After all this Time - 9 in English Love Stories by Elizabeth books and stories PDF | After all this Time - 9

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After all this Time - 9

Chapter 9

Why weddings are beautiful? Amaya was wondering at this moment, watching the bride and groom on the stage. She was watching Vihaan and Malavika , who were looking at each other with so much love and happiness. Malavika leaned closer to him and whispered something in his ear and he smiled.
A genuine and happy smile on his lips. Amaya wanted to capture the moment and memorise it forever. She looked at them again and smiled herself.

' They look happy together... don't they?'
Adhvaith, who was standing next to her , handed her a champagne flute and smiled at her.

' Yes they do.' Amaya took a sip of the drink and scrunched her nose .

'Sorry... forgot to ask you about the drink. If you don't want champagne, there are soft drinks available too. I will get you something else ' his expression turned apologetic and Amaya waved it off.

'It's ok...I don't mind to have a little Champagne , this is more than enough.'

She took another sip. The lemon flavor hit the buds right away and it was kind of refreshing even though she didn't exactly loved it.

' I have seen him somewhere right?' Vihaan whispered to her when they were standing closely to take the picture. Amaya and Adhvaith had went up to the stage , to meet and greet the newly married couple.

' You probably have ' Amaya replied through her lips, as she was consciously trying to smile for the camera.

He was silent for a second and Amaya thought he was going to let it go without thinking more...boy...such a wrong assumption.

' Ammu.... isn't he that writer guy ? Right?' his eyes widened in recognition.

Of course he remembered. Amaya and her himalayan crush for the writer who looked great was a famous joke between them.
Ashi and Vihaan used to make fun of her for keeping the book for the sake of the author, without reading the book itself.

They used to taunt her a lot and Amaya just ignored them by saying there's nothing wrong with it.
' I am not going to see him ever and he would never know that I prefer to watch his face than reading his work also I am going to read his next book...which is going to be a fiction.
I am so excited ' she had giggled and Vihaan had patted her shoulder.

' Of course you are my hopeless romantic Ammu...and maybe some day you will meet him and if I am going to be around i will tell him about my girlfriend's obsession with a good looking writer '

' Do whatever you want ' Amaya replied as she stuck out her tongue.

Now that Amaya remembered all these,her smile literally vanished from her face.

' Wow ....I never thought that this day would come'
Vihaan smiled victoriously.

Amaya bit her lip.

' Adhvaith is just a friend Vihaan. There's nothing going on between us. Don't tell him anything and make it awkward for him... please ' she pleaded.

'Oh...? Okay then.
I wasn't going to tell him about it though. Don't worry Ammu ....even if you guys are seeing each other , that's totally fine. It's time that you start prioritizing yourself..... you know?'

He gave her a little pat on her shoulder.
A silent way of saying that he understood her. Amaya was grateful for it that he didn't ask any questions and was very nice with Adhvaith too.

But there were a few people, relatives probably, who were giving side eyes to her and talking among themselves.
Amaya overheard one of them saying

' What is this girl doing here on such a happy occasion? She had sent him away in the first place and now why is she here? Trying to look pretty and all...Such an attention seeker'

She had walked away quickly, her eyes searching for Adhvaith. When she couldn't find him right away, her heart sank.

As she wandered towards the entrance area, she heard the pitter patter of rain and the cold wind blowed down through the big door in the front. Amaya trembled as she scanned the area.
It was so loud inside the banquet hall, she barely heared the rain pouring down outside.

She hugged herself from the cold and wondered what to do with her long unbridled hair, which was flying in a million directions.

'Why are you standing here Amaya ? '

Adhvaith had came out a few minutes ago since the staff had asked him the car key to change the parking location. It was raining heavily and the staff thought it would be safer for them to park it on the other side of the farm house. When he had looked at Amaya, she was talking to Vihaan's parents and looked like she was having a good time and he thought it would be okay, if he went out for a minute.

Now that he stood there, on the lobby , he was rethinking the same. She looked a little lost. Her eyes widened when he called her name and he could see the way she was straightening up, it's like she's putting on a mask to cover up herself.

' I...I was looking for you. ' that's all she said .

Adhvaith felt the hurt in her voice even though it was tiny , and buttered up with a polite smile.

If Mithila ever got to know this, he would be deep buried under the earth and never spoken off. He sighed inwardly.

' They called me to ask me to park the car on the other side, since it's windy , it would be more safer' he gestured towards the trees around that area.

Now that she looked outside, there were less cars in the front parking area than from the time they arrived.

' Oh .. okay ' she replied.

'Do you want to leave right away? '
He had sensed that much, even though she wasn't vocal about it.

' ...but it's raining...' she mumbled.

' is'

They both looked outside and watched the rain .

Adhvaith had always been the person who loved the rain.
When he used to live with his parents, his mother used to make a warm cup of hot chocolate for him and his brother and they used to watch random shows on TV huddled up on the sofa.
There were days when Adhvaith wanted it to rain so badly so that he could enjoy the warmth of his family around him and that little kid had believed that it's all permanent. He thought that he would always have a home to return and a family to surround him with love and laughter.

