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Holiday Homicide - 2

Chapter 2: An Unexpected Encounter

Next day it was very usual. Animesh and Antara planned for some sight seeing in there car to nearby falls and monestry.

When they came bac to their cottage, the day was hiding behind the dense pine forest.

The evening had descended upon the North Bengal hilltop, painting the sky with a tapestry of colors as Animesh and Antara made their way to the lodge's dining area. The warm glow of lanterns cast a soft ambiance, and the aroma of delectable cuisine wafted through the air, enticing their senses.

As they settled at their reserved table, they noticed an impeccably dressed gentleman sitting alone at a corner table. His salt-and-pepper hair exuded an air of sophistication, and his keen eyes seemed to observe every detail around him. Something about him intrigued Animesh, prompting him to inquire about the enigmatic stranger.

Antara glanced over at the gentleman, feeling a mix of curiosity and awe. "He seems like someone important," she whispered to Animesh, her voice tinged with intrigue.

"I think you're right," Animesh replied, his eyes still fixed on the gentleman. "There's something about him that seems familiar, yet I can't quite place it."

As if sensing their gaze, the gentleman turned to meet their eyes with a warm smile. He stood up gracefully and approached their table, extending his hand in greeting.

"Good evening, I hope I'm not intruding," he said, his voice smooth and charismatic. "My name is Vikram Kapoor. I couldn't help but notice a young, lovely couple amidst this serene landscape. Mind if I join you?"

Animesh and Antara exchanged surprised glances but welcomed the company of the charismatic stranger. "Not at all, Mr. Kapoor. I'm Animesh, and you are my wife, Antara. We're delighted to have you join us," Animesh replied, shaking hands with the influential gentleman.

"Please, call me Vikram," he said, taking a seat at their table. "I couldn't help but overhear that you're from the city. What brings you to this tranquil hilltop?"

"We needed a break from our hectic lives," Antara explained, feeling a sense of ease in Vikram's presence. "We thought this place would be the perfect escape."

Vikram smiled warmly. "Ah, the allure of nature's beauty. It has a way of rejuvenating the soul, doesn't it? I, too, find solace in these mountains, away from the bustling city life."

As they engaged in conversation, Vikram spoke eloquently, sharing stories of his travels and his passion for art and literature. He possessed a charm that captivated both Animesh and Antara, making them feel at ease in his presence.

Throughout dinner, Vikram skillfully steered the conversation, subtly inquiring about Animesh's work as a forensic officer and Antara's interests and hobbies. His genuine interest in their lives made them feel valued and appreciated, yet there were moments when a hint of enigma seemed to shroud his intentions.

As the night wore on, Vikram enquired, “which places you two explored? This place has lot of mystery?”

Animesh told, “We just had trekking through some beautiful path ways in the pine forest”.

Vikram astonishingly exclaimed, “Oh! So you have not seen the old house?” Then he explained, the farm house that had once belonged to an elderly billionaire and how the old man had lived a secluded life in past on this hilltop, away from prying eyes. "I often wonder about the secrets these hills hold," Vikram mused, his eyes glimmering with intrigue.

Animesh and Antara exchanged a curious glance, wondering what Vikram knew about the mysterious billionaire and his secluded life.

"It's fascinating to think of the stories this place could tell," Animesh replied, trying to conceal his curiosity. "Do you know much about the old man who lives here?"

Vikram's smile remained enigmatic, and for a moment, his eyes seemed distant as if reminiscing about something hidden in the past. "I knew him from a distance, just like most people around here," he said. "He is a complex man, generous in his philanthropy, yet shrouded in mystery. Many say that he has a fortune hidden away somewhere."

Antara's eyes widened with intrigue, and Animesh couldn't help but feel a pang of suspicion. "Hidden fortune?" he repeated, trying to gauge Vikram's intentions behind the statement.

Vikram chuckled softly. "Please forgive me, I didn't mean to imply anything. It's just a local legend, you know how these stories spread in small communities like this. People tend to imagine things."

As the conversation veered towards lighter topics, the couple couldn't shake the feeling that Vikram Kapoor was not just an ordinary traveler. There was an air of intrigue surrounding him, and the mention of the elderly billionaire's hidden fortune lingered in their minds like an unanswered question.

As the night drew to a close, Vikram bid them farewell with a graceful smile. "I hope you enjoy your stay here, and if you ever wish to hear more stories of this beautiful hilltop, don't hesitate to find me."

Animesh and Antara exchanged glances, unsure of what to make of their chance encounter with Vikram Kapoor. There was something alluring and yet mysterious about him, leaving them to wonder what secrets the hills might hold and what role this influential gentleman played in their unfolding story. be continued