My Husband Is The Heir To A Wealthy Family - 13 in English Motivational Stories by jiaqing yang books and stories PDF | My Husband Is The Heir To A Wealthy Family - 13

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My Husband Is The Heir To A Wealthy Family - 13

Chapter 289: Huo Mingze escapes
Just thinking about it, Huo Mingze felt suffocated.
The uncomfortable feeling in his heart was difficult to clear, and his breathing was a little difficult. He reached down and pulled his tie.
Just now, in that remote villa.
He ran to her, the moment she hugged him, his heart was suddenly filled, he felt, she is still there, her heart is still here with him.
When he picked her up to go, and she put her arms around his neck, he felt all his unhappiness melt away.
But she asked him to take Gu Tianxi back to the hospital.
He panicked!
He was afraid that her heart was still with Gu Tianxi.
He was afraid that she would tell him about Gu Tianxi.
He knew she was crying, her eyes red with tears, and he dared not ask her why she was crying.
Those are the tears she shed for another man.
A man she once loved deeply.
Maybe I still do.
Yeah, they went through a lot of years together. And they met on a blind date now, only half a year.
In the past six months, they had a very happy time, and their feelings became deeper and deeper.
But what better than a teenage couple? From the green years, the ignorant age when love began to open, hand in hand through the university time...
He was in a panic and wondered what he should do.
What's he gonna do if she confronts him?
A generous blessing?
He can't do it!
By tying her up against her will?
He was afraid she would hate him!
He didn't go to work. He was sitting alone in the car.
He was not in the habit of smoking, but he was in the mood for a cigarette.
There was no smoke in the car, so he suddenly stepped on the gas and drove out.
He went to the Yunqing restaurant, did not point anything, let people on two bottles of liquor.
Instead of taking the cup, he just took the bottle and drank, one sip after another.
I was filled with images of Mordi's red eyes and her nervously Shouting out to the Cullinan, holding Gu Tianxi...
After drinking half a bottle of wine, Qiu Zhan called and asked him: "Brother, you are not in the hospital?"
Qiu Zhan's tone was surprised.
Sister-in-law had just experienced such a thing, the eldest brother did not accompany sister-in-law, he thought it was too incredible.
"HMM." Huo Mingze responded with a deep voice.
I thought drinking would make me feel better, but the more I drank, the worse I felt.
"Brother, where have you been?" Qiu Zhan asked again.
"Yun Qing." Huo Mingze is concise and to the point.
"Yunqing Restaurant?"
"What did you do there?" Qiu Zhan was even more surprised.
At such a time, do not accompany sister-in-law, run to Yunqing restaurant?
"Drink." Huo Mingze said.
"With whom?" Qiu Zhan asked, suddenly thought of sister-in-law let Gu Tianxi back to the hospital, he asked, "You will not be alone?"
"HMM." Huo Mingze depressed should.
"No, brother, what do you think? Angry with your sister-in-law?" Qiu Zhan asked while analyzing, "Brother, in fact, today's sister-in-law experienced such things, even if you are angry again, you should comfort her and accompany her." She's a girl. She's scared."
"I'm not angry with her." Huo Mingze said.
How could he be angry with her?
He loved her, love her too late.
He was just afraid that if he was with her, she would say something he couldn't accept.
He knew her, and she was not a person willing to hide things, nor was she a person willing to be ambiguous. She is a kind and decisive person who, once she has made a decision, makes it clear quickly.
"Not angry, you went to drink?" Qiu Zhan tone is full of disbelief.
"What about Gu Tianxi?" Mr. Huo asked.
"The wound was dealt with, I took my assistant to deal with it for a long time, good guy, really hard enough for myself, stabbed seven or eight holes, both thighs are about to be pierced, which is full of broken glass burrs..."
Huo Mingze listened impatiently and interrupted, "Are you awake?"
"Woke up, woke up and asked, Where is the little flute?" That concern, I wonder if they were forced to break up by the family?"
Huo Mingze suddenly anger rising, holding the phone hand is also tightening, the back of the hand blue veins protrusion.
He clenched his back teeth and wanted to say, let him out of the hospital, let him go!
Afraid of pushing Mordi further away, he pressed his inner thoughts and asked, "Has Momo come to see him?"
The most afraid of her to care about Gu Tianxi.
'No! Qiu Zhan said.
"You went to see Momo?" Huo Mingze asked.
A Zhan should have gone to see, otherwise how can you know he is not in the hospital?
'Yes! Qiu Zhan said.
"Did she ask about Gu Tianxi?" Huo Mingze asked.
'Yes! Qiu Zhan said.
Huo Mingze's heart tightened.
Sure enough, she was concerned about Gu Tianxi.
For a moment he did not speak.
Qiu Zhan shouted: "Big brother? Are you okay? You haven't had too much to drink?"
"No, I won't go back to the hospital for two days, you help me take care of Momo." When she asks, tell her I'm away on business." Huo Mingze said.
"No, brother, you're not going back to the hospital at this time? Hey..."
Huo Mingze has hung up the phone.
He needs to calm down. He needs to think. How do you face Momo?
Using the child to hold her against her will?
He can do that.
But it's not sweet to twist.
As soon as he came out with this idea, another voice sounded in his heart: sweet or not sweet is also my favorite melon.
He was depressed and continued to drink.
He leaned on the sofa with the bottle and continued drinking.
There was a voice in his heart Shouting: Momo, I drink, uncomfortable, care about me...
The hospital.
After night.
Mu Tingting went to her room to sleep at 9 PM as usual.
No one would go into the room to disturb her when she was sleeping.
She pulled out her spare phone from under her pillow and received a flood of new photos and short videos.
Photo of Mohsen and Shen Modi cuddling in the parking lot.
Muhsen smashed the reporter's camera at the bad guy's house.
The last time Yao Yutong asked her Mussen is like Shen Modi, she took heart, hired someone to quietly follow Mussen and Shen Modi.
I didn't expect such a big gain so quickly.
This news, this black pot, can be put on Yao Yutong's head.
It had nothing to do with her.
Meng Qiulan they see the news of Mussen and Shen Modi hugging each other, absolutely will not be happy.
Even if you explain it in a short time, you still have a knot in your heart.
People, they're strange creatures.
When you like a person, you will tolerate all the shortcomings of this person.
Once disgusted, then look at this person, that is really full of problems.
Before Meng Qiulan, Huo Xinyao they like Shen Modi, do not dislike her birth, only look at her advantages.
These news from time to time, they are tired of the heart, will not abandon Shen Modi's birth?
When the time comes, it will only be the same as everyone's idea, that the prairie chicken is the prairie chicken, and it will not become a phoenix with feathers. A woman from a small family is a woman of shallow knowledge, but it is difficult to be elegant.
There was a calculating glow in her eyes, and she quickly sent the photo out...

Chapter 290 is his own sister
At night, the drizzle continued.
Many people are fast asleep.
Others have sleepless nights.
Mordi has been lethargic since she was pregnant, but she couldn't sleep at all last night.
She kept tossing and turning in bed, checking her phone from time to time to see if Huo Mingze had called her or sent her a wechat message.
She called him at 8:00 p.m., and his phone was off.
Qiu Zhan came to her at nine o 'clock in the evening and said that big brother was on a temporary business trip and would go for two or three days.
She didn't know whether Huo Mingze was really on an urgent business trip, or didn't want to see her?
By the middle of the night, convinced that he would not return her messages, she stopped checking her phone, but still had trouble falling asleep, tossing and turning.
Mussen wasn't asleep either.
He lay in bed, holding the identification report in his arms, with mixed emotions.
At noon, I took Mordi's hair, and he sent it to the forensics agency to guard the forensics, go to the expedited, five hours to get the results.
I didn't realize Mordi was really his sister.
Big brother called him and asked him where he had been.
The test results weren't in yet, and he said it was a personal matter.
When the result came out, he was both happy and nervous.
If he has a healthy family, he will not hesitate to recognize relatives, and happily say to his sister: "Sister, I finally found you." Come on, I'll take you home."
But now he hesitated, recognizing his sister, it means that his sister, like him, has a man father who cheated and played with women's feelings, no parents love, and was excluded by Mu Tao brother and sister.
Sister first half of life was very hard, now finally set thousands of love in a body, if he and sister recognize, Mu Tianhe will rush to recognize, on the rush to tell the world, tell everyone that he is Huo Mingze father-in-law.
Derailment indirectly hurt the daughter lost, left out for more than 20 years, and indirectly killed his wife, such a culprit, what qualifications to be the eldest brother's father-in-law?
Holding the report, Mussen rolled over in bed.
Lying in the middle of the night, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, why do you want to tie your sister and Mu home together?
He could have identified her alone, just on a small scale.
Thinking, he sat up excitedly, picked up the mobile phone ready to call Mordi.
Mobile phone receives push news:
# Booo! Huo family new daughter-in-law Shen Modi private life indiscretions, with mu family illegitimate child affair!
# blast! Huo three little workplace proud, frustrated in love, won the company lost marriage!
# Awesome! Huo's daughter-in-law Shen Modi fetus in the abdomen is suspected to be the son of Mu clan Mu Sen.
Here's a picture of Moorsen holding Moodi in the parking lot, Moodi jumping into his arms because of inertia, and Moorsen grabbing the camera.
Xiaobian also used text to spread rumors, saying that Mussen had often been abroad before, and since he had known Shen Modi, he had stayed in China for a long time, spending time with Shen Modi every day, in front of the horse after the horse. So concerned, the child in her stomach should be his, Huo Mingze is happy to be father.
Xiaobian took out the last news pictures and highlighted the photos of Mussen, saying that the last time Shen Modi saw Gu Tianxi mother and son, Mussen was also present.
Xiao Bian also exaggerated, said Shen Modi foot three boats, and Huo Mingze married, flirted with Mu Sen, while hanging Gu Tianxi.
Xiaobian even posted a photo of Huo Mingze, P on the head of Huo Mingze a green hat.
The following comments scolded Shen Modi crazy:
"Oh my God, this is so cheap!"
"So it is not unreasonable that the family likes to find a marriage match. Look what Shen Modi is. It's cheap."
"It must be that her husband is usually busy with work and has no time to accompany her, so she is empty and lonely."
"That is, she does not match the circle of the rich, and the people in the circle have no common topics, and do not have to work to make money, too much time in the day, must be looking for a man to kill time."
"I know, I have a friend is like this, beautiful, married a rich husband, the husband is busy every day, she can't enter her husband's circle, do nothing every day, just outside to keep a little boy."
Mussen was furious when he read the news.
He immediately called his big brother and turned it off.
He called five brother Qiu Zhan again.
Qiu Zhan sweared: "Die ah, in the middle of the night, was having a wet dream, woke me up, said, what?"
"Watch the news! "Mussen said.
"Whose news is it? Qiu Zhan asked in a daze, he hung up the phone and clicked on the news APP.
A little open, sitting up: "grass!"
He called Mussen again and muttered to him: "You are really an old six, know that the media is not a fuel-saving light, nothing is squatting near the hospital recently, you say you are so close to the sister-in-law to do what?"
Mussen would love to say, she's my sister, my own sister.
Qiu Zhan is still chanting: "Alas, eldest sister is too difficult, brother here is angry with her, and now the Internet users are abusing her, she will wake up tomorrow to see the news, it is estimated that depression." It's better to have the news hacked."
"Brother was angry with her? Why?" Mussen got the point and asked.
Qiu Zhan said, "In the afternoon, Gu Tianxi's mother kidnapped his sister and locked her in a room with Gu Tianxi. The old witch gave Gu Tianxi drugs, and later Gu Tianxi used glass to tie his thighs in order to stay awake. Sister-in-law was crying and concerned about Gu Tianxi, which was just seen by big brother."
Mussen jumped out of bed. "What happened this afternoon?"
He didn't know.
He got the report soon after dark and rushed back to the hospital. He also went to see his sister. She was in a good mood, and he didn't see anything different about her.
"That's right."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Mussen asked.
"Why, what's the use of telling you? You don't have anything nice to say to your sister." Qiu Zhan said.
"I'm going to find her now." Mussen was worried.
Qiu Zhan scolded him: "Are you crazy? In the middle of the night, and then to the media to send a material, Mussen in the middle of the night into Shen Modi ward with her tryst?"
Mussen: "..."
His face was livid. I'm her own brother!
He asked in a deep voice: "Big brother angry, where did he go?"
No wonder the phone turned off.
"I went to Yunqing to drink." Qiu Zhan said helplessly.
"I'll go and find him." Mussen picked up his coat as he talked on the phone.
"Why did you go to him? The things between husband and wife, can't give each other some time and space? Listen to me, at such times, the more you persuade, the more the big brother will twist, the more he will feel that the sister-in-law loves the Great Seal. Emotional things, who can not persuade, can only calmly think clearly. The more you care, the more angry you get." Qiu Zhan said.
Mussen was silent for a moment.
"I'll get my computer and hack the news first," he said.
"Old Six, a good idea just occurred to me." Qiu Zhan Shen Xi said in secret.
'What? Mussen asked, frowning.
He's in such a bad mood that he wants to go on a rampage.
Qiu Zhan said: "The news, let it ferment, wait for big brother personally solve."
Mussen was furious...

Seeing the video, Huo Mingze could not restrain his jealousy
Mussen was furious: "How many of us big men just watched her being abused and bullied?"
"Anyway, it is night now, sister can not see, tomorrow morning I will go to call sister to check, let her read a little fetal education books to pass the time." Tomorrow morning you go to Yunqing restaurant to find big brother, let him see the news. As long as it is a matter of sister-in-law, brother is more anxious than any of us." Qiu Zhan said.
"... MHM." Mussen hesitated, then agreed.
This is really a matter that big brother can handle better.
They are able to repair the relationship more quickly.
Qiu Zhan hung up the phone.
Mussen where still sleep, despite the fact that it is two o 'clock in the morning, he left the hospital to drive to Yunqing restaurant.
Yunqing restaurant has already closed, only the neon lights outside are bright, flashing colorful light.
Mussen lay waiting in the car, flipping through the old news.
Sister and Huo Mingze wedding news video.
He looked at his sister in her wedding dress and smiled at the corners of her lips.
He's got a sister. He's not alone anymore.
At last morning came.
At about seven o 'clock, the door of the Yunqing restaurant opened, and the uncle who opened the door yawned.
Mussen immediately got off the bus to go inside the Yunqing restaurant.
Uncle stopped Mussen: "Young man, we don't do breakfast, we don't open until after ten o 'clock."
"I know. I'm looking for someone." Mussen said in a deep voice.
The uncle said helplessly, "Young man, we have just opened the door, there is no one else inside except me."
Mussen's already inside.
The uncle immediately caught up: "Young man, there is really no one inside, why don't you listen to advice?"
Mussen went straight to room 1111.
The door was unlocked. It opened at a push.
The uncle's face changed with fear, and he quickly pulled Mussen out and said in a low voice: "Father, I beg you, this is our boss, not the person you are looking for, you must not wake him up, then I will lose my job..."
"Big Brother! "Mussen shouted, looking at the man lying on the couch with one leg slouched under it.
"Your big brother?" The uncle breathed a sudden sigh of relief.
Mussen said, "Could you help me with some hangover tea?"
This private room is full of wine smell, there are two bottles of white wine on the ground, this is two bottles of drink?
Upon hearing this, the uncle immediately said: "Yes, yes, there is a special hangover tea, I will get it."
Mussen approached, crouched down in front of the sofa, and shouted again, "Big Brother."
Huo Mingze moved.
Mussen thought he was awake.
No idea, he turned over, the body curled into the sofa inside, he reached out to hug a pillow, saying wine: "wife... My heart hurts... What Gu Tianxi can give you, I can..."
"Big Brother." Mussen listened uncomfortably and pushed Huo Mingze on the shoulder.
Huo Mingze did not move.
Mussen pushed again.
Huo Mingze leaned over and opened his eyes to look at Mussen.
He was drunk, had a headache, and his eyes were red. "Arsen?"
"Big brother, someone is bullying Mordi again." "Mussen said.
Huo Mingze sat up, most of the wine awake, head pain, he reached out to knock, asked deeply: "Who bullied her?"
"You watch the news." "Mussen said.
Huo Mingze immediately touched his phone everywhere.
Mussen picked up his phone from the floor and handed it to him. "Here, brother."
Huo Mingze turned on the machine and suddenly felt a surge in his stomach.
The uncle just brought the hangover tea.
Mussen quickly took it and handed it to Huo Mingze: "Brother, drink the hangover tea first."
Huo Mingze skipped tea and clicked on the news APP.
I saw Mordi in the headlines again, getting ripped off even more than last time.
His face was cold and bloodthirsty, and his voice overflowed through his teeth: "Yao, rain, Tong!"
"There's no proof, but I have a feeling it's her," Mussen said.
Huo Mingze is ready to call Xiao Mu, let Xiao Mu continue to explode Yao home, while hacking into Yao Yutong mobile phone to find evidence, Yao Yutong sent in.
Before dialing, the news APP has a new push, with a headline even more prominent than the previous one:
# Melon of the Year! Shen Modi and Gu Tianxi compound.
# Gu Tianxi and Shen Modi in the same room, passion ambiguous.
# Unfinished business! Gu's president Gu Tianxi and grassroots Shen Modi again.
Small series with wonderful writing, delicate description of the original Gu Tianxi and Shen Modi love story.
They went all the way from their youth to college.
Shen Modi in order to go to the same school with Gu Tianxi, give up the desired school reported Meicheng t, her college entrance examination scores exceeded t big 30 points.
But when he graduated from college, Gu Tianxi was forced by his grandfather to break up with Shen Modi.
Now his grandfather died, there is no obstacle, he has returned to Shen Modi...
The news was accompanied by photos and surveillance video.
The surveillance video was intercepted.
Two clips were taken, one showing Modi crying and shaking his head, holding his hand over his mouth, and Gu Tianxi holding a sharp piece of glass with blood on the back of his hand.
The other is when he stabs himself in the thigh, then reaches out and knocks himself unconscious, and Modi rushes to hold him up.
The video is silent, small arranged love theme music, it will sound really beautiful.
Good people comment analysis: God, God, so moved!
Some people disdain: "God he touched, this man is really disgusting, playing bitter meat here, Shen Mo Di is too stupid."
"Yeah, it's stupid, just sitting there like that, wanting such a thing?"
"That's the charm of love. When you love someone deeply, he is the only one."
"It's not worth it."
"Shen Modi is really a love brain and looks very angry."
Also see good anger, there is Huo Mingze.
His eyes were scarlet as he watched the video.
The video was short and played on a loop.
There was no voice, but he could see clearly that her lips were Shouting: The Cullinan...
She was so nervous Gu Tianxi.
Cry for him, love him...
"Big Brother." Mussen shouted, sensing that his brother's breath was wrong.
"You call Xiao Mu, first put Yao's black material, and then find a way to send Yao Yutong to prison." Huo Mingze said.
"Brother, are you going back to the hospital?" Mussen asked tentatively.
"I'm going to d country to see old fourth." Huo Mingze said.
He did not dare to go to the hospital, for fear that if he went to the hospital, she would tell him out.
"The fifth brother said that the fourth brother's condition is very stable, although he sleeps a lot of time every day, and does not talk much, but his brain has been awake, his atrophied muscles are also recovering, and all aspects of function are getting better." "Mussen said.
"Well, I'll go and see him." Huo Mingze said.
Mussen frowned and couldn't bear it. "Brother," he said, "When such a big thing has happened, won't you go to the hospital to accompany Mordi?"
Huo Mingze startled a moment, yes, such a big thing happened.
But he was afraid that if he met her, he would lose her.
"Brother, if you still care about her, you should be with her at this time." "Mussen said.

