My Husband Is The Heir To A Wealthy Family - 14 in English Motivational Stories by jiaqing yang books and stories PDF | My Husband Is The Heir To A Wealthy Family - 14

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My Husband Is The Heir To A Wealthy Family - 14

Chapter 313: Seeing a woman next to Uncle Qi
Light sat next to Mordi, suddenly a little shy.
"Light, eat more." Mordi gave light a dish, her left hand, holding light's hand.
Light looked at his hand was held by sister, eyes suddenly a red. He called out again: "Sister."
Mordi replied, "HMM. Shine, no matter what happens, your sister will always be your sister, and we will always be the closest people in the world."
Smell the sound, light nose a sour, tears are down, he quickly with the other hand wiped his eyes.
Qing Yi eyes also a little red.
She began to be friends with silly Roe Deer in high school, and witnessed the hardships of the silly Roe Deer family along the way. She knows that although Xiao Guang and Shen uncle have limited abilities, they love silly roe Deer with their lives.
Mussen also served Light food, he said: "Light, you are my sister's brother, and also my brother. I will protect you from now on!"
"Thank you, Brother Seng." The light thanked him immediately.
Lu Chen has eaten several pieces of meat, he smiled: "Eat ah, delicious."
Mussen smiled and gave Xiao Guang another dish: "Eat quickly."
"HMM." The light answered.
He also served Mordi food: "Sister, eat food."
Qing Yi looked at light and silly roe deer, she envy hook lip Angle.
When the Zhongding cup is over, she also goes home and gets together with her relatives.
After more than half an hour, we finished eating hot pot and sat chatting.
Mussen went to buy the list, was ready to sit down and talk again, suddenly saw a familiar figure.
He immediately shouted, "Uncle Qi?"
The figure did not look back, but went faster.
Mussen saw that there was a woman beside Uncle Qi, about forty years old, and her side face was somewhat similar to that of her sister.
Mussen immediately ran after him.
Huo Mingze several people saw Mussen chasing people, also got up to go out.
Mussen chased him out and saw Uncle Qi get into a taxi with the woman.
"Uncle Qi?" Mussen shouted again.
The man still did not look back.
"A mistake? Mussen murmured.
Is there anyone who looks like that?
He gave Uncle Qi a call at once.
The phone rang several times before it was picked up, and the voice from that end came from Qi Huai frame: "Son?"
"Uncle Qi, where are you?" Mussen asked.
"I'm on my way back to Guangcheng, what's wrong?" Qi Huai frame said.
"Are you going back to Guangcheng? I just saw someone who looked like you in Hotpot City, and I thought it was you." "Mussen said.
Qi Huai frame smiled: "Yes, it has been a few days, there are many things in the city, I should come to Haicheng again next month."
The next month, Yunxiao's condition was completely stabilized. He wants Yunxiao to meet Asen and Xiao Di.
"Well, Uncle Qi, have a good trip and we'll see you next month." "Mussen said.
'Yes. Take care of your sister, Arsen." Qi Huai frame account.
"I will."
"Wang Lili is not a good person. Be careful."
"Good," said Hermione.
"Call me if you have anything." Qi Huai frame said.
"HMM." Mussen answered.
Qi Huai frame hung up the phone.
Yunxiao side head asked Qi Huai frame: "Why do you lie?"
Qi Huai Frame smiled: "This is a white lie, we are indeed going back to Guangcheng, next month to come back."
"I still want to watch the Zhongding Cup." Yun Xiao said.
Qi Huai frame nodded: "We watch live. It'll be in the top 100 next month, and it'll be live. There are several internationally renowned jewellery tutors who will come in and be judges, including Mrs Pedder."
Mention the name of Mrs. Peder, Qi Huai frame some emotion.
At that time, Mrs. Peder was called Suna, with a mixed-race face, and many boys chased her. Suna temperament is good, like a social butterfly, interpersonal relations are particularly good, she and Yunxiao are very good friends.
However, her attainments in jewelry design are not as good as Yun Xiao.
Now, Suna is Mrs. Peder, famous and rich. Because Yunxiao married the wrong person, more than 20 years have been suffering from illness.
"Is Mrs. Pedder famous?" The cloud Xiao asked.
"Yes, very famous. Her name used to be Suna." Qi Huai frame said.
"It's a nice name, but Mrs. Pedder has more flavor." Yun Xiao said.
Qi Huai frame reached out and held Yunxiao's hand: "Mrs. Qi is also very nice."
Yun Xiao chuckled: "Yes, Mrs. Qi is also very nice." By the way, does Mrs. Pedder have any children?"
"Yes, I heard there were five." Qi Huai frame said.
Yunxiao looked envious: "How nice! I wish we had kids, too. We can't give birth at our age, can we?"
Qi Huai frame Yun Xiao's hand pulled over, two hands holding, he said: "Otherwise, we recognize a dry daughter and dry son?"
"That's all right!" Yun Xiao said.
Qi Huai frame patted Yunxiao's hand and said: "I have a dry son, after some time to bring it to you."
Yunxiao surprised to look at Qihuai frame, micro frown: "A frame, how do I feel like you have something to hide from me? I can't have children, right?"
"I'm the one who can't have children." Qi Huai frame said helplessly.
"Really?" Yunxiao is a little incredulous.
Just she heard Huai frame has a dry son, there is an idea in my mind, will she not be born, he is looking for a son of life outside?
"Really." Qi Huai frame looked at Yunxiao.
He reached out his hand and touched her face. "Don't think about it," he said. "I wouldn't have any other woman but you.
"HMM." Yun Xiao answered softly.
Then he said expectantly, "When can I see you... Our godson?"
"Would you like to see me?" Qi Huai frame asked.
"Yes." Yunxiao nodded.
"I'll ask him to come and see you when we come again next month." Qi Huai frame said.
This time back to Guangcheng, Yunxiao needs to do a comprehensive examination, and then rest for a period of time.
"Good," said Hermione. The clouds answered.
Looking forward to coming soon next month, you can meet the dry son of A frame.
After leaving the police station, Zeng Huizhen went straight to Pingkang private Hospital and went straight to Gu Tianxi's ward.
Gu Tianxi has been discharged from hospital.
Zeng Huizhen called Gu Tianxi.
Mr. Gu's phone was disconnected.
Zeng Huizhen heart a delay, she wholeheartedly love the son, and shield her.
She immediately called Gu Tianxi's assistant: "Tianxi back to the company?"
The assistant replied, "Madam, the president has not returned to the office."
"Which hospital is he in?" Zeng Huizhen asked again.
The assistant said, "The president is not in the hospital."
Zeng Huizhen asked irritably: "Then where is he?"
The assistant replied, "Ma 'am, I don't know. The president asked me to sell several projects and give him cash."
"Which items?" Zeng Huizhen heard Gu Tianxi to sell the project, a belly of anger.
Last time, the Cullinan donated a lot of money to the Gu family, half of the profits!
The Cullinan has worked hard to build these mountains.
The business world is changing rapidly, cash flow is always king, and giving away cash is undoubtedly digging your own grave. No cash means that good projects cannot be obtained, and in case of business risks, there is no ability to resist risks.
Now the Cullinan let the sale of the project, and precisely is the best project of Gu's group.
Zeng Huizhen was furious and asked sharply, "Where are you now? Can you contact the Seal?"

Chapter 314: Gu Tianxi gives up Everything
The assistant said helplessly, "Madam, I am in the office."
Baaaah --
Zeng Huizhen immediately hung up the phone and hurried from the hospital to Gu's Haicheng branch.
After arriving at the company, Zeng Huizhen told Gu Tianxi's assistant: "You contact the Cullinan."
Assistant had to call Gu Tianxi in front of Zeng Huizhen.
Gu Tianxi's tired voice came, "What is it?"
"Cullinan, I am mother!" As soon as Zeng heard Gu's voice, tears began to fall.
The assistant sighed.
Madame pushed the president too hard, although she also loved the children, but this feeling is really suffocating.
Baaaah --
The other one just hung up.
There was a beep sound on the phone.
Zeng Huizhen tears fall on the assistant's phone screen.
"Who am I doing this for?" she cried.
The assistant helplessly advised: "Madam, you don't force the president too hard, after some time he will want to open his own."
Zeng Huizhen is no place to vent, the assistant said, she is a scold: "force him? Who's pushing who? Huh? Gu's so big family business, I give him all, I am not good enough for him? He liked Shen Modi, I went to be the villain to let them together, I even humbly begged Shen Modi..."
Zeng Huizhen angrily patted her own face: "I don't want to face?" Huh? For him, I put down this old face ah, I go out ah, the result of him? He hates me. Anyone in this world has the right to hate me, what right does he have?"
Zeng Huizhen said more sad, crying a snot a tear.
The assistant felt suffocated, and had to patiently hand over tissues while advising: "Madam, you don't feel too sad, the president will understand your pains."
Zeng Huizhen beat his heart: "He has no heart ah, his heart is all by Shen Modi that bitch hook..." Even if he has any feelings for me, he will not fail to see my efforts..."
Assistant thought: You that is also called pay? Don't be gross.
He did not dare to say, nor is it good to persuade what, only stood aside awkwardly, from time to time to hand over a tissue, watching Zeng Huizhen while crying, while blaming Gu Tianxi has no conscience, and blaming Gu Tianjue heartless, leaving her to say suicide...
Just then, the assistant's cell phone rang again.
Zeng Huizhen immediately jumped up, eyes full of hope: "Answer the phone, answer the phone, hands-free!"
The assistant checks the caller ID, and the CEO calls.
He picked up the phone and pressed the speaker at Zeng's request.
Gu Tianxi's voice faintly came: "Have the money for those projects been in place?" Call me!"
Zeng Huizhen's voice suddenly sounded sharply: "I will not agree to sell those several projects." Gu Tianxi, what the hell are you doing? Huh? Did you have to destroy Gu's family yourself? It was the work of our whole family..."
Gu Tianxi that end was silent, this time did not hang up the phone.
