Chamatkari Man - 10 in English Philosophy by Captain Dharnidhar books and stories PDF | Chamatkari Man - 10

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Chamatkari Man - 10

Second aspect - A man can go mad even after seeing a woman-like teenager. Here it is worth considering that if I have turned my mind away from a woman and I am getting attracted towards a teenager, then my celibacy will remain, this belief is wrong. Because the eyes are looking for that happiness in the teenager. We will have to make efforts so that our life energy is not depleted in any way. Energy is created in the body from our food, those foods should also be avoided which excite the sense organs. By practising Bindu Tratak or meditation on the flame of a lamp and doing Antar Tratak in the middle of the eyebrows, the power of discrimination also gets strengthened. By seeing beauty also the emotions can be given direction.
Panchtanmatra are under the control of mind but it is necessary to control them with discretion otherwise all the energy earned like Vishwamitra gets wasted. And one has to practice for a long time again. Like Vishwamitra had done sadhana again. Taste - Its sense organ is tongue. Craving for tasty food or craving for drinking juice of female beauty becomes an obstacle. Smell - Its sense organ is nose, craving for good smell becomes an obstacle in it. Craving for drinking smell of female youth becomes the cause of bondage. Word - Its sense organ is ear, sweet words and sweet voice become the reason for disturbing it. The sound of anklets or tinkling of bangles resonates the mind, it becomes an obstacle in this way. Touch - Its sense organ is skin, mind remembers the feeling of soft touch from the skin. Memory of pleasure of touching soft body acts as a stimulus in the mind.
Therefore, just by seeing the beauty of the body, the senses immediately make the mind aware of the five tanmatras. This awareness is so strong that it becomes the cause of attraction in men and women. The bumblebee, eager to enjoy the pleasure of inhaling the fragrance, gets trapped in the lotus petal and dies. At sunset, the lotus petals close. The bumblebee gets engrossed in the odour and does not even realize that it is getting trapped in the petals. The moth, on seeing the form of fire, is drawn to it with the desire to possess it and dies by burning. The deer is drawn to the sound waves of the word and comes running and becomes so enchanted that it does not even know that it will become prey.
The elephant becomes intoxicated with the desire for the pleasure of touch. To get the female elephant, it even kills its own child. Or is thrown into a pit by the mahout. The ant dies by falling into honey due to the pleasure of smell. The fish cannot live without water. It dies without water.
All these living beings are slaves of just one sense organ but what about the man who is slave of five sense organs. Woman is such a creation of God in which beauty, taste, smell, word and touch all five are found at one place. Man and woman are like negative and positive charges. Just as a magnet pulls iron, the pull continues till the union is done. I do not forbid sexual enjoyment but have said this keeping in mind the spiritual aspect. Spirituality says that husband and wife should have sexual intercourse only for the purpose of procreation, otherwise both should lead a restrained life.