As he grew up , he eventually found cracks and holes in his perfect illusion of a home and family.
Now , when it rained, Adhvaith just watched it. .. because there wasn't anything to look forward. It was just raining, which will last for some time and leave the land dry , like it never happened in the first place.

The rain was getting stronger by the second and leaving right away seemed to be a bad idea.
Adhvaith looked at Amaya, who was trying to wrap herself with the pallu of the saree she was wearing.
She was feeling cold. Amaya had no idea where she had put her shawl ,only her clutch purse was with her and the sheer material of her saree had nothing to offer to protect her from the cold and her hair was annoying. She pouted a little.

' Let's go 'Adhvaith tapped on her shoulder lightly as he walked past her and took the corridor on their right side.

' Hey...Where are we going?'

' Somewhere to keep you warm ' he replied without turning back to look at her , but she could sense a little smile in his voice.

Amaya followed him even though she had no idea where they were going.

Adhvaith looked slightly puzzled by the direction he was following and suddenly they were entering a room with dim lights. Amaya browsed around to see their surroundings and her jaw dropped when she realised that it was a bar!

' The restaurant area is closed due to the wedding and don't worry we are not going to get drunk. We are just taking a shelter for the time being. Come and sit '

Amaya fidgeted with her clutch for a second before deciding to sit down on a bar stool, which was a bit uncomfortable.
Even though the location was odd, it was comparitively less cold and she was grateful for that. The room was small and the floor was covered with wooden planks. It was dimly lit and the bar counter had a neon light board.

' Happy hour' she read the board in a muffled voice.

' People get happier after drinking? That sounds like a lie' Amaya placed her clutch on the table and mumbled to herself. Even though it was less colder here, it was still cold.

Amaya had no idea where did she place her shawl, probably somewhere near the stage but she didn't want to go back there. She nibbled on her inner cheek.

' Are you still feeling cold? '
Amaya could see the concern in his eyes and she waved it off.

'A little maybe..? But a lot better than before. Don't worry about it. I was just wondering where I put my shawl. I think I walk around like a total lunatic ' she concluded.

' Hey... don't say that. Everybody forgets things... that's natural... I will go and get it for you. Just wait here' he stood up from the seat and walked towards the door.

' You don't have to do that' Amaya was quick to console him.

'Shhh...just wait here...I will be back before you know '

He put his finger on his lips and shushed her as he walked away.
Amaya sat down on the chair, unsure what to do.
She was browsing through the labels of the bottles in the rack , someone entered through the side door.

' Do you need something ma'am?'
She was startled by the voice even though the bartender was asking politely.

She shooked her head stiffly.
A sudden thunder roared up in the sky and Amaya flinched.

' It's not looking like the rain is going to stop any time soon.' The bar tender said in a friendly manner.

She bit her lower lip and scrutinized the labels on the bottles behind the bartender.
She was feeling so cold and Adhvaith was nowhere in sight and for once Amaya wanted to do something reckless.
Amaya nervously pointed on a bottle on the shelf and the bar tender smiled at her as he turned to get the bottle as Amaya waited nervously.

It's still raining heavily and the storm is on it's full swing. It was making a wreck on the sides of the parking lot. It was a good choice that he decided to park the car on the other side of the farmhouse.
It had taken him some time to find Amaya's shawl which he found on the floor close to the stage. She was probably standing there and it fell down accidentally. He looked at the brown cashmere shawl and hoped that she would feel better.
She looked so cold that she was shivering. He had the urge to put his arm around her , but it could be inappropriate in a way so he didn't initiate it and opted to go out and find her shawl. He sighed.

She looked a little sad or lost , he did not know what happened while he was gone and felt guilty to leave her alone, despite Mithila's strict instructions.

Did Vihaan say something...but he was very sweet with both of them...and his parents too.
Did something happen? He worried nonetheless..
Adhvaith wanted her to share those worries too but pressing her for details, he did not want to do it. He just wanted her to know that If she wants to share it with him, he was ready to listen to her.
He hoped she knows that much about him.
As he opened the door to the bar area, his eyes fluttered towards the girl he left there a few minutes ago...not few minutes..may be 10 or more .

' are back. Come...' she waved at him enthusiastically and he was confused for a moment and his eyes fell on the glass on the bar top, which was nearly empty.

Is she drunk? He gulped down.

' got my shawl . Thank you so much. You are so sweet ' Amaya beamed.

Adhvaith walked towards her and sat down next to her and faced her.

'What are you drinking? ' he scanned the glass on the table.
It was a martini glass and the content in the bottom was in red colour along with a few ice cubes.

'Double vodka tastes good ' she hummed and his ears perked up.

'Good lord..she is drunk...or almost there'

'You said that you don't like to drink ?' he questioned.

'Yeah...but I was so cold...and I thought why not ' she pouted.

She has a valid reason and he didn't want to scold her for trying something new. He sighed.

' Are you feeling okay? Do you want to cover up?'
He asked while placing the shawl in her lap.

' Nah...I am hot' she giggled.

' Indeed you are ' he gave her a little nod as she looked at him suspiciously.

