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Chamatkari Man - 11

In the last chapter we read that the vital force of the body is lost due to living an unrestrained life, i.e. by living as a slave to the senses, the vital energy is depleted and man gets disease and sorrow in the world. Today we will discuss about one of the sadhnas that increase the vital energy.
Pranakarshan Sadhana --- Lie straight in a quiet room and close your eyes. Wear loose clothes and there should be no hindrance from the tightness of the clothes. Now try to make yourself thoughtless. Remove all the thoughts that keep coming. When everything becomes normal, fill your lungs with breath and hold it inside. This process has to be done till you feel suffocated while holding your breath. That is, hold your breath for as long as you can easily. After holding your breath, send the air filled in your lungs to your brain with your concentration, then to your hands, then to your heart, then to your stomach, and come up to your feet. In the beginning, you will not be able to send air to the entire body by holding your breath once. For this, you may have to inhale and exhale several times. You can practice this twice or thrice a day, but do not do it forcefully. If practiced forcefully, it may cause harm. In this, the organs to which the energy is sent. When you practice by inhaling again, then again meditate on the organs reached earlier and feel that these organs have become energetic. Do this and proceed further. After practicing for a few days, the part where you send air starts tingling. A flow of energy starts being felt. When you become capable of sending energy to the entire body by holding your breath once, then include a new exercise in it.
When the body is filled with energy, then let that energy flow from one part of your body to another. In this process, you have to do it without stopping your breath. The breathing process should continue normally. By doing this practice, you will get the practice of sending energy towards the desired part of the body. With regular practice, you will also develop the ability to do this process easily and quickly. The source of life energy is the sun and fire. This energy can also be obtained from them. Sit at a proper distance from the burning fire and imagine that the divine light of the fire is entering my body through my nostrils and is going to every part of my body. My hair follicles are also absorbing it. Due to this, my body and my mind are becoming pure and filled with new energy. Flames of that energy are coming out of my body. By doing this kind of imagination, after a few weeks of practice, energy starts coming out of the body. This process can also be done in the morning at sunrise. One has to practice sitting in front of a fire and when one wants to receive energy from the sun, one should sit or stand with one's back to the sun and have the same feeling.