Holiday Homicide - 4 in English Anything by Joy Bandyopadhyay books and stories PDF | Holiday Homicide - 4

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Holiday Homicide - 4

Chapter 4: A Night to Remember

The stormy clouds gathered in the evening sky, and distant thunder rumbled like a warning as Animesh and Antara hurried back to their cottage. The wind howled through the trees, adding to the eerie atmosphere that had enveloped the hilltop. Despite the brewing storm, they were grateful to be safe inside their cozy haven.

As they settled by the fireplace, seeking warmth from the crackling flames, Antara's eyes were flashing to the old photograph they had found in the farm house. "Do you think there's more to the old man's story than what the caretaker told us?" she asked, her curiosity still alive and thriving.

"I believe so," Animesh replied, leaning in closer to examine the photograph. "There's a sadness in his eyes, as if he carried a burden that he could never shake off. We need to find out more about him and what led to his mysterious death."

Just then, a loud knock echoed through the cottage, startling both of them. Animesh quickly rose to answer the door, but as he opened it, he found no one standing outside. Only the howling wind greeted him, sending a chill down his spine.

"Strange," he muttered, closing the door and returning to Antara. "There was no one there. It must have been the wind."

Antara looked concerned, her eyes darting around as if expecting someone to be lurking in the shadows. "I don't like this storm. It's making everything seem so eerie and haunting."

Animesh held her close, trying to reassure her. "It's just the weather playing tricks on us. Let's try to forget about the farm house and the old man for now. We can continue our investigation in the morning."

But as the night wore on, the storm seemed to intensify, rattling the windows and doors. Every creak and groan of the old cottage sounded like an ominous whisper, adding to the feeling of unease that had settled upon them.

Unable to shake off the nagging feeling, Animesh decided to venture outside for a moment to check if everything was secure. As he stepped out into the tempest, the rain soaked him within seconds, and he shielded his face from the gusty winds.

Just then, he noticed a figure moving in the shadows near the tree line. Squinting through the rain, he could make out the silhouette of a man. "Hello? Is anyone there?" he called out, his voice barely carrying over the roaring storm.

The figure didn't respond but instead seemed to move deeper into the woods, disappearing from sight. Animesh's instincts kicked in, and he decided to follow, determined to find out who was lurking in the darkness.

Meanwhile, inside the cottage, Antara anxiously paced the floor, her heart racing with worry for Animesh. She tried to convince herself that he would be fine, but the storm and the mysterious figure had her nerves on edge.

After what seemed like an eternity, Animesh returned, drenched and breathing heavily. "I saw someone," he said, his voice shaky with adrenaline. "But he disappeared before I could get close. It's like he was deliberately avoiding me."

Antara's eyes widened with concern. "Who could it be?"

"I'm not sure," Animesh replied, his mind racing with possibilities. "But I have a feeling they might be connected to the old man and the secrets of the farm house."

As the night wore on, the storm showed no signs of abating, and the couple huddled together, trying to find comfort and solace in each other's presence. The old photograph of the mysterious billionaire seemed to stare at them from the mantle, as if urging them to uncover the truth.

Suddenly, a loud crash echoed from the back of the cottage, and the lights flickered before plunging them into darkness. The storm had taken its toll, knocking out the power.

"We need to find a flashlight," Antara said, her voice trembling slightly.

Animesh nodded, groping around in the darkness until he found a flashlight in one of the drawers. He switched it on, and the beam of light cut through the darkness, revealing the disarray caused by the storm.

Just then, they heard a faint rustling sound coming from the direction of the front door. Animesh shone the flashlight towards the door, and his heart skipped a beat. The door had been left slightly ajar, and muddy footprints led into the cottage.

Someone had been inside while they were preoccupied with the storm. Their sense of security was shattered, and fear gripped their hearts.

"Who could it be?" Antara whispered, her voice barely audible.

Animesh's mind raced as he scanned the cottage for any signs of intrusion. "I don't know, but we can't stay here. Let's go to the nearest village and seek help."

With the flashlight as their guide, they cautiously made their way out of the cottage and into the stormy night. As they ventured into the darkness, they couldn't help but wonder what secrets the hilltop held, and how their chance encounter with the influential Vikram Kapoor might be connected to the chilling events that had unfolded. The night had become a test of their resilience and determination, and little did they know that their journey had only just begun, leading them deeper into a tangled web of mystery and danger. be continued