Holiday Homicide - 7 in English Anything by Joy Bandyopadhyay books and stories PDF | Holiday Homicide - 7

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Holiday Homicide - 7

Chapter 7: Unraveling the Past

As Animesh and Antara continued their clandestine investigation, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. The old man's journals and legal documents shed light on his past and the enigmatic figure of Ella. They discovered that Ella was a former business associate of the elderly billionaire, involved in a land deal that had soured their relationship.

Through discreet inquiries, Animesh uncovered that the land deal was a highly profitable venture involving the farm house and the surrounding land, which the old man had refused to sell. Ella, driven by greed and resentment, had become a key suspect with a clear motive for the murder.

"We need more evidence before we confront Ella or the police," Animesh told Antara, his eyes flickering with determination. "Let's dig deeper into their business dealings and find any connections that could lead us to the real culprit."

Antara nodded in agreement, their partnership in this dangerous pursuit strengthening their resolve. They carefully gathered more information about Ella, tracing her connections to the influential Vikram Kapoor. It became evident that Kapoor's presence in the hilltop was not a mere coincidence; he had ties to the shady dealings surrounding the land deal.

However, they still lacked concrete evidence to prove Ella's involvement and Vikram's connection to the murder. The danger they were facing only intensified as they realized they were getting closer to the truth.

One evening, as they were returning to their cottage after another investigation, they noticed a car parked nearby, its engine running. Fear gripped them as they realized they were being followed.

"We need to get out of here," Antara whispered, her voice trembling.

Animesh took her hand, leading her away from their cottage and into the dense woods. They stayed hidden until they were sure the pursuers had left.

"This is getting too dangerous, Animesh," Antara said, her eyes pleading with him. "We should tell the police everything we know and let them handle it."

Animesh hesitated, torn between the desire to protect Antara and the urge to bring the real culprits to justice. "I don't trust the police to believe us without solid evidence. We need to be smart about this."

As they continued their investigation, they stumbled upon a new lead. The farm house's caretaker had been hiding information from the police, possibly out of fear or loyalty to Ella. Animesh confronted the caretaker, appealing to his conscience and promising to protect him if he cooperated.

Under the pressure of Animesh's persuasive argument, the caretaker finally revealed a crucial piece of information - he had seen Ella arguing with the elderly billionaire just days before his death.

"We need to find the caretaker's testimony and convince him to testify to the police," Animesh said to Antara, his mind racing with the possibilities. "This could be the breakthrough we need to prove Ella's guilt."

Antara agreed, and they carefully devised a plan to discreetly approach the caretaker and convince him to come forward.

But as they prepared to execute their plan, they received yet another cryptic letter, warning them to stay away from the investigation. "Stop digging into things that don't concern you," the letter read. "Or else, the consequences will be dire."

"This is getting dangerous," Antara said, fear evident in her voice. "Maybe we should just leave it to the police."

Animesh held her close, his determination unwavering. "No, we can't back down now. We're so close to uncovering the truth, and I won't let fear stop us."

As they reached the farm house to meet the caretaker, they noticed an unfamiliar car parked nearby. It was clear that they were being watched, and the threat of danger seemed to loom closer.

Inside the farm house, they found the caretaker, visibly anxious but willing to help. He confirmed that he had witnessed an intense argument between Ella and the old man. "They were shouting at each other, but I couldn't hear what they were saying," he revealed.

The couple felt a glimmer of hope, knowing that this crucial testimony could turn the tide in their favor. They promised the caretaker their protection and assured him that they would ensure his safety.

As they were about to leave, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness, confronting them. "I thought I told you to stay away," a sinister voice hissed.

Animesh and Antara turned to find Ella standing there, her eyes filled with malice and anger. It was clear that she was the one who had been following them, trying to prevent them from uncovering her dark secrets.

"We know what you did," Animesh said, his voice steady despite the fear churning inside him. "You can't hide the truth anymore."

Ella's laughter sent chills down their spines. "You think you're clever, don't you? But you have no idea what you're up against."

As she lunged at them, a scuffle ensued, and Animesh and Antara fought to defend themselves. In the chaos, Animesh managed to wrestle a knife from Ella's grip and held it out, warning her to back off.

"You won't get away with this," Animesh said firmly. "We have evidence, and the police will know the truth."

Ella's expression twisted with fury, but she knew she couldn't risk getting caught. With one last threat, she disappeared into the darkness, leaving Animesh and Antara shaken but more determined than ever to bring her to justice.

As they made their way back to their cottage, they knew they were closer to the truth than ever before they had. be continued