Chamatkari Man - 8 in English Philosophy by Captain Dharnidhar books and stories PDF | Chamatkari Man - 8

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Chamatkari Man - 8

Sit in a quiet room, take a clock and keep it at a proper distance. The distance of the clock should be such that you can hear its ticking sound comfortably. Now close your eyes and listen to the ticking of the clock carefully. When the ticking sound starts to be heard very clearly near you, then increase the distance of the clock from where you are hearing it unclearly. After a few days, the ticking of the clock will start to be heard clearly. When we concentrate on listening to the ticking of the clock repeatedly by using our hearing sense, then the ticking will start to be heard just by concentrating a little. When you can hear the ticking of a clock clearly even after keeping it 20 feet or more away, then try to listen to its ticking by placing a clock in another room. Then ask someone to listen to the ticking of a clock kept far away from you. If he says that he is unable to hear it, then understand that you are moving in the right direction. When you can hear the ticking sound clearly from the other room also, then you can practice on some other sound. Make your friend stand at a distance and make him face the opposite direction and ask him to repeat a word repeatedly. When he hears the repeated word, tell him that you said this word. When he says that yes, this is what I said. Ask him to speak more softly.
Ask him to repeat the second word many times. Do this practice for 15 to 20 minutes in the beginning, doing it for more time causes heaviness in the head. If this happens, you can drink water. Many people hear other sounds in their ears which are subtle. When the hearing ability develops, he starts hearing many subtle sounds in this universe. Gradually, by listening to the subtlest of sounds, he starts hearing the Omkar sound.
There is another way of doing this sadhna which is also the best. Sit in Sukhasana with your back straight in a quiet place or at night.. Concentrate on your breathing. Breaths are coming and going. By concentrating on breathing for some time, the sound of breathing starts becoming audible, it becomes clear.. Keep increasing the practice gradually, then the sound inside the body, the heartbeat, the sound of blood vessels also starts becoming clearly audible. Ved Vyas ji was sitting with his disciples in his ashram. All the disciples were listening to Ved Vyas ji very attentively. Suddenly Ved Vyas ji said to a disciple sitting near him – O son! Go to the door of your ashram and bring Ganga's son Bhishma from there with respect. Hearing this, none of the disciples were surprised, rather everyone started waiting for Ganga's son with curiosity. Ved Vyas ji, sitting there, knew that Ganga's son was coming to meet him. How was this possible? All this was the effect of Rupasadhana. With this sadhana, one can see even far away.