Chamatkari Man in English Philosophy by Captain Dharnidhar books and stories PDF | Chamatkari Man - 12

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Chamatkari Man - 12

The sun's light is falling on my body, my body is absorbing it, my body is filled with energy. Divine light is running in every part of my body. After doing sadhna in this way, people's diseases can be cured by the energy obtained from it. In the previous chapter, we understood the method of Pranakarshan. Now we will understand the method of using that energy. Those who believe in spirituality, that is, those who are religious sentiments. Those people can include the chanting of Surya Mantra in the above method, by doing this they will get success quickly. The reason for this is that by chanting mantras, the sentiments will become stronger.
The source of life energy is Sun. Therefore, we can chant Surya Mantra. Lord Ram is from Surya Vanshi, therefore his mantra can be chanted. Gayatri Mantra is also related to Sun, therefore this mantra can be chanted. Agni Mantra can be chanted. Mars is called Angarak, its mantra can be chanted. Mantras of Shiva, Hanuman, Bhairav, Govind, Ganpati, Durga are also said to increase life energy. Mantra of any one of these can also be chanted. Keep in mind that if you feel uncomfortable while chanting mantras, if you are unable to concentrate, then do not chant the mantra.
The method of curing a disease is described in Atharva Veda. Here we will follow the same method. By this method we can benefit the patient directly or indirectly. The above action can be done by making the patient sit or lie down comfortably. If it is a woman, then keep yourself on her left side. If you are treating a man, then keep yourself on his right side. The head of the patient should be towards the south. If you are treating him while he is sitting, then his back should be towards the south. This direction is because positive energy flows from the north. So it will be helpful in the treatment. Morning is the best time but treatment can be done anytime. But it should not be done at night. Even if it is done at night, fire or lamp, symbolizing the sun, should be kept burning.
Tell the patient to leave his body loose because by doing so the energy which is being spent in keeping the body organized will not be spent. Secondly, if there is any kind of strain in the nervous system, then it will not be able to absorb prana energy properly. Method of treatment - The practitioner should first fill himself with prana energy by Pranakarshan method. Then close your eyes and meditate on the light of the Sun. Take your and the patient's name and see yourself in that world of light. Feel that you are filled with light. The patient will start feeling peace just by seeing the light with you. Then while praying to God, move your hands from the patient's head to the feet 21 times without touching him. Do not touch the patient during this process; if there is any touch by mistake, then wash your hands.