A Voluntary Pause.. A Goodbye email in English Philosophy by Harshil books and stories PDF | A Voluntary Pause.. A Goodbye email

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A Voluntary Pause.. A Goodbye email

Well, when I used to receive good-bye emails from other colleague friends, I used to think, how can someone consolidate the enormous amount of experience into a few finite words? But, honestly, at this moment, all you can do is passively observe those years compressed into a quick recap of moments. So, yes, this is where the journey pauses but does not conclude. It was a great learning experience for me at this organization, and I hope that I have tried to live up to your expectations in terms of quality and on-time deliverables.

On a personal note, I have always been career-driven.  My conscientious personality has been a strict teacher for me as I pursue my career. A few traits, which I was born with and a few gifted by my adolescence later, have shaped me professionally. It's a satisfying moment, but with some subtle void inside, like two extremes of spectrum haven’t met yet: a grown professional and a curious but clueless kid! 

But now, I want to take a pause and take a beautiful breath in of a flower fragrance called ‘LIFE’. At this juncture of life, I am taking this opportunity to reevaluate my priorities and rejuvenate myself. Probably that's what is called a "mid-life crisis"! But no, this crisis is, in fact, an opportunity in disguise!

In this opportunity, I see that I have earned this break to recalibrate my moral conscious compass with a primary focus on health and pleasure. This decision wasn't easy, but it's fueled by a deep desire for personal growth and rediscovery. I think echo of my disposition can be best articulated with Bruce Wayne's journey in The Dark Knight trilogy: 

Remember how he initially feared death (failure) and felt trapped in the well of his limitations? Similarly, I've realized I've become too comfortable in my current routine. My metaphorical well, built from past experiences and ingrained patterns, feels confining.

But then came the pivotal moment—the blind prisoner's words. He challenged Bruce to climb out, not with the assurance of a rope (familiar strategies or comfort zone), but barehanded, like a child (unburdened by preconceptions). That resonated deeply.

Just like a child, I need to shed my past learnings and biases, unlearning the very things that may be holding me back. This climb without a rope symbolizes the anxiety, uncertainty, and discomfort of venturing into the unknown. It's about embracing vulnerability and challenging my assumptions.

To realize the power of your wings, you first need to be ready to face gravity (Courtesy of the quote: Me )!! This might seem daunting, but it's also exciting. Climbing without a rope is about confronting my insecurities (the metaphorical fear of falling) and, ultimately, discovering my potential and true sense of being. It's about rediscovering that spark of curiosity and wonder—the unfiltered lens through which a child sees the world.

 Leaving this company is my leap of faith, my climb without a rope. I'm grateful for the experiences and growth I've had here, and I'll always cherish the memories and friendships formed. But now, it's time to embrace the unknown, to find that true sense of self, the one that may have been buried beneath layers of experience.