AN ANGEL in English Biography by Darshita Babubhai Shah books and stories PDF | AN ANGEL

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Sushrusa and Karuna are synonymous with nurse

 A nurse is a service worker. Her work is more important than the doctor, She takes care of the patient carefully. After the patient is admitted to the hospital, the responsibility of the doctor and nurse

becomes of Serving the patient with compassion to alleviate his suffering and pain also with passion, diligence and emotion. No boredom at all

And a nurse can do the work of welcoming and caring for the patient with a smiling face.

 A doctor becomes crippled without a nurse. In examining the patient, giving medicine, keeping her clean, keeping her mentally healthy, the nurse works diligently and respectfully with the help of the doctor. An operation cannot be done without a nurse in the operation theatre. A nurse often encourages the doctor during a long operation and continues

The operating doctor makes tea, coffee and breakfast by herself.

 Nurses play a major role in rejuvenating the patient. After the relatives of the patient are admitted to the hospital, the work of the doctor and nurse is done

There is only

 Let me bring to light a case. A patient was admitted to a hospital in Ahmedabad. she

It was brought from the villages even if it did not take flight. It was unconscious. She slipped into a coma the next day after being admitted to the hospital. Despite the unremitting efforts of the doctor, she did not regain consciousness. The editors are patient to her parents

asked to take them home but they flatly refused and said that we will send whatever money is needed for the treatment but we will not take them back home and they kept piling up their money.

without giving address.

 This patient had no one to call her own. The hospital authorities hired a nurse to look after her. The patient is beautiful, handsome and

It was fascinating. The nurse took care of her grandmother with love, affection and compassion as a mother, mother, friend. Keeping her clean, giving her medicine, feeding her, talking to her became the order of the day. But the patient did not come out of coma.

 10 years have passed but the result is zero.

 Meanwhile, the nurse's health began to deteriorate but she did not move away from the patient. A night nurse

In sleep, the sky rose. In the morning, the cleaning sister reported to the hospital and the doctor while the nurse

When checked, she is dead

That said and there the patient shouted, my nurse, I want to drink water. Then the doctor and present in the room

Everyone's eyes caught a glimpse of this. When the patient regained consciousness, she said that at night the nurse was sitting next to me and praying to God, O Lord take my life but heal this patient. When the householder left the company and this unknown nurse breathed life into me, may the Lord rest her soul in peace.

 This story gives a wonderful example of humanity.

A nurse is considered an angel and is a person to be worshiped and respected