The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 5 in English Horror Stories by Sanket Gawande books and stories PDF | The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 5

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The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 5

Chapter 10: The Sarpanch's Mansion


After helping with lunch preparations, Meera headed towards the school where Sarpanch Mahesh and others were busy setting up the camp. She decided to approach the Sarpanch and ask him, but she saw that they were still engrossed in their work.


Just then, she saw Supriya, Jayesh, and Sayali approaching. Sayali mentioned that they had finished their cooking tasks and had come to invite everyone for lunch. Sayali asked her father to call everyone for lunch.


Sarpanch Mahesh invited everyone for lunch. Everyone gathered at the Sarpanch’s mansion for the meal. Meera and the other kids were helping serve.


The Sarpanch's mansion was very beautiful. It was a two-story building made of teak wood. In the centre of the mansion was a Tulsi plant, surrounded by colourful flower plants. The roof was covered with red tiles, giving it an attractive look. The flower garden around the mansion added to the pleasant and peaceful atmosphere.


Everyone sat in a row on the porch. The children served them dal, roti, eggplant curry, pickles, and papad. The Sarpanch and the doctors discussed the villagers' health issues and possible solutions.


"We are thinking about how to encourage the villagers to come for check-ups," said Dr. Yash.


"Yes, it’s very important that they get proper treatment," replied Dr. Sanket.


Shyam was also helping and discussing the plan. Yash and Sanket admired the natural beauty and environment of the village.


"The climate here is very nice. The mountains and forest keep it cool," said Dr. Yash.


After lunch, everyone returned to their tasks. Today was the first day of the medical camp, so the crowd was smaller. The doctors and the Sarpanch were busy talking to the villagers.


Meanwhile, Meera, Jayesh, Supriya, and Sayali went for a walk around the village. Sayali took on the responsibility of showing them around. The village wasn’t very big, with about 100-150 houses, all old-style tiled houses. Sayali showed them the small shops and animal sheds in the village.


Sayali took them to her friend Neelu’s house. Neelu’s cow had recently given birth to a calf. Neelu and her friend Nilesh, whom they met on the way, were with them. They chatted at Neelu’s house before moving on.


Sayali then took them to their farm. The farm had mango, lemon trees, and sugarcane crops. In the middle of the farm was a small hut where they sat and enjoyed some mangoes.


From there, Meera could see the old house. The farm and the village boundaries made it appear closer.


Meera started asking Sayali again about the house.


"Sayali, what exactly happened in that house?" Meera asked.


Sayali tried to stop her, "Meera, that house is haunted. Let’s not talk about it."


But Meera wouldn’t listen. She asked Nilesh. Nilesh said, "The old folks here say that there’s something there. That’s why no one goes there. Every year during summer, we have the Narasimha Swami festival. The festival is in 10 days. The village palanquin is taken near that house. They perform a ritual in front of the house before taking it to the temple. They say it’s to ensure that any supernatural powers in the house don’t come out or harm anyone."


Nilesh continued, "No one can say exactly what happened there, but when someone goes there, their health deteriorates. Some people have even died because of it."


Sayali said, "Meera, don’t go there. It’s haunted."


Supriya said, "I know, Meera is always curious about such things. I thought she was planning something."


Jayesh said, "You’re not planning to go there, are you?"


Meera replied, "Let’s go and see what’s there. We’ll just look from the outside. If you want to come, fine, otherwise I’ll go alone." She climbed down from the hut and started walking towards the house through the farm path. Sayali tried to stop her, "No, Meera, stop. That house is haunted. Dad will be very angry if he finds out." But Meera ignored her and kept walking towards the house.


Everyone followed her fearfully. Supriya knew Meera wouldn’t listen; she was stubborn. So, she gathered Jayesh and everyone else to follow. Jayesh wasn’t convinced about the supernatural stories and just wanted to verify the truth.


And so, with trepidation and determination, they walked towards the old, mysterious house, ready to uncover its secrets.



