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Chamatkari Man - 9

Therefore, today we will discuss about Rup Sadhana. The sense organ of Agni tatva is eyes and their tanmatra is Rup. We have discussed about its Sadhana in the beginning. Tratak is important for this. Bindu Tratak is the first step of practice. Only by practicing Bindu Tratak, the brilliance of Agni tatva starts appearing in the eyes. Magnetic power develops in the eyes. Apart from this, there are some simple Sadhanas, by doing which results start appearing after some time. Bindu Tratak was Sthir Saadhy i.e. focusing on a target which is stable.
Unless you focus your Tratak on the unstable Saadhy, you will not be able to climb the next step. Unstable Saadhy means meditation on a moving object, i.e. do Tratak, then close the eyes and do Antar Tratak. Let us understand this by an example – meditate on the moving clock's needle, then close the eyes and look at it, i.e. meditate. Open the eyes and see the clock's needle, where is it? If you meditate after closing the eyes and when you open the eyes, the needle is where it should be, then the Sadhana is going on correctly. This too has to be done for five minutes to half an hour.
Next meditation is to feed the birds. When the birds are pecking the grains and start eating the grains while roaming around fearlessly, then concentrate on any one bird. The bird should be such that you can easily identify it. They can also be marked. If it is a pigeon, then one of them can be white, select it. The same process has to be followed. First, concentrate on that bird with open eyes. You can close your eyes once or twice, look and then close them. While practicing, in a few days, you will become so attached to that bird that you can see it only with closed eyes. Where is it? What is it doing? Everything can be experienced with closed eyes. Similarly, look at the entire place, then look with closed eyes. And keep watching that place closely with closed eyes. After some time of practice, all the things happening in that place can be seen. Initially, pictorial scenes will be visible, then after long practice, it can be seen like a video. You must have heard the description of many sages in the Puranas who knew everything by closing their eyes. Therefore, by doing continuous sadhna, we can also acquire those qualities. If you find a suitable Guru, then sadhna bears fruit soon.
We had discussed about the sadhna of Panchtanmatra in the previous chapters.
Reasons of attraction- Form, taste, smell, touch, sound are the five tanmatras. Form- its sense organ is the eyes. Attraction towards beauty arises in it. Physical beauty, whether inborn or acquired through cosmetics, becomes the reason of attraction. Wearing ornaments and their removal help in increasing beauty. Seeing the external form can change detachment into attachment. Therefore, the act of seeing the form is done by the eyes. Good and bad feelings are formed through the eyes. An electric current starts running in the human mind. If the association of the mind with the eyes is removed through our discretion, if the mind is counted as having loss and gain, then probably that flow will be obstructed.