The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 3 in English Horror Stories by Sanket Gawande books and stories PDF | The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 3

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The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 3

Chapter 5: Shadows in the Jungle


In the Van Meera looking in the jungle to found any kind of animal she want to go down but Dr Sanket worn everyone that no one is going down out of the van only Dr  Yash the van drivers and two male juniors is allowed to go down for checking what exactly issue, that is the reason everyone seating in the van apart from them , Meera continuously looking in the jungle and other are busy in there talking Jayesh and Supriya are sleeping in the van but Meera is busy to found something in jungle.


As they set off, Suddenly Meera noticed something strange in the depths of the jungle. It seemed as if someone was staring at them from the darkness. She saw a shadow moving among the trees. Alarmed, she called out to Anvi, Anvi look outside she found nothing and Anvi dismissed it as just an animal may be. Despite Anvi's reassurance, Meera couldn't shake off the feeling that they were being watched and that’s not the animal she saw. She continued to be staring at jungle to found what was that but there is nothing now.


Dr. Sanket and Dr. Yash finished tying the tow rope and asked the traveller to come with them in village because it is getting dark. They tie there cycle in the van backside, the traveller Introducing himself again as name Shyam, he explained that he worked as an assistant in the village gram panchayat and had lived in Kalasgiri his entire life. He came from his friend’s house that he visits last day he leave his friends village morning, but He had been delayed because of a bicycle issue, and he considered it fortunate to have encountered with them, He said he never late before his first time that he late that much to cross this jungle. Shyam and Drs are talking continuously on road regarding the issues that villager facing regarding there health’s , Suddenly Shyam Stop talking and he said everyone to keep quite for few times , Dr Yash asked  in his ear what happened he said nothing they saw tens in his face and said nothing everyone are tired show most of the people are in sleeping Dr Sanket sit near to the driver to make him busy in talking that he didn’t feel sleepy Meera is now seating next to his father and watch out side the window .


As they moved forward, the jungle grew darker, and the air was filled with the sounds of nocturnal animals. The atmosphere was chilling, and an unspoken fear gripped everyone. Meera kept her eyes fixed on the window, watching as the one house emerged from the darkness. The old, wooden structure stood eerily at the edge of the village, marking the end of the jungle and the beginning of Kalasgiri.


Suddenly, the driver slammed on the brakes, causing everyone to lurch forward. He had seen an animal dart across the road. The unexpected stop added to the tension, and everyone felt a wave of fear wash over them. Shyam looked tense but didn't say a word, knowing the dangers that lurked in the area. Dr Sanket Stand to check that everyone are fine and also try to go down to check that the tow van and the other driver in van are ok but Shyam asked them to stop to go down, Dr Sanket and Dr Yash found his behaviour strange , he go back in the seat and ask the van driver from window that he is fine and found everything is alright .



Dr. Sanket found that there is One wooden house are just in there left side with a small garden with lots of Junglee grass rusted door and one zula (Swing) that tie on that big banyan tree that look something unusual, the rusted door making the horror noise krrrrr krrrrrr and lots of bats are making tha house there home. Dr Yash also found the same thing he found some kind of sensation that someone staring at them from this house but he didn’t notice anyone there ,on the other hand Meera Continuously staring the house and the window that she saw that shadow again for a fraction of second but at this time she didn’t called anyone but continuously looking to that window without feared her curiosity is in pick now , Shyam asked driver to move forward to enter in village.



Chapter 6: Arrival at Kalasgiri


As they crossed the village's threshold, they were greeted by fields of farms, they saw the distant glow of village lights. They finally reached the village at around 6:30 PM, just before complete darkness set in. The villagers, including the sarpanch, were waiting for them. As Shyam climbed out of the van, the sarpanch inquired about his presence, to which Shyam explained he had found the group near to that side of the area he avoided to take the name of that house. Sarpanch fold his hand in namaste to pray and said Prabhu Narasimha Saved that Shyam found them in middle of road to help them and make their way easy to come in village. Everyone in village  repeated his prayer there including Shyam. Dr Sanket and Dr Yash noticed that.


Dr. Sanket and his group were welcomed by the Sarpanch and villagers they greeting them all with Namaste and Flowers with a mix of warmth and underlying tension. The sarpanch though smiling seemed uneasy. Dr. Sanket greeted him and noticed the concern etched on his face. He exchanged a glance with Dr. Yash sensing that the villagers were hiding something.


As they made their way to the sarpanch's Wada, Meera couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. She felt a chill run down her spine as she glanced back at the jungle and that house. The darkness seemed to hold many secrets, and she knew that their adventure in Kalasgiri had only just begun. 


----------------------------- see you in next Part-----------------------