Chapter 292: Love Makes Him lose His Place
Of course he does!
Huo Mingze looked at Mussen with red eyes. After a moment of silence, he said, "Go to the hospital."
He had a terrible headache from the hangover, and when he got up, his body shook.
Mussen quickly caught him. "Big Brother."
Mu Sen gave the hangover tea to Huo Mingze: "Brother, wake up."
Huo Mingze took it, drank half a cup in one gulp, and then went outside.
Mussen drove the car back to the hospital and asked, "Brother, this is how you go to see Big... Mordi?"
It's his own sister. He doesn't want to call her.
"HMM." Huo Mingze answered.
Gu Tianxi took glass to his thighs to win Momo's sympathy, why did he want to dress himself up?
He needs Momo's attention, too.
Huo Mingze returned to the ward, did not see Modi.
He immediately went to find Qiu Zhan.
At the door of Qiu Zhan's office, I saw Modi.
Modi sat in a chair, turning the books of fetal education in her hand, she looked up and asked Qiu Zhan: "A Zhan, Gu Tianxi's situation, stable?"
Huo Mingze just heard this sentence, his heart suddenly tightened.
At all times, she cares about Gu Tianxi.
Is the Cullinan that important?
Qiu Zhan saw Huo Mingze, he was speechless, really early don't ask late don't ask, this time to ask.
Mo Di thought Qiu Zhan did not hear, she asked again: "Ah Zhan, is the situation of the Cullinan stable?"
Huo Mingze: "!!"
The fire pressure is not good.
He really wanted to keep his emotions in check.
He cares about her so much.
I want to give her the best of everything in the world.
How could he be so mean to her?
From the day of the blind date, he decided to devote his whole heart to her.
In the days that followed, he did exactly that.
He mended his broken heart and gave it to her with all his heart.
He really can't afford to do it again.
But she called Gu Tianxi as intimate.
The cullinan, the cullinan, so harsh a name that he heard his heart being pierced with a steel knife.
Qiu Zhan said awkwardly: "His condition is quite stable, all trauma." Brother, are you back?"
Hearing that Huo Mingze came back, Modi immediately got up and turned to look at Huo Mingze.
Seeing that his clothes were full of wrinkles and his hair was a little messy, she asked in surprise, "Azel, what happened?"
She approached him.
I smell alcohol.
"You've been drinking?" Her eyes were full of worry.
"Well, last night we talked about contracts and drank with clients." Huo Mingze said.
Mussen: "..."
Brother, can't you just tell people that you're jealous, you're in a bad mood, and you've been drinking all night?
"Didn't you sleep well last night?" Modi, seeing Huo Mingze's eyes a little red, asked.
She reached out and grabbed his hand, "Go, you go to your room and rest for a while."
Huo Mingze let Modi pull him away.
As he walked, he kept his eyes down, watching Modi take his hand.
At this moment, he hoped that this part of the road would never be finished, and he would go on like this forever.
"Do you want to take a bath first?" Entering the suite, Mordi asked with concern.
"HMM." Huo Mingze answered.
Mordi smiled and said, "I'll get your nightgown."
Also do not know what happened, after yesterday's thing, as if there is a gap between them, can not say the taste.
"Good," said Hermione. Huo Mingze answered.
Modi went to get the pajamas for Huo Mingze.
Huo Mingze has gone to the bathroom.
Modi knocked on the bathroom door and said to Huo Mingze, "Ze, clothes."
She wrenched the door open and held in the clothes.
Huo Mingze came to take over the clothes, and Modi took the bathroom door with her.
Huo Mingze looked at the clothes in his hands, his heart was not taste.
She used to open the door to bring him his clothes, and now she won't even look at him?
Huo Mingze bath, Modi sitting in a small sofa in a bad mood, she suddenly felt that between them become polite and raw up.
Her mood is a little irritable, picked up the mobile phone ready to chat with Qing Yi.
When I turn on my phone, I see my news feed.
Two big news stories, both related to her.
One was when she accidentally fell into Mussen's arms in the parking lot.
The other is a video of her and Gu Tianxi being locked in a room.
Netizens have cursed her into a sieve, a water-based flower, a damning, a bitch, and a woman's face. Such a woman should be immersed in a pig cage, sink a pond, and be thrown into a river to drown when she was born...
Everyone was yelling at her.
He called her an indecent girl with multiple dates.
In heaven and earth's conscience, she and Mussen are just ordinary friends, Mussen is Azel's brother, so she also regards him as a brother.
She and Gu Tianxi were kidnapped entirely by his mother.
She just suddenly knew the truth of the year, regret the feelings of that year, but also love dearly once their own.
She helped Gu Tianxi, because Gu Tianxi struck himself, she was shocked and sad.
The unscrupulous media is out to get her, and now everyone's scolding her.
She told herself not to be influenced by these things.
But seeing everyone scold too harshly, her eyes still red, tears fell down.
Also do not know because pregnant, people are more sentimental, or because she and Azer gave birth to a rift between her heart is uncomfortable, see netizens scold her, her tears roll down.
Next, the phone received the latest news feed:
# Big Melon! The client responded.
# Gu Tianxi is a man! Mother is so sick!
Modi clicked on the news and saw Gu Tianxi's clarification video.
Wearing a hospital gown, he sat on the hospital bed and said to the camera: "Hello everyone, I am Gu Tianxi, and today I record this video to clarify some truths." The video you saw of me and Modi Shen was pinched. The truth is, my mother kidnapped Shen Modi to a remote villa yesterday. Meanwhile, my mother drugged me.
As you can see in the video, I stabbed myself with the glass. I'm not trying to get sympathy, but it's the only way I can stay awake.
Mordi came to help me because I knocked myself unconscious.
She has a kind heart, even if she sees a stranger like this, she will help.
She and I were once in love, and then we broke up for our own reasons. No matter what, we wish each other well.
My mother did such a thing. I apologize to Mordi for my mother. I hope you will not be led astray by the unscrupulous media."
As soon as Huo Mingze came out, he saw that Modi's eyes were red and he was obviously crying.
His heart was tight, strode over, concerned: "What's wrong?"
He looked at Mordi's phone.
The mobile page is hovering over Gu Tianxi's clarification video.
Huo Mingze a concerned heart was suddenly poured a basin of cold water, dull pain.
She cried for Gu Tianxi again.
Modi shook his head and said, "It's all right, but I feel a little uncomfortable today."
"Well, get some rest and I'll go to work. You don't have to worry about the news about you and Arson. I'll take care of it." Huo Mingze said.
'Yes. Azel, I want to talk to you." 'said Mordi.
Huo Mingze suddenly panic, want to tell him clearly, want to separate with him?
He immediately raised his wrist to look at the time, said: "Wife, I have something urgent to deal with, wait until I come back to say."

Chapter 293 Meng Qiulan protecting calves, my small flute three views are the most positive
"Change your clothes. You're still in your pajamas." Modi reminded Huo Mingze.
"Well, I have clothes in the car." Huo Mingze hurried away.
Modi looked at the back of Huo Mingze hurrying away, biting his lower lip uncomfortably.
She didn't like the feeling that there was something on both sides, and she wanted to talk it out. Even a fight would be nice.
Mr. Muhsen followed Mr. Hock as he went to the parking lot in his pajamas, holding down the door while Mr. Hock drove.
"Arsen?" Huo Mingze looked at Mussen in surprise.
"Brother, Gu Tianxi clarified what happened yesterday afternoon." "Mussen said.
Huo Mingze ruffled his eyebrows irritably and replied gravely, "HMM."
He's on edge right now.
I've never been so upset in my life.
That dull feeling, the feeling of the heart is difficult to describe in words, is manic, uncomfortable. He was afraid of Momo and he said separate, and afraid of losing control of his overbearing force to keep her around to scare her.
So, he subconsciously chose to escape.
As long as you don't say it, you don't have to face it.
"There are ways to clarify the news about Yao Yutong." "Mussen said.
Huo Mingze said: "You don't have to worry, Xiao Mu will deal with it."
"I have a better idea." "Mussen said.
Huo Mingze looked at Mussen.
Mussen handed the file bag to Huo Mingze.
'What? Huo Mingze asked as he opened his file bag.
When the file was taken out, it was a forensic report.
'What? Huo Mingze looked at Mussen again and asked.
Moorsen said, "Moodi, she's my lost sister."
Huo Mingze startled for a moment, looking closely at Mussen.
Mussen said: "Yesterday afternoon, I went to do the identification. When I got the report, I didn't want to make it public, I didn't want my sister to come back and have a father like Mu Tianhe. But making the report public now is the best way to silence netizens, more than any of Yao's big news."
"Go public! Huo Mingze said.
Momo was willing to do whatever was best for him.
"Good," said Hermione. Mussen answered.
Huo Mingze drove away.
Mussen helplessly looked at the big brother, sighed: "Alas."
Emotional stuff, it's hard to deal with.
Huo Mingze drove out the car for a few minutes, received a phone call from the heart Yao, heart Yao exploded on the phone: "Brother, sister-in-law are going to be bullied to death, where did you go?"
Huo Mingze slammed on the brakes, stopped the car on the side of the road and asked, "What happened?"
Huo Xinyao angrily said on the phone: "On the two news in the morning, we all know that there must be a fool deliberately smeared his sister-in-law." Mom and I thought you'd take care of it, so we didn't have to. Now Uncle with the third aunt, the second aunt, they come to find trouble..."
"I'll be right over." Huo Mingze hung up the phone and hurried to the hospital.
The hospital.
Dong Xiuhua to Modi ward called her to the ward suite over there.
Huo Zhenye pointed at Modi's nose with a calm face and scolded, "Look at you, what kind of body?" I don't care what kind of person you were before, how indiscreet your private life is, since you married Ming Ze, is the daughter-in-law of the Huo family, with the identity of the young grandmother of the Huo family, you should keep to your duty, you have been hooking up with men outside every three days, has lost the face of our entire Huo family?"
Meng Qiulan saw her daughter-in-law being scolded, quit: "Big brother are you blind?" Huh? The unscrupulous media pinched the head and the tail and confused the rhythm, the netizens have no brain and will not see the essence through the phenomenon, parrot others' words, they believe what the media says, and the big brother is so brainless?"
"You! Qiuran, who am I doing this for? Mingze is my own nephew, can I watch my own nephew be so green? If you look at what she did, hugging Mussen one moment, hugging Gu Tianxi the other, that's unwomanly." Huo Zhenye against.
Meng Qiulan back: "First, Xiao Di and Mussen that is not hugging, she is not standing, Mussen helped her." Second, Gu Tianxi has issued a clarification video, my small flute yesterday afternoon was taken by the old witch Zeng Huizhen, it is their crime, my small flute is the victim. Big brother, you are really interesting, you don't feel that you have lost the Huo family when you have derailed others outside, and my little flute has been wronged, but you feel that my little flute is embarrassing."
The second aunt said, "Qiuran is right. Gu Tianxi has clarified that it was his mother who was crazy enough to take Xiao Di away."
Huo Zhenye frowned and said, "Anyway, after Mo Di married into our Huo family, the life of the Huo family has not been stable, she is the punishment Ke."
As soon as she heard the word, Meng Qiulan's whole body exploded, and her voice suddenly rose: "Punishment? Why didn't you tell me your Yao Yutong was executed? Huh? See how much has happened since she got married? Huo Zhengqin's conscience is bad this year, pulling out his grandfather's ventilator, is this a human thing?"
She hated it most because when Zhen Dong died, the media gossiped about her, saying that she had a hard life and was punished.
Dong Xiuhua heard Meng Qiulan said is chin, she was very unhappy, said: "Now is to say Modi things." If she picks up this one today and picks up that one tomorrow, what will other people think of us?"
Meng Qiulan mad against: "You can be really funny, your own son is not good education, but to discipline my daughter-in-law." Who did my flute hook up with? Huh? She is kind and upright, and can't be more upright. If you ask me, those of you who can think wrong about everything, take a look in the mirror. What do they say, heart people look dirty at everything."
The third aunt helped to say: "Mo Di so day by day to get out of seven, eight, eight things, Ming Ze every day to help her wipe the ass, also have no mind to work." Now the old man again, otherwise, Ming ze simply back to the hospital to take care of grandpa, just Modi pregnant, Ming ze also take care of her by the way, Huo will give the earthquake industry management."
Meng Qiulan was angry: "Third aunt, you are now surnamed Li?" This is bullying. Is there no one left? Although my family Zhendong passed away, Ming Ze is still named Huo. Besides, Pops may be sick, but he's still here. It's someone else's turn to arrange for the Huo family?"
The third aunt's face turned white and asked for help: "Second sister, look at Qiu LAN."
Second aunt said seriously: "Qiuran is right, our daughter married out, should not have been involved in the family."
Third aunt apologizes: "I am not for Huo's good." What's Ming Ze thinking about working now? Ask someone at the company how many hours a day does he spend in the company doing good work?"
Huo Zhenye said, "Since Mingze met Shen Modi, he has worked in the company for less than three hours a day. He used to work at least six hours a day in the company."
Huo Mingze's voice rang out coldly: "Uncle can really care about me!"

Chapter 294. He wants a little ritual
Huo Mingze came over and reached out to hold Mo Di's hand, protecting her. He glanced coldly at the third aunt, then looked at Huo Zhenye and asked, "No matter how many hours I worked, did I affect Huo's performance?"
Huo Zhenye frowns: "Although it does not seem to affect Huo's performance for the time being, but over a long period of time, it will certainly affect."
Huo Mingze laughed coldly: "There is a saying that the soldier bears a nest, will bear a nest, the commander is incompetent, tired to death." Only those who are incompetent need to stay in the office every day, busy like a top. Those who are really capable will arrange everything in an overall way and delegate power to the following team to do a good job."
Second aunt strong support: "Ming Ze said makes sense."
"What's the point? Second sister, look what Mingze looks like now, walking around in his pajamas in the middle of the day." Three aunt grandma work is not good to pick Huo Mingze thorns, began to pick the details of life, "before Ming Ze is not so, this is also married to some people after, just so regardless of the image, untidy."
"I just got out of the shower, I have a work schedule for today, is it okay if I take a break and wear pajamas?" Huo Mingze asked in a cold voice.
"It would be fine to dress like that at home, but this is a hospital." The third aunt said.
"We live in the hospital all the time, just like at home." Huo Mingze back.
"Mingze, we are also for your own good." Huo Zhenye a look for the sake of Huo Mingze, "You should take a good look at the news, your wife this moment and Mu Sen hug, and Gu Tianxi hug, it is really not like."
Huo Mingze's eyes are colder, and his voice is also cold: "Uncle can't see Gu Tianxi's clarification video?" You are amazing! When someone smears a video, you immediately punish them, and when someone clarifies a video, you are blind."
The third aunt helped: "Gu Tianxi is clarified, that Mussen?"
"Brother help sister, what's the problem?" Huo Mingze asked.
The third aunt curled her mouth: "What kind of sister and brother are they?"
"Brothers and sisters who have lived in the same womb!" Huo Mingze kept his voice steady.
Mordi shuddered at the sound.
But is it really the case?
She and Mussen are brother and sister?
Huo Xinyao and Meng Qiulan several people also reacted, look shocked.
The third aunt reacted slowly, still picking at: "What is the same father and mother, Ming Ze what are you talking nonsense?"
Second aunt asked: "Ming Ze, you mean, little flute is the Mu family lost daughter big miss?"
The third aunt finally reacted, looked at Shen Modi in shock, and then disdained: "She looks like this, where is like a daughter big Miss?"
Huo Xinyao could not resist saying: "If the characteristics of the daughter are tattling, my sister's wife is not as good as the third aunt."
"Xin Yao, you!" The third aunt got angry and then whispered, "Qiu LAN, you should discipline your child."
"The heart Yao straight, third aunt you don't mind." Meng Qiulan smiled, a complete look of my heart Yao done right.
Third aunt listened to Meng Qiulan's words, the face is worse than eating shit.
Huo Mingze heavy face swept over the third aunt grandma and Huo Zhenye husband and wife, he warned cold voice: "I hope you do benevolent and virtuous elders, care about the younger generation, since the family was bullied, even if not willing to stand up to help, at least do not drop the stone."
Also, my wife is weak, and with twins, my health is even weaker. She is also timid, elders do not frighten her. If I get scared, I won't care about anyone's feelings, because nobody cares about mine."
With that, Huo Mingze led Modi to leave, saying: "Let's go to grandpa, see grandpa."
Since Grandpa woke up, every morning special care will push him to the lawn to breathe fresh air, if there is sun, will take him to bask.
After Huo Mingze led Modi to leave.
The second aunt looked at the third aunt disapprovingly and said: "A lot of things."
When I called her, I said that I would come to see my big brother, and as soon as I came, I called the little flute to come and punish the teacher.
Huo Zhenye's original intention is to win over the second aunt, because he knows that the second aunt is a very serious woman.
Unexpectedly, in the end, it is really the mutton did not eat into, against all the mutton.
Huo Mingze and Modi are ready to take the elevator, the elevator door drops open, the special guard pushed Huo grandpa back.
Seeing Huo Mingze and his wife, the special nurse said hello and said: "Today's weather forecast is going to be out of the sun, now the sky has sunk, it is estimated that it will rain."
"HMM." Huo Mingze answered, crouching in front of his wheelchair, holding his grandfather's hand in both hands, and Shouting, "Grandpa."
Grandpa stared at Huo Mingze, tilted his head, tilted his mouth, and saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth.
Special care will wipe the Pops clean immediately.
She added: "Huo Shao, the old man is still recovering, you don't worry too much, as long as you take good care of, will be better and better."
"HMM." Huo Mingze answered.
The special nurse said, "It's time for the old man to take medicine, I'll take him back to the ward to take medicine first."
"Yes, thank you." Huo Mingze thanked him.
Special care pushed Pops back to the ward.
In front of the elevator, only Huo Mingze and Modi were left.
Mordi said, "Azel, I have something to say to you."
"Well, when I come back to say that my company has not yet gone to deal with the matter, just received a call from Xinyao, I rushed over urgently." Huo Mingze said.
"Azel, I won't have long." 'said Mordi.
Huo Mingze did not have to listen for too long, more panic, if it is to mention divorce, it does not need to spend too long, only need a sentence: Azze, I love the Cullinan, we divorce!
Huo Mingze flashed such a picture in his mind, and his heart panicked.
The elevator opened again, and Huo quickly entered the elevator.
Mordi looked at the closed elevator doors and sighed.
Just now, the way he was protecting her, she clearly felt that he cared about her. But the way he was hurrying away now, she couldn't figure out what he was thinking?
Thinking that he had just said that she and Mussen were brothers and sisters, she immediately went to find Mussen.
Mu Sen is in Qiu Zhan's office at the moment, Qiu Zhan's whole person is very excited: "Really your sister ah?"
"Of course it's true." Mussen was a gentle man in general.
"No, you did a paternity test and you didn't ask me to do it?"
"I was afraid you would laugh at me."
"Sister!" Seeing Modi coming over, Qiu Zhan immediately smiled and said hello.
Mussen was stunned.
He just called the media here in Qiu Zhan, issued an identification report, and reminded the media to write well when sending news.
He hasn't gone to look for his sister.
Because he's still waiting for the flowers.
Just ordered a bunch of flowers.
Meeting? He wanted a little ritual.
Unexpectedly, my sister came first.

