You are my diamond... - 3 in English Fiction Stories by Prem Charthad books and stories PDF | You Are My Diamond... - 3

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You Are My Diamond... - 3

He came and sat beside Rosy. Hii everyone, sorry I didn't disturb you, if I sit, it won't be okay for you. So he said, inside, everyone's mood was a bit bad, but everyone was pretending to be very happy. Rosy , however, thought it was a bit funny, why are you afraid of,this man, this man looks cool. And looking at everyone calmly, Alex said, "Hey, how is the work going?" He asked each one and then Rosy said New joini?? And immediately turning to Reva, she started talking about the project. Rosy, however, wanted to say yes but did not give a chance. She was very angry. He finished his meal and left immediately, shouting to the boy to come to my cabin in 10 minutes. Reva's face fell immediately. Oh what man is this......???? And everyone got up after eating.

Then only Purva, Reva and Rosy remained there. Purva said, Reva, how heavy is your team leader, what does he look like, are you lucky or not us. Reva stopped her in the middle and said oh madam please it is not what it looks like it is a stone. So she left and on her way said to Rosy all the best Rosy hope you don't join our team.

Now seeing all this, Rosy got tensed. Rosy came back to her seat after having lunch and she was really tensed. She was doing many things like chatting on her phone, scrolling on insta to get rid of the tension. Finally she realized that there is no use in passing time like this. Then Ashish came there and talked to him. Rosy felt a little relaxed. And once the first day is over. Rosy left, talking with the family for a whileWatching TV refreshed her mood and relieved all her tension.

Today, Rosy went to the office a little

It's too late. She is punctual though

Today seems to be exactly what happened. She left just in time

But today the car gave trouble. she

Reached office to office. her her

I went to report to the boss. her boss

He said good morning Rosy, from today you start the work

it is your team to report to Alex

Leader, all the best. Rosy said ok sir.

So Rosy, go quickly and meet Alex

Talk to him, he will be waiting

yours Rosy has no chance to say anything

received She went near Alex's cabin. May

I'm coming sir, he called her inside

Rosy did not know that why he looked very angry?

he is almost on top of anger on Rosy

What time is it in watch? Is it time?

Rosy looked at the clock to come to office she was only 10 minutes late today and 5 min. Her boss had taken it. Sir actully I left on time but I was closed so my time went there says Rosy . Alex yelled at her, look, Rosy , I don't like people who don't value time. And instead of accepting your mistake, you are giving me unnecessary reasons, his voice was very loud. Rosy didn't know what was going on, sir, I'm telling the truth, my scooter got puncture . Rosy please get out of here you will give some more reason, and I will tell you some more, then you will cry etc. I don't want any drama so please leave. Rosy burst into tears but she decided not to cry at all. Who is this that makes me cry but still without her tear she came out of the his cabin

This did not go unnoticed by Alex. Oh man what I have done .why I can't control my anger. In the morning the man's anger and I take his anger on a new joining , Alex felt very bad but she was also giving me a useless excuse. I don't care why I think bad for her. Agreed, I overreacted a bit but it is her fault too.