enjoying the hospitality of our humble abode."

Virat: "Who are you?! What do you want from us?"

Figure: "I am the caretaker of this house. And you, my friends, are the latest additions to our collection."

(The friends exchange terrified glances as the caretaker moves closer, the candle casting eerie shadows on the walls)

Caretaker: "You see, this house has a long history of...accidents. And we've found that the best way to keep the spirits calm is to provide them with fresh company."

Ajay: "What do you mean? What kind of company?"

Caretaker: "Why, you, of course! You'll be joining the others in our little...collection."

Rahul: "Others?! What others?! Where are they?!"

Caretaker: "Oh, they're around. You'll see them soon enough. But first, let me show you to your new home."

(The caretaker gestures to a door behind them, and the friends hesitate, unsure of what to do)

Virat: "We're not going anywhere with you! Let us out of here!"

Caretaker: "I'm afraid that's not possible. You see, the house has a way of...keeping people. And once you're in, there's no escape."

(The caretaker blows out the candle, plunging the room into darkness, and the friends hear the sound of footsteps echoing through the halls, getting closer and closer...)

Caretaker: "You see, this house has a long history of...accidents. And we've found that the best way to keep the spirits calm is to provide them with fresh company."

Ajay: "What do you mean? What kind of company?"

Caretaker: "Why, you, of course! You'll be joining the others in our little...collection."

Rahul: "Others?! What others?! Where are they?!"

Caretaker: "Oh, they're around. You'll see them soon enough. But first, let me show you to your new home."

(The caretaker gestures to a door behind them, and the friends hesitate, unsure of what to do)

Virat: "We're not going anywhere with you! Let us out of here!"

Caretaker: "I'm afraid that's not possible. You see, the house has a way of...keeping people. And once you're in, there's no escape."

(The caretaker blows out the candle, plunging the room into darkness, and the friends hear the sound of footsteps echoing through the halls, getting closer and closer...)

As the footsteps get closer, the friends huddle together in fear. Suddenly, the door slams open, and a group of ghostly figures surge into the room.

Virat: "Ahh! What's happening?!"

Ajay: "It's the others! The ones the caretaker was talking about!"

Saniya: "Oh no, we're trapped! They're going to take us!"

Rahul: "We have to get out of here! Now!"

Navya: "But how?! The doors are stuck, and these...things are everywhere!"

(The ghostly figures close in, their eyes glowing with a malevolent light. The friends back away, desperate to escape, but it seems like all hope is lost...)

Just then, a loud crash echoes through the hallway, followed by the sound of footsteps running away from the room.

Caretaker: "No! No! You can't escape! Come back here!"

(The friends take advantage of the distraction to make a run for the door. They burst out into the hallway, finding themselves in a long, dark corridor)

Virat: "Which way?! Which way do we go?!"

Ajay: "I don't know! Just keep moving!"

(They start running down the corridor, the ghostly figures and the caretaker hot on their heels. They can hear the sound of doors slamming shut behind them, trapping them in the maze-like hallway...)

As they run, the friends stumble upon a door that seems out of place among the others. It's slightly ajar, and they can see a sliver of light coming from the other side.

Rahul: "Guys, look! This way!"

They burst through the door and find themselves in a small, secret room. The walls are lined with old books and strange artifacts, and there's a large, ornate mirror on the wall.

Navya: "What is this place? It looks like some kind of study."

Virat: "And what's with the mirror? It looks really old."

Ajay: "Guys, I think we should keep moving. We can't stay here for long."

Saniya: "But where can we go? We're trapped in this house."

Rahul: "Wait, look at the mirror. It's doing something weird."

(The mirror starts to glow, and the friends can see a faint image appearing in the reflection. It's a door, and it looks like it's open, beckoning them to come through)