Chapter 295: Mordi's Mother
"Arsen." Shen Modi shouted first.
Mussen was already up, his eyes red as he looked at Mordi.
He suddenly ran to Mordi, threw his arms around her, and shouted, "Sister."
Mordi stiffened.
Immediately, warmth spread over my body.
"Am I really your sister?" she asked nervously.
"Yes, I took your hair yesterday and had it tested, and I have always kept it tested. I can't be wrong." "Mussen said.
"Brother." Mordi gave a cry of excitement.
She has another family member, this feeling, warm and satisfied.
No wonder she liked Mussen even though he was usually cool.
She originally thought it was love, but now she understood that it was the traction of blood.
Mussen said sadly, "I should have found you earlier, if I had found you earlier, you would not have suffered so much."
He heard five elder brothers say that his sister was weak because she had borne too much suffering.
Mordi's eyes were red, too. She shook her head. "I'm not bitter."
Arsen is the real pain than she is.
Although she grew up a little poor, but the adoptive father loved her, love her, treat her better than her own.
On the other hand, Arson took a lot of heat.
She listened to Ming Ze said, Asen is clearly married, but Asen's stepmother choreographed everywhere, said Asen is the mother outside to steal life, is a bastard.
As a result, Asen was disliked by the Mu family from childhood to adulthood.
Fortunately, Uncle Qi protected him all the way.
"Sister, you can ask me to do anything in the future, I will protect you." "Mussen said.
Mordi hugged Mussen and patted him on the back. "HMM. You can ask me to do anything in the future, and I will protect you."
She's a big sister. A big sister will protect her little brother.
"I'll call Uncle Qi and Grandpa." Mussen said excitedly.
"HMM." Mordi answered.
Mussen immediately let go of Mordi and led her to sit on the sofa: "You are pregnant, can not be tired, can not stand for a long time, sit more and rest more."
"HMM." Mordi smiled.
Clearly the eyes are still red, but smile a pair of eyes curved into the crescent, the kind of smile, sweet into the heart.
Mu Sen is calling Uncle Qi: "Uncle Qi, have you returned to Guangcheng?"
On speakerphone, Qi Huai Frame's voice came: "Not yet, what's wrong?"
His business has been developing well in Haicheng over the years, and sometimes he has to come over for meetings.
There are several big projects this year, he will stay a few more days this time, so he brought Yunxiao along.
Before came to Haicheng after the meeting left in a hurry, because Yunxiao in Guangcheng, this time Yunxiao also in Haicheng, he did not hurry back.
"Uncle Qi, when are you free, I want to invite you to dinner, I found my sister." Mordi is my own sister. Uncle Qi, thank you!" Mussen said excitedly.
If Uncle Qi hadn't thought they looked alike, if Uncle Qi hadn't said they had an eye edge, he wouldn't have thought of making an identification.
There was a silence at the end of Qihuai frame.
He already knew.
His eyes are still a little red, like an old father, relieved: "Good, good." I'm always free, when you and Mordi are."
Mussen said, "How about noon?"
"Yes, of course." Qi Huai frame smiled.
"Then Uncle Qi, you are busy first, and we will eat at Yunqing Restaurant at noon." "Mussen said.
"Good," said Hermione. Qi Huai frame hung up the phone.
At the moment, he is in his villa in Sea City.
He took Yun Xiao to paste the kite in the backyard.
Every March, when the peach blossoms bloom, Yun Xiao loses control of his emotions.
Now is April, peach blossom opened, Yun Xiao's mood under the control of drugs also stabilized.
But she could never remember who she was or what had happened.
She only knows that she is Qi Huai Frame's wife, they have a good relationship.
The doctor said that because some of her experiences were too painful, she subconsciously did not want to remember, some patients do, after a serious illness, will lose memory.
"Wha frame, you see I paste." Yunxiao picked up the kite shelf, show Qihuai frame to see.
"Nice." Qi Huai frame said with a smile.
Yunxiao laughed: "You will fool me, this has not been colored, where will be good?"
"It's really nice." Qi Huai frame gentle way.
"I'll color it." Yun Xiao picked up the gouache pen to color the kite.
She used to be a design student and has a good art background.
Even if you lose your memory, some skills are still ingrained in your bones.
She colored the kite, Qi Huai frame sat next to carefully focus on watching.
Yunxiao colored the kite, while looking up at Qihuai frame, see him seriously, she smiled, and then bowed to continue to color the kite.
Qi Huai frame flashed love dearly.
She was traumatized by the evil man she married.
Every spring, when the peach blossoms bloom, she goes crazy.
At that time of the year he would give all the maids in the family a holiday, and he would watch over her himself.
Because during that time she would jump on any woman she saw and scratch and bite, and rage and say, bitch, I'll kill you.
He understood her, and it was her brain that awakened her hatred for Wang Lili.
'What's the matter? Yunxiao see Qi Huai frame distracted, look up and ask.
By this time, she had recovered almost, and looked no different from normal people.
"Xiaoxiao, in the summer, I will take you to meet two people." Qi Huai frame said.
For 22 years, he kept her alive.
For one thing, it was her will at the time. She was bullied too badly by Mu Tianhe and Wang Lili.
Second, she had an illness every year, and he didn't want her parents to worry, let alone Arsen.
Things are different now. I got my daughter back.
Her daughter has always been her obsession, her knot, the source of her guilt and pain.
Perhaps knowing that her daughter came back, her obsession disappeared, and her illness was cured.
"Why wait until summer?" Yun Xiao asked gently.
"Because they're only available in the summer." Qi Huai frame said.
He is afraid that Yunxiao's situation is unstable.
'All right! The clouds respond.
Qi Huai frame to see the red watercolor is gone, he helped squeeze a little, and added a little water, stir evenly, he said: "Xiaoxiao, I want to go out for lunch."
Yun Xiao smiled: "You go, I know you work very busy, as long as you can take good care of the body on the line, Tian sister-in-law will take care of me."
"HMM." Qi Huai frame answered the voice.
Hospital parking lot.
Huo Mingze sat in the car and did not drive away.
He was frowning, and he was thinking, what is he going to do about his relationship with Momo?
After thinking for ten minutes, he suddenly wanted to open his mind.
He had a reason to keep her around.
Not with a marriage license.
Not with a child.
Knock knock
The car window was knocked.
Huo Mingze thought it was Modi, immediately smiled and lowered the window.

Chapter 296: You Think I'm Divorcing you?
As soon as I lowered the window, I saw Yao Yutong standing outside the window.
The smile on Huo Mingze's face suddenly faded, replaced by an icy look.
There was impatience in his voice: "Yes?"
"Ming Ze, the news is really not my thing, how in the end do you want to believe me?" Yao Yutong anxiously explained, "The last news was made by Mu Tingting, and this time I guess it is also."
A news Huo Mingze will take Yao home knife, a Yao home knife Yao Xian anger to her anger, this time Yao Xian threatened to make a will to Yao home all of everything to Luo Xinxin's son.
Her position in the Huo family is already unstable, and if she loses her due part in the Yao family, she really has nothing.
Huo Mingze looked at Yao Yutong indifferent: "Evidence!"
Yao Yutong tears down, angry and wronged: "Azze, why do we become like this?" Six years of love, true love. Even if we don't make it to the end, are we less than strangers? When you put the hat on my head, you didn't need any proof, why do you need proof here in Mu Tingting?"
"Because you have a record! Planting evidence, plagiarism, what have you never done?" Huo Mingze said quietly, "Since breaking up, we are strangers." A stranger has hurt my family so many times, what can she compare to a stranger?"
Yao Yutong angrily raised her voice: "But the news thing is really not me, it is really Mu Tingting."
"Ah..." Huo Mingze sneered and stopped looking at Yao Yutong and went straight to the hospital.
"Ming Ze..." Yao Yutong came after him.
There it is again. I think I sprained my foot.
Huo Mingze turned a deaf ear.
"Ming Ze, I sprained my foot, can you help me?" Yao Yutong cried pitifully behind him.
Huo Mingze didn't seem to hear him and went straight away.
Yao Yutong sat on the ground, so angry that he reached out his hand and pounded the ground, tears pattering away.
Huo Mingze returned to the ward suite.
Mordi's not here.
Huo Mingze went to Qiu Zhan's office to find her.
Seeing Huo Mingze come back, Modi looked at him in surprise: "You are back."
At the moment, she was holding a bunch of lilies in her arms.
Mussen gave it to her.
Even if it is just a lily, Huo Mingze also feel dazzling, he thought it was sent by Gu Tianxi.
"HMM." He gave a low answer.
Mordi said, "Azel, I have something to say to you."
"HMM." Mr. Huo turned his head toward their suite.
Mordi followed with lily in his arms.
Mussen and Qiu Zhan looked at each other, Mussen's eyes were worried.
Qiu Zhan laughed: "Why, don't worry about, big brother and sister-in-law such feelings and character, say it will be OK."
"HMM." Mussen answered.
He wants to follow.
Qiu Zhan found the meaning of Mussen, a few steps across to pull the back collar of Mussen: "Old six, other couples say a whisper, you always listen to the corner of the habit is not good."
Mussen: "..."
He folded back into the sofa and sat down.
Over at Mordi.
Two people enter the suite.
Huo Mingze spoke first: "I do not agree to divorce, do not agree with you and Gu Tianxi together!"
Modi was stunned, holding lily froze to look at Huo Mingze.
Huo continued: "I do not deny that Gu Tianxi is a good man, which also proves that you have always had a good eye. But he's too weak to protect you. If I did not protect you before, I will let you suffer in the future..."
Modi could not help smiling at Huo Mingze: "What are you talking about?"
Huo Mingze frown, look unhappy: "I just said, you did not listen carefully?"
He looked at the lily in Mordi's arms and disliked it even more.
"You think I'm divorcing you?" 'asked Mordi.
Huo Mingze frowns at Modi.
Mordi asked again, "So you've been avoiding me for two days?"
These two days, she is also very suffering and uneasy, she thought Huo Mingze unwilling to deal with her, is mind her and Gu Tianxi things.
She thought that Huo Mingze was hesitant to separate from her?
So, she always wanted to take the initiative to explain to him.
But he made excuses every time.
"Well, what do you think?" Huo Mingze looked at Modi, asked.
Modi also looked at Huo Mingze.
Eyes serious, look focused.
She said: "The day we got the license, we had an agreement, got the marriage certificate, we will be husband and wife forever, never separate."
Huo Mingze frowns and asks, "So, because of the promise?"
Mordi said again, "That day, you carried me back to Lanting Garden, and we also said that we would be together forever." We met on a blind date, and there was no love at first, but you helped me again and again, helped me through the most difficult times, and gave me something to lean on."
Huo Mingze dont like to listen to Modi say these, he dont want her to stay just because moved.
Mordi added, "You are handsome, good-natured, capable, well-born, and of good character. You are perfect."
Huo Mingze's frown tightened.
It's like what a woman says when she breaks up with a man: You're a nice guy, but I'm sorry.
Mordi said: "The first time I knew you were a rich young master, I was very scared, very afraid of experiencing another failed relationship." In the process of getting along with you, I gradually dispel my concerns and become brave. I want to be with you forever.
I know I don't deserve you, but I want to try to stand by your side.
I don't know when I started to love you.
But I know that the more time I spend with you, the more I feel for you.
We may not have known each other for a long time, but I have never wavered in my affection."
Huo Mingze listened to this confession of Modi, shocked and excited, his brow from the previous tight frown became relaxed.
His eyes were also full of deep feeling from the previous worries, and he rolled his Adam's apple and asked in a husky voice: "Listening to Gu Tianxi explain the past, did you not waver?"
Mordi shook his head. "No. A little regret, after all, once loved wholeheartedly. This experience will also remind me from time to time that in the future, I must explain everything in person.
Therefore, these two days I have been trying to explain to you face to face, the matter between me and Gu Tianxi is over. I have no future with him."
In fact, she was afraid that he would not want to go on, so she was upset. But they had agreed, any misunderstanding, must be clear face to face, any decision, do not do privately.
Looking at Modi with tears in her eyes, Huo Mingze was distressed and rushed over to hug Modi: "I'm sorry, I'm not good."
Mordi was so comforted, tears smudged down, grievance extremely: "I'm afraid you want to divorce me, but we agreed, no matter what, must be clear face to face, never escape, don't leave without saying......" Well..."

Chapter 297: Ha-ha! Are these flowers from Arson?
Huo Mingze kissed Modi on the lips and blocked the rest of her words.
He blamed himself and felt stupid.
It was clear yesterday, he didn't have to drink to get drunk, let alone suffer.
He tortured himself, and he tortured her.
At the same time he was excited, he always thought she did not love him so, just listen to her confession just know that he is very important.
"Wife..." 'he shouted softly.
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
Huo Mingze kiss Modi, feeling difficult to restrain.
They moved on, and he carried her carefully to the bed.
When the love is strong, both are confused.
When he was ready for further love, Modi's mobile phone rang.
Huo Mingze frowns slightly displeased.
Mordi picked up the phone.
Huo Mingze whispered in Modi's ear to coax: "Wife, don't answer."
He was holding her now, satisfied as never before.
It's like getting it back.
"Arsen's on the phone." 'said Mordi.
Huo Mingze was helpless.
Modi picked up the phone, and Mussen said on the phone: "Sister, we are going to Yunqing restaurant there in a while."
In fact, he was afraid of their quarrel, so he called to feel out.
If it does, he'll have to hurry and talk.
"Okay, I'll just pack up and come out." 'said Mordi.
"Good," said Hermione. Listening to his sister's voice, Mussen raised the corner of his lips and felt reassured.
Huo Mingze see Modi hung up the phone, hug Modi, kiss her cheek, want love.
After two days of suffering, it takes an affair to make up for it.
Modi blushed and smiled, "Asen has an appointment with Uncle Qi for dinner. Are you free to go with him?"
"HMM." Huo Mingze responded and kissed Modi on the cheek again.
It's really nice to be here with him, both physically and mentally.
Modi patted Huo Mingze once: "Then let's get up and clean up now."
"Good," said Hermione. Huo Mingze's helpless tone was tinged with reluctance.
This reluctance made Mordi laugh, and she whispered, "In the evening..."
"At night what?" Huo Mingze purposely teased her.
His face flushed, Modi reached out and hit Huo Mingze again on the thigh.
"Ha ha..." Huo Mingze laughed heartily.
Mordi got up quickly.
Afraid of Modi getting up too quickly, Huo Mingze reminded her: "wife, you slow down, you are pregnant."
"HMM." Mordi answered.
Getting up, she saw Asen sent her lily spent on the ground, a few have been broken, she quickly squatted carefully picked up.
When explaining with Huo Mingze just now, I was a little excited, and I forgot to hold the flower.
Later, Huo Mingze came to hug her, and her flowers fell to the ground.
Look at Modi carefully holding flowers, Huo Mingze heart and faint some uncomfortable.
But just a moment he suddenly enlightened, he has all the love of Mo Mo, she left a bunch of Gu Tianxi flowers to commemorate the past what is important?
Men, be generous!
He asked Modi magnanimously: "Should I keep it in a vase?"
'All right! Modi's eyes were bright.
Huo Mingze looked at Modi's eyes so bright, and there was a little taste of eating.
Mordi said: "This is the first flower Asen sent me. I want to keep it for a few more days."
"Is this from Arsen?" Huo Mingze's eyes lit up.
He only felt a wave of comfort in his heart, all the cells in his body were stretched, and nowhere was awkward.
'Yes! Modi did not pay any attention to Huo Mingze's little thoughts.
Huo Mingze quickly went to get the vase, took the water, and was very attentive: "Wife, the vase is small, only a few sticks."
"Well, I'll pick a few and keep them." Modi picked out a few, especially the ones that weren't fully in bloom.
After that, they went to change their clothes and went to the Yunqing restaurant with Mussen.
All the way, Huo Mingze's lip Angle is raised.
Mussen drove, glancing out of the corner of his eye at his sister and brother in the back.
Every time he saw the big brother who fell in love, he sighed, big brother is really always in love brain ah, this is the kindness of his sister, otherwise, the wild vegetables in this life can not be dug up.
Thinking so made the corners of his lips smile.
When they rushed to Yunqing restaurant, Qi Huai frame also arrived.
Qihuai frame suit is stiff, appears very formal.
Seeing Mussen and Mordi, he smiled politely and lovingly: "Asen, Mordi, congratulations on your brother and sister's reunion." I hope that one day, Xiaoxiao really get better.
"Thank you Uncle Qi." Mussen and Mordi said together.
Since the recognition with Mussen, Modi has no defense for Qihuai frame, only gratitude. Suddenly she felt Uncle Qi become friendly.
Their lunch, eating easy and happy, extra relaxed, like a family.
Qi Huai frame to Mussen dish, also to Modi dish.
On the Internet, after Gu Tianxi's clarification video and Mussen's identification report, the wind changed.
People who used to scold Modi have changed their tune:
"I really believe that the news media now has no minimum and integrity for a little traffic, isn't it?" State media, day after day of blind reporting, the wind is the rain. People help is derailment, is water-based, neurosis ah!"
"It is. Really angry, people Shen Modi a girl, by them so with rhythm, directly by the net."
"So say ah, the true and false things on the Internet, unknown full picture, no comment." Be sure to review it later."
"Don't say, Mu Sen and Shen Mo Di look like each other!"
"Sometimes I feel that fate is really amazing, going round and round, even if it is a blind date marriage, it is still a daughter to a young master, and a rich family matches a rich family!"
"Yes, Shen Modi is a married daughter, the real Mu family daughter ah!"
"Yes, her status is no worse than Yao Yutong's."
Mu Tingting looked at such news, her heart was coffin to death, and she panicked.
She thought God had poured dog blood on her head.
Shen Modi is Mu's daughter big miss, what is she?
But Huo Xinyao was still talking to her: "Tingting, you look at this comment, the netizens are really too talented ah, some comments are funny, this netizen said that he had scolded my sister-in-law before, he now wants to know which idiot is the fake material exposed to the media, he now wants to find this idiot, throw shit on his head, let him bad luck for a lifetime."
Mu Tingting: "..."
Huo Xinyao was very excited: "Tingting, you look, there is this, netizens said that the idiot exposed must be jealous of my sister-in-law's life is too good." Don't say, sometimes I think these netizens are cute."
Mu Tingting heart: cute fart!
Huo Xinyao sensed that Mu Tingting looked something wrong at this time, she looked at Mu Tingting in surprise: "Tingting, what happened to you?" Why don't you look very happy?"