Zeng Huizhen growled into the phone: "You talk, talk!"
For a while, just when Zeng Huizhen thought Gu Tianxi would hang up the phone, Gu Tianxi spoke, and his voice was indifferent: "If you like it, you can manage it well." Zeng Huizhen, take care!"
Upon hearing this, Zeng Huizhen was furious: "What do you mean? Cullinan, where the hell have you been? Come back. You don't want your mom? The cullinan..."
Feeling that Gu Tianxi was going to hang up the phone, Zeng Huizhen screamed and threatened: "Gu Tianxi, I order you to come back immediately and manage Gu family well." Otherwise, I won't make it easy for Shen Modi. Don't you love her? I'll kill her..."
"Hehe..." Gu Tianxi sneered.
Zeng Huizhen was even more alarmed: "The Great Seal, what do you mean?"
Gu Tianxi sneered: "Four years ago, I was young and ignorant, and you used grandpa to threaten me. Do you think I'd be threatened by you now? I don't love myself, who am I capable of loving?"
"I'm really going to kill Shen Modi." Zeng Huizhen gritted her teeth and threatened.
"As long as you're happy, it doesn't matter to me who you kill..." Gu Tianxi's tone was indifferent.
He had a tone of no love, no interest in anything in the world, no attachment.
"Cullinan, mother, please, will you come back? Whatever you want to do in the future, Mom will support you."
"I just want to live forever away from you!" Gu Tianxi said and hung up the phone.
"The cullinan... The cullinan O Cullinan!" Zeng Huizhen shouted into the phone, then whimpered.
Zeng Huizhen cried for a while, and the assistant whispered, "Madam, are those items still sold?" Do you give money back to the president?"
"Don't sell it! Give not another penny to the Cullinan; he has no money, and will return." Zeng Huizhen said strongly.
"This..." The assistant is embarrassed.
Zeng Huizhen an eye knife shot over.
"Yes." The assistant answered immediately.
Zeng Huizhen let the assistant in the sale of all the items withdrawn.
Assistant helpless, had to call the customer in the face of Zeng Huizhen is negotiating, make it clear that the project is not sold.
Zeng Huizhen and let the assistant to deal with the next work to her, she said, before the Great Seal back, she will manage Gu.
The assistant quickly handed the pending documents to Zeng Huizhen.
Zeng Huizhen and let the assistant inform the executive meeting.
She strongly informed the company's executives that she officially began to manage Gu.
In the evening, the assistant quietly made a phone call to Gu Tianxi and told Gu Tianxi that his wife took over the company.
"Got it." There is even a hint of sarcasm in Gu's indifferent tone.
He knew this would happen.
How could Zeng Huizhen let go of Gu?
Her bones are full of calculation and reality.
The assistant told Gu Tianxi helplessly: "President, madam said, can not give you money in the future."
"Well, you take care." Gu Tianxi said quietly.
How much money can he spend?
He just wants to spend the rest of his life in the middle of nowhere.
Originally let money is thinking if you can, help people in need of help.
Since Zeng Huizhen likes to extend her hand so long, she is happy.
"President, where have you been? Can I come and see you later?" 'said the assistant.
'No, goodbye! Mr. Gu hung up the phone.
"President..." "Cried the assistant.
Call back. It's off.
After Gu Tianxi shut down, he hesitated for a moment, pulled out the card with the needle extractor and threw it away.
He was standing in front of a remote house.
The yard was overgrown with weeds because it had been unoccupied for years.
He was weeding just now.
We got rid of some of them.
Some villagers helped him, chanting with him: "Young man, this house is cost-effective to buy 5,000 yuan, anyway, there is no one to live in their family." You are not one of our villagers, and the homestead does not belong to you, but there is no problem with temporary accommodation."
"There is a shortage of substitute teachers in our village. If you are willing to substitute, you will get paid."
"If you want to raise chickens and ducks, Widow Li sells baby chickens at home."
"Any seeds you want, we can share some of them with you. They are all planted by ourselves."
'Thank you! Gu Tianxi's heart slid ripples.
All his life, all the real care and love he's ever felt has been from outsiders.
Uncle Shen and Xiao Di, and these strange villagers...

Chapter 315: The Pillow
By the time Mu Tianhe got home, it was very late.
Just got into the room.
Wang Lili wrapped it up, reached out and hooked his neck, and her voice was also seduced and hoarse: "... The Heavenly River."
Mu Tianhe stretched out his hand to pull Wang Lili away: "I am very tired today."
"Good, let me help you relax." Wang Lili enchanting again entangled over.
She approached the lamp and snapped a soft set of lights.
"I'll take a bath." Mu Tianhe said.
"I'll help you." Wang Lili took the initiative.
"No need." Mu Tianhe twisted his eyebrows.
He's not in the mood for that sort of thing today.
After he went to the company in the afternoon, he dealt with some work, and then he tried to empty himself, thinking about how to arrange things at home next.
Before, his idea was very clear, Mu's management was handed over to Mu Tao. Mussen character has been too cold, and he is not close, he is not well fed, when the time to give Mussen some assets and trusts, let him eat dividends on the line.
Tingting is a girl, later is to marry, he gave a little more dowry on the line.
Now that Dee's back, things are suddenly different.
It's not that he has to play favorites with Dee, it's that she's a different person now.
Huo old man now become vegetative, Huo Zhengqin because of the ventilator things are still in fear of absconding.
Huo Zhenye had the intention of replacing Huo Mingze, but because of his bad reputation and Huo Mingze's many years of operation and management of the Huo Group, he had already firmly pinched the Huo Group in his hands.
Meng Qiulan's character is fierce.
Huo Mingze family and Qiu family support, Huo Zhenye want to move also can not move.
Not surprisingly, Dee will be the future head of the Huo family.
If he doesn't get along with Dee, he's gonna be criticized by the upper class, and he's gonna lose the chance to hold the Huo family's thigh.
But if you want to fix things with Dee, you have to be nice to Mussen.
If Mu Shi gave it to Mu Tao, how can Di be on good terms with him?
Right now he can't think of a suitable solution.
The company is in Mussen's hands. He'll be out of control and in trouble.
"Tianhe, let me take your pajamas." Wang Lili immediately smiled.
"HMM." Mu Tianhe responded with a voice.
Wang Lili immediately brought him his pajamas.
Mu Tianhe came out of the bathroom after taking a bath, and saw Wang Lili lying on the side of the silk quilt with one hand.
Although she was in her forties, she was well maintained, and today she probably had her body lotion done. Her whole body looked very tender, and her long straight legs had a deadly charm.
Half-covered half-transparent pajamas, but also let people fantasize.
Bright red new manicure, fingers on the orchid, soft and charming.
"... Tianhe Look at my nails. How nice are they?" Wang Lili asked.
"HMM." Mu Tianhe responded with a voice.
"Shall I sing you a song?" Wang Lili said with great interest.
Mu Tianhe did not speak.
Wang Lili got up.
Lanhua pointed at a pinch, singing: "Falling flowers cover the sky moonlight...... Borrow a cup and recommend it to the phoenix table..."
Mu Tianhe looked at Wang Lili singing opera, as if suddenly back to the young time, back to the school era.
Every department put on a show for the school's celebration that year.
Du Yunxiao represented the design department to sing opera, it is this song, her ethereal voice and noble temperament suddenly attracted him.
He began to chase Du Yunxiao, at that time, his eyes were full of Yun Xiao, and every day he dreamed of her...
"The Tianhe... Did I sing well?" Wang Lili see Mu Tianhe see into God, shyly asked.
"HMM." Mu Tianhe lightly should a sound.
At that time, Yunxiao married him regardless of everything, his heart in addition to love, there is gratitude. When he got married, he wanted to love Yunxiao for a lifetime, and he must love her forever as he had chased her.
Later, Yunxiao's parents slighted him again and again.
Coupled with Yunxiao married dont go to work, he felt Yunxiao lost charm.
Every day is waiting for him to get off work, taking him to work.
He wants to share with her about work, and she always tells him, "I don't know about work, just make up your mind."
He to Yunxiao, gradually did not have the patience before.
He began to admire the female subordinates in the company.
He admired their independence and focus on their work.
Just Yunxiao introduced Wang Lili to him as an assistant. 🞫 ł
Wang Lili is smart and capable at work, and can accompany him to socialize, help him block wine, and solve various things for him at work.
He gradually developed a crush on Wang Lili.
And the rest of it, that's what happened.
Wang Lili threw herself into the arms, also said just admire him, absolutely will not tell Yunxiao, will not destroy their marriage.
He had that kind of thing with Wang Lili.
There are two things that happen when you have an affair.
After he and Wang Lili had this kind of thing, he had a sense of guilt for Yunxiao, and he was very good to Yunxiao at that time.
If it is not the daughter lost, if it is not Wang Lili looking for Yunxiao confession, Yunxiao will not know the relationship between them.
At that time, Wang Lili was pregnant with her son. He wanted an heir, otherwise he wouldn't have let Wang Lili have a baby.
"Tianhe..." Wang Lili tangled up.
Mu Tianhe was a little upset in his heart. He turned his back and said, "Go to sleep. I'm tired."
Wang Lili the whole person posted up, she too understand his body, not long, Mu Tianhe will be the host, came over.
Wang Lili now Xu Niang half old, put open, Mu Tianhe simply can not withstand.
Wang Lili a spoiled, Mu Tianhe all kinds of cooperation...
Afterwards, Wang Lili to the Mutian river bosom drill.
Mu Tianhe was satisfied and had patience and tenderness for Wang Lili.
What else is there to think about? Now at this age, Wang Lili doesn't mind him going out to play.
In the future, when the child gets married, he and Wang Lili will be together for a lifetime.
Three years ago, he fell ill and had his gall removed. At that time, Wang Lili took great care of him.
Although the money to hire a caregiver will take care of very carefully, but old age to have a partner is a great blessing in life.
"Tianhe, I apologize for what happened to Xiao Di." Wang Lili said.
'What? Mu Tianhe surprised.
