A STEP TOWARDS SUCCESS in English Motivational Stories by Jiya Vora books and stories PDF | A STEP TOWARDS SUCCESS - 10

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A STEP TOWARDS SUCCESS-10 Hello Guys! Here I am back with a new interesting and important topic about success! Today we will discuss about one obstacle on our way of Success. That obstac;le cannot be defined in a single word but rather it can be felt. In Today's Time....We have heard about the word "One Sided love" Yes... It can be prove as an obstacle If you are falling for someone and expecting the same from other person but he/she does not like you....Trust me Guys, It will destroy your Mental Health. If You are not mature enough to Understand What is Commitment? What is Responsiblities about other person ? How to control anger in front of the person you are in relationship with!
Even When you don't sure about your love towards them! I will suggest stay away. First and foremost, make yourself capable enough to be a perfect partner.
Make yourself strong enough not only physically but also mentally, emotionally and financially. Make yourself as best as you want such a partner in future. Stay Focus on your career. If you are already in a relationship and you feel like relationship is not working as it should be or it is not going like what you are expecting! There is only one solution which can make your relationship work is "speak out" Clearly speak out what you are expecting from the other person. What ever You feel - your anger, your frustation , your complain ....just say it out.
so that other person can understand you and relationship can be better! Try your Best to continue your relationship but if it does not work out even after giving so many efforts....better would be that you both move on. keep aside your ego and try to solve every problem but if it is getting complex ....leave it. That is really require for your career. Growing together is really amazing and remarkable journey but if you are not able to grow yourselves then it is necessary to take a strong decision as soon as possibe.
Slowly you will realize that you are able to focus on your career. You are able to spend time with your ownself. You are feeling better and your mental is improving. In your 20s..Focus on your career. Focus on how to grow and acheive success. Be a better person which societies highly require. Be a better partner for future. Enjoy every sunrise and sunset. Let you soul feels smell of flower and voice of nature. Go to Gym and work hard. Make your parents proud. And If you really give a true love to your partner...Destiny will give you back even from other person which will be far better than that person.
So from Today, Give yourself enough time.. work hard. One sided love is also possible but when you don't expect anything from other person. High expectations has destroyed many realationship. So if you want a healthy relationship...Stay humble and simple with no more Expectation
So guys...This is enough for today...will see you guys in next episode with new and interesting topic.