Chapter 298 Mu Tianhe comes to find his family
"Oh, no." Mu Tingting said immediately.
A pang of guilt flashed into her eyes.
"You're not sick, are you?" Huo Xinyao asked with concern.
Mu Tingting smiled. "No."
"That's good." Huo Xinyao nodded.
She buried herself in the comments again.
While brushing and laughing, he said: "Some netizens are really discerning, saying that my eldest brother and my eldest sister have husband and wife, is there a husband and wife." There is this netizen, really can talk, she said that my sister-in-law is a rich flower in the world..."
Mu Tingting heart and refute: bullshit rich flower.
Huo Xinyao see Mu Tingting has not matched her words, she looked at Mu Tingting surprised: "Tingting, do you not like my sister ah?"
"How come? Mu Tingting forced a smile and pretended to be calm.
Huo Xinyao asked again: "Is it my sister-in-law is your sister's thing, you can not accept ah?"
"No, I'm glad to find my sister." Mu Tingting said.
"Really?" Huo Xinyao watch Mu Tingting.
"Really." Mu Tingting looked at Huo Xinyao sincerely.
Huo Xinyao said, "My sister-in-law suffered a lot when she was living abroad. We should treat her well."
'Yes! Mu Tingting answered with duplicity and was very upset in her heart.
At this time, Meng Qiulan came back with a stack of monads, Qiu Zhan also came with his hands in his pocket.
Qiu Zhan smiled at Mu Tingting and said: "Miss Mu, your indicators are normal, and then you don't need to take any more injections and medicine, and you will be able to recover completely for some time."
"Thank you Doctor Qiu... The Dean." Mu Tingting said gratefully.
Qiu Zhan smiled and said, "Don't mention it, it is my obligation to cure diseases and save people." You can choose to stay in the hospital or go home, depending on your personal wishes."
"I..." Mu Tingting wants to say that she is still in the hospital.
After all, Huo Mingze lives here in the hospital, she can see it from time to time.
Although Huo Mingze still does not pay much attention to her, but when he meets her, he is not as cold as before.
In addition, Meng Qiulan and Huo Xinyao accompanied her, and her relationship with them was also very good during this period.
But on second thought, Qiu Zhan feel that she can be discharged, she still depends on the hospital, Meng Qiulan so smart people will definitely think more.
So she quickly changed her voice and said, "When can I walk?"
Qiu Zhan smiled and said: "Injured bones 100 days, your this is more serious than injured bones, and keep it for three months, a month later you occasionally get up and walk a few steps is not a problem."
"Ok, thank you, Dean Qiu." Mu Tingting thanked her again.
Meng Qiulan smiled and said, "Tingting, if not, let's stay in the hospital for another month?"
"But it would be too much trouble for you." Mu Tingting was happy in heart and polite in mouth.
Meng Qiulan waved her hand: "No trouble no trouble."
"Well, thank you Auntie."
"Fool, thank you also aunt thank you." Meng Qiulan said with a smile.
At the door, Wang Lili and Mu Tianhe came.
Mu Tianhe held a bunch of flowers in his arms, and Wang Lili carried a gift box in her hand.
After Mu Tianhe saw the news, the first time to call Mussen, ask Mussen identification report is true? Mussen replied, "Do you want it to be true or false?"
"Of course I hope it's true, Arsen. Can you stop being so weird every time?" Mu Tianhe blames Mu Sen.
Mussen just hung up the phone.
Mu Tianhe angry, there is no place to attack. He squinted at the photo of Modi again, and indeed looked very much like Yun Xiao in those years.
When he first met Shen Modi, he found this problem, and he didn't pay much attention at that time, only that it was normal to occasionally have people who looked similar.
Turns out it was his lost daughter.
If it's his daughter, of course it has to be returned.
Even if her life is ordinary now, all have to recognize back, not to mention that she is now expensive for Huo Mingze's wife, and Meng Qiulan's favor.
So, he immediately ordered flowers and gifts, with Wang Lili rushed to the hospital here.
Just went upstairs Shen Modi live in the ward suite, did not see people, they came to find Meng Qiulan.
"Dad, Mom." When Mu Tingting saw her parents, she immediately greeted them in a spoiled tone.
Meng Qiulan saw Mu Tianhe husband and wife came over, also smiled and said hello: "Mu, Mrs Mu."
"In-laws, the news thing, you also know? I did not think that Mordi was actually my lost daughter, sometimes think about it, it is really fate!" Mu Tianhe shy face smile.
"Yes." Meng Qiulan said.
She is good to Mu Tingting because Mu Tingting saved Xiao Di's life.
She was polite to Mu Tianhe before, but also see Mu Tingting face.
Her bone is extremely despise Mu Tianhe such a man.
Now know little flute turned out to be mu home lost daughter, she looked up to mu Tianhe more.
If it is not Mu Tianhe this cheat and play with women's feelings of the man indiscretions and Wang Lili this bitch get together, how can the small flute then lost?
When Mu family daughter missing things we all know, is Wang Lili take out lost. At that time Mu Tianhe and Wang Lili things have not been exposed, Yunxiao and Wang Lili or good bestie.
Wang Lili, this bitch, is insulting the word bestie.
Before she saw Wang Lili and Mu Tianhe can still surface polite, now the surface polite are about to maintain.
Seeing Meng Qiulan cold, Mu Tianhe a little embarrassed, he smiled and said: "Xiao Di suffered outside these years, I will make up for her."
He reacted on the way here, even if the son does not say positively, he is convinced that Mordi is his lost daughter. Because his daughter was named Moody.
She was less than three years old when she got lost.
I know my own name, maybe the person who found her asked her name, and then made a homophonic new name.
Meng Qiulan said: "Is the good compensation, small flute is born in the room, logically, should give more equity." If you want to make up for it, be practical, not pushy.
She doesn't give Wang Lili face. She doesn't like it.
Wang Lili's face slipped awkwardly, her heart hated to death, her face did not show, she smiled and said: "Sister Meng, look at what you said, I married Tianhe is also a legitimate marriage, it is after Xiaoxiao died that we got married."
"Why do I hear that Mu Tao is only a few months younger than Mu Sen? And Mussen was three months premature?" Meng Qiulan asked Wang Lili.
Wang Lili did not expect Meng Qiulan to poke her so frankly, her face froze.
Mu Tianhe was afraid that Wang Lili and Meng Qiulan quarreled, immediately laughed to make peace: "Are my children, I will make a will when the time comes, will be a bowl of water Duanping, will not be preferential."
"Four children each with 25% of the property?" Meng Qiulan asked.
Mu Tianhe smiled awkwardly and said, "Yes, I will divide it equally."
He's a long way from making a will.
Meng Qiulan said, "There is no extra compensation for Xiao Di! That little flute has been out eating these 20 years of suffering, not for nothing?"

299 Little Flute, Go back to Mu House dinner, OK?
Mu Tianhe family: "......"
Qiu Zhan hold a smile, aunt Meng is really too popular.
Huo Xinyao in the heart crazy applause: mom mighty!
Wang Lili face all green, she thought how could there be Meng Qiulan so shameless people in this world?
What about her Mu family? Is it her turn to tell her what to do?
Mu Tianhe also looked embarrassed, he smiled and said: "I will consider giving Xiao Di more when assets are allocated, and I will take more care of Xiao Di in my future life."
Listening to her husband's smooth and roundabout, watertight, Wang Lili was secretly relieved, immediately echoed: "Yes, we will take good care of Xiaodi in all aspects."
"Not in life, Xiao Di is 25 years old this year, don't need to take care of." Meng Qiulan said.
She just want to tell Mu Tianhe, to the small flute good, to some practical, don't just talk.
It's not like you're three years old anymore, and all you need is a hug.
Wouldn't her family take care of her in life?
"Yes, Flute is 25 years old. I've been missing it too long." Mu Tianhe said with emotion.
Wang Lili found that Meng Qiulan this woman, mouth poison and always poke lung tube, sometimes do not give face.
She dare not provoke, can only stand beside with a smiling face, do not speak.
"All the more reason to make up for it! Oh, have I said too much?" Meng Qiulan deliberately said.
"How come? You're right, I should make it up to Xiao Di." Mu Tianhe said, "We will wait for Xiaodi to come back, and in the evening we will give Xiaodi the wind at Mu's house, in-laws, you go together!"
"I can't decide that for Flute." Meng Qiulan said.
She is so strong today, mainly want to let Wang Lili know, Xiaodi's mother is not here, her mother-in-law is Xiaodi's mother, don't bully Yunxiao, now want to bully Yunxiao's daughter.
"Yes, I will respect Flute's wishes." Mu Tianhe polite way.
They care about Mu Tingting a few words, and see Huo Mingze a few people back.
"Flute, daddy's baby girl, Daddy has found you at last." Mu Tianhe saw Shen Modi, immediately holding flowers to meet up.
Modi looked at the Mu Tian River, feeling a little complicated.
When she and her brother met each other, it was natural to feel kinship again.
Seeing Mu Tianhe, she was a little frightened.
At lunch, Uncle Qi said the things of that year, mother and Wang Lili used to be bestie. Wang Lili is the most trusted person, Wang Lili often goes to Mu's house, often holds her, and sometimes takes her out to play.
Mother too trust Wang Lili, those days just serious morning sickness, Wang Lili said to take her out to play, mother agreed.
As a result, I lost her.
If Mu Tianhe and Wang Lili do not have those bad things, how can Wang Lili be evil?
"I'm Daddy, Flute!" Mu Tianhe see Modi look a little complicated, he said.
Modi looked at the Mutian River, still can not open his mouth to call dad.
Mu Tianhe himself found the steps down: "Dad knows you are not adapted for a while, it doesn't matter, it will be used to for a long time." Xiao Di, Dad is very grateful to God for sending you back to Dad. In the future, Dad will make it up to you."
Still Mordi did not speak, not deliberately, but she really did not know what to say.
Mu Tianhe said: "Xiao Di, go back to Mu house for dinner in the evening, OK?" That's where you grew up. Do you remember?"
"I don't remember." 'said Mordi.
Mu Tianhe: "..."
"It doesn't matter," he said. "I'll remember when I go back for a while."
"HMM." Mordi answered.
Uncle Qi said at noon, when the mother's obsession, is not cheap Wang Lili, Mu family of everything, the future should be a son.
Asen has also returned to Mu's work, now do Mu Tao's assistant. Although he often does not go to the company, he has taken up the post of Mu Tao's assistant.
She and her mother have the same idea, even if they do not value money, they must not be cheap.
Since she is the daughter of the Mu family, then she must try to get her share, so as to help her brother in the future.
Upon hearing that Mo Di agreed to go to Mu House, Mu Tianhe was overdelighted and smiled more intensely on his face. He immediately handed the flowers to Mo Di again: "Xiao Di, welcome you back."
Mordi took the flowers and politely said, "Thank you!"
Wang Lili also smiled and made superficial efforts, handing the gift box to Mo Di: "Xiao Di, this is the supplement that aunt picked for you."
"No, I can't take supplements with Chinese medicine." Mordi said quietly.
The mistress killed her mother, and she can't be nice to her.
Wang Lili looked embarrassed and hated to death. Frequent wink to Mu Tianhe.
Mu Tianhe is still immersed in the joy of recognizing her daughter's success, did not see Wang Lili at all.
Meng Qiulan was afraid that this bitch Wang Lili would bully Xiao Di in the future, she immediately went to Xiao Di, took the flowers over, and said assiduously: "Xiao Di, Mom help you put the flowers up, are you tired?" Let Azel take you to rest, you, the most important thing is to rest, we have other things."
"Yes, Flute, you go and have a good rest." Mu Tianhe said immediately.
Huo Mingze nodded to Mu Tianhe and took Mo Di to rest.
He couldn't have called Dad before Mordi called him.
Mu Tingting see everyone around Shen Modi, the heart is not taste.
Mu Tao at the moment is quickly processing documents in the general manager's office of Mu Group.
He learned that Shen Modi actually is Mu home lost daughter, felt an unprecedented crisis.
He is not afraid of Shen Modi, but Huo Mingze.
So he had to work harder to take control of Morse early.
After changing into his pajamas, Modi took a nap.
Today, I talked with Huo Mingze, opened my heart, and she fell asleep soon after touching the bed.
Huo Mingze saw Modi sleep so fast, laughing and crying.
He looked at her fondly, couldn't resist reaching out and touching her face, and he got up and left the room.
He went to see Gu Tianxi.
At this moment, Gu Tianxi is trying to get out of bed.
When I pricked my thigh, I had only one thought, that I could not hurt Xiao Di, so I didn't feel the pain was unbearable at that time, but now I feel the pain is very severe, but I can barely walk after getting out of bed, just a little lame.
He wants to leave.
Hutu came in with medicine to give Gu Tianxi an injection, and when he saw Gu Tianxi get out of bed, he was anxious: "Mr. Gu, you can't get out of bed, your leg is badly hurt."
"It doesn't matter to me." Gu Tianxi's face was pale from excessive blood loss.
Protective soil quickly put down the tray, put Gu Tianxi on the bed: "You lie down well, I give you an injection first."
"HMM." Gu Tianxi plans to finish the liquid before leaving.
Because in this state, I can't walk.
Huo Mingze came in.
The retaining soil is just the place to hang Gu Tianxi's bottle.
"My friend came to talk to me about something personal," Gu told Hu Tu.
"Yes, yes, I understand. I'll leave right away." The soil quickly left with the empty tray.
Gu Tianxi looked at Huo Mingze and said, "Huo Shao, I'm sorry!"

Chapter 300: Bad luck for a mother like Zeng Huizhen
'Thank you! Huo Mingze thanked Gu Tianxi instead.
Before looking at the Cullinan, how he looked at how not pleasing to the eye, after Mordi affectionately confessed, he suddenly looked at the cullinan is pleasing to the eye.
If it were not for Gu Tianxi, he would not have heard those words.
As long as I think of Mordi's confession, his heart is like being brushed by a feather, comfortable and ironed.
So seeing Gu Tianxi again, he also became generous.
Gu Tianxi looked at Huo Mingze in surprise: "What do you mean?"
He told him thank you?
Huo Mingze sincerely said, "Thank you for not hurting my wife."
Gu Tianxi frowned and frowned more deeply. "What if I hurt her?"
'I'll kill you! Huo Mingze's whole body suddenly a breath.
"And then what? What would you do to Di?" Gu Tianxi's brows tightened, a pair of sharp eyes into Huo Mingze's eyes, he wanted to catch the answer from his eyes.
How Huo Mingze to him does not matter, he wants to know, if he did not restrain himself, Huo Mingze plans to do to Xiao Di?
Huo Mingze was angry and sniffed cold: "You hurt Momo, do I have to hurt her again?" Do you think everyone's as dirty as your mother?"
'Thank you! Gu Tianxi held the heart down.
The thank you made Huo Mingze very unhappy, and said: "I love my wife, you do not need to thank."
Gu Tianxi nodded and said no more.
He glanced up at the bottle.
Hope it's over so he can get out of here.
Huo Mingze said: "I also came to inform you face to face, I will Sue your mother."
Yesterday, Gu Tianxi's performance, let him feel that Gu Tianxi should be respected.
Gu Tianxi was silent, feeling unhappy.
Begging? He won't. He wants justice for Flute.
It's very unfilial of him not to intercede.
In the end, he chose justice instead of pleading for mercy.
Huo Mingze looked at Gu Tianxi one more time, said, "take good care of the injury", and left.
Gu Tianxi looked at the bottle, thinking of his mother, his heart was sad.
Huo Mingze left not long, Zeng Huizhen hurried over.
Her eyes were red as she carried her bag.
On entering, he wept: "The Cullinan... My son, how silly you are!"
Gu Tianxi body breath cold, head to the bed inside, do not want to see Zeng Huizhen.
"Why did you hurt yourself like that? What an opportunity!" Ms. Zeng complained.
'You shut up! Gu Tianxi's heart heaved with anger, and the quilt also heaved with his heart.
Zeng Huizhen paused and said, "Tianxi, I'm sorry, Mom just wanted to make it up to you... If you could go back in time, Mother wouldn't have stopped you from being with Mordi."
Shen Modi turned out to be Haicheng Mu home lost daughter miss ah, Mu home is stronger than Song home too much.
If Shen Modi and the Cullinan had not been prevented at that time, their family must be living a happy life now, maybe the children have given birth to several.
But what kind of medicine can you regret?
She is also really can not see the Cullinan live the walking dead, only work like a machine every day, will find a way to Shen Modi captionin the past.
She felt that her son was too gentry and would only torture herself.
So, she came to be the villain.
Gives him something to eat. Isn't he in love with Shen Mordi? Doesn't it have to be her?
She came to fulfill him.
As long as the Cullinan sleeps with Shen Modi, the Huo family will certainly not want any more.
Shen Modi also has feelings for the Cullinan, as long as they have to explain the misunderstanding clearly, they can be together again.
Where would she have thought that her silly son was so gentry that he would rather hurt himself than move Shen Modi a hair.
"Zeng Huizhen, turn yourself in!" Gu Tianxi said in a cold voice.
It's better to turn yourself in than to be charged directly by Huo Mingze.
When Zeng Huizhen heard Gu Tianxi's words, her tears fell again and her voice broke: "The Cullinan... You also poor poor mother, I am for who?"
"When I fell in love with Xiao Di, I beat the mandarin duck. After Xiao Di had her own life, you took her captive, what did you take her for, and what did you take me for? You are a kidnapper yourself, but you want me to be a destroyer. Are you a human being?" Gu Tianxi looked sadly at the ceiling, unwilling to look at Zeng Huizhen.
He heard her voice now, and he was sick and miserable, and he hated himself for being her son.
"I just want you to be happy..." Zeng Huizhen said.
"Turn yourself in. You turn yourself in, I'm happy." Gu Tianxi said.
Zeng Huizhen clenched her back teeth in pain.
Her son never thought of her!
"Cullinan, mother will see you tomorrow." Ms. Zeng left in a hurry.
Gu Tianxi smiled and sneered, "Look, are you trying to make me happy?" You just want to control for your own sake, you just want to control everything..."
Although Zeng Huizhen hurry to go, or heard Gu Tianxi's words.
As soon as she left the room, she leaned against the wall in the hallway and could not stop her tears.
As she was about to leave the hospital, several policemen approached her and asked her identity: "Hello, is this Zeng Huizhen?"
"I am, and you are?" Zeng Huizhen suddenly panicked.
"You're involved in a kidnapping. Please come with us." "Said a policeman, showing his credentials.
"No, I'm not. I want to see Huo Mingze." Zeng Huizhen raised her voice.
The police did not satisfy Zeng Huizhen's wish, and directly took her to the police station for interrogation.
Health bureau or to Huo Mingze made a phone call, said Zeng Huizhen wanted to see him.
"I'm free today. I'll come and see her tomorrow morning." Huo Mingze said.
Afternoon he also accompany Mo Mo to mu home, which have time to attend to Zeng Huizhen.
After Gu Tianxi finished the injection, he asked the soil guard to help him go through the discharge procedures.
"Mr. Gu, your current condition is not good, can not be discharged, I have asked the doctor, there are many anti-inflammatory and help heal the wound medicine."
"I am in a hurry, and I will heal myself later." Gu Tianxi said.
Hutu disagreed: "I can't discharge you without the doctor's approval."
"All right." Gu Tianxi relented.
Care soil see Gu Tianxi concessions, account Gu Tianxi have a good rest, and then left the ward.
After the guard left, Gu Tianxi got out of bed and went straight out of the ward.
At the payment window on the first floor, he deposited a medical fee of 50,000 yuan and then left the hospital.
His leg hurt so badly that every step he took tore at the wound. He left the hospital in pain.
He called his assistant and asked him to put together the company's project. He planned to sell the project for cash.
The assistant was surprised, "President, what happened? Why sell the project?"
"Just do it." Gu Tianxi said sadly.
His life. There's no point in trying.
He plans to sell the project, donate most of the money, and spend the rest of his life growing vegetables and chickens in a remote place where no one knows him.

