Life of Priti in English Short Stories by Urvi Vaghela books and stories PDF | Life of Priti

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Life of Priti

Life of Priti

The time was 10 o’clock in the morning means recess time. All the students were wandering here and there. School allowed us to sit in the classroom even in the recess. Students of 12th commerce were also enjoying recess in their classroom. Shouting, fun and laughter happened even in the stress of the board exam.

Riddhi was studying in the classroom. In fact, she was enjoying it because studying was her passion and she liked more preparation than result. She liked the journey more than the destination. She was busy doing accounts. One girl rushed into her bench and started to speak without noticing whether Ridhhi was interested or not.

“Are you Riddhi? I know you but you might not know me. I’m Priti from Arts. You are first in your class but I’m first in overall 12th.”

“Congratulations” Riddhi was more interested in accounts than her talk. Priti spoke so many things and Ridhhi gave reply when it was needed because Priti was extrovert, full of life and energy whereas Riddhi was introvert, always likes self company and enjoy her life with her own self.

Riddhi didn't matter to her but Priti was interested to talk because of being an extrovert. She wanted to make Riddhi talk with her.

“Riddhi, I want one thing from you. Will you give it to me?

“If I have, I’ll definitely give it to you. please ask.”

“ I want your brain which is so powerful that it fetches good marks”

Riddhi was shocked by what she was saying and she simply replied, “Listen, Every brain is powerful but what is needed is practice to get good marks. You can achieve what I could. I’ve nothing special.”

Priti was the first who recognized Riddhi’s talent though It was not Riddhi’s talent but It was Priti’s talent - to admire her classmate, not to compete or to be jealous.

* * *

The Results of board exams have come. Riddhi was the first in school and Priti was the second. Riddhi forgot about Priti because they were not ‘friends’. Friendship is not merely to talk and to walk together but It's a bond of sharing and caring.

One day, Riddhi was worshipping God as per her schedule. Call of unknown number came. She didn’t receive it. After pooja, she made a call and what a big surprise! It was Priti. She took admission in the same college as Riddhi did. Now, they will become friends, true friends.

* * *

First day of college, there was an orientation program. Priti and Riddhi met again and Every day, they met and made their college days memorable. Priti was the same as she was before and Riddhi too. For Riddhi, Priti was not merely a friend but It was a cruel reality of life, a lesson of life and inspiration for life.

Two opposite natures of hydrogen and oxygen melted and became the one powerful mixture ‘water’ as the two girls had opposite nature. Priti liked talking, walking and every joy of life whereas Riddhi liked only peace and solitude. She detached her life from the joy of life. She was happy. With the meeting of Priti, she realised that a happy and satisfied life is not everyone's blessing. World is made with troublesome lives and then she became her inspiration.

* * *

One day, Riddhi and Priti went to prepare for the youth festival in their college. Riddhi was sitting quietly whereas Priti was full of joy and energy as she was dancing. Riddhi noticed for the first time that her face had an unusual shine.

It was hidden happiness and excitement which is shown only in the college campus with friends. Priti was full of liveliness but it was not permitted

“Are you very much interested in dancing??”

“Yes, so much. But my Nani doesn't allow me. They lived in an old narrow mindset.”

“Why Do you live with her? Go to your parents.”

“I can't because I want to live.”


Riddhi was unaware of all the misery of Priti as her misery is hidden.

Priti's birth is like death means death of expectations of birth of boy, death of joy for boy's birth. In the 21st century, there are still such people that want a boy as their first child and if a girl births, there is no happiness.

Priti's grandparents had hatred towards her and due to having a girl child, they didn't share any property with her parents. There is one misbelief that girls should not be studied so her Nani and Nana made her study but it is far away from usual study of any girl.

Priti's life is not life but it's a kind of death in life. Her hobbies went away but her interest still lies there. Her heart is eager to perform a dance, sing a song and wander beautiful places. Unfortunately, she isn't allowed to go outside even from home. She lived life when she was with Riddhi and Aarvi who are the best friends and pillar of her life.

Priti's life was far away from Riddhi's. Riddhi realised that to be loved is the most precious gift given by God. Priti, her name means to love and what a pity! She could not get love from anyone and it is said that the meaning of a name leaves an impact on the personality of a person. Priti is very passionate. Why shouldn't? Everyone needs love and she can't get it. Love is the most essential thing in living life and its deficiency leads one to a dark pit of death but there is always a saviour who gives you strength to live and it's the supreme power, God. Riddhi always gave her consolation that God was loving her the most. She should not miss it.

Aarvi felt Priti nicely. Those two pillars gave new direction to her dead life.

Priti was a multi-talented girl. She knows dancing, singing and of course in studies but her ability doesn't make her life comfortable but made her frustrated because she didn't fulfil her single dream. What a painful life of Poor Priti!

* * *

After few years

"God blessed me with a beautiful daughter."

"Many Many congratulations. Paida?"

"Yes, just because of you, now my daughter will live a happy life, not only mine but all daughters."

Priti's home was decorated with so much lighting and ribbons. Her grandfather(dada) was extremely happy but he had to be happy when she was born, to lead Priti's happy life journey.

Everyone was happy like Diwali. It was the biggest festival for Priti and all Women of her village.

A sleek black car with government's insignia, made its way down the dusty main street.

Every villager stared and wanted to see behind the window. The car stopped at home and Priti's grandfather proudly welcomed the first female IAS Ms. Priti from a traditional, conventional and rigid family. She is representative of such a girl who is not even allowed to birth, to leave freely and to study.

Salute to Ms. Priti who broke the death in her life, darkness of convention and barrier of traditional misbelief.

This story is dedicated to my dear friend Priti.