Battle At The Mandazi Kiosk. in English Short Stories by DAVID TSHILUMBA books and stories PDF | Battle At The Mandazi Kiosk.

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Battle At The Mandazi Kiosk.

There was a nasty fight at the shopping centre this morning .l watched it all and l thought it was rather silly and sad.l mean ,why two grown-up human beings should fight in public,like Cockerels, over a little matter which they can settle through a simple discussion. Anyway,, it all started with Peter,the bicycle mechanic,going up to Andy ’s kiosk and ordering two samosas. He gave Andy fifty cents and she gave him the samosas. When Peter asked for his change,And tolérance him that there is no change. Peter could not believe his ears for what he heart. Hé knew that samosas cost twenty cent each, and he expected change of ten cent from his fifty cent. What do you mean?he asked Andy. The price has gone up to twenty-five cent each,” said Andy simply. When did you started rising up the price and you did’nt tell us ,replied Peter. Well l am telling you now ,retorted Andy. Where would l find the time telling every Ali,Rishna and Onyango about the price changes?’ "Why did you not put up a public notice?You thief,;:bellowed Peter fiercerly, " You went rob me in broad daylight ”,I am not à thief Andy reiterated "and said maybe your mother is’’,What did you say?asked Peter as his voice thick with threat. Andy tightened the knot on the leso round her hips and looked Peter straight in the eye and said " You have no right coming here calling me a thief when l am just going about my business. If you don’t want give me black my samosas and take back your lousy money poverty man”. Peter asked where does my mother came from in this? ’ Go and ask her Andy replied as she was shouting up of her voice. Flying into rage ,Peter threw the samosas straight to Andy and then grabbed her on her neck and her blouse. In the struggle they upset the table , and the basket of samosas scattered in the dust all over the road . Peter slapped Andy twice ,spitting a stream of insults at her at the same time . Just then Andy gave Peter four sharp kicks on the shin s , yelling in pain and letting go of Andy's blouse . Andy picked up a pot of boiling pot and aimed it at Peter .Unfortunately in bad intense the oil boiling pot burnt Peter all over his body making him laying down in pain leaving him with scalds and burns all his body a small crowd of neighbours who had gathered around the combatants restrained them just in time finding Peter roaming in pain because of the burning oil that was aimed at him . The police officer and the ambulance came . Andy was arrested for her crime.Few day Peter in his room crying talking to his friends that fighting for change brought me to have burns and scald a ll over his body praying for God in heaven to guard him. End