Awakening… in English Philosophy by Harshil Shah books and stories PDF | Awakening…

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[I wrote this couple of years back when it was pretty good learning
period for me. I was bit idle at that day so started putting
everything which was running in my mind on paper. At that time I just
wrote for fun and it got crafted into the amateur draft of the below.
Today when somehow I just got chance to revisit it after 2 years I
could measure its depth and pure wisdom beneath its eternal science. I
realize now it is nothing less than a precious pearl of wisdom that
could be discovered after lot of keen efforts. So I am recreating it
here with my new perception and learned wisdom of 2 years.]
Sometimes my left and right side of the brain starts talking to each other and allow me to take rest for some
time. I get priceless opportunity at that time to watch the pure rational and clarifying conversation between
the two.
So for the sake of simplicity in the following conversation, let’s name them:
Left Brain – Logic ( alias Belief).
Right Brain - Intuition (alias Creativity).
Logic: "Hey dear why you didn’t stop me when I was going wrong??"
Intuition: "I always wanted to inform you, but you did not have time to listen to me. You were so busy
listening to other external (foreign) loud voices that the internal soft voice (of yr nearest neighbor) was
being ignored. Even at the time you go to sleep and in a peace alone, I try to talk to you. But as you work
so hard for whole day, you just quickly get asleep."
Logic: "Yes, I had become so elder (You can read: ego) that I started BELIEVING that I am
always right because I have knowledge from all the people around and all subjects.
Intuition: “But what value it is if it doesn’t match to your desire? See, it doesn’t matter how much
knowledge you have. The only thing matter is how much it is useful to you. You can’t judge everything
based on certain parameters and some things you certainly can’t even judge.”
Logic: “So what should I do?”
Intuition: “Try to listen to me.”
Logic: “But I am not able to hear you? How can I listen to you? Aaah, I am feeling very tired!!!”
Intuition: “Take some rest dear. You work a lot. You have grown too much. But as I was being ignored I
couldn’t grow as much as you. Even our master (me) had forgotten my existence.”
Logic: “So what to do?”
Intuition: "Just be like me..."
Logic: "means?"
Intuition: "It means you are just made up from yours as well as other's experiences. That’s your
fundamental property. So your age is the physical age of the master, holding all the experiences of 26
years. But my actual age, being an intuition not given enough chance to grow, I am just like 5-6 year old
child. Remember, there is a difference between childish and child-like. So how could there be effective
and smooth communication between 25 years old adult and a 5-6 year old child?"
Logic: "Ok... So?"
Intuition: "So DELETE all the files of your past experiences and others’ experiences that you have hold till
now but just make sure that you SAVE the lesson learned from it. Because it helps me to choose the
most appropriate. So you will become of my age then. When we both will be of similar age, we both
would be able to communicate faster and effectively. We have to grow together, that’s the key to
happiness and success my friend!!! "
Logic: "Wow!! Gotcha… That’s wonderful!!!"
After concluding their conversation, they both turned to me and said,
"Dear Master, you know the way how both of us can help you, to make the rest of your life, the
best of your life..."
I nodded in awaken mode and started growing towards happiness and success by giving enough attention to
both of my ‘gifted’ friends.