Chapter 301: Sweet Little Day
Mordi opened his eyes after his nap.
Huo Mingze was sitting in front of the bed, holding his chin and looking at her.
A look at her open eyes, he doted on the smile: "wife, you wake up?"
"HMM." Mordi blushed.
"Did you sleep well?" Huo Mingze asked.
"Well, sleep well." 'said Mordi.
"Good, I feel satisfied too." Huo Mingze said.
"Ha ha, you didn't sleep, what are you satisfied with?" Mordi could not help laughing.
"I am content to look at you."
Mo Di was embarrassed by Huo Mingze's sweet mouth, she blushed and said: "I get up."
"I'll help you."
"No, I'll get up myself."
"Let me help you change."
"No need."
"I'll brush your hair."
"No more."
"I want to comb it for you." Huo Mingze insisted.
He added: 'I heard you shouldn't wear a high ponytail during pregnancy because it's easy to lose your hair. How about I give you two braids?"
Modi's eyes shone brightly: "You can braid hair?"
"No, I can try." Huo Mingze said.
He just looked at the precautions during pregnancy and saw that people recommended a loose braid, so that the hair will not appear messy, nor pull to the scalp, and it is not easy to lose hair after childbirth.
Momo is good-looking, with white skin and a small person, and braids must be beautiful and smart.
He wanted to try.
'All right! Mordi was also in the mood.
She went to wash her face, Huo Mingze has taken a comb eager to try.
"Wife, come, sit down." Huo Mingze patted a short sofa.
Mordi sat down on the sofa.
Huo Mingze took a comb to stand next to Modi to help her comb her hair.
He was too tall for convenience, and he simply knelt on the sofa with one leg.
The way he combed her hair was particularly attentive.
"I want the mirror." 'said Mordi.
In fact, not want to look in the mirror, is want to see Huo Mingze to brush her hair.
"Wait." Huo Mingze quickly went to the bathroom to get the mirror out.
A round mirror, about half the size of an A4 piece of paper.
Mordi took the mirror and looked at himself.
Huo Mingze continued to brush Modi's hair. He combed it carefully, first splitting Modi's hair in half from the swirl in the middle to the back of his head.
Then he held one half in one hand and combed the other half away with a comb.
A few moments later, the other half came back, looking very busy.
Huo Mingze whispered: "When I watch other anchors comb, the hair does not move ah!"
"Ha ha." Modi held the mirror, looking at the lovely look of Huo Mingze's muttering in the mirror, and could not help laughing.
His serious look is really cute and lovely, pure.
"Wife, you hold this for a moment." Huo Mingze parted half of the hair to Modi, let her hold.
Modi holding the hair, Huo Mingze suddenly feel that the other half of the comb up more convenient.
After carefully combing it, he was ready to start knitting, and again he felt worried: "How many parts?" Three or four? Wait a minute, I'll look at the tutorial."
Huo Mingze reached for his phone to see the tutorial.
"Ha ha..." Mordi giggled.
Huo Mingze carefully read the tutorial again.
Looking at the tutorial, he once again felt quite simple, so he began to compile.
A compilation, I feel wrong, clearly divided into three strands, the compilation method is the same as the tutorial, do not know why, is bulging, not symmetrical at all.
"Ha ha..." Mordi looked at the braid and laughed hard.
"Wife, I'll start again." Unconvinced, Huo let go and combed and braided Modi's hair again.
Obviously is according to the tutorial to try two or three times, braid out is still very ugly.
Either it is bulging, thick in some places and thin in others, or the braid is very frizzy, and the hair is not smooth at all.
"Ha ha..." Mordi laughed again.
Huo Mingze looked despondent.
"I'll look at the tutorial." 'said Mordi.
Huo Mingze quickly handed the mobile phone to Modi.
After Modi read the tutorial, he smiled and said, "I'll try it."
Huo Mingze quickly handed the comb to Modi.
Mordi took the comb and combed his hair again, splitting it neatly into two parts, pulling one over his shoulder and braiding the other.
She worked very quickly and made up a piece in a moment.
Then make number two.
Huo Mingze has been carefully looking at Modi's braids, he said: "It seems a little different."
"Yes, just a moment." After Mordi had braided the two braids, he pulled out some pattern on the side of each braid.
"Yes, yes, yes, that's it, all the same." Huo Mingze thought it was amazing.
Mo Di faced Huo Mingze and asked, "Is it nice?"
Huo Mingze looked with frozen eyes: "... It looks good."
It's more than beautiful. It's gorgeous.
It's like a special effect in the d sound, with its own comic book quality.
White, pure, beautiful, beautiful, youth......
Mordi smiled. "I'll change my clothes then."
She got up to get her clothes.
Huo Mingze looked at Modi's back and smiled, he just wanted to kiss her, did not kiss.
After Mordi changed his clothes, he received a strange phone call.
Mordi asked politely: "Hello, may I ask who?"
"Dee Dee, I'm Dad!" The voice of Mu Tianhe came.
"Oh," he said. Mordi oozed.
Mu Tianhe is a little lost, only for a moment, he said enthusiastically: "Dad is now coming to pick you up to Mu House."
"No, I'll just go with Arsen." 'said Mordi.
She never got close to Mu Tian River.
"Dad is coming to pick you up, and we'll all go back to Mu's house later." Mu Tianhe finished hanging up the phone.
About half an hour later, Mu Tianhe came in a suit.
He was very enthusiastic.
Everyone went to Mu House together.
Meng Qiulan and Huo Xinyao also went together.
There were a lot of people. Two cars.
Mu Tingting, Meng Qiulan, Huo Xinyao a car.
Mussen, Modi and his wife, a car with the Mutian River.
Mu Tianhe introduced to Mo Di along the way: "Didi, we live in Haiyuan Road, has always lived in our old house, dad is afraid you come back to find the way home."
'Thank you! Mordi thanked him politely.
Mu Tianhe want to touch Modi's hand, was Modi quietly pulled away.
Mu Tianhe did not mind, continued to introduce Mo Di: "There are many ginkgo trees on this road, in autumn, when the gingko leaves are yellow, the scenery will be very good, this year our family can come to take photos." When you lost it before, we didn't have the mood to take pictures. We always felt that something was missing."
"Good," said Hermione. Mordi answered.
She thought, if it is not his slag, she will not lose, her mother will not die in childbirth.
Shouldn't he blame himself for indirectly killing his wife?
But most of the men in this world will never feel anything for women.
When pursuing a girl, all kinds of promises, after marriage, like amnesia, forget what you once said.
And made promises to a younger, prettier girl.
Never get tired of it.
It's hard to see another woman with a child on one hand.
To his wife holding a baby in one hand, turning a blind eye...

Chapter 302: Mu Tingting
Mu Tianhe all the way to Mo Di introduced the situation on the road.
Which shop is a hundred years old, how many years has it been open?
Which buildings are new?
He's got it all figured out.
The car gradually entered the Mu house.
There are two words "Mu House" above the big old iron gate.
The wall was covered with roses and looked full of life.
The car entered the Mu house and continued to drive on both sides of the driveway were two small pine trees.
Mu Tianhe suddenly pointed to a pine tree and said: "Didi look, see?"
'What? 'asked Mordi.
"There was a squirrel in that tree with a pine cone." Mu Tianhe said.
"I didn't see it." 'said Mordi.
She can see that Mu Tianhe has been very enthusiastic, always want to repair relations with her, but her character is used to slow heat, plus the impression of Mu Tianhe is not good, it is no way to heat.
Mu Tianhe apologized with some frustration: "I'm sorry, my father's impression of you is always still stuck in your two or three years old."
Mordi made a slight crack in his heart and shivered.
Mu Tianhe said: "When you were a child, you were particularly lively and cheerful, full of curiosity about the world, and you liked to ask everything you saw, Dad, what is this?" Dad, can I buy this? Can I have this? Dee, I'm sorry Daddy wasn't there for you."
Mussen said quietly: "Have a rest, my sister is pregnant, easy car sickness."
What he detest most is Mu Tianhe play emotional card. He will remember when he was a child, he still yearns for the age of affection, Mu Tianhe said he would be good to him, give him a little expectation, and always forced him to give his things to Mu Tao when he was full of hope...
"Okay, okay, Dee, take a break." Mu Tianhe said immediately.
The car soon stopped in front of a house.
Mu House is worthy of being a rich family, occupying an area not much smaller than Huo House, at least thousands of square meters, in addition to a small pine forest, there is also a bamboo forest, an artificial lake, vegetable garden...
When he got off the bus, Mu Tianhe reached out to help Mo Di: "Xiao Di, come, Dad help you." You're pregnant now. Get out of the hospital and come home. The vegetables, chickens and ducks are all grown by the domestic servants themselves. They are natural and good for your health."
Modi refused, saying, "I'm not used to unfamiliar environments."
Mu Tianhe added: "Live for a while, get used to it, the air here is good, that pine forest is a natural oxygen bar."
"Momo is relatively weak, but also drink Chinese medicine, Qiu Zhan take care of me a little rest assured." Huo Mingze knew that Modi would not want to live here, said.
"Good, good. Since we're all home, we can always come back." Mu Tianhe said with a smile.
Mu Tao in the afternoon to deal with the work in hand back to Mu house, now see them back, he smiled, take the initiative and Mo Di, Huo Mingze said hello: "sister, brother-in-law."
Mordi looked embarrassed.
Huo Mingze did not respond, just a distant point of the head.
For so many years, Mu family father and son have always wanted to be close to him, he has always been a point of greeting, not a deep friendship.
"Dinner's a while away, Dee. Come on, Daddy will show you your room." Mu Tianhe said enthusiastically.
"Good," said Hermione. The Modi men followed the Mutian River.
"You are pregnant, you have trouble climbing the stairs, and your room is arranged on the first floor." Mu Tianhe led Mo Di into the living room of the main building and introduced him, "Your room is the largest room on the first floor, connected to the backyard."
The talking room has entered the room.
The room is new, pink, sweet girly.
The sheets, the covers, the curtains, they're all pink.
Mu Tianhe walked in, opened a door at the back and had a panoramic view of the backyard.
"It's a small garden." Mu Tianhe said.
He was sure Mordi would be pleased.
The small garden now houses a number of shelves containing a variety of prized varieties of succulents.
What girl can say no to a meaty, cute, meaty woman?
'It's beautiful! Mordi sighed.
She liked the setup.
"As long as you like it." Mu Tianhe breathed a sigh of relief.
'Thank you! Mordi thanked him.
Behind him came the sound of a wheelchair.
Everyone turned around and saw Mu Tingting coming.
"Sister." Mu Tingting looked at Mo Di sincerely.
Modi gave Mu Tingting a nod.
Mu Tingting saved her life, originally she was very friendly to Mu Tingting, she said to herself, although Mu Tingting is a junior, but the birth can not choose, she can save her character is no problem.
However, now that Mu Tingting is her half-sister, she is psychologically struggling to accept it.
Wang Lili is not only the one who lost her, but also the one who killed her mother.
"Sister, I have something to say to you alone, may I?" Mu Tingting looked at Mo Di with bright eyes.
She is not yet 20 years old this year, it is the most beautiful age for girls, a pair of eyes as if they can talk.
"Good," said Hermione. Mordi answered.
Mussen, a little worried, called out, "Sister."
Others don't know the Mu Tingting siblings, and he knows it.
He has been looking for Mu Tingting's foot, even if everyone sees Mu Tingting to save people, he is still skeptical about this matter.
"Asen, please ask auntie to heat up some Chinese medicine for me. I'll come and drink it later." Modi said, pushing Mu Tingting's wheelchair to leave the room.
Mussen is worried.
"Let's go get some Chinese medicine," Huo said.
"Sister, here, go to my room." Mu Tingting said with a smile.
She lives on the first floor, too.
In the room diagonally across from Mordi.
"Good," said Hermione. Modi pushed Mu Tingting to her room.
Mu Tingting actually likes grass green, the whole room is grass green.
But it's also pretty, giving people a youthful and beautiful feeling.
Entering the room, Mu Tingting herself pushed the wheelchair to a cabinet, she opened the drawer, took out a box from it, held the box in both hands, and handed it to Mo Di, saying: "Sister, welcome you home, this is my gift to you, it was bought for me by my grandmother before, and opened the light."
"I can't have what Grandma gave you." When Mordi heard that it was from Grandma, she refused.
Mu Tingting reached out and took Mo Di's hand and said, "Sister, I hope Grandma and Buddha will bless us together, so that all our future days will be smooth and safe and happy." I also wish my sister a smooth birth of a baby and a lifetime of love and love with my brother-in-law."
Look at Mu Tingting so sincere blessing, Mo Di is not good to refuse her gift.
Mu Tingting looked earnestly at Mo Di again and said, "Sister, will you accept it?"
"Good," said Hermione. Mordi couldn't say no to someone who was sincere and had saved her life.
Mu Tingting saw Modi accept the gift and smiled happily: "Sister, I am very glad that we are sisters, and I will protect you well in the future."
"Fool, later sister protect you." Mordi said from the bottom of his heart.
"We protect each other." Mu Tingting laughed.
"Good," said Hermione. Mordi answered.
Just a servant called to eat, Modi pushed Mu Tingting out.

Chapter 303: The last story was reported by Mu Tingting
The table was already full of dishes.
You can smell it from a distance.
Modi has now passed the pregnancy reaction period, appetite is much better than before, also easy to hungry, now smell the food, feel very fragrant.
Mussen has warmed up the herbs.
He heated it himself, without letting the servants handle it.
"Sister, drink medicine before you eat?" Mussen asked, holding the Chinese medicine over.
"HMM." Mordi answered.
She took the Chinese medicine, held her breath, and drank it clean in one breath.
"Here, take it." Huo Mingze had taken a piece of sugar out of his pocket and peeled it.
Mordi took the sugar in his mouth, and when he felt calm, he spat it out.
Don't eat too much sugar.
"Ok, dinner, come on, Dee, sit here with Daddy." Mu Tianhe smiled warmly.
"I'll just sit here." Mordi sat down casually.
She sat next to Azel and her brother, of course.
"Ok, OK, at home, you're welcome, eat what you like, and let your aunt do it for you." Mu Tianhe said enthusiastically.
"Good," said Hermione. Mordi answered.
"Sister, you try this lemon chicken feet, I heard Xinyao said you like to eat, specially let aunt do." Mu Tingting smiled and turned the lemon chicken feet to Mo Di.
"Thank you, everyone eats." 'said Mordi politely.
"Yes, yes, everyone eats it. In-laws, Xin Yao, don't mention it." Mu Tianhe and greet Meng Qiulan and Huo Xinyao.
"Good," said Hermione. Meng Qiulan points a head, picked up chopsticks.
Mu family meal she is not interested in eating, today is to tell Wang Lili, she is absolutely strong on the flute, no one can bully.
"Flute, you eat one person, three people make up, you should eat more oh." Wang Lili also smiled and politely advised dishes.
Mordi pretended not to hear her.
The smile on Wang Lili's face only stiffened for a moment and then returned to its natural state.
She winked at Mu Tingting.
Mu Tingting immediately sister long sister short persuade dish:
"Sister, this cucumber is picked from our own garden, but it is fresh, and there is no medicine, you have a taste."
"Sister, I will give you a bowl of this chicken soup. It is an old hen raised by my aunt at home. It has not been fed, and it is all mixed grain."
Huo Mingze mobile phone shook, he picked up the phone to take a look, Xiao Mu sent wechat: President, I used hacking technology to Yao Yutong's mobile phone record recovery, found that the photo in the last news, Yao Yutong had sent Mu Tingting. Therefore, it is not entirely certain that the photos were provided to the media by Yao Yutong.
Huo Mingze squinted his eyes, quickly looked at Mu Tingting, he gave Xiao Mu back the message: Shun teng check.
After eating, Mu Tianhe was afraid of Modi leaving, leaving humanity: "Xiao Di, don't go back today, it is very hard to run back and forth, you are pregnant, your body can't bear it." You can stay at home and do anything tomorrow."
"Sister, stay at home today." Mu Tingting also looked eagerly at Mo Di.
Modi looked at Huo Mingze.
Huo Mingze smiled gently and said, "I will live where you live."
Huo Xinyao smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, I like your fleshy, I will sleep with you tonight."
'Go! Huo Mingze gave his sister a look of disgust.
"So we're staying here today?" 'said Mordi.
"Uh-huh." Huo Mingze was happy, and he didn't want her running around all the time.
He got up and said, "I'll walk you around."
Mu Tianhe immediately said: "Yes, yes, walk around. It's getting dark, so I won't go there for fear of mosquitoes. Mingze, you take Di to the vegetable garden and the garden."
"Good," said Hermione. Huo Mingze answered.
Meng Qiulan got up and said to Mu Tianhe: "Mu, thank you for your hospitality, give you trouble, I and heart Yao will go back first."
"You are too polite, or you can rest here for one night and then go back?" Mu Tianhe stay.
"No, we'll go back to the hospital to take care of Grandpa Xinyao, so Tingting will have to bother you a lot." Meng Qiulan stood up and said.
What she means by this is that Mu Tingting is now in stable condition and has returned to Mu's house, and then you will take good care of her.
"Ok, OK, Tingting is giving you trouble these days." Mu Tianhe said immediately.
Wang Lili also shy face smile said: "Yes, Meng sister, this period of hard work you."
"Tingting saved my Xiaodi. That's what I should do." Meng Qiulan said.
She just told Wang Lili, I take care of Mu Tingting is not any of you face, I am for my family Xiao Di.
"Xinyao, let's go." Meng Qiulan said to heart Yao again.
"Oh, good. Sister-in-law, Arsen, I'm leaving first, bye." Huo Xinyao waved her hand.
I wanted to stay here for one night.
In the evening, I set up a table in my sister-in-law's small backyard, make a little snack, and then we can talk together, and she can be close to Arsen again.
Huo Mingze took Modi for a walk.
The phone rings again.
He picked it up and looked.
Xiao Mu news: President, found. The photo was provided to the media by Mu Tingting.
Then Xiao Mu sent the path over.
Mu Tingting first posted the photo to an unfamiliar wechat, and then provided it to the media using an unfamiliar wechat.
Seeing such news, Huo Mingze eyes cold heavy.
'What's the matter? 'asked Mordi.
Huo Mingze handed the phone to Modi.
Knowing that the last news photo was Mu Tingting's exposure to the media, Mo Di was surprised and confused: "She did this, for what?"
Yao Yutong expose her material ruined her reputation, because she and Yao Yutong have contradictions. Why did Mu Tingting do this?
Modi's eyes were fixed on Huo Mingze.
'What's the matter? Huo Mingze asked.
"I was thinking, why did Mu Tingting save me?" 'said Mordi.
Since she is exposed, it means that Mu Tingting hates her.
Why would you risk your life to save her if you hated her?
If Mu Tingting saves people out of a kind instinct, she does not know who she is saving, and how can a person with a good nature use the media to slander others behind his back?
"I've been thinking about that, too." Huo Mingze said.
Asen said that Mu Tao and Mu Tingting are not good people, and under normal circumstances, it is impossible to give up their lives to save people.
What is the problem?
Think of what, Mo Di frown said: "Husband, do you say that Mu Tingting exposed to the media is to hurt the son?"
Huo Mingze shook his head: "I don't know."
Mordi said again, "Or does she really like you?"
If Mu Tingting likes Ming Ze, exposing her material to smear her will be completely justified. But it still doesn't make sense to give your life to save her.
Thinking, Mordi unconsciously frowned.
Huo reached out and rubbed Modi's head. "Don't think about it," he said. "I'll find out."
"HMM." Mordi answered.

