The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 2 in English Horror Stories by Sanket Gawande books and stories PDF | The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 2

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The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 2

Chapter 3: Journey to Kalasgiri

On a next Sunday morning, the group of 15 people including Sanket and Yash Family, junior Doctores, Nurses set off for Kalasgiri, a village located approximately 650 kilometres away from Pune. They embarked on their journey in two vans one is passenger and another is small van for equipment and luggage’s. The road stretched ahead, winding through scenic landscapes and bustling towns.

Dr. Sanket and Dr. Yash reminisced about their childhood adventures as they navigated the journey together. Their friendship had stood the test of time, and now, they were embarking on a new adventure together with their families. Meera and Supriya, who had been friends since childhood, chattered excitedly in the backseat, eagerly anticipating the adventures that awaited them in Kalasgiri.

After three hours of driving, they reached Ratnagiri, a city in the middle of their route. They decided to take a break before continuing their journey to Kalasgiri. Meera gazed out of the window, eager to explore the mysteries that awaited them in the remote village.


Chapter 4: The Unforeseen Halt


After a hearty lunch in Ratnagiri, the entire group resumed their journey. From Ratnagiri The first 150 kilometres of the road were good in condition, but as they ventured further into the heart of the Kokan region, the terrain became rugged and untamed. Meera gazed out of the window, marvelling at the scenic beauty of the countryside. However, her excitement soon turned to apprehension as they approached the outskirts of Kalasgiri. The road ahead was shrouded in darkness, with dense jungle looming ominously on either side.


Dr. Sanket and Dr. Yash they are talking with each other regarding the next they plan and also, they navigated the treacherous road. Meera's heart pounded with excitement they are singing the songs and everyone in the group are playing the Antakashari in van. Meera Continuously looking out of the van that she is found some kind of animal there, Supriya and Jayesh tease her to try to take the part in the game, but she is curious about to founding something in jungle she continuously getting fresh air and watching outside the scenario.


Suddenly, one of the vans came to a grinding halt, its engine sputtering to a stop. Dr. Sanket and Dr. Yash leaped out of the vehicle to assess the damage, but to their dismay, they found themselves stranded in the middle of nowhere with no cell reception. They try to figure out what the issue is and also asked the driver, but he also didn’t catch the proper issue sun is also going down Just as panic began to set in, a lone traveller appeared on the horizon. Dr Yash called him Excuse me sir the traveller also coming towards them that he already know who are they, he came and said are you guys Dr that are coming from Pune . Dr Yash Said yes we are and who are You , He said He is A Shayam from Kalasgiri ,Dr Yash Asked him to help to get the mechanics that there van is stop because of engine issue Shyam analyse the situation He offered to help them but warned them of the dangers that lurked in the darkness and also told them that mechanics only came here tomorrow morning because it’s started to dark he suggest to tow the van and only km remaining and tomorrow morning he will get mechanic to repair the van in village , Dr. Sanket Listen the entire conversation and also he saw that the nightfall fast approaching They try to figure out the issue but Dr Sanket they genuinely concerned about the dangerous animals and the safety of their group. They were also too tired to wait for a mechanic, especially with only a few kilometres remaining. The van that had stopped was a smaller luggage van, making it easier to tow. With nightfall fast approaching, Dr. Sanket and Dr. Yash decided to tow the disabled van to the village before it was too late.