Wang Lili said: "It is the dowry thing, I am stingy. You're right. Ting Ting and Xiao Di are both your daughters and mine, and they should be treated equally."
Mu Tianhe sighed lightly: "You can think so, the best."
Wang Lili added: "Tao 'er and Asen should be treated equally."
Mu Tianhe frowned: "How to treat equally?"
He is now worried about this matter, can Wang Lili think of a good solution?
"I think he's wise when it comes to choosing an heir." Wang Lili said.
"What do you mean?" Mu Tianhe looked at Wang Lili sideways, "You tell me in detail."

Chapter 316: The Face of Generosity
Wang Lili put his arm around Mu Tianhe's neck again and said with emotion: "Since ancient times, it is easy to start a business and difficult to keep it." Mu family step by step to today, the middle has experienced how much bitterness, only we all the way to guard Mu's people can really feel the empathy.
The year you graduated from college, when the Mu family was on the verge of being swallowed up by another family, you spent days and nights working on a proposal, and you gave up a few projects to preserve the core business of the Mu family.
Yunxiao sister gave birth to small Di that year, it is the rise of the real estate industry. At that time, you took down the two Kings of Sea City.
If it was not for your unique vision, and won the two major land Kings to lay the foundation for the subsequent development of Mu's, today's Mu family would not be among the top ten Haicheng.
At that time, in addition to the good development of real estate, the electronics industry and manufacturing industry are also the tuyere, and you have a vision to step on the tuyere, we opened up the export trade.
Because of your successful investment several times, coupled with our steady progress over the past 20 years, Mu Shi has developed from a small wealthy family to one of the major giants in Haicheng today.
Next, the most important thing for us is not to develop rapidly, but to maintain this foundation.
The Huo family and our Mu family are in the same situation.
So after Huo Zhen industry dereliction of duty, Huo don't hesitate to change into Huo Zhendong. After that, it focused on cultivating Huo Zhengqin and Huo Mingze, and let them compete with each other on their own ability. The real talent should inherit the family group.
Huo Mingze proved to be very capable indeed. Even if Mr. Huo now has physical problems and becomes a vegetable, even if Huo Zhenye is ready to move, it will not shake Huo Mingze's status."
Mu Tianhe nodded and sighed: "You have a point, but let Tao and Asen compete, will only make their brother relationship worse."
Wang Lili said, "Tianhe, Tao 'er and Asen are all your children, with meat on the palms and backs. You can't split the Moos into two separate businesses, and no matter how you weigh it, you'll end up with one child inheriting the Moos.
Not to mention that they are half-brothers, those brothers in order to compete for the family business to fight blood is everywhere..."
Mu Tianhe raised his eyebrows and looked at Wang Lili: "You mean, let A son and Tao son compete on their own ability?"
Wang Lili said: "It doesn't need to be too straightforward, you secretly observe their work ability." I believe that in the end whoever you choose will do what's best for Moore."
Oh, on the ability to work, Tao does not know how many streets to throw Mussen.
"HMM." Mu Tianhe responded with a voice.
That's one way to go.
Tao 'er followed him for so many years, the work ability is really good.
Asen has been in a bad relationship with him over the years, and went to work in Mu this year, and it is still OK to see, and also won a better project.
Wang Lili reached out to touch Mu Tianhe's brow: "Tianhe, don't frown, children have the ability is a good thing." Settle the matter of the heir as soon as possible, and then we can enjoy our old age."
"HMM." Mu Tianhe answered again, satisfied, "Go to sleep."
He sighed in his heart, if only people would never get old, he managed the Mu's by himself, less trouble.
The next day.
Wang Lili goes to the company.
Small groups of people were gathering to whisper about her:
"It was Wang Lili who lost her daughter. God has eyes, and now her daughter has come back."
"Tut, shameless, people come back to give people a blow." Also said what is the nanny expose big Miss Mu arrogant domineering, laughing dead."
"A mistress is a mistress, never on the table."
Seeing that Wang Lili came to the company, the face of the people who discussed her changed and quickly dispersed.
Wang Lili knitted her brows, then slightly picked her chin and walked into the president's ladder.
So what about talking about her? What about the mistress? Who's better off than her?
When Yunxiao is serious daughter big miss and how, is not dead.
What about having Mussen? Is Mussen and Mussen even related now?
Wang Lili out of the president of the ladder, went straight to Mu Tao office.
Wang Lili forgot to knock, and when she opened the door, she saw Mu Tao holding the secretary in his lap, his hand inside the secretary's clothes...
Wang Lili's face sank and shouted at the secretary: "I submit my resignation report and go to the financial settlement of wages."
"But... Mu and I have always loved each other..." Where is the secretary willing, it is not easy to catch Mu Tao.
Wang Lili raised her hand and slapped the secretary in the face: "Shameless bitch, the master of the Mu family is also like you to think?"
The secretary covered his face, scolded Wang Lili in his heart, you yourself are the mistress, you still have the face to scold me?
She dared not provoke Wang Lili, only fell tears, red eyes wronged and pitifully looked at Mu Tao.
Mu Tao signaled his secretary with a look and said, "Go to work."
"Yes, Mr. Mu." The secretary again politely owed Wang Lili a body, covering his face quickly out of the office.
Mu Tao smiled and said to Wang Lili, "Well, Mom, sometimes you need to relax after working too hard. The company secretary is much cleaner than the woman out there."
"Who among these coquettish sluts does not want to marry into the Mu family?" Ms. Wang shrugged it off.
Mu Tao raised his eyebrows and said, "Mom, look at what you said. Who doesn't want to climb high? I'm just playing around."
Wang Lili twisted her eyebrows and turned to look at it. The secretary had just closed the door. She said, "Tao 'er, now is not the time to play."
'What's the matter? Mu Tao's eyebrows were slightly fixed, and he suddenly smiled again, "Shen Mo Di is back, but she is a daughter, you don't have to be so nervous." But sometimes you have to be a little more grand, take out the style of the mother.
Dad wants to give her something, just smile and agree. Even if you don't want to, act big. How many things can she take from the Mu family when she's already married? Besides, she took something from the Moos, so why don't the Hos give us something?
You, ah, have been a Mrs. Mu for more than 20 years, and still can't change the small family spirit in your bones. Why do you care so much about the three melons and two dates?"
Wang Lili frowned more tightly: "Sometimes I do have a little stinginess, but it is really not three melons and two dates, that is the real 2 billion." What did she Shen Mo Di do for the Mu family? You pay nothing, you come back with $2 billion. Why? She took everything that was ours."
Mussen raised his eyebrows to remind: "Mom, if you want to say so, stand in the other people's Shen Modi's point of view, everything in the Mu family belongs to them."
Wang Lili's face suddenly collapsed: "Which side are you on?"
Mussen held Wang Lili's shoulder in both hands and said, "Mom, people can't occupy all the good things, we just need to get the big head and get the right to inherit the Mu family." All those nooks and crannies, what's with them? When I inherit the Mu clan, I will not only give Shen Modi more dowry, but even Mu Sen, I can give him a post and let him eat in the Mu clan all his life."

Chapter 317 Mu Tianhe meets Yun Xiao
"So, what we need to do is to get the right of succession to Mu early." Last night, I told your father to give you a fair fight with Mussen." Wang Lili looked at the door again and said in a low voice.
"Fair play? Mu Tao brow peak tight twist.
Wang Lili said, "I can't tell your father directly that Mu's should be given to you." What I said is that it is easy to start a business and difficult to keep a business, we Mu family in the future is more important to keep a business, I said that the two sons are his own, naturally should be treated equally, a bowl of water, who has the stronger ability, Mu's to who. You have been managing Mu's with your father for several years, and as long as you get a few more projects, your father will give you Mu's."
Mussen smiled: "You have finally done a magnificent thing."
Wang Lili rolled her eyes: "Shen Modi's dowry is not that I am not atmospheric, but that I am uncomfortable in my heart." What did Shen Modi ever do for the Mu family? Mu's family is now brilliant, which project is not our hard work to take down?"
"Well, as I said, let's not worry about the nuances." "Mu Tao said.
"HMM." Wang Lili responded with a frown and said, "Tao 'er, this time you behave yourself, don't give others a handle."
Mu Tao smiled and raised his eyebrows: "I know."
"Huo Xinyao side, you give up?" Wang Lili asked.
Mu Tao wiped his nose with his thumb and said, "Of course not."
"Tao 'er, you must remember that the most important thing is to get Mu Shi." The more projects you get, the more I'll tell your dad about you." Wang Lili said.
"Good," said Hermione.
"Do your job." Wang Lili gave another sentence, stepping on high heels to leave.
The next few days, Mu Tianhe to Modi together 2 billion, hit to Modi's account.
In addition, Mu Tianhe also went to the hospital on two or three days to accompany Modi.
The relationship between Modi and Mu Tianhe is better than before.
Mu Tianhe still could not hear Mo Di call dad, but he felt, soon.
He explained to Mordi that it was not that he did not love Mussen, but that Mussen was sometimes so cold that he did not know how to approach him.
Modi also explained for Mussen: "Asen lost his mother at a young age, and was scolded for being a bastard, and it is normal for him to be solitary, the more so, the more he needs love."
"It's Dad's fault. Dad will try to be nice and patient with Arson." Mu Tianhe said.
Mo Di smiled at Mu Tianhe: "HMM."
Mu Tianhe suddenly feel good mood.
He himself could not say, he was determined to repair the relationship with Modi, whether it was because of the Huo family, or because of Modi itself?
It should be a bit of both.
Mordi was his first child.
When Mordi was born, he loved Yunxiao very much.
That's why he was so fond of little Mordi.
Now that he recognized Modi, he seemed to find the feeling of that year, feel close.
"Dee, why don't you go back to Murdock? The environment in the hospital is not as good as at home." Mu Tianhe see Modi in a good mood, proposed.
Mordi refused with a smile: "Dad, I want to continue living in the hospital. I am weak and have doctors in the hospital at all times. Besides, I can visit Grandpa often."