Chapter 304: Mu Tingting Keeps Brushing
Modi reached into his pocket and felt for a jade pendant.
'What? Huo Mingze asked.
"Mu Tingting gave it to me," Modi said.
She was grateful. Even if reason told her that she should not be friendly to Mu Tingting. Because Mu Tingting's mother is the mistress, is the person who killed her mother.
But her sincere eyes on Mu Tingting at that time, still could not bear to refuse this kindness. She told herself she couldn't choose where she came from.
As a result, the last news was exposed to the media by Mu Tingting.
What else did Mu Tingting do?
Or, what else does she want to do?
"Sister, brother-in-law." Mu Tingting's voice rang out not far away.
Mordi gathered his thoughts and quickly put the jade pendant back in his pocket.
She looked at Mu Tingting and said no.
"Sister, brother-in-law, don't play outside, the garden is prone to bugs." Sister, let's go back to the house and rest." Mu Tingting said sweetly.
Modi and Huo Mingze looked at each other, and the two people went back to the house.
"Sister, are you sleeping now?" Mu Tingting asked as she pushed her wheelchair into the living room.
"No, what's the matter?" Modi looked at Mu Tingting with a pair of eyes.
She stood, Mu Tingting sitting in her wheelchair, with a look of contempt.
Mu Tingting pushed the wheelchair over and reached out and took Mo Di's hand.
Mordi unconsciously wanted to pull away and held back.
She wants to see, Mu Tingting gourd in the end to sell what medicine?
When Mu Tingting heard that Mo Di did not sleep, her face was delighted and she said, "Sister, can you teach me to comb your braid?"
"HMM." Modi answered and prepared to go to her room with Mu Tingting.
Huo Mingze held her wrist.
Modi smiled a little. "It's all right."
Huo Mingze let go of Modi's hand.
Also, Mu Tingting is just acting, dare not do anything to Momo.
She's the only one who's gonna lose if we do anything.
Modi followed Mu Tingting to her room.
Mu Tingting pushed the wheelchair to get a mirror and a comb, handed the comb to Mo Di, and said, "Sister, you teach me, your braid is really good."
"HMM." Modi responded and took the comb to brush Mu Tingting's hair.
While combing, she asked Mu Tingting, "Tingting, what do you think of Asen's personality?"
She wants to find out, what is the reason for Mu Tingting to expose her and Son?
"Big Brother is a little introverted and doesn't talk much," Mu said. "But girls like him because he's so cool."
"Do you like him?" Mordi asked again.
She knew that Mu Tingting would definitely say that she liked it, and she just wanted to see how hypocritical Mu Tingting was. How would you say it?
Mu Tingting did not expect Shen Modi would ask so frankly, she took a moment and smiled and said: "Of course I like big brother, big brother he is calm and restrained, mature and stable, more secure than the second brother." Elder sister, you do not know, every time there is a party, as long as the big brother goes, I will rest assured to drink. You don't think big brother is usually cold and aloof, but he is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. When we really have something, he runs faster than anyone else."
Modi smiled and went on combing Mu Tingting's hair.
If she did not know that Mu Tingting privately revealed her and Asen's material, she would have thought Mu Tingting said these are sincere.
"Sister, what do you think of Siyang?" Mu Tingting asked suddenly.
'What? 'asked Mordi.
Mu Tingting looked shy, lowered her head, looked up at Mo Di, and shyly said, "That is, do you think he is suitable for development?"
"I don't know him very well." 'said Mordi truthfully.
Qiu Siyang in the pursuit of Mu Tingting things, she is informed.
From that day when Mu Tingting saved her injury, Qiu Siyang often ran to the hospital, sent Mu Tingting soup, flowers, and sometimes sent farewell gifts, anyway, very attentive.
She had a high opinion of them.
Now, she has questions about everything, and she especially wants to know, what is the reason for Mu Tingting to do one thing in the face and another in the back?
"I don't know much about it, but he was kind to me." Mu Tingting, with a bashful look, whispered, "He has an appointment with me to see a movie tomorrow. I wonder if he would like me to wear this braid?"
"He'll love it." 'said Mordi.
"That's good." Mu Tingting added softly, "I heard from my friends that Siyang has been without a girlfriend for so many years, and I like a man who is clean."
"Men who are clean are more likely to be trusted by women." Mordi felt it.
If Mu Tingting is not targeting her because she likes Ming Ze, it is most likely that she is targeting Asen.
They are afraid that Mu Tianhe impression of Asen is too good, so use the media to destroy Asen's reputation?
"Ah..." Mu Tingting suddenly shouted.
Mordi quickly returned to her senses and apologized, "I'm sorry, my hand is too heavy."
"No, I recently picked out that shampoo is not very good, after washing a little dry, I will use my old shampoo tonight." Sister, can you come back more often? I can tell you little secrets every day." Mu Tingting is always well-behaved.
"HMM." Mordi answered perfunctorily, and already had a braid, and said, "Look, do you like it?"
Mu Tingting held a mirror in one hand and played with Modi's braid in the other, and said happily, "How beautiful! Sister, your hands are really clever."
Modi smiled and went on with another braid.
She wondered if Mu Tingting had brought her here for something other than braiding her hair.
She waited for Mu Tingting to speak.
As a result, Mu Tingting talked with her about home affairs, saying that they played together when they were young, saying that Asen was very cool when he was young, Mu Tao was particularly naughty when he was young, and his father liked Mu Sen most...
"There you go," Modi said, after finishing Muting's braid.
"Thank you, sister, it's beautiful. I'm going to see a movie with Siyang tomorrow." Mu Tingting said with a sweet smile.
"Well, I'm going to bed. Good night." Modi greeted Mu Tingting and left her room.
"Good night, sister." Mu Tingting waved her hand with a sweet smile.
Mordi goes back to his room.
Huo Mingze asked her: "Does she have other things?"
Mo Di shook his head: "No, just braids, she also said that Siyang asked her to watch a movie tomorrow."
"She likes Siyang?" Huo Mingze asked.
Modi shook his head. "I don't know."
"Leave her alone. Come, let's take a bath and then go to bed." Huo Mingze said.
Mordi's face went red.
Huo Mingze saw Modi's flushed face, he knew she was wrong, and he smiled: "You are pregnant, it is not convenient to get hair, I will help you wash your hair, and then help you wash your back and stomach."
"Don't." Modi's voice was soft and his face redder.
Huo Mingze smiled: "Come on, rest assured, I do not touch."
"I'll rub your back."
"No need."
"Good boy..."

Chapter 305: Mu Tingting is a Demon
Huo Mingze did not break his promise, very calm to Modi rub back.
Mordi was uncomfortable. His face was red.
Later, seeing Huo Mingze wash seriously, she relaxed a little.
When sleeping, Huo Mingze is also very trustworthy, really did not touch Modi, just cuddle her to sleep.
Before going to bed, gently touch her belly, and gently speak to the baby in the belly: "Dabao, two Bao, I am daddy, you should be good, grow up on time, and be born on time." Good night, babies."
He kissed Mordi on the cheek again and said softly, "Good night, wife."
Sleep until the morning, Huo Mingze restless, will Modi to his arms.
Modi is pregnant, lethargy, with Huo Mingze by her side she also sleeps peacefully.
Huo Mingze was scooped into her arms, she found a comfortable sleeping position in his arms and continued to sleep.
Looking at the way Modi slept, Huo Mingze hooked the Angle of his lips, the color of his eyes was more gentle, and the pair of eyes were full of feelings, which was simply brushed.
"Wife..." He gave a little cry.
Mordi didn't answer. He was fast asleep.
"Piggy." Huo Mingze shouted again, and he smiled and kissed Modi on the forehead.
Modi uncomfortably again to Huo Mingze arms arch.
The smile on Huo Mingze's lips was more gentle, and he reached out to touch Modi's head and said softly, "Can Aibao."
He took Mordi into his arms again.
"Husband, sleep..." Mordi muttered, and went back to sleep.
"Don't arch, then." Huo Mingze chuckled helplessly.
Mordi moved again.
Huo Mingze is completely awake, where can still sleep, began to move.
"Don't bother, I'm sleepy." Mordi was very sleepy.
Huo Mingze moved her, she was not very comfortable, arch.
She wanted a person to sleep far away, Huo Mingze would not let ah, he will her whole person circle in his arms.
Then she can only find a comfortable position in his arms to sleep, in his eyes, she is in his arms with fire.
And so the fire burned hotter and hotter.
At first he just wanted to touch her, but he couldn't restrain himself at the back.
So, early in the morning, there was a sweet play.
Eat dry wipe clean, Huo Mingze is satisfied, holding Modi, the voice is sweet and putty: "Wife, you sleep again."
"HMM." Mordi answered.
"I'll get up first." Huo Mingze said.
"HMM." Mordi answered and went back to sleep on his side.
Huo Mingze smiled and got up in good spirits.
She was pregnant and he didn't dare disturb her too much.
You know what? You owe it, you pay it later.
After washing, Huo Mingze changed his shirt and trousers and went for a walk in the woods.
It rained a little last night. He went to the woods to see if there were any mushrooms.
If you do, take Momo to see it. She'll love it.
Went for a spin, didn't see the mushrooms, he came back.
He had just scraped the bushes with a stick and was about to go back to his room to wash his hands, when he saw Mordi at the public guard, he immediately went over with a smile.
"Wife." 'he cried.
The man inside said nothing.
Huo Mingze thought that Modi did not hear, he went in.
Mordi had his back to him.
Huo Mingze walked over and gently asked, "Don't we have a bathroom in our room?"
As he spoke, Mordi suddenly slipped.
Huo Mingze was scared out of his wits and rushed to hold 'Modi'.
"Be careful," he said quickly.
'Mo Di' was afraid, back to Huo Mingze patting her heart, at this moment she was still in Huo Mingze's arms.
Huo Mingze hugged her and asked with concern: "Is there water on the ground, slippery?" Or are your slippers slippery?"
"What are you doing?" Suddenly, there was a voice behind him.
Huo Mingze was stunned, and suddenly turned his head to look at the stranger: "Wife."
That's his wife out there. What's that thing in his arms?
He immediately pushed the person in his arms away.
"Ah... Brother-in-law..." Mu Tingting hit her back on the sink, making her cry out in pain.
"Honey, it's not what it looks like." Huo Mingze for fear of Modi misunderstanding, immediately explain.
Mu Tingting's eyes flashed a little, and she quickly "explained" : "Sister, don't misunderstand your brother-in-law, his brother-in-law is just..." Just..."
"Just what?" "Asked Mordi calmly.
Mu Tingting bit her lower lip and said with an unspeakable expression, "My brother-in-law just mistook me for someone else, he thought I was you, we didn't do anything, just... Just..."
Mu Tingting lifted her chin slightly and looked piteously at Modi.
Modi saw that Mu Tingting's lips were swollen.
Mu Tingting saw Modi's face change, deliberately put her hand over her mouth, and then hurried away.
Mordi also turned and went back into the room.
Huo Mingze immediately ran after him: "Wife, you listen to me."
Mu Tingting smiled as she heard the noise behind her.
What is Yang Moo? This is it.
In the face of Shen Modi planted Huo Mingze, such a situation, even if Huo Mingze with Shen Modi explain that he did not kiss her, Shen Modi will believe it?
Shen Modi dont believe will and Huo Mingze trouble.
Before, she had no capital to make trouble, and perhaps she would turn a blind eye to Huo Mingze's indiscretions. Now she is already the daughter of the Mu family big miss, with reliance, temper will naturally be worse.
Shen Modi's temper is bad, once or twice Huo Mingze can endure, more times Huo Mingze will endure?
I mean, her divisive tactics are Low, but they definitely work.
In this world, what man is really clean?
Didn't Huo Mingze push her away just now?
If Huo Mingze refused her again in her future throwing herself at her, she told him how much she admired him.
What man doesn't like a little girl?
Which man's heart is really able to do placid not vain?
He rejected Yao Yutong because Yao Yutong hurt his male self-esteem, she did not hurt his self-esteem.
The easiest and quickest way to win a man is to woo him first and then throw yourself at him.
If that doesn't work, find another way.
Mom got Dad by flirting and throwing herself at him.
Yunxiao is the main room and how, finally is not only a pile of bones.
Mrs. Mu's identity is mother's, Mu family everything is theirs.
Looking in the mirror, she was pleased with her slightly swollen lips, which she had bitten hard in the morning.
Mordi's room.
Huo Mingze anxiously explained: "Wife, you listen to me explain, I thought it was you."
"You kissed her?" 'asked Mordi.
Huo Mingze looked disgusted: "How can I kiss her?" I'm a terrible neat freak."
"Take a bath." 'said Mordi.
Huo Mingze has been looking at Modi, not willing to leave: "Wife, I swear, I really mistaken someone." She was in a wheelchair all the time, and when I saw someone standing up, I thought it was you."
"Go take a bath." 'said Mordi.
"Wife, I..."
"I don't want you to smell like another woman." 'said Mordi.

Chapter 306: Mo Di VS Wang Lili
Huo Mingze then reacted: "Wife, you are not angry?"
"I'm mad at you, so I let someone else get away with it." Mordi laughed.
She's really not angry.
Mu Tingting suddenly stood up, and combed the same braids as her, let alone Ming Ze, she almost thought it was herself.
She felt as if something was becoming clearer.
If the goal of Mu Tingting from the beginning is Ming Ze, then save her is not in order to take Ming Ze's favor?
She remembered that before that, Mu Tingting had been to Huo house several times, once they met in the parking lot, Mu Tingting also warmly and Ming ze say hello, called Ming Ze brother, Ming Ze coldly reminded her to call the full name.
After that, Mu Tingting was indeed very witty and called Huo Shao politely every time she met him.
Mu Tingting has been close to Yao Yutong, she felt like birds of a feather, people to group points, plus Mu Tingting is a small son, she used to Mu Tingting impression is not very good.
After Mu Tingting saved her, she also suspected that there would be some conspiracy inside? Why else would Mu Tingting sacrifice her life for her?
Every time she thinks about this, she reminds herself that she can't talk about conspiracy, which is ungrateful and blasphemous to Mu Tingting.
Yesterday know the previous news is Mu Tingting put out, and today see mu Tingting to Ming ze throw herself in the arms, she is sick.
"Just don't get angry." Huo Mingze breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at the corner of his lips.
He immediately reached for his cell phone and dialed.
Mussen's voice said, "Brother, what's wrong?"
"Are you up yet? Huo Mingze asked.
"Just woke up." "Mussen said.
"Any new clothes? Give me a set." Huo Mingze said.
"Yes, wait a minute." Mussen hung up the phone.
Huo Mingze said to Modi: "I asked Asen to give me a suit."
With that, he took off his shirt and threw it in the trash.
As he had done before, clothes touched by other women, he threw them away.
After Mussen came with his clothes, Huo Mingze went to take a shower and threw away the trousers he had changed from.
When he had finished his bath, he changed into Mussen's new shirt and suit.
They're about the same size, 185 and 188, and in a suit, it's a top-notch seduction.
Modi looked up at Huo Mingze, handsome want to hide him.
Huo Mingze lips Angle with a smile: "Nice?"
"Nice." Mordi laughed.
Huo Mingze leaned in front of Mo Di, put his hands around her waist, nose to her: "Smell, I am not fragrant and clean now."
"Stink." Mordi said with a smile.
Huo Mingze kiss Modi's forehead, disgust said: "After we have nothing to come to Mu's home, I don't like here."
A place full of calculation and nausea.
"Good," said Hermione. Mordi answered.
Huo Mingze is ready to kiss Modi again, the door is pushed open.
Huo Mingze's gentle eyes suddenly became cold and sharp, his eyes shot at the door like a knife, his intuition, it is Mu Tingting that two-faced things.
"Big Brother... Well, it's breakfast." Mussen said awkwardly.
He thought he was crazy. He forgot to knock when he got excited.
"HMM." Huo Mingze saw that it was Mussen, and the cold breath eased down.
At breakfast, Wang Lili was very enthusiastic: "Ming Ze, Xiao Di, come, eat more, in the future, ah, often come back to stay."
Mordi said nothing.
Wang Lili said, "Xiao Di, for so many years, I have been hoping that you can come back soon." There's a rumor out there that I lost you, and now that you're back, I can finally clear my name."
Mordi was very uncomfortable and looked up and asked, "Wasn't it you who lost me back then?"
Wang Lili saw Modi's eyes, I don't know why, it was a little girl, but she felt a kind of uncomfortable pressure.
She immediately smiled and explained, "Of course not, it was your mother who did not look after you."
"My mother is dead, whatever you say." Modi's cold voice.
She may be limited, she may lack energy, but how can she tolerate a mistress slandering her dead mother to her face?
Even when she was lost at the age of two, she was convinced that her mother gave birth to her with her life and loved her with her life.
"Flute, you have too much prejudice against auntie." Wang Lili was bored to death, with a smile on her face, she said, "Come, Xiao Di, you have a taste of this fresh shrimp bag, I wrapped it myself."
A listen to the steamed stuffed bun of Wang Lili, Mo Di put down the stuffed bun and changed the meat pie pie.
Wang Lili see Shen Modi move, heart and greet the Modi family. With a smile on her face, she continued, "Little Flute, now you have finally come back, and we have a chance to make it up to you."
Mu Tianhe echoed: "Yes, Di, you lost so many years, dad has not moved, is hoping that you find a way home."
The more Mordi listened to the more uncomfortable, has not been moved is not because this land itself good?
Wang Lili smiled again and said, "Xiao Di, I heard that you are pregnant with twins?"
Mordi looked slightly wary. "What's the matter?"
Wang Lili smiled and said: "Aunt is happy for you, Xiao Di, Ming Ze, you see, now are the 21st century, pay attention to gender equality." If the two children are dragon and Phoenix, can the boy be named Huo and the girl be named Mu?"
"Does it matter to you?" Mo Di could not bear it anymore, raised her eyes and said, "You have two children, why are all surnamed Mu, and not let one surname Wang?"
"You this child, a surname with the woman, does not show that the man pays more attention to it." Wang Lili said with some embarrassment.
"So, are you blaming my dad for not valuing you?" Mordi asked back.
Wang Lili: "..."
Huo Mingze looked down and smiled to Modi peeling eggs.
He likes to watch her fight people.
She's usually so gentle, she only stabs in front of people who are really upset.
The way she was covered with thorns, he thought it was very cute and real.
Mu Tianhe also feel Wang Lili a lot of things, he said: "children's things, small Di and Ming ze themselves to decide." Dee, you and Mingze married dad did not indicate that dad plans to give you 2 billion dowry."
When Wang Lili heard 2 billion, her hand holding the spoon could not help tightening.
2 billion ah, she married into the Mu family for so many years, Mu Tianhe has not given her so much money.
Still Mu Tingting did a good job on the surface, but she laughed angrily and said, "Dad, this is the right thing to do. My sister has suffered so many years outside. She should make up for it."
Wang Lili bit the back teeth, immediately smiled and said: "Xiao Di is pregnant, what time to spend money, you help Xiao Di all buy into a trust, you help her manage by the way, Xiao Di does not know how to manage."