Chapter 11: A Terrifying Experience


Everyone reached the outer gate of the house. The house was enclosed with fences and wooden compounds. The door was closed, and an old swing was gently swaying. The surroundings were eerily quiet. Sayali kept insisting, "We should leave, Meera, please listen." But Meera wasn't listening. She looked through the window where she had seen someone before, but today there was nothing. There were just wild grasses and trees, making the place look ominous and mysterious.


Meera pushed the outer gate and stepped into the garden of the house. Jayesh followed her. Nilesh, who had experienced similar events with his friend two years ago, was cautious and careful. Sayali, Supriya, and Nilu also followed them, although they were scared, unlike Meera and Jayesh.


Sayali and Nilu kept repeating, "We should go back home, Meera."


Meera replied, "Just two minutes."


Jayesh approached the banyan tree and the swing. Nilesh followed him. The other three, Sayali, Nilu, and Supriya, stood still and looked around.


Meera went to the closed door of the house. There were three wooden steps. The air felt colder. Meera cautiously stepped on the first step, which made a creaking sound, "Crrr." Suddenly, the wind started blowing, and the outer gate began to sway.


Sayali suddenly looked at the upstairs window and saw someone watching them. She screamed, "Meera, no!" Meera and everyone else looked at her in fear. Supriya asked, "What happened?" Nilu began to cry. Sayali was terrified because she had seen something. The atmosphere became suddenly tense.


Meera stepped down and started walking towards Sayali. But she stopped abruptly... from behind, someone called out to her, "Please help" "Please help"...


She felt someone was watching her from behind the door. She turned around, but there was nothing there. Meera felt a shiver of fear. She hurriedly came down the steps and ran towards the others.


Nilu fell to the ground and started crying. Sayali kept looking at the window, feeling that someone was still watching them. Her legs and hands felt cold.


Meera went to Sayali and looked at the same window where she had seen the shadow before. Someone with big eyes was staring at them from that window. The air had turned cold. Meera and Sayali kept looking at the window.


At the same time, Nilesh and Jayesh also came over. Nilesh helped Nilu up, and Supriya assisted him. Nilesh told Jayesh, "Take everyone out of here." He knew what was happening. He had experienced this before.


He looked at the window and saw the shadow. Jayesh told Meera and Sayali, "Let's go out." But both were still staring at the window. Jayesh looked at the window but saw nothing. He shouted at them to move. Nilesh saw what Meera and Sayali were looking at, and he took them outside.


The wind was blowing fiercely now, and the swing was moving rapidly. They exited through the iron gate.


Nilesh and Meera looked back and saw that the eyes were still staring at them, then vanished inside the house.


Everyone was scared. Sayali said, "We should leave." They ran back to the village and reached the sarpanch's mansion. They were all out of breath and terrified. Anvi saw them and came outside, asking, "What happened?" Nilu was trying to say something, but Sayali covered her mouth. Meera seized the opportunity and said, "We just had a race to see who could get home first." Anvi found it strange but laughed and went back inside.


They all went to Sayali's room and sat there.


After a while, Sayali spoke, "You all saw it, right? Someone was watching us from that window. Those big eyes, that shadow."


Nilu started crying again. Supriya hugged her and said, "It's okay, Nilu. We're safe now. We're at home."


Nilesh was quiet and remembered those eyes. He was angry. Nilesh knew something. Meera sensed that Nilesh knew something.


Sayali asked, "Meera, you saw it too, right?" Meera replied, "Yes, not only did I see it, but I also heard something. Someone was asking for help. I heard the words 'Please help' 'Please help'..."


Nilesh angrily said, "Stop this nonsense. I told you not to go there, Meera. This is not your city; you have no idea how dangerous this is. I faced this before, and today because of you, I had to face it again. You put everyone in great danger, Meera. You have no idea."


Meera tried to say something, but Nilesh stopped her and said, "Next time, don't go near that house."


He took Nilu's hand and said, "I'll take her home, and remember, don't tell anyone about today's incident."


Meera watched Nilesh's changed behaviour. The boy who used to play like a child now seemed mature and protective. Everyone was silent.


Jayesh didn't understand anything. He just felt that everyone was scared. He hadn't felt the impact of the surroundings.


Supriya held Meera and Sayali's hands and lay on the bed.


Jayesh also picked up his book and started reading...


...To be continued in the next chapter...