Chamatkari Man - 7 in English Philosophy by Captain Dharnidhar books and stories PDF | Chamatkari Man - 7

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Chamatkari Man - 7

We will learn the method of Sadhana (spiritual practice) to increase the quality of the earth element i.e. the sense of smell (olfactory power). Take a flower of your choice. For example, you took a rose flower. The flower should be fragrant. Nowadays, people prepare Varn Shankar flowers as well. The Varn Shankar flower will not have fragrance. It may look good but will lack qualities. Sit in a quiet place with your back straight. Take the flower in your hand with concentration. Smell it from a proper distance. Then keep it far away. Then remember its smell and practice feeling its fragrance. If the fragrance is not coming when kept far away, then smell it again. Practice for five minutes, then smell it and then keep it far away. Many people do not feel the fragrance in the beginning. They can take a bunch of four to five flowers in the beginning. This practice can be done for 15 minutes or half an hour. In a few days, you start feeling it even when kept far away. Then do the same exercise without flowers. If you cannot feel the fragrance then keep the flowers kept outside nearby and smell them and then remove them. When you start feeling, then practice feeling without smelling the flower. In a few days, the sense of smell will increase. The sense organ of the earth element will awaken. Then you will start feeling the smell of that flower present in the atmosphere. After practicing one flower, you can practice the fragrance of other flowers. Like we discussed the sadhna of the eyes earlier. After getting success in that sadhna, when it becomes possible to see far away, then you should practice this sadhna. After success in both the sadhnas, you start feeling the smell of the air there. Magnetic power developed in the eyes, then magnetic power developed in the nose as well. You must be knowing that there are such creatures who can smell their food from a long distance. Like ants, bears, dogs, they have a better sense of smell than us. The sense organ of the sky element is our ears. Sound is a quality of the sky element. The ability to hear can be different in all creatures. The ability to bear the intensity of sound is also different in all. The hearing ability of a dog is more than that of a human. A dog can hear a small sound which a human cannot hear. A dog can recognize the difference between sounds which sound the same to a human. There is an amazing power inside a human as well, it has the ability to hear sounds from near and far. You must have experienced it yourself. You do not hear the sounds from near but listen to the sounds from far. Like you are sitting in a group but even while sitting in a group you do not listen to the group but listen to the person talking from far. That is, God has also given us the ability to hear sounds from far. Along with this, he has also given us the ability to hear subtle sounds. We can develop our ability. Today I am going to discuss that very sadhana.