Chapter 307: You can't get away with it
Modi strange eyes looked at Wang Lili at a glance, lip Angle with a sneer, she turned to Mu Tianhe said: "Thank you, just Mingze here to help me get the new company, I will cooperate with Mrs. Pede, need some funds."
How could she refuse money from Mu Tianhe?
Uncle Qi said that the mother's biggest wish at that time was not to cheap the children of the mistress and mistress.
All the assets of the Mu family should be married children.
She and Arson are the ones who got married.
Wang Lili was Shen Modi provocation, the smile on his face could not maintain.
She tried to smile and said, "New company is good, new company is good."
After breakfast, Modi and Huo Mingze prepared to leave.
Wang Lili said falsely, "Xiao Di, come back more often."
'All right! Mordi was all smiles.
She asked Mu Tianhe: "2 billion is directly to my account?" I'll send you the account number later."
Don't promise to paint a big pie.
"Okay, okay. Dee, Dad doesn't have a lot of cash right now, so break it up. Then you invest in projects and buy things you like." Mu Tianhe took a look at Huo Mingze and said immediately.
'Yes, thank you! Mordi thanked him again.
Wang Lili is coffin torn to death.
Also thought that Shen Modi will be like Yunxiao character, hate evil, lofty and arrogant, don't want anything.
After the Hoks left, Mussen left, too.
Mu Tianhe also said to go to the company.
Wang Lili could not hold back and said: "Tianhe, you gave Mo Di so much money at once, our own life can not get through?"
Mu Tianhe frowned and looked at Wang Lili: "What did you say?"
Wang Lili and Mu Tianhe more than 20 years of husband and wife, she knew Mu Tianhe angry, whispered: "I am not saying can not give Xiao Di money, that is, do not give so much..."
"How much more?" Mu Tianhe said angrily, "What is the identity of the Huo family? It's the richest family in Haicheng. The year before the Jane family married daughter also gave 1.88 billion dowry. My daughter married the richest family, I give 2 billion dowry, is too much?"
"I mean, we don't have much money in our accounts right now..." Wang Lili has been the chief financial officer of Mu's for so many years.
Take $2 billion. She hurts.
Mu Tianhe was even more displeased and said: "When you talked about Qiu Siyang a few days ago, what did you say? You said that Siyang and Tingting were a good match in talent and appearance. If the Qiu family wanted to marry, they would make Tingting's wedding a beautiful one and give her a bride price of 2 billion yuan..."
"But that's Tingting."
Mu Tianhe is more angry: "Tingting is my daughter, Xiao Di is not my daughter?"
When he and Yunxiao married, a few years ago and Yunxiao is very love, his daughter was born he also very spoil daughter. Also later Yunxiao parents have been unwilling to accept him, hurt his self-esteem. In addition, Wang Lili is young, beautiful and understanding, and he is only half.
He had no intention of marrying Wang Lili.
Also later Yunxiao died in childbirth, and Wang Lili gave birth to Mu Tao.
He suspected that Mussen was Yunxiao and Qihuai frame born, all the feelings were given to Mu Tao, and Wang Lili got the certificate.
Wang Lili saw Mu Tianhe angry, she frowned and said: "Tingting is after all you watched grow up."
Mu Tianhe was even more angry: "If you had not lost little Di, I would have watched little Di grow up."
Wang Lili: "..."
She couldn't help complaining, "I didn't mean to do it."
Mu Tianhe against: "Is it intentional you know."
When she lost little Di, crying to say sorry to him, at that time she, young and beautiful and pregnant Mu Tao, he thought his daughter has been lost, send someone to find it, the result can not find.
After a long time, he gave up.
"Well, everything is up to you. Who am I distressed? I have not seen the little flute a father did not cry, on your behalf." Wang Lili shows kindness.
Mu Tianhe gas also disappeared some, understanding: "After all, she lost her, she was not willing to accept me for a while is normal."
"Well, take your time." Wang Lili said.
Mu Tianhe twisted his eyebrows and said to Wang Lili: "Xiao Di is not your own, I don't expect you to treat her like a mother, but you shouldn't be too much."
Wang Lili suddenly looked wronged: "Am I not good enough for Xiaodi?" Whether it be Asen or Flute, am I not humble enough before them?"
Mu Tianhe warned again: "In short, you remember, Xiao Di and Asen are my children."
He's never been able to fix things with Arson, so try and fix things with Dee.
"I see." Wang Lili answered with displeasure.
After Mu Tianhe left, Mu Tingting called out, "Mom."
Wang Lili was Mu Tingting shouted, suddenly nose pantothenic acid.
She sniffed and said, "Ting Ting, you talk to Siyang. If that's right, you can get married when you turn 20 in August."
They really need more help right now.
Otherwise, maybe the territory they have held for so many years will be divided up by the Mussen brothers and sisters.
"Mom, I know what I'm doing." Mu Tingting lifted her chin slightly.
Wang Lili reminded in a low voice: "Tingting, my mother is a veteran, my mother knows that you like Huo Mingze." But Tingting, listen to mom, love is the most useless thing in the world, you hold Qiu Siyang well. Qiu Siyang is the appointed successor of the Qiu family, and his grandmother Guofeng grandma added, the Qiu family will not be worse than the Huo family."
"I know, Mom." Mu Tingting answered nicely.
How could she accept it?
Especially now that Shen Modi has become her half-sister, how can she lose to her?
"Well, you are good at home to raise, mom to the company." Wang Lili went out with her bag.
Now Mu Sen went to Tao 'er as an assistant, really do not know what this brother and sister will do, she must go to the company to keep an eye on it.
Mu Tingting wheeled her wheelchair back to her room.
She looked in the mirror at her young, vibrant face, and slightly swollen lips, which she licked with a calculating smile.
She took out a spare mobile phone, called the media, and when she called, she also deliberately lowered her voice: "There is a big Miss Mu's material, do you want?"
The other party a listen to the big miss Mu material, very interested.
Mu Tingting waited for the opportunity to take advantage of the fee: "Not for nothing, I want to point information fee."
The other side said to look at the content of the exposure.
Mu Tingting gave each other two photos, and said in a low voice: "Miss Mu is now relying on pampering and arrogant, very arrogant, do not put Mu lady and Mu Tingting in the eyes." Mu Tingting was injured trying to save her leg, she has no sense of gratitude..."

Chapter 308: The Rhythm of the net
The media is very interested in Mu Tingting's exposure, asking Mu Tingting how many photos are still in hand, and how much is this expected to cost?
The head of the press is willing to pay 10 grand for the material.
Mu Tingting said that the other party is too cheap, she or change a media exposure.
The media is afraid of not getting the exclusive, let Mu Tingting bid.
Mu Tingting asked for fifty thousand yuan, and whispered, "Ten thousand yuan, to send beggars, I have ten thousand yuan a month as a nanny."
The head of the media agreed to give fifty thousand yuan, while guessing the identity of the informant: Mu's nanny.
Mu Tingting let each other directly micro over.
The other party gave money, Mu Tingting sent the photo to him.
Looking at the photo, Mu Tingting's lips are smiling.
The news doesn't sound like much. In fact, it's painful. Because many netizens will take the rhythm to participate in the Internet storm.
The tongue has no bones, but it hurts the most.
Almost every once in a while, someone dies from cyberbullying.
Shen Modi is now a pregnant woman, the estrogen in the body of pregnant women is not the same as normal people, pregnancy and postpartum are prone to depression, coupled with Internet violence, it is easy to go to extremes.
If you get killed by the Internet, that's the best. One less person to contend with.
Even if not dead, depression, will toss Huo Mingze, which man can bear the toss of a depressed patient?
The media was so fast, it was 10 a.m., and the news was on.
The photo in the news captured the photo of Shen Modi smiling disdainfully at Wang Lili.
There are several other photos of Shen Modi with a straight face.
Xiao Bian exaggerates the emotion, said Shen Modi now married Huo Mingze, and with twins, rely on pet and arrogant, arrogant, to Mu Tianhe is very welcome, even dad dont call.
Shen Modi back to mu home after, also threatened mu home only a daughter, to mu Tingting more welcome.
Someone spoke for Shen Modi: "I think she did the right thing, slag dad made a mistress before she lost her, why should she give them a good face?"
"That is, deceiving a womanizing man and a mistress, she doesn't give them a good face, what's wrong?"
"Why did she have nothing to say to her father, why did she bully Mu Tingting?"
"Mu Tingting is the daughter of the mistress. There is nothing wrong with the daughter of the mistress looking down on the daughter of the mistress."
"Birth can not choose, Shen Modi's life is saved by Mu Tingting."
The Internet was soon abuzz.
The more noisy the news, the more heat, and soon rushed to the number one trending search.
Netizens scold Shen Modi more and more, said she has no conscience, although Mu Tingting is the daughter of the third, but not her own choice, she is so kind, sacrifice life to save people. My legs have not been raised well, and I do not know what sequelae will be left.
I heard that when the chandelier fell, Mu Tingting pushed Shen Modi away to save her life, Mu Tingting herself almost died.
In this world, anyone can say Mu Tingting, that she Shen Modi is not qualified. Her life was saved. What does she deserve?
People are crazy about how beautiful people are.
And crazy scold Shen Modi Wolf.
Mu Tingting watched the news with great satisfaction.
Mordi is now visiting the jewellery market with Mrs Pedder. Some of the jewels appeal to her, and she is going to take a photograph. Then I saw the news.
She was stunned.
Mu's nanny exposed, said she temper big, play big, arrogant, bully Mu Tingting?
She is not very polite to Mu Tianhe and Wang Lili, but she is very friendly to the nanny, why did the nanny do this?
Unless, of course, the nanny has been with Wang Lili for years.
Or, this is the mother and daughter of Wang Lili made the demon itself.
'What's the matter? Seeing that Mordi looked ill, Mrs Pedder leaned over.
Seeing the news content, and seeing that everyone was scolding Modi, Mrs. Pedder frowned, took Modi's mobile phone, directly put out the screen, and said: "Dear, we don't want to make ourselves unhappy because of anyone." If the Internet makes us unhappy and vilifies us, we stay away."
"HMM." Mordi answered.
"My dear, the most important thing for us to do in this world is to love ourselves."
"HMM." Mordi answered.
Mrs Pedder's eyes were full of wisdom, and she looked at Mordi firmly. "Promise me that you must love yourself well, love yourself first."
At the beginning, Yunxiao must not love yourself well.
When she was an exchange student that year, she and Yunxiao became very good friends. Later, Yunxiao got married, she was unable to attend her wedding, but they called for a long time.
She thought Yunxiao married Qi classmates, because Qi classmates look sunny and man.
Unexpectedly, Yunxiao finally married Mu classmates, a bookish very strong boys.
She and Yunxiao busy, although is a good friend, but usually rarely call, sometimes a year or two do not contact.
She did not think that when contacted again, Yunxiao lost her daughter.
Later, it was Qi who called her with Yunxiao's mobile phone and told her that Yunxiao was gone.
At that time, she felt very sorry, and specially rushed back to Yunxiao's cemetery to see. Like a flower of age, unexpectedly buried in the ground.
She cried in the cemetery for a long time.
Unexpectedly, she first looked at the eye edge of Modi, actually really is Yunxiao's daughter.
Yunxiao must not love themselves, she hopes, Modi love themselves.
"Well, I will love myself." 'said Mordi.
"Are you tired? Shall we find a place to eat?" 'said Mrs Pedder.
"Good," said Hermione. Mordi answered.
Mrs. Pedder was afraid that Mordi would be unhappy, so she took her to dessert.
The other side.
Huo Mingze went to the police station.
Zeng Huizhen spent the whole night in the police station and was very manic.
Finally met Huo Mingze, she again cowardly: "Master Huo."
After a night, she panicked, afraid Huo Mingze insisted that she go to prison.
These kidnapping charges can be big or small.
If Huo Mingze's lawyer is good, he could even get years.
"I heard you wanted to see me?" Dressed in a black suit, Huo Mingze looks cold and distant, giving people a feeling of not being near.
"Master Huo, do you remember back in the country when my son the Cullinan saved Mordi, and you said I should just talk about anything?" Ms. Zeng said.
Huo Mingze squinted at Zeng Huizhen: "So? What do you want?"
Zeng Huizhen immediately said, "Master Huo, the kidnapping of Shen Modi is my fault, you can rest assured, I will not do such a thing again." I hope Master Huo will forgive me this time and consider it as a way to repay my son the Cullinan for saving your wife."
"Zeng Huizhen, next time, I'll put you in jail." Huo Mingze cold warning.
Zeng Huizhen looked at Huo Mingze concessions, she also breathed a sigh of relief.
The matter is finally behind us.

Chapter 309 Wang Lili Is in a Hurry
After Huo Mingze left the police station, ready to call Mo Di to tell her that he did not prosecute Zeng Huizhen.
The reason for not suing is to return Gu Tianxi's original favor.
When I picked up my phone, I saw the news.
There was anger in his eyes when he saw the news.
He was about to call Mussen when Mussen's phone called first.
Mussen was also very angry: "This thing, there is a high probability that Wang Lili did."
Once, when he was still young, Wang Lili did not smear her.
At that time, the Internet was not developed. Wang Lili used the most primitive way, all kinds of backbiting, spread the rumor that he was not Mu Tianhe's own.
"Or it could be Mu Tingting. Are you with Momo?" Huo Mingze asked.
"Yes. We're eating." "Mussen said.
Sister and Mrs. Pedder looked at the jewels today, and he's been following them.
"Locate me. I'm coming now." Huo Mingze said.
After receiving the location, Huo Mingze arrived at the place where Modi ate in half an hour.
Mrs. Pedder has left.
Mordi was eating his fruit, not too disturbed by the news.
Seeing Modi look normal, Huo Mingze slightly relieved.
"About the news, I want to go to Mu's home and ask him about it," he said.
He didn't believe the nanny had the guts to go to the media.
"That's exactly what I meant." 'said Mordi.
She's already figured out what she's gonna do. Other people can use the media, but she can't?
Mussen nodded.
Mordi said, "Let's eat our lunch first, and then we'll come over."
Huo Mingze several people to Mu home.
Mu Tianhe is at noon to see the news, angry to call the nanny to scold.
There's not a lot of Moo nannies. Four.
Two of them are older and have been nannies in the Mu family for more than ten years.
Two of the younger ones have been doing it for three or four years.
Usually they are not much, has been more harmonious, every day to prepare the food, clean the house, tidy up the yard, and then is to grow vegetables, raise chickens.
After all these things are done, the workload of four people is not too idle.
Mu Tianhe is the oldest nanny to call the winter sister-in-law.
The winter sister was scolded, feeling very depressed, she asked the other nannies with a frown: "Who gave the media material?"
Several nannies looked at each other and said they didn't know anything.
It is a happy event for the husband to find his daughter who has been lost for many years, and their servants also like to have happy events!
What's more, they have no contact with the big miss, yesterday cooking, preparing fruit and pouring tea, the big miss did not make trouble for them, how can they be exposed to the media?
As soon as Mussen came back, several nannies were anxious and came forward to explain: "Big miss, big young master, uncle, really not us, how dare we?"
"Yes, we wouldn't dare."
"Besides, Mr. Mu taught us the rules not to chew the root of the host's tongue."
Huo Mingze indifferent eyes one by one sweep several nanny.
Although they were anxious, they did not feel guilty.
Mu Tianhe know modi several people came back, he also hurried back.
He also called Wang Lili and Mu Tao back together.
On the way back, he asked Wang Lili, "Did you do it?"
Wang Lili's face was aggrieved and her eyes were red: "Why do you think it is me as long as something happens?" Can I have light on my face when things are ugly at home?"
"Call Tingting back, too!" Mu Tianhe commanded.
"She went to the movies with Siyang. What do you want her to do?" Wang Lili was not pleased, "It must be some short-eyed servant who talks nonsense."
Mu Tianhe did not speak again.
Back to Mu home, Mu Tianhe immediately mollify Mo Di: "Little Di, news things dad will arrange public relations, you do not go to the heart."
"I can handle the news myself, and now I just want to know, who did this?" 'said Mordi.
Wang Lili immediately defended herself: "Xiao Di, don't look at me, I can't do such a thing!"
Mordi's eyes passed over the four servants one by one.
Mu Tianhe's eyes also swept over the four servants, and his voice suddenly sharped: "Who did it?"
Plop on
The four servants fell on their knees.
"Mr. Mu, I didn't do it."
"I didn't do it. I was busy in the kitchen yesterday, and I haven't seen much of the lady."
Mo Di looked at Wang Lili again.
Wang Lili immediately pointed out: "I can swear, definitely not me."
She is a stepmother, its identity is easy to be criticized, how can she go to the news to ignite the fire?
Modi nodded: "It doesn't matter, I just clarify it."
"How are you going to clarify that?" Wang Lili had a bad feeling.
Modi said: "Netizens are also confused with the rhythm, let me make it clear."
Wang Lili twisted her eyebrows.
Modi gave the phone to Mussen and said, "Arsen, record this for me."
"Good," said Hermione. Mussen took the phone.
Mo Di sat in the sofa, in front of the camera, said: "Hello everyone, I am Shen Mo Di, the daughter of the Mu family who has been living outside for more than 20 years. I came back because of a warning from an uncle who saw my resemblance to my dead mom. Later, my brother Mussen and I took a dnA test. We are brother and sister.
My father Mu Tianhe knew that I was his lost daughter for more than 20 years, and he was very excited, took me home, and said to me, give me 2 billion dowry.
I didn't call Dad, like they said on the news. I'm sorry. I'm a slow burner. When I knew that my mother had died the same year that my brother was born, when I knew that my brother was a premature child who was only two pounds at birth, when I knew that my stepmother's child was only a few months younger than my brother, I couldn't say the word "dad."
Whether people say I am arrogant or domineering, impolite or arrogant, I will admit it.
Mu Tianhe said to give me 2 billion, my stepmother said, I don't understand management, this money or don't give me directly, buy into a trust by my father to manage on behalf of the better..."
Recorded here, Mu Tianhe and Wang Lili's face is not good.
Modi continued: "I am forever grateful to Mu Tingting for saving my life, no matter who her daughter is, she is my lifesaver. I believe she just can't choose her birth, I wish her a bright future, I wish her a good life and peace!"
She actually wanted to say: I believe she is different from her mother, will not rob other people's husbands.
Thinking of too many trolls on the Internet, she refrained and offered her blessings to Mu Tingting in front of the camera. Mu Tingting has the ability to always save the people set up, never expose.
Wang Lili see Modi so straightforward recording video, she is anxious...

