The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 8 in English Horror Stories by Sanket Gawande books and stories PDF | The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 8

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The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 8

Chapter 14: The Journey to the Temple


The following afternoon, after everyone had finished lunch and completed their tasks, the children found themselves with some free time. They obtained permission from their mothers to visit the temple on the hill.


Anvi suggested they wait until evening, but Meera insisted that they were bored and wanted to go immediately.


Sayali added that the journey would take about an hour, so they would return after sunset.


Neelima(sayali Mother) reminded them to inform their fathers before they left, and Sayali nodded in agreement.


The group headed to the school to get permission from the Sarpanch and their fathers. Dr. Sanket was busy with patient checkups alongside Dr. Yash. The Sarpanch was seated with some villagers and Shyam. Sayali approached the Sarpanch to ask for permission.


 "It's quite sunny. Why don't you go tomorrow morning?" Sarpanchji suggested.


"It's fine Dad," Sayali replied. "We'll bring water bottles with us. We're all bored, so we decided to go today."


Shyam, listening in, found something unusual about their eagerness. "But why do you want to go today specifically?" he asked.


"Meera and the others want to see the sunset from the temple," Sayali explained.


The Sarpanch granted permission but insisted they also get approval from Meera's father, Dr. Sanket.

Sayali conveyed this to Meera, Supriya, and Jayesh, and they approached Dr. Sanket after he finished with his patients.


"Father, we're going to the temple with Sayali," Meera said.


Dr. Sanket nodded. "Okay but come back before it gets dark."


Jayesh added, "We're going for the sunset uncle. We'll be back before dinner."


Dr. Sanket agreed but cautioned, "Be careful on the road and tell the driver to take you there."


The group piled into the van, with Sayali taking the front seat since she knew the way.

The road to the temple was in the opposite direction of the jungle road, and the route had solar lights, making it safer. Although the road was muddy, it was well-maintained by the villagers.

As the van ascended the zigzag path up the mountain, the children marvelled at the view of Kalasgiri. The village, with its old constructions and surrounding farms, looked picturesque from above. The haunted house at the village entrance stood out, eerie even from a distance.


After an hour's drive, they reached the top of the hill.

The flat summit provided ample space, with the temple made of black stone and surrounded by flowering plants. The temple was built hundreds of years ago by the villagers and was dedicated to Lord Narasimha Swami. There was also a small house nearby, adorned with wooden fences and more plants.


The children walked towards the temple, their driver opting to rest in the van. The temple's entrance was grand, with circular pillars and a teakwood door. Inside, the temple complex included shrines for Lord Hanuman, Lord Ram, Goddess Sita, Lord Lakshman, and Lord Shiva. A large Tulsi plant and a neem tree with a platform for sitting were also present. The central shrine housed the powerful idol of Lord Narasimha, made of black stone, exuding a sense of strength and protection.


The children rang the temple big-bell, filling the air with a resonant "tang-tang" sound, and bowed their heads in reverence. As they moved closer to the idol, they felt a wave of positive, powerful energy and strength.


Supriya remarked on the temple's mesmerizing positivity and the beauty of surrounding and architecture.


Everyone are busy and stuck in seeing the beauty of Lord Narshima and the sanctum then everyone shocked.

Suddenly from back, a voice echoed from outside the sanctum, "May Lord Narasimha give you strength and courage to fight evil and always protect you."


to be continued in next chapter ...........................