GAME MAKER - 2 in English Love Stories by Tapan Oza books and stories PDF | GAME MAKER - 2

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(To better synchronize with this story’s flow, I recommend read previous first part of the story)

In the midst of the bustling routine of office life, Rajat found solace in the simple yet precious moments he shared with the mysterious girl in the elevator. Like clockwork, their paths crossed each day, their routines intertwined in a delicate dance of synchronicity.

Rajat had become attuned to her in-out routine, adjusting his own schedule accordingly to ensure their paths intersected within the confines of the elevator. For just a few fleeting minutes each day, amidst the throng of people and the hum of conversation, Rajat found himself enveloped in a bubble of tranquility, his heart aflutter with the presence of the girl beside him.

Yet, for all the joy these moments brought him, Rajat remained shackled by his own insecurities. His shy nature rendered him hesitant to break the silence that hung between them, his words trapped behind a barrier of uncertainty and doubt.

And so, as they stood side by side in the elevator, surrounded by the ebb and flow of office life, Rajat remained silent, his gaze fixed upon the blinking numbers above the door. Though his heart yearned to reach out to her, to bridge the gap that separated them, fear held him back, its grip tightening with each passing day.

But despite the silence that enveloped them, Rajat cherished these moments with all his heart, each shared elevator ride a precious gift in the tapestry of his otherwise mundane existence. And as the doors slid open once more, releasing them back into the whirlwind of office life, Rajat couldn't help but hope that one day, he would find the courage to break free from the chains of his own making and seize the opportunity that lay before him.

As the clock struck 7:30 p.m., the familiar routine of waiting outside the elevator on the 29th floor took an unexpected turn for Rajat. His heart skipped a beat as the doors slid open to reveal the object of his affection stepping into the confines of the elevator.

In a rare twist of fate, they found themselves alone in the confined space, the usual throng of office-goers absent. And then, with a sudden jolt, the elevator shuddered to a halt, the lights flickering out in an instant. Panic seized hold of the girl beside him, her cries for help echoing in the darkness.

But Rajat, his own heart racing with adrenaline, refused to succumb to fear. With a calm reassurance born of determination, he reached out to her, his voice a steady anchor in the chaos. "Don't worry," he said, his words a beacon of hope in the darkness. "Stay calm. I am calling for help. Don't be afraid."

With steady hands, Rajat dialed the emergency number etched into the walls of the elevator, his voice unwavering as he relayed their predicament to the authorities. And then, as if in response to his plea, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the silence, heralding the arrival of the building technicians.

With practiced ease, they worked to restore power to the elevator, their efforts rewarded by the gentle hum of machinery as the lights flickered back to life. As the doors slid open once more, Rajat and the girl stepped out into the safety of the ground floor, their hearts still racing with the adrenaline of their shared ordeal.

And then, amidst the chaos of their unexpected adventure, the girl turned to him with a grateful smile, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Hi," she said softly. "I'm Tanya. Thank you for saving my life and for making me feel safe."

In that moment, Rajat felt as though his dreams had come true. With a smile of his own, he replied, "You're most welcome, Tanya. I'm Rajat." And as they parted ways, their hearts filled with the promise of new beginnings, Rajat couldn't help but feel that fate had intervened in the most unexpected of ways, bringing them together in the darkness and guiding them towards the light of a shared future.

As the clock struck 9:45 a.m., Rajat and Tanya found themselves standing side by side once again, their presence a comforting presence amidst the familiar hustle and bustle of the ground floor elevator. Today felt different, a sense of warmth and familiarity enveloping them as they stepped into the confined space along with the other passengers.

With a knowing smile exchanged between them, Rajat felt a newfound confidence surging within him. "Hi," he greeted Tanya, his voice laced with a genuine warmth. "Good Morning."

Tanya's response was like music to his ears, her smile reflecting the shared connection between them. "Hi Rajat," she replied, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Very Good Morning."

Emboldened by her friendly demeanor, Rajat couldn't help but inquire about her well-being. "Hey Tanya, are you okay now?" he asked, his concern genuine. "In the elevator? Or still feeling afraid?"

Tanya's response was reassuring, a testament to the strength she had found within herself. "I'm okay," she assured him, her voice steady. "I feel good now. Thanks for asking."

And so, amidst the gentle hum of the elevator and the chatter of their fellow passengers, Rajat and Tanya engaged in conversation, their words flowing effortlessly between them.

And as the elevator reached its destination, signaling the end of their journey together, Rajat couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the next time they would meet. "See you soon, Tanya," he said with a smile. "Take care."

With a nod and a smile of her own, Tanya bid him farewell, her eyes alight with the promise of future encounters. "Bbye, Rajat," she replied, her voice filled with warmth. And as the doors slid shut behind them, Rajat couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the possibilities that lay ahead, his heart brimming with hope for the future.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Rajat found himself swept up in the whirlwind of newfound friendship with Tanya. Their daily routine became a highlight of his day, each morning at 9:45 a.m. marking the beginning of a journey filled with laughter, conversation, and shared moments.


With Tanya by his side, Rajat discovered a renewed sense of energy and purpose in his work. Tasks that once felt burdensome now seemed like opportunities for growth and exploration, his creativity sparked by the joy of companionship. The weight of his previous decision to resign lifted from his shoulders, replaced by a sense of fulfillment that he had never known before.


As their friendship blossomed, Rajat found himself drawn to Tanya in ways he had never imagined. Her laughter was like music to his ears, her smile a beacon of light in the darkness. And yet, amidst the warmth of their shared moments, a nagging fear lingered in the depths of his heart.


He longed to express the depth of his feelings for Tanya, to lay bare his soul and reveal the love that had taken root within him. But fear held him back, its tendrils wrapping around his heart like chains, binding him in silence.

And so, Rajat kept his feelings hidden, his love for Tanya a secret he carried with him like a precious treasure. He feared rejection, feared the thought of jeopardizing their friendship with the weight of his unspoken emotions.

(This is a work/writing of fiction, names, characters, business, places, events, locals, locations, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead or actual events is purely coincidental. The views expressed within this story do not necessarily reflect the views of the writer/author.)