Holiday Homicide - 3 in English Anything by Joy Bandyopadhyay books and stories PDF | Holiday Homicide - 3

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Holiday Homicide - 3

Chapter 3: A Chilling Discovery

The morning sun had painted the sky in hues of gold as Animesh and Antara set out on their exploration of the North Bengal hilltop. Armed with a sense of adventure, they ventured deeper into the heart of nature, leaving behind the comforts of their cozy cottage.

As they trekked through dense forests and meandering paths, the distant silhouette of an old structure caught their attention. Nestled amidst a copse of ancient oak trees, the abandoned farm house stood like a forgotten relic of the past. Its weathered walls bore the marks of time, and the creaking sound of its rusty hinges gave an eerie ambiance to the place.

"It looks like something out of a mystery novel," Antara said, her voice tinged with excitement and curiosity.

Animesh nodded in agreement, his forensic instincts already tingling. "It's definitely intriguing. Let's check it out, but be cautious."

Approaching the old farm house, they noticed an elderly man sitting on a dilapidated porch, his frail figure almost blending with the faded surroundings. He wore tattered clothes, and his eyes held a sense of weariness as if he had been guarding the secrets of this place for years.

"Excuse me," Animesh called out, approaching the caretaker with a friendly smile. "We're just exploring the area. Is it alright if we take a look around?"

The caretaker's eyes flickered with a mix of surprise and suspicion, but he eventually nodded, gesturing for them to proceed. "You're welcome to look around, but mind you, this place holds some strange stories."

Antara's curiosity piqued, and she couldn't help but ask, "What kind of stories?"

The caretaker's voice dropped to a hushed tone, and he cast a wary glance around as if afraid that the very walls of the farm house might hear his words. "The old man who use to live here is a recluse, rarely seen in public. Some say he is haunted by his past, while others claim he has hidden treasures stashed away on this property." The caretaker continues,”The man stays in a room on the top of the mansion. All other rooms are almost deserted and lying in full of dust without care.”

Animesh's forensic mind immediately honed in on the mention of hidden treasures. "Hidden treasures, you say?"

The caretaker nodded, his eyes darting around as if searching for prying ears. "Aye, there were rumors that he possessed a vast fortune, but he never lived lavishly. He seems to prefer the seclusion of this place, as if trying to escape from something or someone."

Antara couldn't help but feel a shiver down her spine as the eerie atmosphere of the place seemed to amplify the caretaker's words. "Do you know why he lives like this?" she asked, hoping to uncover more about the enigmatic billionaire.

The caretaker sighed, his gaze distant as if recalling memories from long ago. "Nobody knows for sure. Some say he is plagued by guilt over something in his past. Others believe he is hiding from his enemies, but whatever the truth is, it remains with him."

Animesh furrowed his brow, sensing that there was more to the story than the caretaker was revealing. "Is there anyone who knew him well?" he probed further.

"Very few," the caretaker replied. "He rarely has visitors, except for a few trusted aides who managed his affairs. Even they don't know much about his personal life."

Animesh got curious and asked the caretaker whether they can take a round inside the mansion, just out of curiosity for old historical feelings.

Caretaker hesitantly nodded in affirmation but with a caution, “please don’t venture into upstairs area.”

As they explored the farm house, the couple couldn't help but feel the weight of history surrounding them. The rooms were devoid of any personal belongings, giving an impression that the old man had left in a hurry or had lived a life void of sentimentality.

In one corner, they discovered a small study filled with dusty books and old photographs. Animesh picked up one of the photos, and his heart skipped a beat. It was a picture of the billionaire at his late mid-age, but there was something haunting in his eyes, a hidden pain that left a lasting impression on the couple.

Antara placed her hand on Animesh's shoulder, sensing his unease. "Let's not dwell on this for now," she whispered softly.

As they made their way back to the caretaker, Animesh thanked him for allowing them to explore the farm house. "It's a fascinating place," he said, trying to hide his true intentions of investigating the death of the billionaire.

The caretaker nodded, his eyes still filled with a mix of wariness and curiosity. "It's best to leave the past in the past. This place holds secrets, and some stories are better left untold."

With that cryptic statement lingering in the air, Animesh and Antara returned to their cozy cottage, their minds filled with thoughts of the secretive and reclusive lifestyle of the elderly billionaire. Little did they know that their innocent curiosity would soon entangle them in a web of mystery, deceit, and danger, as the secrets of the abandoned farm house began to unravel before their very eyes. be continued