' That's a cheeky remark Mr. Writer..but I will take it ' she giggled.

Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes a little droopy. She looked beautiful. He had to keep reminding himself to look away from the moment he had laid his eyes on her today . She was a beautiful girl but today she looked more confident and it shined on her face.

Adhvaith pressed his lips together.
Amaya is much more relaxed than normal. A little part of him was worried about her but mostly he enjoyed how she was smiling and talking openly.

Amaya pulled her hair up and made it into a bun and it rested on her nape, revealing the deep back neck of her blouse.

He chuckled thinking how her self conscious self went out of the window after a double vodka cranberry.

' Why are you smiling?' she pointed towards him and he raised his eyebrows with another smile.
Then her fingers moved towards his cheek.

' Caught it ' she said as she touched on his dimple and smiled.

Adhvaith was too stunned to utter a single word and he could feel his heart rate rising in a second. Her finger tip stayed there for a moment before she moved them away and mumbled.

' My wish came true today. I could peacefully die now ' she made a cross sign on her heart and put her head on the counter and closed her eyes .

Adhvaith wasn't sure he heard it right .
Her wish came true? What did she mean? And what did she caught? He was so flustered by this drunk Amaya.
She didn't open her eyes and he was too impatient to wait . So, he tapped on her shoulder gently.

' Hmm?' she hummed questioningly.

'What was your wish that came true just now?' he almost pleaded.

' I won't tell you ' she put a finger on her lips without opening her eyes.
A few locks of hair fell into her face and he put them away from her face gently.

She looked peaceful and for some reason he felt relieved.
He had seen her going through various emotions and this was the first time that he was watching her closely and she looked so calm yet so refreshing.

' Are you sleepy?'
She nodded without opening her eyes as he opened the shawl and covered her shoulder.

'Hey...I told you Adi...I am feeling hot' she straightened up and glared at him.

' Yes yes.. that's because of the drink but still you might catch a cold later..keep it on ' he smiled at her.

She stared at him for a moment then averted her eyes towards the small window beside them.

' Why are you so nice to me? Always?'
There was a catch in her voice and Adhvaith looked at her.

' What? I can't be nice to you? What are you saying?'
He was sure that a sober Amaya won't be telling him that but a drunk Amaya, who is much more relaxed than her normal self might tell him what was she implying.

' You are nice to everyone it seems ' she was self talking now.
So he had to put his hands on her shoulder and slightly move her towards him.

' What do you mean?'
He wasn't sure why he was doing what he was doing. They are too close to each other. Her breath fanned on his cheeks.

' Having a crush on you is not helping either'
Another muffled response.

' What? She has a crush on ME??'
He wasn't sure that he heard it right.

' You have a crush on me?' he pointed at himself in disbelief and she laughed.

' Yes....I had a huge crush on you that's why I bought your book in the first place ' she made big gestures with her hands .

' Oh .. ' It's just a celebrity crush...he is not a celebrity but a writer... maybe a writer crush. Is that possible.
His heart sank a little.

The disappointment he felt right then was shocking for him too.
' What was he expecting anyway?!'

' I was so obsessed with you. I bought that book but didn't like the gloomy didn't finish it that time but I kept looking at you .
Vihaan and Ashi used to tease me saying that I am some obsessed fan of you. ' she was talking non stop now.

He watched her closely. She was smiling brightly while talking about her fan girl era and he loved watching her.

' So? You stopped liking me after I started writing the murder series?'

' Uh... don't remind me. The gory details are so scary ' She scrunched her nose in displeasure.

' are anti now. Here I was thinking that you still have a crush on me'
He rolled his eyes dramatically and she bursted out laughing.

' Don't side crushes are everlasting. I still have it. I still like you...a looottt' she winked and put her head back on the counter top and looked at him.

His eyes widened.
The fluttering feeling in his chest, he knows that her saying that has some lethal effect on him.

He didn't know how to respond to that, so he looked at her , wide eyed...too caught up in his own thoughts.

' You were like this comfort zone for me . I gained a lot of strength from 'Hiraeth' you know? And I was so grateful. But when I saw you that day, on our resort, as a guest, I couldn't believe it.
It was like my two worlds colliding. My reality and the comfort zone got mixed up and I didn't know what to do. That's why I ran away on that day'

She smiled slightly and her eyes slowly dropped.

He was getting the real picture now. The reason she was so shocked on their first meeting and her awkwardness around him.
Because he was someone who existed only in her distant reality not in her real life. Woah..

'When we started talking, you were so nice to me and to Mili. ' she sighed deeply.

He stayed silent. He had no idea how to feel about it.
He didn't want to feel disappointed, yet he felt the same.
Why he was being greedy? Wanting more?
He kicked himself in his mind.

' Whenever you are nice or kind to me, I get so confused about it in my head.
I might be reading too much into your kindness and falling head over heels for you and you probably don't even think that way. I think I really really like you and want you to like me too ' she resigned.

She fell asleep and Adhvaith was left with a lot of thoughts on his own.


The next chapter is here...
It's a short one
Hope you like it
Thank you.