Chapter 310: Yun Xiao Sees the News
Wang Lili said quickly: "Xiao Di, you can't clarify it like this, such clarification is tantamount to pushing me into the fire pit!"
Mo Di looked at Wang Lili indifferent: "Everything I said is true, your son is really only a few months younger than Asen." Yesterday my father offered me a $2 billion dowry, and you did say I wouldn't run it. I was so scolded by netizens, I said a little truth can not?"
Wang Lili look at Modi indifferent look, angry to death, she dare not openly tear. Shen Modi is supported by Huo Mingze and Meng Qiulan.
If she provoked Meng Qiulan, Meng Qiulan that temper, can tear her.
She can only be wronged to Mu Tianhe spoiled: "Tianhe, we are all a family, so to the Internet, too ugly."
Mu Tianhe also do not want Mo Di to make such a statement, after all, who would like to be repeatedly accused of cheating men playing with women's feelings?
Yunxiao died, he must be remarried, change anyone would remarry.
Originally he also wanted to marry another woman after a few years, but Wang Lili gave birth to Mu Tao, her work ability is also good, he also did not want to toss, he married Wang Lili.
These years have actually calmed down, and now Xiao Di issued a statement, which is equal to his being scolded again, he advised: "Xiao Di, such a statement is really not conducive to the harmony of our family." Otherwise, should we ask the PR to hack the news?"
"Momo is pregnant and prone to depression, netizens scold her so, I am afraid of affecting our children, I think Momo's statement is not a problem." If Momo issues a statement and you can't stand on her side, if Momo can only be wronged when she returns to the Mu family, I think we shouldn't come here anymore." Huo Mingze stood up.
Mu Tianhe was anxious: "No, Ming Ze, dad does not mean this." Dad just wants the family to get along."
Huo Mingze a black suit, its own temperament is cold, now squinting to Mu Tianhe, it seems colder, he cold voice: "Then you are a harmonious, Mo Mo, we go."
"Dee, I'm sorry, dad shouldn't have wronged you, you send it." Mu Tianhe said immediately.
Wang Lili's face stiffened.
Mu Tao's face was ugly, too.
Their family's position has been stable for so long, and now when Shen Modi returns, their position is unstable?
Modi immediately sent the video to the media.
The press would love to see it.
Soon, Modi's statement was trending.
This time, almost no one scolded her, everyone was supporting her:
"Look at me so sad, motherless children, really like grass." Even if you are the daughter of a rich family, you will still be bullied by your stepmother."
"Yes, she is just a little slow heat, just for the mother grievances do not want to call dad, she just has feelings, she is just a temperament, what is wrong with her?" Why are people scolding her?"
"Look at me distressed to death, I really hope that the small three in this world are dead." If there was no mistress, how could she have lost it? If there is no mistress, how can her mother die in childbirth?"
"Yeah, damn it, Mistress!"
"Strongly appeal to the third child to be executed! Bastards can never inherit."
"Small three can be really funny, they are their own daughter, dad gave 2 billion how, she should not think, Mu family money is all her right?"
"Thunder quickly and kill these disgusting concubines."
"Death to Wang Lili!"
Wang Lili went to the room as early as Modi's statement.
She saw the news in her room, saw everyone scold her, so angry that she wanted to smash her phone.
She called Mu Tingting: "Tingting, where are you?"
"Mom, I'm watching a movie!" Mu Tingting said.
In order to let Shen Modi relax her guard, or Qiu Siyang went to see a movie.
"Okay, you can go home after the movie." Tingting and Qiu Siyang together, Wang Lili is not good to say.
"Mom, what's wrong? You seem to be in a bad mood?" Mu Tingting was surprised.
"Come back after the movie. They're all here." Wang Lili said.
Mu Tingting deliberately staged the sisterhood in front of Qiu Siyang: "Sister eat at home at night?" Ok, I'll be right back after the movie."
And Qiu Siyang after watching the movie, Mu Tingting let mu's driver to pick her up, she and Qiu Siyang separated.
As soon as she got into the car, she began to read the news.
Originally thought that everyone would continue to net violence Shen Modi, unexpectedly, the painting style has completely changed, and now everyone is in the net violence Wang Lili, and even some scold her and Mu Tao:
"Death to the mistress Wang Lili! What a return of a daughter, she is not fit to carry people's shoes."
"And Mu Tao, who are you to manage the company? Mussen is the real one."
Mu Tingting was so angry that she quickly replied, "What is illegitimate? The Great Qing Dynasty collapsed early, okay?"
She just sent such a sentence, was instantly sprayed by dozens of people:
"Are you a mistress or a mistress?"
"The right wife is always the right wife, and the mistress is always the mistress." The mistress should be struck by lightning and not die."
Mu Tingting: "..."
She was too scared to reply again.
Qihuai frame after handling the work in hand, also saw the news.
When he saw the first news, he narrowed his eyes and prepared to personally take people to Mu's home to ask for justice for Xiao Di.
When he saw the second story, his eyes were wet.
He watched Modi's clarification video over and over again, on a loop.
He said with relief, "Xiao Xiao, Asen and Xiao Di are braver than you. If only you were so brave at the beginning, it would be better."
He drove back to the villa.
Seeing him come back, the servant greeted him politely: "Sir, you have come back."
"And the wife?" Qi Huai frame asked.
The servant politely replied, "After her wife's nap, she is sitting in the backyard reading."
"Good," said Hermione. Qi Huai frame to answer elegantly, straight to the backyard.
"Xiao Xiao." Qi Huai frame shouted.
Yunxiao looked up and smiled: "A frame, you are back, why are you so early today?"
"Well, not much work today, I'll be back with you when I'm done." Qi Huai frame said with a smile.
He approached, squatted in front of Yunxiao and asked her, "What are you looking at?"
Yun Xiao said: "Watching the news, I really like this girl, sentient and righteous, neither servile nor overbearing." She didn't rush to meet her father because his father was rich, she was more concerned about her mother's grievances, so she didn't want to call her father."
"Yeah, she's good." Qi Huai frame said.
"Do you know her?" Yunxiao asked in surprise.
Qi Huai frame smiled and shook his head: "Don't know, have seen."
Yun Xiao smiled and said, "Ah Frame, why don't we have children?" Am I not able to give birth?"
"No, it's because we've been busy working for so many years," Qi explained.
At this time, the servant came with the boiled Chinese medicine and said respectfully, "Madam, I have to take medicine."
"Good," said Hermione. Yunxiao gently took over the Chinese medicine.
The temperature is suitable, she finished a drink, put down the bowl, she asked Qi Huai frame: "A frame, you tell me the truth, we have no children, is it because I have bad health has been taking medicine?"

Chapter 311: My Mutianhe Daughter Is Not Worthy to Eat Hot Pot?
Qi Huai frame heart is a little panic.
Every year, when Yunxiao returned to normal, she would ask him this question.
He lied to her every time.
This year, he felt, something was different.
He struggled, hesitating, wondering whether to tell her the truth now?
Now tell her if her body can handle it?
Seeing that Qi Huai Frame was a little embarrassed, Yunxiao smiled and said, "Well, I won't ask. If there is no child, there will be no child. We are fine like this."
"Good," said Hermione. Qi Huai frame slightly relieved.
Yunxiao went on to watch the news and said: "Nowadays, people have less and less reverence for marriage." In ancient times, although there were three wives and four concubines, but people were distinct, the wife was the wife, the concubine was the concubine, the concubine had no status, and the concubine's children were the same. Now the mistress rides on his wife's head all day and poops on his wife's children."
"Yes." Qi Huai frame said.
Yun Xiao sighed again: "It is a pity that their mother died during childbirth during the second child, otherwise, they would not be so pitiful."
"Xiaoxiao, let's not look at this. What would you like to eat? How about we go out for dinner?" Qihuai frame afraid Yunxiao read the news will be sad, proposed.
"I'd like a spicy hot pot." Yun Xiao said.
Qi Huai frame look some helpless: "Xiaoxiao, you drink Chinese medicine, the doctor does not let eat spicy stimulation."
"I'm all right, just one meal." Yun Xiao raised a finger.
"No." Qi Huai frame refused.
"Just one meal." Yunxiao pull Qihuai frame sleeve.
"... Well, just this once." Qihuai frame refused to Yunxiao coquetty.
Although she looks older now, with subtle wrinkles around her eyes, in his heart, she will always be that 18-year-old girl.
"Ok, I'll change my dress." Yunxiao was very happy and excitedly went to change her dress.
They went to hotpot City.
This is the world of the young.
Many young couples come here to eat hot pot.
Hot pot City is most famous for spicy beef hot pot and spicy sausage shrimp.
Here the hot pot is more affordable, more is to eat an atmosphere.
"Beef hot pot or fried shrimp with sausage?" Qi Huai frame dote to ask Yunxiao.
"I want them all." Yun Xiao said.
Qi Huai frame doting smile, said to the waiter: "fat beef hot pot and fat sausage dry pot shrimp."
"For two?" The waiter asked.
Qi Huai frame nodded: "Yes."
"You can't finish that." The waiter kindly reminded.
"It doesn't matter, all of them." Qi Huai frame said.
"No, just serve the beef hot pot." A listen to eat can not finish, Yunxiao immediately said.
"All right." The waiter immediately took the menu to arrange it.
Yun Xiao to Qi Huai frame way: "We next time to eat fat shrimp."
"Whatever you say." Qi Huai frame spoil to Yunxiao poured boiled water.
"I'll get the side dishes." Yun Xiao said.
The main consumer group here is young people, so the side dishes are all self-service, take their own.
Yunxiao took a lot of vegetables, some she likes to eat, some Qihuai frame love to eat.

"Xiaoxiao, let's eat less for dinner." Qi Huai frame remind Yunxiao.
"It's for you. I know you like it." Yun Xiao said with a smile.
Qihuai frame looked at Yunxiao, full of emotion.
She's not sober for a few months every year, but when she's sober, she cares about him.
He was afraid that one day, when she had fully recovered, she would no longer want to be with him.
"This is done, you have a taste." Yunxiao shabu good meat, directly to Qihuai frame in front of.
Qi Huai frame immediately opened his mouth, Yunxiao put the meat into his mouth.
"Is it good?" The cloud Xiao asked.
"Yummy." Qi Huai frame said.
Yunxiao smiled, she also gave herself a clip, eat very satisfied: "really delicious, good hemp, really want to eat so every day."
"No, it will catch fire." Qi Huai frame said with a smile.
"When I get better, I don't need to drink Chinese medicine anymore. We'll eat it once a week." Yun Xiao said.
"Good," said Hermione. Qi Huai frame answered the voice.
"Here, open your mouth." Yunxiao also gave Qi Huai frame clip meat.
Qihuai frame quickly open his mouth.
The two men ate contentedly.
Today is 22 degrees, the temperature is pleasant, eating hot pot, soon sweat.
Yun Xiao smiled and said, "Really comfortable, I want to drink beer."
"Waiter, two bottles of beer." Qi Huai frame shouted.
The waiter immediately brought two bottles of beer.
"You can only have one drink." Qi Huai frame said.
"Well, have a drink. Here's to you, A Frame, for being with me and caring for me." Yun Xiao said.
"We are each other's company. Come on, cheers. May you be happy every day!" Qi Huai frame said.
"I'm happy with you." Yun Xiao said with a smile.
She remembered the girl from the news again.
She thought that if she and A Frame had children when they were young, maybe the child would be so old now.
She tried not to think about it, eating hot pot.
It was very spicy, and she was eating food while breathing and smiling at Qi Huai frame.
The Mu family.
It was almost dinner time when Mu Tingting came back.
She was still in a wheelchair, and as soon as she entered the room, she greeted her with a sweet smile: "Big brother, sister, brother-in-law."
Modi glanced at Mu Tingting without saying anything.
Mu Sen looked at Mu Tingting, didn't see anything, he said: "A little bit lost appetite, let's have a hot pot to amuse ourselves?"
Huo Mingze looked at Modi.
When Modi heard eating hot pot, he immediately agreed: "Go!"
It doesn't matter if she's pregnant and can't eat, she can eat something else.
Mainly do not want to eat dinner in Mu's house, do not want to eat with Wang Lili.
Hearing that they were going to eat hot pot, Mu Tianhe said: "Dinner is ready, or else, eat at home tonight?"
"No, you can eat at home whenever you want." Huo Mingze's words carry a hint of something.
Mu Tianhe immediately said: "Good, then you go to eat hot pot, and go home to eat at any time later."
He understood what Huo Mingze meant, and as long as he didn't take sides, he and Xiao Di would come back often.
The Modigs left.
Wang Lili also came downstairs. She saw the servant bringing food to the table. She frowned and said, "It's time to eat. Where are they going?"
"Mom, they went to eat hot pot." Mu Tingting said.
Wang Lili complained again: "This is deliberately to embarrass people, see the food is going to be served, they are going to eat hot pot."
Mu Tianhe said angrily, "Why are you becoming more and more like a mother?" Eat a hot pot to chant, is our Mu family can not afford hot pot or my Mu Tianhe eldest daughter does not deserve to eat hot pot?"
"I... That's not what I mean." Wang Lili frowned more tightly.
This is so annoying.
Mu Tianhe said angrily: "Xiao Di and Asen are my own children, and everything in the family has their share." I'm going to work!"
"No, Tianhe, this has all eaten, you eat before you go!" Wang Lili said immediately.

Chapter 312: Light Doesn't Know if His Sister still Recognizes Him
"No more." Mu Tianhe picked up his suit jacket and left.
"Tianhe..." Wang Lili chased him out.
Mu Tianhe sat in the car.
Wang Lili: "..."
She came back looking terrible.
Mu Tingting said to her, "Mom, you are also a fiftysomething, why are you so upset?" What do you and Shen Modi have in mind? Aren't you trying to push Dad to their brother and sister?"
Mu Tao agreed: "Tingting is right, if Shen Modi is a person, we have nothing to fear, but there are Huo family behind Shen Modi." She is now pregnant with the Huo family's child, the mother is very precious, we try not to provoke."
"Only if she can give birth to a son," said Wang.
Mu Tao frowns: "Mom, what are you thinking? People are pregnant with twins, even if two daughters, they are the daughter of the Huo family, Shen Modi is not unable to reproduce."
Mu Tingting complained: "That is, how many children can't you have now? Besides, what if she gave birth to a dragon and a phoenix, and the Huo family must not spoil her to heaven?"
Wang Lili frowns: "I was going to ask you, the news thing, what is going on?"
Mu Tao also looked at Mu Tingting.
Mu Tingting rolled her eyes angrily: "I didn't know Shen Modi would issue a clarification statement, it's really annoying."
Wang Lili was unhappy: "You should not go to the hatred, now you are putting me on the fire, the whole world is scolding me."
Mu Tingting said in a small voice: "Well, it's not the first time to be scolded, and being scolded will not be less meat."
'You! Wang Lili got angry.
She asked Mu Tingting about the progress of the relationship: "How are you and Siyang?"
"Just like that." Mu Tingting said casually, rolling her eyes.
'What is that? Wang Lili said earnestly and earnestly, "Tingting, Qiu Siyang is the best marriageable object in Haicheng besides Huo Mingze, you should pay close attention." It is also because you saved Shen Modi, otherwise, how can you have the chance to enter the door of Qiu's family?"
Mu Tingting did not like to hear this: "Mom, how can you grow others' ambition and destroy your own prestige?" What makes me inferior to Qiu Siyang? He's good looking. Am I bad looking? He is the young master of the Qiu family, am I not the daughter of the Mu family?"
Wang Lili raised her eyebrows and said, "Tingting, Mom didn't say you were bad, but I dragged you down." Ting Ting, listen to mom, you and Siyang are a good match, settle down early, the wedding will be held at the end of the year."
"Mom, I'm only 20 years old."
"Tingting, Siyang is not easy to find, don't be robbed by others first."
Mu Tao said angrily: "I'm afraid Tingting wants to marry not Qiu Siyang, but Huo Mingze."
Being caught out, Mu Tingting neck a stalk: "So what?" Don't you also want to marry Huo Xinyao?"
"Huo Xinyao single, Huo Mingze married, can be the same?" Mu Tao against the way.
"Can't you leave a marriage? Huo Mingze had been in love with Yao Yutong for six years, did not still break up?" Mu Tingting and Mu Tao argue.
Wang Lili listened with a worried face: "Tingting, why don't you listen to advice, you know Shen Modi is a difficult bone to chew." Yao Yutong can't even deal with her..."
Mu Tingting interrupted: "That's because Yao Yutong weighed the pros and cons too much and angered Huo Mingze."
"Tingting, listen to your mother, if you can catch Qiu Siyang, it is already a good home, don't ride a donkey to find a horse and fly to the end."
'I don't love him!
"Tingting, in a few years you'll know that love doesn't matter at all..."
"I've lost my appetite. I don't want to eat." Mu Tingting pushed her wheelchair back to her room and slammed the door.
Wang Lili looked sad: "Tao 'er, you also advise Tingting."
Mu Tao was also very upset: "Who used her to be like this who advised themselves, I am now a clay Bodhisattva crossing the river, their own protection." You don't think Mussen doesn't go to the company very much, but yesterday he signed another $30 million deal, and now dad is full of them."
Wang Lili tightened her brow.
Mu Tao said: "Mom, don't always think about dealing with Shen Modi, let dad give the company to me early is the right thing."
"Well..." Wang Lili answered.
She picked up her bag and said, "I'm skipping dinner, too. I'm going to get a manicure and an essential oil."
These days, she needs a good pillow blow.
Mussen and his party went to eat hot pot.
Mussen picked the place.
Hotpot City.
Huo Mingze was a little disgusted: "Why so many people?"
He thought it was too noisy.
Mussen said, "Brother, it tastes good here. Young people like it."
"Looks very spicy, Momo can eat?" Huo Mingze see other table hot pot, frowning asked.
He reached for his phone and said, "Let me ask the fifth."
"Yes, there is a clear soup, a high school classmate of mine opened a shop, the soup base is all made of beef bones, his business is not good, but the ingredients are absolutely safe and reliable." "Mussen said.
Hearing the sound, Huo Mingze put down his mobile phone: "OK."
Mussen says if it's edible, it's fine.
Mussen took them to a store.
This shop is less busy than the others, and there are tables outside.
"Brother, sit outside." Mussen called.
Huo Mingze took Modi and sat down.
Modi said: "I ask Qingyi and Xiaoguang to go together."
These days, there are too many things, first the matter of Gu Tianxi, and then the matter of meeting relatives.
She hasn't got together with Qingyi and Xiaoguang.
Huo Mingze smiled: "I have called them."
"When?" Mordi asked with a smile.
"When we've identified the place." Huo Mingze smiled.
"HMM." Modi looked at Huo Mingze and smiled.
He knows her better than anyone in the world.
Huo Mingze reached out to touch Modi's face, look spoiled and gentle, if there were not many people, he would like to kiss her.
As soon as Modi looked at Huo Mingze's eyes, she knew what he was thinking, and she immediately looked away and said: "It's been a long time since I ate hot pot."
Her ears tinged.
Huo Mingze looked at Modi's lovely appearance and smiled at the corner of his lips.
Mussen himself brought out the side dishes.
His classmate came out, warmly greeted everyone, and later served the bottom of the clear soup pot.
"It smells good!" 'said Mordi.
"The soup at the bottom of the pot can be drunk straight away," Mussen said. "Your saucer doesn't have MSG in it."
"Good," said Hermione. Mordi answered.
Mu Sen and Huo Mingze are dressed in black suits, and many young girls come to eat hot pot when they pass by, they can't help but take a look.
There are many men who wear suits without showing their faces and look very handsome, but men whose faces are more handsome than suits are very rare, and people who are perfect to find no defects like Mussen and Huo Mingze are rare to meet.
Some girls even pretended to take selfies and secretly took photos of Huo Mingze and Mussen.
Huo Mingze and Mussen did not care, two people put the dish into the pot.
Just finished ironing some dishes, Qing Yi, Xiao Guang and Lu assistant came.
"Sister." "Cried the light.
His eyes were slightly mixed. Sister is the daughter of Mu family big miss, has returned to Mu family, he does not know whether the sister is willing to be his sister?
Qingyi came to want to sit next to Mordi, she has a lot of words want to say and silly roe deer. As soon as she heard Light calling her sister, her heart hurt, she immediately pulled light to sit next to Mordi: "Light, sit."