"Will you call me father? " Mu Tianhe heard Modi a father, eyes are a little wet.
He took Mordi's hand and said, "Dee, I'm sorry. It was Dad who failed to protect you, and Dad will make it up to you."
'Thank you! Mordi thanked him.
Called Mu Tianhe father, not because of the 2 billion, but she remembered the mother's will that Uncle Qi said, can not be cheap.
So, she's gonna help Asen get the Moose back.
Otherwise, I am sorry that my mother is young and fragrant, and I am sorry that Asen has been bullied and wronged in these years.
"Silly boy, why are you so polite to your father? Dad just wants you to be well." Mu Tianhe said with emotion.
"HMM." Mordi answered with a smile.
Mu Tianhe stayed with Mo Di for a while and got up to say goodbye: "Dad will come to see you tomorrow."
"Dad, you don't have to come to see me because you're busy. I'm fine."
"Dee, why don't you have dinner with Daddy?" Mu Tianhe said.
"Dad, today the hospital here to drink Chinese medicine." Mordi refused again.
"Good," said Hermione. Mu Tianhe nodded and smiled.
He knew Dee didn't want to have dinner with him.
It's okay. He's satisfied to be able to call him dad for such a short time.
"Then Father has gone home." Mu Tianhe stood up and said.
"Let me see you off." 'said Mordi.
"No, no, you're pregnant. Get some rest." Mu Tianhe immediately wave hands, he hurriedly left Modi suite.
Leave the hospital.
Mu Tianhe didn't want to go back for dinner.
He went to Haiyue House alone for dinner.
He was alone, did not ask for a private room, and chose a window seat in the lobby.
I don't know what happened recently. I always remember when I was young.
Will think of the time of love with Yunxiao.
At that time, Yun Xiao, lively and smart, brought him a lot of happiness.
Now that I think of it, he once loved that woman with his life.
If there is no Wang Lili, he will probably stay with Yunxiao for a lifetime.
Dee will not be lost, and he does not have to face the problem of poor distribution of family assets now.
As he ate, he suddenly saw a familiar figure passing in front of him.
"Qi Huai frame?" Mu Tianhe made a sound subconsciously.
He hates him to the bone.
See Qi Huai frame followed by a woman, he sneered, did not eat, chased out.
He shouted behind Qihuai frame: "Qihuai frame!"
Qihuai frame turned his head to look at Mu Tianhe, slightly pick eyebrows, look silent: "Mu always something?"
Mu Tianhe is the most despised person in his life.
Mu Tianhe sneered: "Not let me give Yunxiao back to you?" Isn't she the only woman you'll ever love? Don't you despise me for starting and ending? You're so noble, why don't you die alone... The dawn of the clouds?"
At this time, Yunxiao turned his head.
Mu Tianhe was startled to see this familiar face.
"And you are?" Yunxiao looked at Mu Tianhe, asked.
"Yunxiao, is that you?" Mu Tianhe watch cloud Xiao, voice shaking.
The one who died in childbirth is still alive?
"I am Yunxiao, and you are?" Yun Xiao asked again.
"Qi Huai Frame, what the hell is going on?" Mu Tianhe felt himself crazy, he could not help but roar.
Qi Huai Frame indifferent glance Mu Tianhe glance, pull Yun Xiao's hand: "Let's go."
Mu Tianhe block in front of them, a pair of eyes closely stared at Yunxiao, want to make sure she is not the real Yunxiao.
"Get out of here! Qi Huai frame a push Mu Tian river.
"Qi Huai Frame, you don't bully people too much!" The Mutian River rushes up.
Qi Huai frame pulled down his tie, rolled up his sleeves, and squared off: "Mu Tianhe, you should know what I regret most?"

Chapter 318: Yun Xiao is in tears
"Qi, what did you do then?" Mu Tianhe crazy general at Qihuai frame growl, "What did you do to Yunxiao?"
The psychological impact is too big, Mu Tianhe rushed to shake his fist and gave Qi Huai frame a punch: "Surname Qi, you hurt my wife and family, I killed you."
Baaaah --
Qi was punched in the face.
He sneered at the corners of his lips and ended with a laugh: "Did I destroy your wife and family?"
Mu Tianhe raised his fist and gave Qi Huai frame a punch.
"Ah..." Yun Xiao screamed with fear.
Qi Huai frame reached out to cover Yunxiao's eyes: "Xiaoxiao, close your eyes, don't look."
"Fran, let's go, let's get out of here." Yunxiao urgent, grab Qihuai frame chest clothes.
Qi Huai frame reached out to cover her eyes to appease her: "Good, don't look." It'll be over soon. Count to 20 with your eyes closed. Count slowly. Don't worry, I won't get hurt again."
"HMM." Yunxiao answered, turned and closed his eyes, and began to count: "One, two..."
Qi Huai frame sneer at Mu Tianhe: "Mu Tianhe, to me!"
Baaaah --
Splat -- splat
Qihuai frame rushed to the Mutian River, a fist to the Mutian River, the Mutian River simply can not be avoided, the body is crooked, Qihuai frame and a sweep leg in the past, the Mutian River will fall to the ground.
After falling to the ground, Qi Huai frame a clap of fists and feet.
Mu Tianhe suddenly body curled up into a ball, he angrily scolded: "Qi Huai frame, I spell with you."
He tried to get up. He didn't have a chance.
Qi Huai frame cold face, and then gave Mu Tianhe two feet: "I hurt your wife and children?" I cheated on Wang Lili? I lost the flute? Was Yunxiao born prematurely because of my anger? Huh?"
"That's my family business. Who are you to do that?" Mu Tianhe was angry.
"Ah..." Qi Huai frame sneered again, "Do I care about you?"
The thing he most regrets is that he was too gentry, did not force Yunxiao tied to his side, but respected Yunxiao, let her choose their own life.
As a result, she lost the bet.
She had been suffering from illness for so many years that she lost her mind for several months each year.
She was stimulated by the dog man and woman Mu Tianhe and Wang Lili.
If the small flute was not lost, if Mu Tianhe did not betray, if Wang Lili did not say those stimulate Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao how can schizophrenia?
These days he took Xiaoxiao back to Guangcheng to do an examination, the doctor said that she was the same as before, every year after May, the mood will tend to stabilize, until February of the next year, will begin to attack.
Emotional stability at this stage, also have a good rest, can not be stimulated, otherwise, easy to attack at any time.
He and the doctor focus on Yunxiao lost daughter found.
The doctor suggested that you can appropriately mention it to her to see if you can untie her heart.
So, he took Yunxiao back to Haicheng, but also took her out to eat, in order to let her more contact with people.
Unexpectedly, this just came back to Haicheng, encountered Mu Tianhe this garbage.
Mu Tianhe crouched on the ground, angry fists hit the ground hard, and shouted at Qi Huai frame: "When you stole Yunxiao is not it?" What did you do to her? Why doesn't she know me?"
"Yun Xiao died in childbirth because he gave birth to a man who cheated and played with women's feelings, and because he was stimulated by a bitch." Qi Huai frame than Mu Tianhe also angry.
His eyes stared coldly at the Mutian River.
If eyes could kill, Mu Tian River would be a corpse by now.
"Nineteen... Twenty..." Yunxiao counted to 20. She hadn't opened her eyes yet, but tears were streaming down her face.
She opened her eyes and looked at the Mu Tianhe and Qi Huai frames in front of her.
Just now, she was listening to them arguing, and suddenly the tears came down.
"Ah Frame..." Yun Xiao cried out.
She stood there, trembling a little.
She doesn't know what's wrong. Maybe she's cold.
Hearing Yun Xiao's cry, Qi Huaiframan immediately looked over and saw Yun Xiao's face full of tears. His heart suddenly gave a twitch and he ran to her nervously, holding her hand with one hand and putting his hand on her shoulder with the other: "Xiao Xiao, what happened to you?"
Yun Xiao shook his head, tears or could not stop.
"I'm a little cold," she said.
"Let's go to the car." Qi Huai frame immediately took off his suit, quickly draped in Yunxiao body, he wrapped her tightly, hold her, "go."
"HMM." The clouds answered.
Being held by Qi Huai frame, she felt at ease a lot.
Mu Tianhe got up from the ground and shouted: "Don't go, Qi, you tell me clearly."
"Get out of here! Qi Huai frame turned head sharp eyes shot to the Mutianhe, a severe drink.
Mu Tianhe stopped, double eyebrows twisted tightly standing there, looking at Qihuai frame with Yunxiao left.
Yunxiao sat in the car, and looked back.
Mu Tianhe pair on Yunxiao that confused eyes, he suddenly reacted, this is Yunxiao ah, is his wife who died.
This son of a bitch, Qi Huai Frame, kidnapped his wife.
He rushed forward: "Surname Qi, stop the car."
The driver has started the car.
Mu Tianhe rushed over and slapped the door hard.
Qi Huai frame told the driver: "Drive!"
The driver drove the car out.
Mu Tianhe followed the car frantically, beating the window: "Stop, stop!"
Mu Tianhe where the speed of the car is fast, did not chase for a while, the car disappeared in sight.
Mu Tianhe gritted his teeth angrily: "The surname Qi, this matter is not over."
He immediately took the mobile phone, in the address book to find Qihuai frame mobile phone number, he dialed in the past.
Qi Huai frame hung up the phone directly.
"Qi Huai Frame, I day your ancestors!" Mu Tianhe was mad.
He gritted his teeth and called Mussen.
Mussen picked up the phone and his voice was cool. "Yes?"
Mu Tianhe questioned Mu Sen: "Your mother is still alive, right?" You all know I'm just a fool, don't you?"
'What did you say? Mussen thinks the Mu Tian River is going crazy.
Suddenly thinking of a week ago when he was eating hot pot and met a woman beside Uncle Qi, he asked again urgently: "What do you mean?"
"You don't know?" Mu Tianhe surprised.
"Know what?" Mussen asked again.
"Your mother did not die in childbirth at all, but was put under house arrest by that scum of Qi Huai Frame." The sound of the Mutian River rises.
