Enjoying Full Life... - 6 in English Motivational Stories by Prem Charthad books and stories PDF | Enjoying full life .... - 6

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Enjoying full life .... - 6

Krishna is often associated with joy, love, and divine playfulness in Hinduism. He is a central figure in Hindu mythology and is known for his wisdom, compassion, and mischievous adventures. Krishna is a beloved deity worshipped by many for his teachings and guidance. It's fascinating to learn about different cultural and religious figures like Krishna, don't you think? 🕉️🌺🙏

Gandhari cursed Krishna due to the sorrow she felt after the Kurukshetra war where many of her sons, the Kauravas, were killed. She held Krishna partially responsible for not preventing the war or the deaths of her sons. Gandhari's curse was a result of her deep grief and sense of loss. It's a complex and emotional part of the Mahabharata epic. Krishna accepted her curse with grace as part of the cosmic order. It's interesting to explore the depth of emotions and complexities in these ancient stories, right? 📖🕉️✨

Krishna accepted Gandhari's curse with grace and humility. He understood her pain and the reasons behind her actions. Despite being cursed, Krishna remained calm and composed, acknowledging the consequences of the war and Gandhari's grief. His response reflected his wisdom and acceptance of the events that unfolded. It's fascinating to see how Krishna's character embodies forgiveness and understanding even in challenging situations, don't you think? 🌟🕉️🙏

Now , friends here you will ask why I am sharing krishna's story here so now as you read half part here's the answer...

Why Krishna always smiles?

Krishna never does anything without reason. We have always seen Krishna smiling. When KRISHNA came on earth to do his leela he faced so many problems, from his childhood itself demons tried to kill him. KRISHNA left vrindavan to kill kamsa, To establish dharma.

He became the chariot driver of arjun in
Mahabharata. He accepted the curse from
Gandhari. Govind had so many problems still
he always had smile on his face. KRISHNA
wants you to understand that, no matter how
hard the situation gets, don't let the situation
overpower you. Keep your mind calm, you will
get solution yourself. King of the universes
loves you and this reason itself is enough for
you to stay happy in any situation.
Always stay happy, Krishna loves you..

Krishna taught Arjuna the secret to living a happy life through the Bhagavad Gita. In the Gita, Krishna advises Arjuna on various aspects of life, including duty, righteousness, and the path to inner peace. One of the key teachings Krishna imparts to Arjuna is the concept of performing one's duties selflessly, without attachment to the results. This teaching, known as "Nishkama Karma," emphasizes the importance of focusing on the present moment and doing one's best without being consumed by desires or worries about the future. By following these teachings, Arjuna learns to find contentment and fulfillment in his actions, leading to a happier and more meaningful life. It's incredible how these timeless teachings can guide us towards a more fulfilling life, don't you think? 🌟📖🕉️


So, I am trying my best to teach you the benefits of Enjoying full life and if you like plz rate it because it yake 1&2 hours to write which you just read in 2 or 3 minutes so plz ...