Mussen was even more shocked. "What did you say?"
"You and Qi Huai frame every three days to meet, you did not find him with a woman?" Oh, also, this piece of shit has a heart to hide your mother, how can you find out." Mu Tianhe said more and more angry, "He took Yunxiao away, let you lose your mother, let me lose my wife, he occupied your mother, and then a savior appearance appeared in your world, alienating our father and son feelings, he is an animal." I'm not letting this go. I'm calling the police right now."

Chapter 319: I Want to know the Truth
Mu Tianhe more said more angry: "I will let Qi Huai frame this scum sit in the prison bottom through."
Mussen narrowed his eyes and asked, "How do you know my mother is still alive?"
"I saw it with my own eyes, how can it be false?" Mu Tianhe has a sharp voice.
"Could it be someone who looks similar? Wasn't my mother buried?" Mussen asked.
Mu Tianhe was silent.
He recalled the details of the year. Said: "When you were premature, your mother gave birth to you when the amniotic fluid embolism, I let them rescue, less than half an hour, the doctor came out and told me that the person did not save..."
Mussen interrupted. "You didn't check on my mother?"
'Me! Mu Tianhe said, "Then your mother was pushed out and covered with a white cloth."
Mussen sneered, "You didn't even lift the white cloth to look at it?"
Mu Tianhe regret very much, also angry, feel themselves on the Qihuai frame when: "How do I know Qihuai frame so sinister and cunning?"
"Is it true that the subsequent funerals are also handled by someone else?" Mussen asked coldly.
Mu Tianhe excused himself: "When you were only 2 pounds more, a birth into the incubator, I ran at both ends, to go to the hospital to see you, but also to do the funeral..."
Mussen's tone was colder: "What is more important than Wang Lili's funeral?" In her belly, she is carrying your own son of Mu Tianhe."
When he was born, Mu Tianhe mistakenly thought he was the son of Qi Huai Frame, and how could he care to see him? At that time, Mu Tianhe's mind is all in Wang Lili there.
Son is not important, wife is not important, Wang Lili is important.
He now hope Mu Tianhe said is true, the woman beside Uncle Qi, really is the mother.
No matter what Uncle Qi had done, as long as his mother was still alive, he would always be grateful.
'Arsen! Mu Tianhe became serious, "I have never treated you differently from Mu Tao."
"Is it? Mussen sneered.
Is it not against your will to say such things?
Is this to fool him into believing that he is still the same seven or eight year old boy?
"Arsen, we are father and son, why can't we be the same, why every time something happens, you don't stand by me?" Now it is Qi Huaizhan who has abducted your mother." Mu Tianhe roared angrily.
Mussen remained indifferent: "You'd better make sure that the person next to him is my mother and not a lookalike." See, you're not even sure about that. Because you didn't manage my mother's funeral, you don't know if she was actually buried?"
"I'll call the police and let them handle it." Mu Tianhe rattled his teeth.
Mussen cold sneer: "And then on the news headlines, the president found that resembles the dead wife of the woman, forced to recognize his wife?"
"Arsen, she really is your mother." The Mu Tian River is sure.
"Did she see you?" Mussen asked.
"Does she know you?" Mussen asked again.
Mu Tianhe frowned tightly and said truthfully: "She doesn't seem to know."
"Maybe it's just a woman who looks alike." Mu Sen has no patience to talk with Mu Tianhe.
He wanted to find out in his own way.
Mu Tianhe was silent for a moment and asked: "Asen, where is Qi Huai Frame's residence in Haicheng?"
"I don't know." Mussen replied.
He really doesn't know.
Every time Uncle Qi came over, he always stayed in a hotel.
"Ok, I'll check it myself." Mr. Mu hung up the phone.
He stood on the side of the road and suddenly kicked angrily at a nearby tree.
A girl passed by, her face changed with fear, and she ran fast.
In the car.
Qi Huai frame held Yunxiao's hand in one hand, holding a tissue in the other hand to gently wipe away her tears, gently asked her: "How did you cry?" Did the fight scare you?"
Yunxiao shook his head: "No, I am not afraid of fighting."
"Then why are you crying?" Qi Huai frame asked patiently.
Yun Xiao still shook his head: "I don't know, I was suddenly very sad, I heard you say that Yun Xiao was premature, may be that the woman and I have the same name, sad for her... And that guy. I saw him. He seemed familiar. Fran, what's wrong with me?"
Qi Huai frame heart a tight, Yun Xiao into his arms, patting her back: "Nothing, you are experienced some things before, lost some memories, will be fine, will be fine in the future."
"Am I the Yun Xiao that the man just said?" Yun Xiao asked.
"Don't think about it." Qihuai frame dont want to cheat Yunxiao, also cant answer her this question.
"It was me who was born prematurely, wasn't it?" Yunxiao persistent questioning.
"Xiao Xiao, don't think about it."
"It's me, isn't it? What about the premature baby? Where are the children?" Yunxiao trembled all over.
Lest Yunxiao spirit be stimulated again, Qi Huai frame immediately soothed her: "Not you, just the same name."
"You lied to me, didn't you? I had a baby, didn't I? If you don't tell me, and I go to the hospital for a physical examination, the doctor will tell me whether I have given birth?" Yun Xiao could not stop her tears.
She couldn't think of anything, but she wanted to cry.
"The baby is fine. He is safe and healthy." Qihuai frame gave in, he held Yunxiao tightly.
"Why isn't the baby with me? Why didn't I know I had a baby? Where's the baby? How old is he? Boy... Whoo..." Yunxiao cried some emotions out of control.
"Xiao Xiao, don't cry, I'll tell you everything." Qi Huai frame told the driver, "Drive faster, go home."
The driver immediately sped up.
Qi Huai frame holding Yunxiao, pacifying her: "We go home, I let the child come to see you."
"Ah Frame, you don't lie to me! I want to know everything, even if I can't remember it, I want to know the truth, the truth without the lies." Yunxiao trembling body said.
"Well, I'll tell you, all of it." Qi Huai frame in the heart very panic, afraid of Yunxiao spirit again stimulated.
Fear Yunxiao back to the state of insanity.
She would bite women, growl, go mad...
He immediately called Mussen, "Arsen, do you have a minute? Can you come and sit with me?"
"Uncle Qi, I'm free, where are you?" Mussen said politely.
"I'll position you." Qi Huai frame hung up the phone and sent a location to Mussen.
After the positioning, he called the medical team on the other side of the city: "You immediately take a special plane to Haicheng, this time, to guard Yunxiao here."
"Arsen... Is that the kid from the news?" Yun Xiao cried, "He has a sister, doesn't he?" When I was a child lost sister, they are the children of Mu family, just that person, is Mu family? He says you have torn his wife and family apart. Tell me, tell me everything!"

Chapter 320 Mu Sen Meets Yun Xiao
"Well, I'll tell you everything, all of it. You take it easy, you relax, don't cry." Qi Huai frame heart panic not, from time to time to look at the table, regret this time from the city did not bring the medical team to come, but let them stay there to continue to overcome mental problems.
After a while, if Xiaoxiao is stimulated by mental problems, he really can not cope.
"I won't cry, I won't cry." Yun Xiao stretched out his hand to wipe his face, but his tears were like the lake that broke the dike, which was out of control and kept shedding tears.
"Relax, be good." Qi Huai frame hugged Yunxiao, patting her back, once and for all, the action is gentle, "Xiaoxiao, the story is very long, after getting home, I carefully tell you from beginning to end."
"Well..." Yunxiao was soothed, mood slightly stable.
The car quickly drove to Qihuai frame on this side of the villa.
As soon as he entered the house, Yunxiao anxiously looked to Qihuai frame: "A frame."
She couldn't wait to know the truth.
Qi Huai frame held Yunxiao to sit in the sofa, and personally gave her water, said: "Xiaoxiao, wait for Asen to come, I go to prepare a little fruit."
"Can aunt prepare it?" Yun Xiao said.
"This time it's official. I'll prepare it for Arsen myself." Qi Huai frame said.
He was waiting for the medical team to arrive while he was waiting for Arson to arrive.
"I'm with you." Yunxiao stood up and said.
"Good," said Hermione. Qi Huai frame did not refuse.
Servant see Qi Huai frame personally into the kitchen, want to help, was Qi Huai frame rejected, Qi Huai frame said a while over is the guest, he personally prepared.
He opened the refrigerator, picked up all kinds of imported fruit flown in, and began to wash it.
Yunxiao stood in front of the pool to help.
She washed the fruit, the mind kept flashing Mu Tianhe's face, and the content of the news, Shen Modi is Mu Sen's sister, Wang Lili is their stepmother... Wang Lili...
Yunxiao kept mechanically rubbing a guava, saying: "Wang Lili... Wang Lili..."
She's rubbing the guava harder and harder.
Qi Huai frame was terrified and immediately picked up her hand from the water: "Xiaoxiao."
He wiped her hands dry with a kitchen towel and soothed, "Don't you think about anything, I'll tell you all about it later." Don't think about it, okay?"
Yunxiao shook his head vacantly: "I did not think."
She really didn't think about anything, it was the people and the news that drilled into her mind.
"Good, good. Are you sleepy? Do you want to lie down and have a rest?" Qi Huai frame asked.
Yunxiao shook his head: "I am not sleepy."
She also wait for son to come, she also wait for Qihuai frame to tell her the truth.
"Well, why don't you go sit on the couch and rest for a while? Watch some TV?" Qi Huai frame advised way.
"Good," said Hermione. Yunxiao agreed.
Qihuai frame immediately held Yunxiao to the living room to watch TV.
He tuned her to her usual favorite TV: Tom and Jerry.
Guang city version of the dubbing, Yun Xiao used to see a giggle.
Today, she looked at the cat and mouse, obviously very funny clips, but not watching.
Qi Huai frame to the kitchen cut fruit, from time to time to look at the wrist, but also from time to time to probe quietly look at the living room of the cloud Xiao.
Ten minutes later, Qi Huai frame prepared the fruit bowl, he took it out, put it on the coffee table, and made a pot of tea.
Then he sat on the sofa with Yunxiao and waited.
Yunxiao stared at the TV and could not see anything.
I don't know how long she waited, she heard the sound of a car whistle at the door, jumped up, and ran to the door.
"Xiao Xiao." Qihuai frame quickly chase past.
At the door. Mussen came alone.
As soon as he stopped the car, he looked at the positioning, ready to call uncle Qi to determine the house number, and saw Yunxiao and Qi Huai frame standing at the door.
Mussen and Yunxiao four eyes opposite each other, two people's eyes are complex light.
Mussen finally positive to see the face of Yunxiao, and then think of Mu Tianhe said she is his mother, his eyes more complex, fixed looking at Yunxiao, lips tremble, dont know what to say?
Yunxiao looked at Mussen, the mood is also very complicated, he is the premature child, is her child?
What really happened back then?
If Asen and Mordi were her children, why didn't they grow up around her?
Why are they named Mu and not Qi?
"Arsen, come inside." Qi Huai frame breaks the quiet and complex of this moment.
Mussen nodded, reluctantly looked away, and then took the gift from the trunk and went inside.
He had just taken the time to buy the gift on the way here, the bird's nest for the woman's body, and a set of purple clay tea set for Uncle Qi.
"Why did you bring anything?" Qi Huai frame wants to lighten up the atmosphere.
"I bought it on the way. I picked out a tea set for you." He looked at Yunxiao again and said politely and respectfully, "I have picked out some bird's nest for you to make up your body."
'Thank you! Yunxiao looked at Mussen, she did not know what happened to herself, tears came down again.
There are some messy fragments in my mind, which seem very cheerful, a girl and a boy running around the campus, the boy has a face that resembles Mussen...
"Xiao Xiao, don't cry." Qihuai frame look very distressed, holding Yunxiao to sit in the sofa.
"Uncle Qi?" Mussen looked at Qi Huai frame.
His eyes were full of hope.
He and Yunxiao, also waiting for Uncle Qi to give him an answer, a truth.
Qi Huai frame look a little guilty, nodded to Mussen, said: "Sorry, has been hiding from you, because of necessity."
Mussen's heart gave a shudder, clearly Uncle Qi had said very frankly, he was still afraid of his own misunderstanding, more straightforward asked: "It is my mother, right?"
Qihuai frame nodded again.
Rao is Mu sen's character has always been cool, Tai Shan pressed the top and his face did not change color, he was still out of control, eyes a red, nose pantothenia, he squatted in front of Yun Xiao, looking at Yun Xiao, Adam's Apple rolled, excitedly shouted: "Mom."
It's better to be alive. It's better than anything.
Whatever Uncle Qi means by necessity, as long as Mom is alive, it's better than anything.
This is the mother who gave birth to him with her life.
Yunxiao look confused, tears raining down, but do not know what happened in that year?
She can't remember anything!
What the hell happened to her?
Why doesn't she remember anything?
She reached out and touched Mussen's head, choking more. "Arsen."
All she knew was that his name was Arsen. She didn't know anything else.
She knew he knew it from the news.
"Mother." Mussen shouted again, tears welling up as he hugged his mother's leg and buried his head in her lap.
"HMM." Yunxiao sobs, she touches Mussen's head, looking up to Qi Huai frame, "A frame, what happened in the end?" Why don't I remember anything?"

Chapter 321 The Mu Tian River of that year was a box of male green tea
Mussen also looked up at Qi Huai frame.
He wanted to know, too, why did Mom lose her memory?
Why would Uncle Qi let his mother fake her death when she was clearly alive?
Even if it was to escape the Mutian River, then why hide it from him?
Over the years, Uncle Qi has been taking good care of him, and they have met so many times. Even in the past winter and summer vacation, he often followed Uncle Qi to learn martial arts, why did Uncle Qi not tell him? And why hasn't he seen his mother once?
"Asen, Xiaoxiao, you eat some fruit, I will speak slowly." Qi Huai frame sighed lightly.
"Good," said Hermione. Yunxiao immediately obediently ate the fruit.
Mussen noticed something was wrong with mom. Can not say the feeling, she seems to be in addition to amnesia, thinking and normal people are a little different, and Uncle Qi is also too dependent.
Qi Huai frame organized the language and said: "This matter should start from 30 years ago."
Yunxiao and Mussen looked at Qi Huai frame.
Qi Huai frame took a deep breath, then said: "30 years ago, the girl called Du Yunxiao, 18 years old, is the same age as the flower, the teenager called Qi Huai frame, 19 years old, is also a beautiful young man." They grew up together. They were sweethearted."
Yunxiao seriously listen, want to try to recall such a picture, but can not think of anything.
Mussen only listened to Uncle Qi said so little, love this steel man, for decades, how much did he bear?
Is how deep love, let him always guard her, guard her children?
Qi Huai Frame looked back and said: "That summer vacation, they got engaged. In the autumn of that year, they came from Guangcheng to Haicheng to attend university, and they studied at the same university. That day in college, Qi Huai frame formally to Du Yunxiao confession. He felt that this was a sense of ceremony that couples should have, coming to a strange city, they would officially open the journey of love.
Qi Huai frame is too young, too self-righteous, he thought, he likes Yunxiao, Yunxiao also like him like he likes her. He thought they were a match made in heaven, just didn't break the window.
Therefore, the engagement is he let his parents to find Du Yunxiao parents to discuss, Du Yunxiao is arranged by parents.
As soon as he entered the university, he confessed to Du Yunxiao, Du Yunxiao angrily rejected him, just words told him that she did not love him.
Qihuai frame was Du Yunxiao put an end to, just suddenly realized that although they grew up together, although they have always been very good friends, but Du Yunxiao did not love him.
He apologized to Du Yunxiao, promised that the marriage does not count, she is free, he will pursue her, and will respect her.
Time flies. Thirty years have passed in the blink of an eye. Looking back on these 30 years, Qi Huai frame has two things to regret for life.
If time can be turned back, Qi Huai frame will be in the university, insist on their own engagement, forced Du Yunxiao tied to the side, even if forced to take, even if Yunxiao hate him."
Yunxiao listen to tears, clearly she did not think of anything, is very heartache, she does not know her heartache is the story of Du Yunxiao, or the story of Qi Huai frame?
Mussen heard it hard, too. It hurt to breathe. He doesn't know the story of the past, but he knows the story of the future. Later, Du Yunxiao experienced the loss of her daughter, the betrayal of her bestie, her husband's derailment, difficult childbirth... This piece by piece, not one is not sad. And the man called Qi Huai frame, always guarding Du Yunxiao's side, but also for her to protect the child, let her child from the bully.
Qi Huai frame smiled and went on to say: "Even in the university Qi Huai frame did not insist on their own engagement, should also be in Du Yunxiao married Mu Tianhe that day forcibly took her away." That day, he saw his girl marry someone else, he wanted to take her away so badly! Life sometimes, really should adhere to their own will, should live a little selfish.
If Qi had lived selfishly enough, none of the subsequent tragedies would have happened."
"Whoo..." Du Yunxiao began to cry, his voice sobbed.
Qihuai frame quickly smoked a tissue for Yunxiao wipe: "Don't cry, Xiaoxiao don't cry."
Du Yunxiao asked, "What happened afterwards? Why don't I remember anything? Why didn't I know I had a baby? Why didn't I choose you? Why? Ah Frame, you are so good..."
Qi Huai frame smiled at Du Yunxiao, he tried to hide the pain in his heart, he gently wiped tears for her: "Sorry, I did not protect you." Maybe our engagement got off to a bad start, or maybe you weren't over your rebellious phase. It's my fault. I shouldn't have let two parents arrange an engagement. I shouldn't have tried to tie you to an engagement ring.
In the summer of our second year in college, the school had a celebration, and you performed on behalf of the design department, and you sang the opera. You are lively and lovely, you are young and beautiful, your voice is ethereal, and you become the white moonlight of many boys.
It is at this time that Mutian River enters your world, and he pursues you with different patterns. Sending you flowers, running into you in the cafeteria, going to classes you designed.
At first I did not put him in the eyes, I have been very confident in our feelings of more than ten years, I also look up to Mu Tianhe's small body.
What I didn't expect was that I didn't look up to Mu Tianhe, but you did.
When I found out that you were dating Mu Tianhe, I panicked, and I went to warn him to stay away from you.
Mu Tianhe surface weak, in fact, he is a very deep man. He provoked me into attacking him in order to drive a wedge between us.
I'm a rough guy, and I've always believed that men should settle things with their fists, and I punched him.
You saw me doing it to him, and you didn't want to talk to me for a long time.
You and the Mutian River go closer and closer, and I go further and further.
You are the only girl in my world, I don't know how to make you happy, I don't know how to get you back.
Time flies, I graduated from college.
As soon as you graduated, you married Mu Tianhe.
I was there on your wedding day, and I wanted to take you away.
You're nervous, I know. You're afraid I'm gonna take you away by force.
Seeing the tension in your eyes, I softened, how could I bear my girl to be sad, how could I bear my girl to hate me?
I think, my girl is so good, maybe Mu Tianhe will cherish it.
Then my girl will be happy for the rest of her life!"
"Whoo..." Yunxiao heard very sad, she clearly know at this moment who love dearly, she love Qi Huai frame, the man who will always guard her.
From the age of a teenager, until now 49 years old, he has been protecting her, did not love yourself!

Chapter 322: Yun Xiao Loses His Temper
"Xiao Xiao, don't cry." Qihuai frame smoked paper towel gently for Yunxiao wipe tears.
He hugged her again and comforted her: "Good, don't cry, don't be sad, those bad things are over." In the future your life will be complete and all your wishes will come true."
Whether it's finding her daughter, or the ownership of Moo's property, it will be what she wants.
He only love martial arts do not love business people, so many years of hard to operate Xiaodi Group, hard to run the development of Haicheng, is to help son win the Mu group in the future!
"Frames, I'm sorry, it's my fault, I'm sorry." Yun Xiao distressed unceasingly.
Although she can't think of anything, but listening to this story, her most heartache is the man who has been protecting her.
For decades, no matter how the outside world changes, he always protects her.
"No, you're fine." Qi Huai frame said.
Is Mu Tianhe too slag, get do not understand to cherish.
Seeing that Yun Xiao's mood was still bearable, he continued: "In the second year of marriage, you gave birth to a lovely daughter."
Yunxiao heart a tight, asked: "Is it Modi?"
Although she can't remember, but these days has been watching the news, has been concerned about the situation of Mu Sen and Shen Mo Di.
"Yes." Qi Huai frame said.
Yun Xiao cried again, tears simply could not stop, big big down.
She was very distressed to see the news before Shen Modi and Mussen, it is very hate Wang Lili and Mu Tianhe, did not think that they were the parties, was the most miserable woman in the whole story.
Qi then said, "Wang Lili was your classmate in college, and she studied jewelry design like you. You and her are clearly one cloud in the sky, the other is mud in the ground, but you did not dislike her at all and made friends with her."
"I'm stupid. I can't read people." Yunxiao learned that he and Wang Lili that kind of people make friends, the heart is very sorry.
Qi Huai frame said: "You are not stupid, you are just too simple, you and Wang Lili are not the same, you have been rich and prosperous since childhood, everything around you is beautiful." So, you don't have a calculating mind, you don't see the ugly human nature.
Wang Lili design talent in general, work in general, you in order to let her live a little better, recommend her to do Mu Tianhe's assistant, she takes care of Mu Tianhe in every detail.
I have warned you that Wang Lili has a bad heart. You said I was biased against Wang Lili..."
"A Frame, sorry!" Yun Xiao is sad.
"Fool, you have not wronged anyone, your life, the most sorry is yourself." Qihuai frame thought Yunxiao experienced those things, breathing is painful.
He went on to say: "After Wang Lili became Mu Tianhe's assistant, she worked hard while pleasing you and often accompanied you to go out with Xiao Di. Flute likes to ride in rickety cars, likes to go to the playground, so you guys take her all the time. One day, you are not feeling well because of pregnancy, and Xiao Di wants to go out to play, Wang Lili volunteered to propose that she take Xiao Di for a day.
You trust Wang Lili so much, how can you know that Wang Lili has an evil heart and a cruel heart? How do you know that Wang Lili left Haicheng and went to Meicheng with Xiao Di?
Not only you, but all of us did not think that Xiao Di would be taken by Wang Lili to the amusement park in Meicheng. After that, we searched all the playgrounds of Sea City, but we couldn't find Little flute..."
Yunxiao hard to cover his mouth, tears big big rolling down, she is too stupid, she trust Wang Lili that kind of people, even if they were hurt, but she hurt their daughter at a young age on the outside ah! Only two years old, when you see a strange environment, you must be very afraid, must cry for your mother?
"Whoo..." She could not help but whimper through her fingers.
"Mom, don't cry, everything is over, my sister is doing very well, although she was lost when she was very young, but she was raised in a loving environment, Father Shen has been guarding her with his life." Mussen's eyes were red.
He regretted that he had not come back in the big brother blind date, if he had come back then, he would have had time to meet Shen's father and attend Shen's father's funeral.
"Whoo whoo..." Yunxiao covered her face with her hands and trembled violently from crying.
The guilt in her chest was hard to shake.
She's always had other people cleaning up her mess. She's blind. She's a troublemaker.
Qi Huai frame Adam's apple rolled, he forced the uncomfortable, and then said: "After the small flute was lost, you went crazy everywhere, dispatched all the media, newspapers, detective agencies, photographers, police people, and relatives and friends around you."
Later, Wang Lili gave you a fatal blow while you were frantically searching for your daughter.
She touches her stomach to tell you that she is pregnant, is a son, is Mu Tianhe's child, is the Mu family heir."
"Damn, they deserve to die, cheating men and women who play with women's feelings, all deserve to die, ah ah ah ah -" Yun Xiao emotional excitement is difficult to control, her eyes red blood, mouth issued a sharp growl, she suddenly rushed to the fruit bowl, reach out to pinch the fruit and pinch hard.
Qi Huai frame cut dragon fruit, just be Yunxiao pinch, her hand full of dragon juice.
She pulled out another fruit fork, saw the servant passing the living room, she suddenly rushed to: "Wang Lili, bitch, I kill you, I kill you!"
The servant was frightened and ran quickly to the backyard.
Qi Huai Frame and Mussen immediately rushed over.
Qi Huai frame from behind to embrace Yunxiao waist.
Yunxiao seems to have eaten a strong pill, struggling hard.
She is as strong as an ox, even if Qi Huai frame is a very good training family, holding her also have to use a lot of strength.
"Ah ah - dog and woman, I'll kill you..." Yunxiao growled, struggled, and stared angrily in the direction of the backyard.
She suddenly cruel, holding a fruit fork to Qi Huai frame on the back of the hand.
Qi Huai frame eat pain, gritted teeth stuffy hum a sound, still hold Yunxiao dead.
Because if she gets out of control, if she doesn't hold her, she'll attack the maid and hurt herself.
"Uncle Qi..." Mussen saw his mother so, startled, he hurriedly called five brother Qiu Zhan, "Five brother, quick, my mother is out of control, you come to help."
Qiu Zhan: "?"
What did he hear? Arson's mom is out of control? His mother died over 20 years ago!
Qiu Zhan took the phone and looked at the caller ID again, it is the old six right ah, he asked: "Your mother?" Arsen, have you had your number stolen?"
"Fifth brother, my mother is still alive, come quickly, I will give you the location." Mussen saw the mother out of control, quickly hung up the phone, gave the five elder brother positioning, and then the past to help.
Mussen looked at his mother's red eyes, his teeth showed a crack, and immediately soothed her: "Mom, I am your child, your premature child, your child born with life, I am Asen..."

Chapter 323: Feeding Mother Medicine and Being Bitten
"Premature birth... The child of..." Yunxiao looked at Mussen and had a moment of retarded thinking.
Suddenly, she stared ferociously at Mu Sen, waving the fruit fork in her hand: "Mu Tianhe, you evil thing, I fight with you..."
"Arsen, stay out of the way." Qi Huai frame for fear of Yunxiao into Mussen, he tightly Yunxiao waist buckle in his arms, shouted.
"Mom, it's Nathan." Mussen stood a little farther away from his mother and looked at her lovingly.
"Liars, all liars, dogs and women, I'll kill you, ah ah ah..." Yunxiao wants to pounce on Mussen.
"Arsen, you go to the room." Qihuai frame some hold Yunxiao.
Mussen gave his mother another uncomfortable look and hurried to the room for fear of provoking her.
"Xiaoxiao, you calm down, I am A Frame..." Qi Huai frame said loudly.
"Ah Frame..." Yun Xiao murmured, the scarlet color in her eyes faded a little, and only for an instant, she became violent again, "Liars, all liars, I fight with you, dogs and men, go to death, ah ah ah..."
She waved the fruit fork in her hand and kept sticking the back of Qi Huai Frame's hand.
The back of Qi Huai Frame's hand was bleeding, and he endured it through gritted teeth.
Mussen went to the room, not at ease, and put his head out again, saw the situation outside, in a panic, he quickly came over, reached out and grabbed the fruit fork in his mother's hand: "Mom, give this to me, hurt Uncle Qi."
"No, I'll kill you, Ah ah ah, Mu Tianhe, you animal, I'll kill you..." Yun Xiao saw Mussen, look became more excited more violent.
She struggled for fear that Mussen would take the fruit fork from her, flinging her hands, tilting her head in his direction, and showing her mouth to bite him.
She's looking like an out-of-control rabid right now.
Qi Huai frame hard hold Yunxiao, said: "Son, don't rob, you hide away, don't hurt you."
Mussen gritted his teeth, tugged at his mother's hand, and took the fruit fork from her.
Yun Xiao lost the only weapon in his hand, and his face became more ferocious: "Dogs and men, you must die..."
'What time is it, Arsen? Qihuai frame holding Yunxiao dare not let go, he asked Mussen time.
"Eight thirty in the evening." "Mussen said.
"Arsen, you go to my study and open the second bookcase into the door. There is a small red box in the third row, and there is a key in the box. Take the key and open the nightstand on the left side of my master bedroom. There is a wooden box in the first drawer of the nightstand. Qi Huai frame hold Yunxiao said.
It's only 8:00. They're two hours away, tops.
Now Yunxiao mood is unstable, just to her time to take medicine, see if you can control the medicine.
Yunxiao's case is the most serious from February to May every year, and the amount of medication is also the heaviest during these months, in addition to the long-term escort of a special person.
Generally, after May, the drug is gradually reduced. By July and August, I would take only three pills per meal.
In order to protect Yunxiao's body, he invests a lot of money every year for the medical team to engage in research and development, on the one hand, the main psychiatric department, on the other hand, the development of drugs to protect the liver.
Mussen immediately looked for the study.
"Second floor, left-hand side." Qi Huai frame said to Mussen.
Mussen immediately ran all the way upstairs.
Mussen went to the second floor, found the study on the left, found the key without difficulty, and went downstairs.
Qi Huai frame is still holding Yun Xiao in the same posture just now, he keeps comforting her: "Xiao Xiao, relax, you relax, I am A frame ah, always accompany you, always love you A frame, Qi Huai frame..."
Mussen was distressed to hear it.
My heart ached for his poor mother, and my heart ached for Uncle Qi.
Hearing the sound of Mussen going downstairs, Qi Huai frame reminded Mussen: "Over there, the master bedroom, the nightstand on the left side."
Mussen nodded and quickly went to the master bedroom.
He opened the bedside table, took out a sandalwood box, opened it, inside a folded note, he opened it, and saw that with a strong font written on the use of various drugs, a few pills are appropriate, which drugs can not be used more, constipation will eat more, but sleep is particularly bad, and have to increase the amount...
After reading the instructions carefully, he opened the bottle one by one to take the medicine.
All together, we counted nine.
27 pills, three meals a day.
Looking at so many pills, Mussen's heart was throb.
Has Mom been doing this all these years?
He hated Mu Tianhe and Wang Lili even more.
Wang Lili enjoys everything that should belong to her mother, but her mother is suffering from illness.
God is not fair!
Taking his medicine, he hurried out of the master bedroom.
Qi Huai frame asked: "Asen, have you got everything?"
Mussen nodded.
"Let me see." Qi Huai frame said.
Mussen opened his palm to reveal pills of all colors.
Qi Huai frame said: "Asen, the maid aunt dare not come out, you pour a water, warm water."
"Good," said Hermione. Mussen immediately went to pour water.
Qi Huai frame soothes Yunxiao: "Xiaoxiao, we take medicine good?"
"Take the medicine, yes, take the medicine..." Yun Xiao said.
Mussen saw mother's emotional stability a lot, also agreed to take medicine, immediately came over, ready to feed the medicine with their own hands.
"Don't..." Qi Huai frame immediately stop.
A step too late.
Mussen had put his hand to Yunxiao's mouth.
Yunxiao bowed his head to take medicine, and suddenly embraced Mussen's hand in both hands, biting mercilessly on Mussen's tiger mouth.
"Hiss..." Mussen eats pain.
The pills were scattered on the floor and rolled everywhere.
"Xiao Xiao, relax." Qi Huai frame urgent, want to reach out to buckle Yunxiao's jaw.
Mussen shook his head. "Uncle Qi, no."
"It's gonna hurt." Qi Huai frame frown said.
When Yun Xiao is out of control, he has experienced how much pain he has bitten.
Mussen shook his head. "No pain."
What's this pain compared to what Mom went through?
Yunxiao bite Mussen's tiger mouth is not loose.
Qi Huai frame tried to wake her up: "Xiao Xiao, I am A frame, Qi Huai frame..."
Yunxiao did not have any reaction, only hate to bite Mussen's hand.
It was probably a long time, tired of biting, and she was relieved.
Mussen waited and pulled his hand away.
Yun Xiao struggled again and breathed a mouthful of blood: "Dog men and women, I kill you, I bite you to death..."
She struggled and tried to lunge at Mussen.
Qi Huai frame dead hold her.
Yunxiao laughed: "I bit the dog man, haha, I bit..."
Look at Mussen's mouth bleeding, Qi Huai frame brow wring: "Asen, the TV cabinet has a medical box, you use a bath to clean up the wound, the first simple bandage."
We'll deal with it when the medical team gets here.
"Never mind. I'll go get my mother a refill." Mussen immediately went to fetch the medicine again.
"Give it to me." Qi Huai frame one hand tightly buckle Yunxiao waist, one hand to Mussen.
Mussen nodded and put the medicine into Uncle Qi's palm.
"Take the medicine, Xiaoxiao. Take the medicine and you'll be all right." Qi Huai frame comfort Yunxiao.

Chapter 324: A Heart in Need of a Healer
"Bah, dog and woman." Yunxiao still scolds and struggles.
Qihuai frame afraid to hold Yunxiao, hurriedly pinch the medicine in the palm, both hands tightly hold Yunxiao.
For so many years, Yunxiao every time out of control will not know people, who bite who before.
But for ten years, no matter how delirious she was, no one she knew, she never touched him again, she only bit people other than him.
"Xiaoxiao, I am A frame, take you to eat hot pot, take you to the park, accompany you to make kites, accompany you to buy clothes Qi Huai frame..."
"Ah Frame..." Cloud Xiao consciousness is blurred again.
Her mind was cluttered, and she became extremely agitated.
See Yunxiao slightly open mouth, Qi Huai frame quickly put the medicine into her mouth, and then quickly button her jaw, lift up, do not let her have the opportunity to spit out the pill.
Yunxiao was caught in the jaw, struggling, struggling to move.
Qi Huai frame up a hand again, because of inertia, Yunxiao helplessly made a swallowing action, the medicine swallowed into a few, and a few stick on the tongue.
"Arsen, water." Qi Huai frame shouted a voice.
Mussen brought the water immediately.
Qihuai frame tiger buckle Yunxiao jaw, dare not loosen.
Mussen went back and poured the water from the glass into the disposable cup, only poured half the cup, and then folded back, he pinched the disposable cup, so that the cup appeared a sharp corner, Mussen to the cup, the water in the cup flowed along the sharp corner, and flowed right into Yunxiao's mouth.
Yunxiao filled her mouth with water, and she swallowed subconsciously, swallowing all the pills in her mouth.
Qihuai frame then let go of his hand.
As soon as Yunxiao's jaw was free, she began to scold again: "Dogs and men, they must die."
She glared at Mussen and pointed ferociously in the direction of the backyard. "That bitch is hiding over there. I'm going to tear her up..."
After all this time, a car whistle finally appeared at the door.
Qi Huai frame asked Mussen in surprise: "Asen, what time is it?"
The medical team wouldn't be here that fast.
"Forty past eight." Mussen said and walked out.
Outside the door.
Qiu Zhan will stop the car, he and Huo Mingze down from the car.
"Big Brother, five brother." "Cried Mussen.
Qiu Zhan is carrying a medicine box and wearing a white coat.
He was at the hospital looking at the case report when he got the call from Mussen.
I heard Mussen say that his mom lost her temper. Mussen mother is still alive such a big thing, he naturally the first time the big brother called to the office to tell a voice.
So, Qiu Zhan sorted out some drugs, two people rushed over.
Huo Mingze did not know the situation here, did not dare to tell Modi this matter, told her that he had something urgent to deal with, let her go to bed early.
"How is your mother?" Qiu Zhan asked Mussen.
"The mood is very unstable." "Mussen said.
The three men walked quickly to the living room.
Once into the living room, the light is bright as day, Qiu Zhan saw the blood on the hands of Mussen, tiger mouth position, the most difficult to bite, because when the hand is bitten as long as a button, the other party even if a long iron mouth can not make the force, let alone Mussen itself is a training family.
Qiu Zhan asked, "Did your mother bite?"
"HMM." Mussen answered.
Qiu Zhan frowned more tightly, how much force to bite so deep. The meat at the mouth of the tiger is very thick.
He then walked in a few strides, and saw Qi Huai frame from behind tightly imprison Yunxiao.
Yunxiao had just been a little quiet because of fatigue, and now she saw several men coming over, and her emotions were excited again: "Dogs and men, not people... You killed my daughter, you killed my son, you tried to kill me, I will become a ghost, I will not let you go as a ghost..."
"Fifth brother, can you feel the pulse now?" Mussen asked Qiu Zhan.
Qiu Zhan nodded.
He is also practicing the family, skill is very good, the pulse is not a problem.
He put the medicine box on the coffee table, walked over and politely said: "Aunt, you see, I am a doctor, I will give you a pulse."
"Bah..." Yunxiao came with a mouthful of bah.
Qiu Zhan avoided it.
Qi Huai frame is very sorry: "Sorry."
"Never mind, Auntie is just sick." Qiu Zhan said.
Although their brothers are not related by blood, they have a lifelong friendship, which is nothing.
He went over and held Yunxiao's hand.
Yun Xiao struggled desperately.
"Uncle Qi, hold your aunt's hand." Qiu Zhan said.
Huo Mingze came to help, holding Yunxiao's hand.
"Don't touch me, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll turn into a demon..." Yunxiao struggled and growled.
Mussen was distressed to see it.
Qiu Zhan held Yunxiao's left arm with one hand, and took her pulse with one hand.
Yunxiao struggled and swore.
Qiu Zhan quickly took the pulse and said: "Big brother, change your hand."
Huo Mingze immediately changed his hand.
Qiu Zhan took a pulse in the same way.
Auntie this pair of body, already strong outside dry.
Many years of liver qi stagnation in the heart, vegetative nervous disorders, it is difficult to fall asleep, the brain can not rest well, the five viscera is not normal. Now is the spleen deficiency is not compensated, eat any supplements are useless, kidney deficiency leads to back pain, heart fire leads to great blood vessel pressure, even if controlled by drugs, always wake up in the middle of the night, wake up after it is difficult to fall asleep, the whole person is in a state of anxiety for a long time...
The running of the human body is actually two words: Qi and blood.
If Qi is smooth, all diseases will not arise.
On the contrary, qi is not good, all diseases.
If qi is not good, blood is not smooth, and people's state will be worse day by day.
Aunt must have been greatly stimulated that year, leading to mental disorder.
"How's my mother?" See five brother finished pulse, Mussen immediately asked.
Qihuai frame does not hold much hope for Qiu Zhan.
He hired an internationally renowned psychiatric medical team, so many years, also did not cure Yunxiao, can only let her condition under control.
"First use Chinese medicine to calm the mind, remove the heart fire, remove the liver fire, let her sleep well, let her brain rest, and then cure the heart disease." Qiu Zhan said.
"Can it be cured?" Mussen asked immediately.
"I want to know everything, especially the details of the stimulation she received when she became ill," Qiu said.
Pingkang Hospital also has a psychiatric department, he summed up the mental aspects of the patients, without exception is not stimulated.
Some sudden changes by emergency stimulation, the brain can not stand the moment, the spirit will split.
Some are depressed because of long-term stress, and over time, schizophrenia.
Most patients return to normal within 10 to 40 days in the hospital, but the risk of recurrence is high.
One is because of genetic inheritance, and the other is because of character.
If you want to completely cure this disease, you have to start from two aspects, one is to control the drug, regulate the body, and the other is to conduct psychological counseling, open the heart, and it is best to change the personality.
"Uncle Qi, later you can tell my fifth brother about my mother." "Mussen said.
Qi Huai frame some dilemma, he is still imprisoned Yunxiao.
"I let her sleep first," Qiu said.
With that, he bent over and opened the medicine cabinet.
Qi Huai frame frown: "stability is very harmful to the body."